
All-Muslim City Council Approves Animal Sacrifice at Home … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: I’ve written previously about this little enclave in the Detroit, Michigan area. It’s an all-Muslim city council and what they have just approved is related to Shari’a. They have legislated it, and we now have animal sacrifices permissible within the United States.
It’s no longer, “over there,” “out there,” “someplace else,” etc. it’s HERE.
Regardless of how you feel about animal sacrifices (in today’s world it’s usually associated with the worship of Satan), Shari’a is the real issue.
Why is it here? Because someone was asleep at the wheel. Michigan may not be close to you, but last week, neither was Shari’a. Now, Michigan is still in the same location it’s always been … however, Shari’a is on everyone’s front-step.
Afghanistan’s Hazara minority increasingly fearful under Taliban … Here’s The Story …

Members of the Taliban security forces arrive as Afghan women march during a demonstration they call Stop Hazara genocide a day after a suicide bomb attack at Dasht-e-Barchi learning centre, in Kabul on October 1, 2022. – Dozens of women from Afghanistan’s minority Hazara community protested in the capital October 1, after a suicide bombing a day earlier killed 20 people. (Photo by AFP) (Photo by -/AFP via Getty Images)
ISI/DI: The Hazaras are an ethnic group and a principal component of the population of Afghanistan, native to, and primarily residing in the Hazaristan (Hazarajat) region in central Afghanistan and generally scattered throughout Afghanistan. They are one of the largest ethnic groups in Afghanistan and are also significant minority groups in neighborhoods Pakistan and as well as in Iran.
Hazaras are considered to be one of the most persecuted groups in Afghanistan, and their persecutions has occurred various times across previous decades.
Arab Journalists: It Is Permissible To Extend Greeting To Christians On Their Holidays; This Gesture Reflects The Tolerant Nature Of Islam … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Tolerant nature of Islam? Let’s ask the Christians in Nigeria about the “tolerant nature” of Islam. Islam is only tolerant when it’s to their advantage to be so. That is not tolerance.
The Muslim vote may have helped secure Democratic Party control of the Senate … Here’s the Story …

ISI/DI: Registered Muslim voters rose from 60 percent of the total adult Muslim population in 2016, to 82 percent in 2022. During the 2020 presidential race, which broke records for voter turnout in the 21st century, 71 percent of eligible Muslim voters cast a ballot, up from 59 percent in 2016 and 4 points higher than the national average.
Muslim involvement in the American political system is growing and it’s working. If you don’t believe that, take a look at England, and how the British have passively succumbed to the Muslim invasion. The list of cities below either now have or have had in the past Muslims as Mayor:
Mayor of London ……… MUSLIM
Mayor of Birmingham … MUSLIM
Mayor of Leeds ………… MUSLIM
Mayor of Blackburn …… MUSLIM
Mayor of Sheffield …… MUSLIM
Mayor of Oxford …… …MUSLIM
Mayor of Luton ………… MUSLIM
Mayor of Oldham ……… MUSLIM
Mayor of Rochdale ……… MUSLIM
Over 3,000 Muslim Mosques
Over 130 Muslim Shari’a Courts
Over 50 Muslim Shari’a Councils
Muslim Women …… 78 percent do not work and are on FREE benefits such as housing;
Muslim Men …… 63 percent do not work and are on FREE benefits such as housing;
Muslim Families …… 6-8 children planning to go on FREE
benefits such as housing;
All UK schools are ONLY serving HALAL MEAT.
All this achieved by just 4 million Muslims out of the 66 million population!
Sweden a small Scandinavian country of 10.5 million people is experiencing a shift, where the Muslim population is set to be larger than Swedish nationals.
Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France, Spain, Holland, and others — all are experiencing similar like activities
Is the Islamic Playbook working? Compare this with what you know is taking place in the United States:
Migration and Immigration:
Turkey: School for boys 6-16 hidden in bookstore trains them to be Islamic State jihadis … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Generations of youth are being lost to terrorism and terrorist organizations. They are indoctrinated early in Turkey — the formal education link grabs them early, pushes them through, brainwashing them at a very young age. Apparently, Turkey uses the formal, educational system as well as the madrassas in the villages to push this radical agenda.
“Jihad simply refers to a ‘struggle.’ Muslims use the term to discuss a spiritual struggle against one’s vices.” … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Actually — they are both guilty of not explaining the entire definition.
Yes, jihad does mean, “a spiritual struggle against one’s vices.” Muslim’s normally use this definition of jihad when trying to get in a right relationship with one’s maker. This type of jihad is referred to as “the greater jihad.”
The radical Islamists use the term jihad when Muslims wage war against their enemy, normally, infidels. This type of jihad is called, “the lesser jihad.”
Young policewoman attacked, raped in port of Naples … Here’s The Story …

