I thought I’d share our viewership statistics with you over the past year. After checking the year end numbers I have to admit, I was a bit stunned. Most of you probably know this is just a one-person operation — (though I’d be happy if God saw fit to bring someone else this way). Our website has been operational for over five years now, although, I’ve actually been doing the research for nearly eleven years. Here’s the stats:

That’s just over 4,000 people this past year reading over 6,900 pages. And, these people come from over 90 countries. How do these folks find out about us? That’s 4,016 people, while I have a known distribution of less than 100. But, wait …… in the chart on the right, go three down — there were another 208 people visiting from what are called “Anonymous Proxy” locations. These are people who visited the site but did not want their location exposed — closed access countries, countries that restrict their people in numerous ways … countries like North Korea, Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan … you have helped make this possible through your support — reaching places where either others cannot go or where people cannot leave.
And, the most researched topic: “last signs of the Imam Mahdi.”
Can Erdogan run for third term in Turkey’s upcoming election? … Here’s The Story …

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan delivers a speech at the International Ombudsman Conference at the presidential complex in Ankara, Turkey, on January 11, 2023. – Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights Dmytro Lubinets (Ombudsman) and High Commissioner for Human Rights of the Russian Federation Tatiana Moskalkova asked Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to act as a mediator to establish a humanitarian corridor to evacuate women, children and wounded in Ukrainian territories engaged in conflict, reported Turkish mediator Seref Malkoc. (Photo by Adem ALTAN / AFP) (Photo by ADEM ALTAN/AFP via Getty Images)
ISI/DI: The Turkish Constitution does not allow for a third term. Either Erdogan moves on … or becomes an official dictator. I say “official” because he already has sweeping controls of the government. He has purged the military, the judicial system, the educational system, the media … how far will he go?
After 11 years as head of government (Prime Minister), Erdoğan decided to run for president in 2014. At the time, the presidency was a somewhat ceremonial function. Following the 2014 elections, Erdoğan became the first popularly elected president of Turkey.
Now, after over 20 years as Turkey’s head-of-state, there is little question as to his being the strongman of Turkey. He is politically-savvy and faces little threat from within, but does face a larger threat outside of Turkey — namely Fethullah Gülen, an old political foe now living in the United States.
At the time of this writing, Turkey and the region has just undergone two 7.8 magnitude earthquakes, with a current death toll of nearly 25,000 people and reaching over 30,000 dead is a real possibility. Erdogan has declared a three-month state-of-emergency that is likely to last longer. It will most definitely have a bearing on the elections, but will it also have a bearing on Erdogan as well?
If he survives the stress he can certainly use this time to his benefit. Lots of “if’s” though, and so many other things pulling on Turkey during this time already.
New Jersey: Muslim migrant steals school bus, his journal says ‘Blood, blood, destruction, destruction. Allah.’ … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Radical Islam is sick. Please, hear me out. People in power … some people are in power and do a good job; some are just there for personal gain; then, some are there because they are consumed as an individual by power … consumed by its toxicity — part of that power comes in making others do their bidding — these are their followers, and they are the ones who kill, ravage, rape, murder … and they are sick — mentally sick. They are consumed by a desire that makes them do whatever they are told. It’s not unlike the cults of decades ago who seemed to hypnotize their followers … cults like Jim Jones and the People’s Temple (1955-1978); The Branch Davidians (1955-1903); the Sullivanians (1957 – 1991); Heaven’s Gate (1972 – 1997); even the Mormon Church (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) (1830-to-the-present) is considered a cult by many.
When one considers the every-day terrorist — not the leaders or “lieutenants,” but many of those found on the front lines like the young man in this article, they seem like they are under the influence of others … in a trance or duped into their actions. It’s no wonder, considering the education received. Children are indoctrinated from a very young age; much learning is done by rote. I reported several issues ago that President Erdogan of Turkey was introducing radical Islamic teaching starting in Turkey’s grammar schools. Then, there are the Islamic terrorists who steal children in African villages and deceive them, teaching them to hate.
Michigan Man Charged With Supporting ISIS …Here’s The Story …

