The Institute for the Study of Islam is a non-profit think-tank committed to counter-terrorism by helping others understand the enemy. The enemy is not Muslims . . . the enemy is Islam.

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As some of you may know, I have somewhat of an analytical background which I’ve found sometimes can get me into trouble. It can also lead me down a path, that at times …… I’m not so sure I am seeing what I think I’m seeing …… like now.

Okay, here it is. I’ll start from the beginning, where a good friend, while meaning well, pushed me over the “Islamic” edge. I won’t mention any names as I wouldn’t want Paul to get in trouble.

It all started the Spring of 2014. Estes Park, where we lived in Colorado, was just beginning to come out of its 100 year flood that hit our small community in September, 2013. Homes were destroyed, businesses suffered …… and lives were lost. But, that’s not really part of this story.

Paul and a few others knew (but not specifically) I had a small background to do with Islam. I’ll try and spare you the details of how all that came about …… another story, perhaps, for another time. But, yes, he was right. I did my grad work on Islamic business principles and how they differ from Western Judeo-Christian principles.

We need to remember, 2014 was a very active time for Islamic terrorism. Osama bin Mohammed bik”

n Awad bin Laden, the leader of Al-Qaeda, was killed three years earlier and Al-Qaeda seemed to be adrift. However, a new terrorist, Ibrahim Awad Ibrahim al-Badri, commonly known as Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, an Iraqi militant who was the first self-proclaimed caliph of what we now call the Islamic State, reigned from 2014 until his death, a few years later.

I feel like this is one of those movies that starts out in “present day” then moves to “18 months earlier. ” So, in “present day” 2014, I agreed to share my story, what little I could conjure up, with our Sunday-night group. I pulled together some notes and thought I’d just present some of the very basic things about Islam …… who Muhammad was, what the Qur’an is, Shari’a — Islamic law, and so on. The hour came and went and before I ggknew it, the above unmentioned name had me coming back for a second installment. Only this time, they wanted more current information — tell us about Terrorism, and what did I think about this and/or that. I have to admit, though, the more I got into it, the more interesting it became. We were talking more than than :just basic-Islam. The more I studied current events, the “analyst” kicked in. It didn’t take long be I found my way over to the eschatology of Islam. I begin to see the whole basis for Islam and what the end times had to do with it. It did not take long before I believed I had found why Islam is doing what they are doing today.

I want to be clear here …… I am not saying that Islam holds the key to the anti-Christ. I do not know the answer to that. I may …… or may not have thoughts about that one way or the other. What I have tried to do, though, is to bring an awareness of what Islam is and what it does …… and where I see things going.

This next part I want to be very clear about. I am going to move through it rather quickly, and let you connect the dots. To start, please watch this brief video made 35 years ago ……

Have you watched, listened, read, or in some other way been made aware of the news this last week? Riots, protests, etc blackmail …… in case you missed it — read what’s below ……


Jewish Students Forced to Barricade Themselves In Library as Muslim and Leftist Jew-Hating Mob Try to Break Down the Door New York’s Cooper Union College.

ISI/DI: Imagine …… being able to go to college, perhaps even the first of your family to do so, or maybe it’s to carry on a tradition in your family — a place you might have dreamed about in your younger years …… for me, it was SMU (Southern Methodist University — although the religious factor had long since withered away).

However, once there, you may have found it was safer to hang your head in shame without really knowing why. Others tormented you, cursed you, even committed acts of violence and/or destruction to places aren’t. Even finding refuge in the school’s library was a tricky issue. And all because of your heritage — not something you had any choice of, and in fact, it was a heritage so very rich in its culture, history, economics, and ethnicity, one would think it was something anyone would be proud to be a part of.

California University Offers Extra Credit for Joining Death March Against the Jews

Antisemitic Mobs Shut Down Grand Central Terminal During Evening Rush

Where is all this “hate” coming from, and why is it targeted toward the Jews? We loved and made it through the ‘60s …… the two Kennedy assassinations, the Martin Luther King assassination, Vietnam, Civil Rights …… even the ‘70s with the Nixon resignation, Vietnam (still) …… the ‘80s and the beginning of the LGBTQ. But the antisemitism …… I encourage you to read the history of it. Hatred of Jews goes back a long ways, perhaps starting with Abraham.

But, why? Another story, another time.

The Oppressed …… Hamas

Yes, you read that correctly. Hamas is claiming to be the victim because Israel will not agree to a cease fire … or, a “pause.” Lest we forget, it was Hamas who did a surprise attack, killing nearly 250 young people at an all-night music festival, then, moving on, killing any and everyone they could find, from elderly people, to young children …… Hamas soldiers raped, pillaged, murdered, and beheaded …… and did unspeakable things to — not Just children — but innocent little babies. I’ve seen the pictures …… and I pray I never see them again.

I have pictures taken by my father when we lived in Saudi Arabia in the late 1940s that show body dismemberments. These were done according to Shari’a (Islamic Law) and administered in such a way that, while not a way we might think appropriate, it was done according to Islamic law. The offenders broke that law and the law came back swiftly and legally. Hamas has not applied Islamic Law and their method of battle has created war crimes against humanity, breaking many international laws.

Let’s take a look at those whom the Bible calls the oppressors. In short, there are at least 100 times the Bible makes mention of oppressors, and it’s not good. God hates oppressors.

People guilty of oppression will suffer the consequences of their actions.

And the people shall take them, and bring them to their place: and the house of Israel shall possess them in the land of the LORD for servants and handmaids: and they shall take them captives, whose captives they were; and they shall rule over their oppressors.” (Isaiah 14:2)

What Does Hate Look Like?

NYC: Pro-Hamas demonstrators block roads and aggressively confront drivers

Meet the Major US Philanthropy Financing an Israeli-Designated Terror Group

Harvard for Hamas? Something is very twisted on America’s university campuses

For Arab Americans around Detroit, a sense of betrayal after U.S. response to Israel-Hamas war

Israel vows again to destroy Hamas, rejecting calls for a cease-fire in Gaza at a major UN meeting

Jewish students threatened at Cornell

Remember . . .

MUSLIMS are not the problem.

ISLAM is the problem.



Tips Of The Iceberg 2.0 #1: Issue 1
November 00, 2023
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