The American aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman on his arrival in the Gulf of Naples for a scheduled stop in port. The last visit of the ship goes back to six years ago, 10 May 2022. ANSA / CIRO FUSCO
ISI/DI: Muslim rape gangs now run throughout Europe. The biggest and worst I’ve heard about are in the UK, but they also operate in Germany, France, Italy, Greece … I know of no evidence to suggest they work in a coordinated effort — but none to suggest they don’t.
Germany: Migrants turn Berlin into war zone on New Year’s Eve, cops, firefighters, ambulance workers targeted … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: It was in October/November of 2017 that our website first came online. There was no newsletter at that time, but I did do some reporting of events. I remember because it was over New Years that I first heard of the Muslim rape gangs, the massive amounts of destruction taking place, and I was stunned.
While it has continued every year since, I don’t think it’s ever been as bad as it was that year.
Nigeria: ‘Gunmen’ storm Church in Ondo, kill over 50 Christians gathered for Sunday prayers and kidnap priest amid rising Islamic insurgency … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: I trust God to hold a special place for the Christians of Nigeria. Most of us will never understand the fear they have … and we should be thankful for that. But, I hope when you see this post, you will stop and say a private prayer for those that are gone as well as for those who survive.
Fulani terrorists kill more than 70 Christians in central Nigeria … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: The Fula/Fulani people live predominately in west Africa. Their ethnic group has the largest nomadic pastoral community in the world and they are 99 percent Muslim. A small number of them are radical Muslims.
Chechnya’s Kadyrov on Russia’s war in Ukraine: ‘This is a great jihad everyone should take part in’ … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Sounds like another call for a caliphate. What happened to the recent World-Wide/Global call?
Sudan: ‘No-one to intervene’ for woman sentenced to stoning … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: I’m sure this young woman is taking great comfort in the knowledge that her alleged male other-gender counterpart is undergoing a similar punishment.
Afghanistan: Living under Sharia, woman says ‘I wish Allah never created women’ … Here’s The Story…

ISI/DI: This is nothing but heartbreaking. Our hearts go out to this woman … that she should feel so downtrodden as to wish that her god had never created her. My prayer is that something would cross her path, showing her the love of Christ.
Pakistan court sentences woman to death for blasphemy … Here’s The Story…

ISI/DI: If I were teaching a course on Islamic Law (Shari’a), there is one thing I would tell my class that rules the bottom line every time — situational ethics.
Why do I say this? I refer back to Imam Al-Ghazali, a famous Muslim theologian, who lived at the turn of the first millennium (just a couple of hundred years following the death of Muhammad). What follows is Al-Ghazali’s position that the Qur’an teaches that it is permissible to lie.
“Speaking is a means to achieve objectives. If a praise-worthy aim is attainable through both telling the truth and lying, it is unlawful to accomplish through lying because there is no need for it. When it is possible to achieve such an aim by lying but not by telling the truth, it is permissible to lie if attaining the goal is permissible.”
Telling lawyers it is OK to lie is probably not the best advice to give a lawyer and certainly does nothing for the profession. It does, however, provide an understanding of Shari’a … it always depends on which way the wind is blowing.
Pakistan: Islamist mob stones a man to death for allegedly burning some pages of Quran in Tulamba, hanged his corpse to the tree … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Stoned and hanged. An unforgivable offense in an unforgivable system.
Nigeria: Christian woman beaten to death by fellow Muslim students in college over ‘blasphemy’, killers shout ‘Allahu Akbar’ while burning“ her … Here’s The Story…

ISI/DI: ………
Sharia UK: Doctor who told Muslim woman to remove her veil gets nine-month suspension … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Every woman in the UK should be up in arms over this. How is a doctor expected to apply proper medical care if he can’t examine the patient? If the woman objected, she should find another doctor.
More to the point, though, American women should be aware and concerned. This is the application of Shari’a, and it may be closer than you think, as more and more Muslims are seeking and winning political offices in the United States. And as they do so, Shari’a is not far behind.
Nigeria: Muslim cleric says all-Muslim ticket ‘is about supremacy of Islam. A Muslim is better than an infidel.’

ISI/DI: Of course it’s “about supremacy.” It’s also about genocide, which has been reported on for several months now.
Turkey’s Central Bank raises inflation forecast yet again … Here’s The Story …

This photograph taken on October 21, 2022, shows pedestrians walking past a currency exchange rate billboard on the crowded Istiklal street in Istanbul. – Doctors are leaving Turkey over low pay and violence. Turkish doctors have complained of long working hours as well as verbal and physical assaults which threaten their profession. And now with inflation at a 24-year high exceeding 83 percent, Turkey’s economic woes have triggered a further exodus of doctors. (Photo by Yasin AKGUL / AFP) (Photo by YASIN AKGUL/AFP via Getty Images)
ISI/DI: I regret that this article is late in coming to print, but things have only gotten worse. As Turkey enters 2023, inflation soars to new heights, now in the mid-to-upper-80 percentile.

Turkey: A NATO Ally? … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Turkey joined NATO in 1952, three short years after the formation (1949) of one of the world’s best alliances for keeping the peace and making it a joint effort. Every member country has the same rights as any other member and a vote for other countries who wish to join must have a 100 percent approval.
The question of Turkey’s commitment to NATO is an appropriate question given President Erdogan’s penchant for a revived Ottoman Empire with himself as the Caliph of the revived Calilhate.
It should also be noted that as a NATO member Turkey also houses nuclear armaments.
The real question for Erdogan, is what does he want his legacy to be? One month shy of 69, does he really want to take on nation-building? There does not appear to be any outside support for his doing this. It could be a matter of jealousy, but who knows.
Let’s look at what he has done to date, and if that is working for him.
So far, he has offered Turkish citizenship and Turkish passports to members of Hamas, Al-Qaeda, ISIS, and Hezbollah. It’s not known at present how many have followed up on his offer.
He is still pursuing terrorists of these organizations, either putting them in jail or having them killed, when appropriate, either in Turkey or in Turkey’s involvement with the war in Syria.
I have no idea how he is doing both of the above at the same time. He offers some a carrot, while beating others with a stick.
The safe … and best bet for Erdogan, lies with NATO. It’s also the best bet for Turkey and the Turkish people. Be wise, Mr. President.
Biden Tells Israel to Give Money to Terrorists, Not Terror Victims … Here’s The Story …

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Remember …
MUSLIMS are not the problem.
ISLAM is the problem.
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