The Institute for the Study of Islam is a non-profit think-tank committed to counter-terrorism by helping others understand the enemy. The enemy is not Muslims . . . the enemy is Islam.

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2022 … the Grand Ayatollah of Iran along with a past leader of ISIS told us that 2022 was the year al-Mahdi would make his appearance as the savior of all Muslims. Looks like that didn’t work out for them.

I’ll let you know when they select a new date.


Hamas-linked CAIR operative elected to Georgia state senateHere’s The Story …


ISI/DI: The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is a large and prominent advocacy organization for Muslims in the United States. Throughout its history, CAIR has been suspected of supporting political Islamist movements, especially the Muslim Brotherhood.

Linked both, to Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood … we still haven’t caught on that they are using our own laws and freedoms to further their own Islamic agenda.

Over the years, CAIR’s alleged ties to Hamas have proved troublesome for the organization. In 2007, federal prosecutors reportedly designated CAIR a co-conspirator with the Holy Land Foundation, a group that was eventually convicted for financing terrorism.  In 2014, CAIR was designated a terrorist organization by the United Arab Emirates and multiple CAIR members have been arrested on charges related to terrorism.

In 2008, the FBI developed a policy on its interactions with CAIR based in part on evidence presented during the 2007 trial of the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development. The evidence at trial linked CAIR leaders to Hamas, a specially designated terrorist organization, and CAIR was named as an unindicted co-conspirator in the case. The policy was intended to significantly restrict the FBI’s non-investigative interactions with CAIR and to prevent CAIR from publicly exploiting such contacts with the FBI.

Canada: Muslim cleric says non-Muslims are enemies of AllahHere’s The Story …


ISI/DI: It’s more than that — it is Allah who is an enemy of the CHURCH, and why I consider Islam not to be one of the Abrahamic religions, as claimed.

Do not be fooled by thinking Islam is like Judaism and Christianity, “Peoples’ of the Book,” the true and real Abrahamic religions. If Islam and its two billion followers were a true people of the Book, they would follow the Book, the Bible, not the Qur’an. Islam worships a false god, a deity named Allah. A zebra may claim to be a horse, but that does not make it so.

* Jews believe and follow the Bible (OT) and it’s inerrancy;

* Christians follow the Bible (OT, NT) and it’s inerrancy;

* Islam follows the Qur’an, finding the Bible to be at fault and in error.;

I know of no Christian theologian who would call Mormons or Jehovah Witnesses “People of the Book,” and I do not believe Muslims should have that distinction either.


‘There is no such thing as a Palestinian state. There is only Islam. The political system in Islam is a caliphate.’Here’s The Story …


ISI/DI: He pretty much said it all … there is only Islam … and the Caliphate … and Shari’a …

Kevin McCarthy says he’ll remove Ilhan Omar from Foreign Affairs committee because of her antisemitismHere’s The Story …


ISI/DI: That’s certainly a start … she should also be censored and impeached, considering her earlier misdeeds.

Omar says some Republicans don’t want a Muslim in Congress: ‘These people are OK with Islamophobia’ Here’s The Story …


ISI/DI: Omar … allegedly: misappropriated campaign funds for personal use; awarded government contracts to family; openly supports Hamas, Hezbollah, and other terrorist organizations; expressed anti-semitism. Amy one of the above is no way for a member of Congress to act, regardless of race, color, sex, or religion.

The fact that she’s Muslim and accuses everyone of Islamophobia when a terrorist act occurs has nothing to do with it.

Iran sentences three more protesters to death amid international criticism .. Here’s The Story ..


ISI/DI: The regime does not seem to realize they are holding on by a thread … or two. Do those protesting really have a chance? Given enough time, maybe … but, they need more than time … and maybe help from the outside.


Turkish inflation hits 85.5% as doubts linger over official dataHere’s The Story …

ISTANBUL, TURKEY – NOVEMBER 03: A man prepares cheese for a customer on a busy market street on November 03, 2022 in Istanbul, Turkey. Turkey’s official inflation rate topped 85.5% in October according to state statistics agency TUIK the highest level in 25 years. (Photo by Chris McGrath/Getty Images

ISI/DI: While this may be old news, it is also persistent. It is persistent on two fronts — first, that it is continuing to this moment; second, that Turkey has a history of revolving high inflation dating back at least to the late of the 1900s.

‘Influencer’ and convert to Islam, Andrew Tate, says ‘ISIS are the real Muslims’Here’s The Story …


ISI/DI: Andrew Tate? Who is Andrew Tate? Wikipedia lists Tate as an “Internet online influencer” and former professional kickboxer. What is an “online influencer?”

