This issue of TIPS will be charting a new course, which was briefly alluded to in a previous blog. This is not the last edition of TIPS … but there are no plans at the moment for a next issue. Instead …
… I am going to try something new. First, the plan is to issue one newsletter each week; the topic of each issue will be varied and singular, rather than multiple topics as done now; in doing so, I will be bringing more news to you; content will be limited to between 15-to-20 articles per issue; not all articles will be commented on, leaving it to you to follow on with the topics of interest to you; notifications will go out between Friday and Sunday that new a issue is ready for viewing; there will be a new and different topic each week, loaded with news stories, bringing to you more of what passes through my in-box.
Let me introduce this new direction by first outlining the headings:

Perspectives — Muslims coming to Christ — will continue as is and on a similar time-table.

Next is an issue dedicated to Islamic activity on the home shores of America. There is much going on in our own country, that if it was done by any immigrant group which was actually acclimating itself into our culture, our mores, our everyday standards of living — nothing would be thought of it. However, Islam, as represented by this new generation of radical jihadists, is doing just the opposite. For the most part, it goes unreported by mainstream news outlets. When it is reported though, it often becomes difficult to connect the dots of what is really happening. This new issue, will hopefully help connect>/ some of those dots. You will be able to recognize this topic by it’s title …

The next topic is the Abraham Accords, announcing new agreements as well as news on existing partnerships.

Then, there will be the topic that seems to drive this whole engine and which never seems to run out of information.

This next one is also a topic that never seems short on content, and is so-labeled ……
DISCLAIMER: Please keep in mind, that no matter the headings, these are words chosen by the source, and not myself or any related items.

This next one is a new direction, recently introduced, and already going off the charts with content … the Lone Wolf.

Just as everything is political, it is also rooted in Shari’a — Islamic Law. Here, we will try to bridge that gap.

The world today is on warp speed, and only posting about Islam leaves a wide margin that is unaddressed. For example, China is linking itself with Russia who is making ties with Turkey; China is also making inroads with Iran, as is Russia. Then, there is Saudi Arabia, a long-time ally of the United States opening their doors to China. On the sidelines, there are several Latin American countries making financial dealings with China, trading in Yuan and dropping the dollar.
Israel is a big player as well, not just in the Middle East, but around the world.
These are just a few of the issues that would seem to have little affect on the Islamic world, yet are very significant, considering Islam’s stated goal of ruling the world. Not even China has made that statement …… aloud.
Everyone sees themselves as ruling a one-world order. Few are willing to kill — or be killed — to make it happen.
The Axis of Power – here, is where the dots may end up being connected … from beginning to end.

This last topic is where everything else goes — single topics, odd topics, etc., just a whole collection of things.
There you have it. As already said, this should bring more news to you, perhaps connect a few dots along the way, and be more manageable when it comes to delivery. I hope it meets with your approval and keeps you coming back. And your personal involvement is always welcome — suggest topics, request something be researched …… submit an article for posting yourself. It’s all welcome!!
There is one change I need to make you aware of. The space just below the pictures has previously allowed me to place the URL address of the source for the article. For some reason beyond my control, WordPress, the company used to build our website, has eliminated this piece. Whether by accident or on purpose, I can no longer list the source URL in this area. That means the only way to access the article is the, “Here’s The Story” line added at the end of the article’s headline, and above the picture (if there is one). It’s possible that this feature may come back if WordPress realizes it was an accident, or if they decide to add it back as an option.
As always, thank you for your interest and support. Your suggestions are always welcome.
MUSLIMS are not the problem.
ISLAM is the problem.
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