Aws Mohammed Naser, 34 – Michigan Department of Corrections Facebook page
ISI/DI: Aws Mohammed Naser, formerly of Westland, Mich., was charged with attempting to provide personnel (including himself) and services to ISIS. Naser is also being charged with being a felon in possession of a destructive device in October 2017. Naser faces a maximum statutory penalty of up to 20 years in prison for the attempted material support charge and up to 15 years in prison for the possession charge.
Muslim-American Lawyer Who Firebombed NYPD Vehicle Sentenced … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Urooj Rahman, 33, a Muslim-American lawyer from New York who threw a Molotov cocktail into a police vehicle during the George Floyd protests in 2020, was sentenced to just 15 months in prison. The Trump administration initially pursued a domestic terrorism sentencing enhancement against Rahman and her accomplice, which would have carried a maximum 10-year sentence. However, the Biden Justice Department dropped the domestic terrorism sentencing enhancement and requested Rahman and her accomplice serve between 18 to 24 months. At trial, Rahman’s lawyer claimed she was inebriated at the time of the incident and that she was suffering from “early trauma” from being a Muslim in post-9/11 America.
Aren’t we all suffering in post-9/11 America? How many Molotov cocktails have you thrown?
CNN drops producer Idris Mukhtar Ibrahim over Hamas praise, ‘#TeamHitler’ post … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: CNN said it was cutting ties with freelance producer Idris Muktar Ibrahim after it was revealed he posted praise for Hamas terrorism and expressed support for “Team Hitler.” Ibrahim worked as a freelance producer and covered a range of international stories that included stories pertaining to Israel.
Philadelphia: Muslim accused of beheading woman who was treated ‘like a slave’ … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: How does this happen in America? I mean, this is an aspect of Shari’a, Islamic Law. Whether wrong or right, we might expect to see this happen in an Islamic dominated country, but America? America is NOT an Islamic dominated country … yet. Certainly not like Sweden where it is reported that for the first time in history, Swedes are in the minority, outnumbered by immigrants.
Texas: Muslim migrant plotted to blow up high school … Here’s The Story …

NYC: Influential Muslim cleric on trial for encouraging woman to carry out jihad massacres … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Power — this guy falls into the category of toxicity. He gets high on having others do a job he’s afraid to do himself.
Nasty work, that … getting yourself shot up or blown to bits.
Connecticut Man Charged With Supporting ISIS … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Ahmad Khalil Elshazly, 25, of West Haven, Conn., pleaded guilty in Bridgeport federal court to attempting to provide material support to ISIS.
Next, Elshazly paid $500 to a person he believed was an ISIS facilitator who would be able to smuggle him out of the U.S. to Turkey. …
Elshazly also expressed a desire to travel to Syria to fight on behalf of ISIS. In numerous conversations online and in person, he pledged allegiance to ISIS and its leader, Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi.
Someone really should have let him know that al-Baghdadi terminated himself several years ago … he went, BOOM!!
Seattle Man Sentenced for Attempting to Join ISIS … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Elvin Hunter Bgorn Williams, 22, from Seattle, Wash. was sentenced to four years in prison plus 15 years of supervised release for his efforts to join ISIS.
In May 2021, Williams obtained a passport and pawned a laptop computer to raise funds for his travel. In early May 2021, Williams booked an airline ticket from Seattle to Amsterdam and on to Egypt to join ISIS.
Islamist in Georgia Falsely Portrays Herself as Cinderella Candidate … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Georgia swore in its first female Islamist, Ruwa Romman, into public office on January 9, 2023. Despite spending years preparing herself for public life and winning her first election by 15 percentage points, Romman seems keen on portraying herself as a reluctant Cinderella candidate who came out of nowhere to serve as state representative for Georgia’s 97th district.
Upon winning her seat last November, she told CNN she had no plans to run for office until a reporter falsely reported she was “contemplating a run” after seeing her attend a ‘training session’ for potential political candidates. “That article sparked such an intensely positive community response that I launched my campaign 15 days later,” she said.
She attended a “training session?” This is more evidence that an ISLAMIC PLAYBOOK exists and is being widely used … but no one seems ready to acknowledge this. Well, Ruwa Romman is just one more testimony to its effectiveness.
Now, Islam can claim another toe-hold in the United States — by holding another political office.
South Africa: Johannesburg becomes nation’s first major city to be governed by pro-Sharia Islamic party … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Wow!! Well, I have to say, this took me by surprise. I knew Muslims were in South Africa, but there have been few reports of jihadists’ actions. Shari’a has not been part of South Africa’s judicial system, but that may be about to change. I’ll be watching this one more closely and let you know when — and how — things change.
Islamic Republic of Iran: Bank manager fired for providing service to unveiled woman … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: OK — let’s get this straight … a woman is not wearing a hijab or a burka, which Shari’a says is a MUST. And, it’s the man who gets the boot. Of course, why didn’t I know that?!? You can never find a good “women’s clothing” cop when you need one.
Mohsen Shekari: Iran carries out first execution over protests … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Iran is now in it’s fifth month of protests which began in Tehran on September 16, 2022 as a reaction to the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini, who had been arrested by the Guidance Patrol for wearing an “improper” hijab — in violation of the Islamic mandatory hijab law.
Mohsen Shekari was hanged, but he really can’t be called the first to be executed. Mahsa holds that title. Mohsen’s murder was simply because he protested the murder of Mahsa. This is not to belittle Moshen’s death. There have been over 500 killed thus far — protestors caught up in the crowd — or those like Moshen, still paying the price.
Video Shows Armed Taliban Officials Flogging Afghan Women In Stadium, Taliban Judge Says: ‘It Is A Matter Of Happiness That [Islamic Punishments] Are Being Implemented After 20 Years Of Occupation’ … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Happiness??? I’m sure these young women are just ecstatic over their floggings.
Germany: Muslim migrants murder their sister, who had shamed family by remarrying, to restore family honor … Here’s The Story …