Back to the “real Muslims,” though. Nabeel Qureshi was an itinerant speaker with Ravi Zacharias International Ministries. He grew up Muslim and had this to say:

“If I still believed in Islam, and if I wanted to be faithful to Muhammad, I would have a hard time not going to Syria right now to fight for ISIS.  It seems like they’re doing what Islam commands.

Nabeel passed away a few years ago. The above was posted in the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association magazine.

Mr. Tate, however, is not the only one who thinks ISIS and other groups like them are the “real Islam.” Even President Erdogan of Turkey, which is a NATO member, says, “There is no moderate Islam; Islam is Islam.

When the president of a country that has been a sitting member of NATO since 1952 makes statements like this and at the same time expresses his desire to be the caliph of a new Ottoman Empire, I think we all should be concerned. Either the man has tendencies towards being a radical Islamist or he is otherwise not quite right in the head.

I do not say this lightly. I have been following Erdogan since 2014; the attempted — or self-inflicted — coup d’etat in 2016; the purges of the military, judicial system, teachers, media, and political opposition; he has had an on-again-off-again relationship with Russia, Israel, and the United States; He is clearly a man to be reckoned with. But, is he a western ally as the NATO membership would imply … or is he a truly dangerous man.


Canada: Muslim cleric denounces term ‘radical Islam,’ says only ‘enemies of Islam, or those who are ignorant’ use itHere’s The Story …


ISI/DI: No longer able to use “radical Islam?” What shall we call it? Maybe it doesn’t exist any more.

Am I an enemy of Islam? Or, am I ignorant? I’ll stand up and wear the banner of being an enemy of Islam!! No, I am not an enemy of Muslims, just the religion. It is a hateful and dangerous religion which teaches the abuse of women, slavery, hate over love, and an unjust legal system. Yes, I am an enemy of those things. Do you know where you stand?

Michigan: Muslim charged with aiding the Islamic State and possessing a ‘destructive device’Here’s The Story …


ISI/DI: Is this the new face of ‘woke Islam?’ Or is he a “radical Islamist?” Opps. Shouldn’t use that term.

No, wait!! Why does an Imam from Canada get to decide these things?


UK to pay France tens of millions MORE to stop boat migrants, adding to hundreds of millions since 2015Here’s The Story …


ISI/DI: This is the Brits “sticky-wicket” at it again. France was unloading migrants on English soil; now, the Brits want to pay the French to stop. We do similar deals like this ourselves — Mexico, Ecuador, Colombia … mmmm.

Italy Forces Muslim Migrant Ship to Go to FranceHere’ the Story …


ISI/DI: same story; different plaSticky-wicket.


Yemen: Shi’ite Muslims shell Sunni home, murder Sunni father and sonHere’s The Story …


ISI/DI: This is a riff that goes back to the day Muhammad died. The Shi’ites believe the leadership of Islam should be of the bloodline of Muhammad; the Sunnis believe the leadership should be elected. Yemen is 95 percent Sunni but the Shi’a in Yemen receive financial support from Iran to be used against Saudi Arabia.

If you’re interested in learning more, you might want to check out these posts: Shia Islam; Sunni Islam; and the Sunni – Shi’a Split.


Germany Arrests Iranian National Planning ‘Islamist-Motivated’ Chemical Attack .. Here’s The Story ..


ISI/DI: That has been my one fear … that WMDs (weapons of mass destruction) fall into the hands of terrorists or others willing to use them with no or little thought to the devastation that could be inflicted.

After spending over 20 years in missions, my wife and I decided to join the Foreign Service (U.S. State Department). Her first post was Israel; my first was a combination of Jordan, Kuwait, and Iraq. She later joined me in Baghdad, where we spent the next year. This was in 2004-2005 and followed on the heels of the search for WMDs in Iraq. Thankfully, none were found, but the threat still lives on today in the Iran deal as well as the over 200 terrorist organizations world-wide.

For more information on these individuals and groups, see Section 1000. This is a “growing” section, and far from complete, so you might check back from time-to-time. If you have a request on a specific group or individual, let me know, and I’ll be happy to do the research and let you know when it’s posted. There is also Section 1400, but it remains unpopulated as yet. Needless to say, there is so much information out there, if I’d started this project 30 years ago, I still would not be finished.

