‘Afghan Adjustment Act’ Would Legalize 36,000 Unvetted Afghans … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Our country has a process when it comes to vetting people who want to come to America. There are numerous ways this is done citizens of some countries are allowed to come without the need for visas while others require visas for any and all citizens. We also allow people with certain types of skills, whether technical, medical, engineering, or other, into the country for specific periods of time. The point is, that we do have a process for vetting, which normally, works quite well. To annul that process causes a break in the system and has potential to place our country at risk.
What is taking place according to this article very definitely places our country at risk. I won’t take the time or space here to address each of those risks, but I believe most people can guess as to what they are. If you have a question, please let me know and I’m more than happy to respond. But, circumventing this system is rarely a good idea.
Pakistan: Religious Affairs top dog says if Qur’an is made part of daily life, life could be changed for better … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: What has this to do with vetting? We vetted using the Bible – but now, there are even some places in the States which no longer even use that. However, I seriously doubt that a book which allows wife beating, multiple wives, or even honor killing can have much good to offer.
If you disagree, let me see all the women’s hands who like this … oh, so sorry … lost your hands in exchange for a loaf of bread? Shari’a!!!
US To Lift Sanctions Against Terrorists, Human Rights Abusers As Part Of Iran Nuclear Agreement: REPORT … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Here we are again, circumventing the vetting process. Why? To let someone who vows to see us annihilated have nuclear weapons?
Group Biden Removed from the Terror List Hopes That, Allah Willing, Its Missiles Will Soon Reach New York … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: How many times is this going to happen? Why spend the time to develop a system and process if it’s just going to be broken in the end?
What’s Wrong With Being Sworn In On The Qur’an? … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: What’s wrong with it? What’s right with it?!?! When we swear allegiance on the Bible, we are effectively saying before God that we are making an oath, and by using His name we are offering it as collateral, so-to-speak.
Let’s look at this though. We are a country that has held up Christian/biblical principles as our foundation. It is a source we use to identify ourselves, letting others know what we hold as sacred and true. It is a measurement used to determine our sincerity, our honor, and our truthfulness. We do not worship Allah, and make no oaths using his name. On the other hand, when we do use the name of God, or Yahweh, we consider His name to be Holy.
Muslims want to use the Qur’an. That’s fine for them, but our country does not hold the Qur’an as being sacred or true. Muslims who come here normally do not plan to assimilate into our culture. The Qur’an as well as Shari’a, Islamic Law, forbids them from doing so. In addition, neither the Qur’an nor Shari’a are compatible with our Constitution, our way of life, our principles, and many other things that we, as Americans, identify with.
For instance, our laws do not allow polygamy, wife beating, holding females as subordinate to males, and much more. There just are no compatible elements. So, when a Muslim gives their oath on the Qur’an, they are actually swearing their allegiance, not just on the Qur’an, but also, to the Qur’an.
‘Everybody’s not Muslim here’: New Jersey man complains about call to prayer broadcast over loudspeakers … Here’s The Story …
ISI/DI: Exactly!!! We have undergone this sort of thing in various places around the States, with people wanting to limit church bells from ringing on Sunday mornings. We may all not like limiting church bells on Sunday mornings but it has been made the law in specific communities, sometimes at the request of local homeowners, at other times at the behest of activists.
Biden’s handlers release suspected jihad terrorist into US after he illegally crosses the border … Here’s TheStory …

ISI/DI: Simple chain of vetting — broken, again. What do you believe will come about?
Yemeni Houthis: ‘Allah willing, our UAVs will reach Tel Aviv and New York in the very near future’ … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: The Houthis, who control the capital Sanaa and other parts of Yemen, have been fighting against a Saudi-led coalition that supports the country’s internationally recognised government in a devastating five-year war.
How is it that this rag-tag band of terrorists has been able to do this? Iran has denied providing support for the Houthis, but Gatestone, a non-profit organization monitoting this has provided evidence it believes shows proof of Iranian support (https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/18236/iran-support-houthi-terrorists).
Minnesota school districts to officially observe Muslim Eid holidays … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Shari’a continues to make inroads into the American way of life — one inch-at-a-time — one-law-at-a-time. Given enough time, we may all be given the opportunity of living under Shari’a.
Germany: Afghan Muslim migrant brothers accused of killing their sister because of her Western lifestyle … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: This is but yet another example of Shari’a. It’s called ”honor killing,” and might be considered similar to what is known as ”saving-face” by many Asians.
Pakistan: Sunni jihad suicide bomber murders 60 at Shi’ite mosque … Here’s The Story…

ISI/DI: The Sunni / Shi’a split goes all the way back to Muhammad’s death. It reads like a dime-store novel or a 1950’s TV soap-opera. There’s intrigue, murder, bitter disputes, assassins and more.
When the Prophet died, there was a power grab for the continuance of the religion. There were those — mostly family members — who said the succession for leadership had to be a relative of Muhammad. These were called the Shi’ites which account for about five percent of Islam; then, there were those who believed the successor should be elected by a majority vote. These, were the Sunni’s, which amount to roughly 93 percent of Islam. The remaining Muslims (two percent) exist in over 35 other Islamic denominations, and link up closely with either the Shi’a or Sunni and follow that denomination’s schools of jurisprudence.
Over the years the fighting has waxed and waned, peace agreements made … and broken. Probably the biggest rift was in the later part of the last century and known as the Iraq /Iran War, which went on for the better part of ten years.
For more on the split you might be interested in the following posts:
- https://discerning-islam.org/105-001-shia-islam/
- https://discerning-islam.org/105-002-sunni-islam/
- https://discerning-islam.org/105-003-the-sunni-shia-split-their-current-relationship/
The next issue, #8, will be devoted entirely to Iran, focusing on the nuclear deal they have been seeking for several years. With the Biden administration now in control, they are hoping once again to gain access to a nuclear weapons arsenal. ‘ You will see the news that’s behind the news, with a bit of commentary.
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VOLUME 1:Issue 7