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas: I Do Not Endorse Armed Resistance Now, But I Can Change My Mind Tomorrow, The Day After, Or At Any Moment … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: It’s the old “which way is the wind blowing,” routine, AKA, SITUATIONAL ETHICS. How do I know what I’ll think about something tomorrow … tomorrow’s not here yet.
We’re it not for “situational ethics,” Abbas would have no ethics at all.
Taliban stages first public execution since takeover … Here’s The Story …

Sharia in action in Afghanistan: Woman flogged for going shopping without male guardian … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Women living in an Islamic culture need either a shopping list or a scorecard to manage the rulebook they are forced to live under. Islam, under Shari’a, is such a one-sided, male-dominated culture.
UK: Muslim said he wanted to ‘kill the nonbelievers,’ ‘I want to burn Christianity, have holocausts like Hitler’ … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: That’s an odd statement coming from Muslims, who usually have trouble acknowledging there was a holocaust.
Leading British Politicians Honor Hateful Islamist Group … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: What would they expect a Muslim to do? Of everything else, a Muslim is first and foremost … a Muslim. And, in the words of Turkey’s Erdogan, … “there is no moderate Islam. Islam is Islam.”
UK: Mosque’s weekly call to prayer broadcast approved, objections dismissed as ‘racist’ … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: I think the proper word they’re looking for here is ISLAMOPHOBIC. Islam is not a race; multiple races have a portion of their people who are Muslim, but Islam itself, is no more a race than is Hinduism, Buddhism, or Christianity would be classified as a race. Races are people groups, such as Caucasian, African, or Asian.
At the same time, I also have issues with Islamophobia. Those who claim Islamophobia are really just upset that people are critical of Islam. The word “phobia” means an extreme or irrational fear of something, which means much of the criticism towards Islam, may not even be classified as a phobia. It is just what it seems, a critical comment of Islam. To be sure, there are those who fear Islam, for various reasons. Some may fear what Islamic migration may be doing to their society, or even fear the concept of “radical Islamic terrorism.”
I believe there is a direct correlation between Islamophobia and “radical Islamic terrorism.” Stop the terrorism and Islamophobia will drop. It may not end, though, for the reasons stated above. People may still find a reason to fear Islam.
Biden’s Taliban: Face Coverings Now Required Even for Mannequins … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Islam’s response: “Off with their heads!!”
The 2nd edition of Values In The Marketplace with all 18 chapters is now posted and available by clicking on the link below.
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Click or tap ➡️: Values In The Marketplace- Part I: A Personal Search For Wisdom
Click or tap ➡️: Values In The Marketplace- Part II: Some Biblical Issues (Work In Progress)
Click or tap ➡️: Values In The Marketplace- Part III: A Brief History Of Business In America (Work In Progress)
Click or tap ➡️: Values In The Marketplace- Part IV: Applying Biblical Principles To Business (Work In Progress)
Click or tap ➡️: Values In The Marketplace- Part V: Handling Daily Business Decisions (Work In Progress)
Click or tap ➡️: Values In The Marketplace- Part VI: A Successful Business (Work In Progress)
Click or tap ➡️: Values In The Marketplace- Part VII: An Ethical Business (Work In Progress)
Click or tap ➡️: Values In The Marketplace- Part VIII: A Business In Bondage (Work In Progress)
Click or tap ➡️: Values In The Marketplace- Part IX: In The World, Not Of It (Work In Progress)
Click or tap ➡️: Values In The Marketplace- Part X: Pertinent Scripture Passages (Work In Progress)
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ISLAM is the problem.
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