India: Al-Qaeda invokes Muhammad’s destruction of idols to justify plan to blow up Hindu templeHere’s The Story …


ISI/DI: Islam is the only religion which has no idols … except for their mosques, especially the one in Mecca; then, there’s the Black Stone. Don’t know about the Black Stone? Check out these posts and let me know if you think they qualify as idols: The Kaaba; The Black Stone; Sufi Shrine Culture; The Hegira; Mystical Night Journeys; Muhammad: The Life Of The Prophet; The Mythes Of Islam & Fables Of Muhammad.


Final Battle: David Horowitz Defines the Fight for AmericaHere’s The Story …


ISI/DI: I am very concerned about the fight for America. That, perhaps, more than any other is why I do this. I see our country, and not just our country — slow by some standards — going over what may be called, the “slippery slope.” There are a lot of “slippery slopes” out there. The war with Islam is just one of them.

Were it not for my belief in God … well … I know this is an old one, but here it is anyway — I’ve read the Book … God wins. But … Armageddon? You cannot even begin to imagine the destruction, the loss of life, especially as Islam tells it … but there is Eternal Life.


Afghanistan: Taliban official whips female students outside university campus for not covering their facesHere’s The Story …


ISI/DI: Shari’a and it’s application has to be one of the world’s most horrific judicial systems in existence. For that reason alone, we should be fighting the evil known as Islam with every breadth we have.

It used to be Communism that was the most feared. Little-by-little, we saw most of Communism fade away … it was Cuba in 1960s. but over years it just sort of faded away as financial and other means of support waned; there were various Communist regimes similar to Cuba, mostly in Latin America or Southeast Asia, but they too, either faded away or found their existence relied on family dynasty; then in the late 1980s we saw the implosion of the USSR, which existed for some 70 years; now, there is China … it, too shows signs of imploding even as it stands and rattles its chains of death.

Now, in the last several decades, a new form of power has emerged — the power of Shari’a. Not the power of Muslims and not the power of Islam. It is Shari’a, Islamic Law, which sets the tone that Muslims live by; it sets the tone on the way Islam is perceived.

Islam had its birth in the early seventh century, and grew steadily for the next couple of hundred years — then, from the 900s until late 1300s grew, retracted, and grew some more throughout the time of the crusades. If you’d like to more about the crusades, I think I can keep you reading a bit — see Section 800: The Crusades & Medieval Times.

The Ottoman Empire, historically and colloquially the Turkish Empire, was an empire that controlled much of Southeast Europe, Western Asia, and Northern Africa between the 14th and early 20th centuries.

Islam had been established in Anatolia before the emergence of the empire, but between the fourteenth and sixteenth centuries the religion spread with Ottoman conquest to the Balkan Peninsula and central Hungary. It was in the 1600s that the Ottoman-Turks ruled with the power of Islam. For four hundred years the Ottomans ruled, until 1922, when Kemal Ataturk disbanded the Empire and turned Turkey into a secular state.

To understand all that has taken place, one needs to understand Islamic Eschatology. The end times according to Islam, revolves around a person known as al-Mahdi. He’s known as the savior to Muslims much as Jesus Christ is to Christians. Only to some Christians, the Mahdi might also be known at the Antichrist. I’ve tried to outline much of this in Section 600: Theology & Eschatology.

German State Broadcaster Gives Hamas Spokesman A PlatformHere’s The Story …

SOURCE: German State Broadcaster Gives Hamas Spokesman A Platform

ISI/DI: Any time we give Shari’a a platform we are giving it credence. In places such as Britain, were Shari’a courts are allowed to exist, even if only to allow it as a family court, is saying what it does, what it represents is, “OK.” It is demeaning to both, men and women, but especially to women. When it condones ‘honor killings,’ it has no honor. It is disrespectful; it tears families apart; it pits children against parents, and parents against children.

20 Years Of American Influence Reversed As Taliban Order Full Enforcement Of Sharia LawHere’s The Story …


ISI/DI: Why do we think that 20 years of American influence will change a culture that has been entrenched for 1,400 years … not to mention the culture that existed before Islam. Not only that, but a culture that does not want to change, at least not to the change being offered.

It … the Taliban government … is tyrannical. They have chosen Islamic law, Shari’a. Why? Perhaps because it is a law that allows fanatics to keep the power.

For Western Islamists, Not Wearing Hijab Worse than Killing Protesters in Iran. … Here’s The Story …


ISI/DI: Icons were a topic of discussion above … haven’t the burqa and the hijab become icons?

Afghanistan: Supreme leader orders full implementation of Sharia, including public executions, stonings, amputationsHere’s The Story …


ISI/DI: Islam … Islam is governed by Shari’a, Islamic Law. Followers of Islam are known as Muslims. Islam is a monotheistic religion, but I would argue that Islam is not an Abrahamic religion, for the simple fact that it contradicts itself. (See: Who Are The “People Of The Book?”).

Various countries (the U.K., Germany, the Netherlands, France, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Malaysia, etc.) allow some aspect of Islamic law. Some are called Islamic States (Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan), and are ruled by an Islamic government, meaning their judicial system is based on Islamic Law; other countries may have secular governments but allow for some form of Islamic law to be practiced (i.e., Turkey), while other countries (France, the U.K., Germany, etc.,) may have a Democratic from of government and the rule of law, but still allow certain aspects of Shari’a (family courts and other forms) to exist where there is a Muslim population who desires it. The United States falls into this latter category; in a suburb of Detroit, Michigan the city council is staffed by an all-Muslim electorate and allows animal sacrifice to take place in the home. Now that they have that toehold, what’s next? Will ‘honor killings’ be permitted? Or perhaps as in England, an Islamic Banking system will be allowed to provide services to Muslim communities.

What’s next? You may be familiar with the saying, “in for a penny, in for a pound.”

Switzerland: Albanian Muslim migrants kept four women as slaves for 16 yearsHere’s The Story …


ISI/DI: This is Shari’a … slavery, trafficking. Protector and respecter of women?


Iran doubles down, rolls out tougher hijab punishmentsHere’s The Story …

Iranian refugees and Iranians living in Greece hold placards and a banner as they take part in a demonstration to commemorate 40 days from the death of Iranian Mahsa Amini while in police custody in Iran, in central Athens on October 29, 2022. – The death of Mahsa Amini, 22, detained allegedly for not wearing her hijab properly trigerred massive protests in Iran and worldwide. (Photo by Louisa GOULIAMAKI / AFP) (Photo by LOUISA GOULIAMAKI/AFP via Getty Images)

ISI/DI: Rather than relinquishing some of its powers and decisions, the regime is doubling-down hard with new and harsher rules. So far, though, the opposition is not blinking. Will then be able to hold out is a question no one seems to know — for now.


Afghanistan: Taliban arrest Chinese nationals for trying to smuggle out 1,000 metric tons of lithium-bearing rocksHere’s The Story …



ISI/DI: LITHIUM … some folks do not know very much about this resource that is on a fast-track to becoming — perhaps — what the oil fields were in the late 1800s and into the 20th century.

So, why does lithium matter when it comes to Islam? If it were to replace what has become known as “black gold,” that could have a tremendous impact on Mid-Eastern oil countries.

  • Lithium is a lightweight metal used in the cathodes of lithium-ion batteries, which power electric vehicles.
  • The need for lithium has increased significantly due to the growing demand for EVs.
  • The three largest producers of lithium are Australia, Chile and China respectively, producing 90 percent of the world’s lithium.
  • The demand for lithium is expected to reach 1.5 million tonnes of lithium carbonate equivalent by 2025 and over 3 million tonnes by 2030.

Sweden finds Europe’s largest deposit of rare earth metals, which could become ‘more important than oil and gas’ .. Here’s The Story ..


Lithium is often dubbed as “white gold” for electric vehicles.

What if lithium were to replace oil?

Australia alone produces 52 percent of the world’s lithium. Unlike Chile, where lithium is extracted from brines, Australian lithium comes from hard-rock mines for the mineral spodumene.

China, the third-largest producer, has a strong foothold in the lithium supply chain. Alongside developing domestic mines, Chinese companies have acquired around $5.6 billion worth of lithium assets in countries like Chile, Canada, and Australia over the last decade. It also hosts 60 percent of the world’s lithium refining capacity for batteries.

Batteries have been one of the primary drivers of the exponential increase in lithium production. But how much lithium do batteries use, and how much goes into other uses?

As the world produces more batteries and EVs, the demand for lithium is projected to reach 1.5 million tonnes of lithium carbonate equivalent (LCE) by 2025 and over 3 million tonnes by 2030.

For context, the world produced 540,000 tonnes of LCE in 2021. Based on the above demand projections, production needs to triple by 2025 and increase nearly six-fold by 2030.

Although supply has been on an exponential growth trajectory, it can take anywhere from six to more than 15 years for new lithium projects to come online. As a result, the lithium market is projected to be in a deficit for the next few years.

But, why is China stealing lithium-filled rocks from Afghanistan? China is doing what China has always done best — stealing from others.


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MUSLIMS are not the problem.

ISLAM is the problem.


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VOLUME 2: Issue 3
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