“ISIS has more franchises than al-Qaeda, and jihadist groups in Africa mostly prefer to be under the banner of ISIS.”
The Islamic State (IS) – also known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) – is a Salafi-Jihadist militant organization that seeks to establish an Islamic caliphate in Iraq and Syria and to create a global Salafi-Jihadist movement.
Salafis and Wahhabis: Two Sides of the Same Coin? Yes … and No. Many confuse the two while others refer to them as one. Wahhabi is a label given to those who follow the teachings of Muhammad Ibn Abd al-Wahhab. The Wahhabis are always referred to as Salafis, and in fact they prefer to be called as such. As a rule, all Wahhabis are Salafis but not all Salafis are Wahhabis.
Islamic State urges Muslims in the U.S. to join ‘ISIS North America’ (underlining my emphasis)

ISI/DI: “ISIS North America” … makes it sound rather official, doesn’t it? Might we see an uptick in local attacks here in the US? It might be a good time to remember …
See Something, Say Something.
ISIS Expansion with Affiliate in Mozambique Increases Terrorist Group’s Threat

ISI/DI: Slowly, Islam creeps its way through Africa. The continent is already a hotbed, ready for change. It’s been ready for over a hundred years. Oppression, corruption, slavery, colonization, sickness, death … Christianity, having left its mark, also found millions facing hunger and despair. Then, came the dictators, the Socialists, the Communists – and Islam, like Christianity, only different and much worse.
Israel and Morocco sign economic cooperation and trade agreement

ISI/DI: I find it amazing that country after country, many who were life-long enemies, come to the peace table. We can believe what we want, but I choose to believe it is God at work. Are we nearing the end times? Of course we are. Every day brings us one step closer. Common sense tells us that, and it doesn’t take a belief in God – it helps, though. 2022 … this is the year many Muslims believe their savior will come. They still have much work to do though, before he comes. And what happens if he doesn’t show up at the appointed time? It will certainly be an interesting year.
Germany home to 1,950 potentially violent jihadis

ISI/DI: With its no-go-zones in several locations, open borders, and a PM who didn’t quite know her own mind – mor did others.
UN slams EU ‘migrant pushbacks’ as asylum claims spike

ISI/DI: I don’t think the UN has any idea of what the EU has been through in terms of migrant asylum seekers. They know the numbers, but not all entities are as liberal as the UN, nor do they ascribe to its liberal policies.

ISI/DI: There are at least three things that stand out to me here … First, South Africa seems to be picking up the mantle on this; an established government with a decent sized military. Second, along with Angola – two borders away and over a thousand miles to the West; says a lot about African unity. Third, is the absence of Zimbabwe, the country which shares the longest border with Mozambique. I think I can say this (having lived in Zimbabwe for nearly four years) … if Zimbabwe does not stand with the other countries, including Mozambique, it will pay dearly as Muslims fight for Zimbabwe – and the African continent. Remember, while the Africans are fighting for home and country, the Muslims are fighting for their salvation.
SOURCE: https://www.jihadwatch.org/2022/02/south-africa-rwanda-botswana-lesotho-angola-zambia-send-troops-to-mozambique-to-fight-islamic-state-jihadis
Taliban judge says women can’t be judges because they ‘have lesser brains’

ISI/DI: That’s what Shari’a does . … it persecutes people, almost any one who is not a male Muslim. Islam claims to ’protect’ women, and yet, through Shari’a (Islamic law), it becomes one of the most oppressive standards known – and all with the help of the Islamic clergy.
Egypt: Journalist to be prosecuted for saying Muhammad didn’t fly to paradise on a winged horse

SOURCE: https://www.jihadwatch.org/2022/02/egypt-journalist-to-be-prosecuted-for-saying-muhammad-didnt-fly-to-paradise-on-a-winged-horse
ISI/DI: This is part of Islam’s folklore. Only Muslims believe it to be true. The Qur’an says Muhammad mounted and rode from Mecca to Medina to escape persecution. The trip is known as the Hegira.
Bangladesh: Muslims protesting India’s ‘hijab ban’ scream ‘Allahu akbar’ and threaten Hinduism women

ISI/DI: They always scream ‘Allahu akbar’ – Allah is Great. Then, it’s usually followed up with some act of barbarism.
France: Muslim migrant enters church during mass and screams ‘Allahu akbar’
SOURCE: https://www.jihadwatch.org/2022/02/france-muslim-migrant-enters-church-during-mass-and-screams-allahu-akbar
ISI/DI: Here we go again. Can you imagine yelling, “Yahweh-akbar” all the time? Might not hurt to try it … Yahweh is great!!!
Iran’s Foreign Minister says there will a ‘good agreement in the near future’ with U.S.
SOURCE: https://www.jihadwatch.org/2022/02/irans-foreign-minister-says-there-will-a-good-agreement-in-the-near-future-with-u-s
Biden’s handlers reject Israeli prime minister’s criticism of new Iran nuclear deal

ISI/DI: Our strongest ally in the Middle East; the“ strongest democratic government in the Middle East; perhaps the one most affected by any decisions made by the United States concerning the Middle East; and all of their concerns are rejected?
Sweden: Muslim migrants turn house in Skåne into local Islamic State headquarters
SOURCE: https://www.jihadwatch.org/2022/02/250050
ISI/DI: This shows the infiltration of radical Islam and its migrant forces into the Scandinavian countries. Granted, it’s not this bad with all, but it kind of makes one shutter when Islamic HQ comes this close to the west.
Belgium strips 13 jihadis of Belgian nationality
SOURCE: https://www.jihadwatch.org/2022/02/belgium-strips-13-jihadis-of-belgian-nationality
ISI/DI: Belgium finally stands up – for something.

SOURCE: https://www.jihadwatch.org/2022/02/al-azhar-islamic-law-prof-beating-is-suitable-for-a-rebellious-wife-who-oversteps-boundaries-set-by-allah
ISI/DI: Al-Azhar University in Cairo is one of Islam’s major schools of Islamic Jurisprudence.
Malaysia: Mufti rules that Hindu children unilaterally converted as minors by Muslim ex-husband must remain Muslims
SOURCE: https://www.jihadwatch.org/2022/02/qatar-sentences-woman-who-was-sexually-assaulted-to-100-lashes-and-seven-years-in-prison
ISI/DI: This is the far-reaching arm of Shari’a. It touches every part of life, from the cradle to the grave.

ISI/DI: This could have easily earned these women lashes, even a possible stoning.
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VOLUME 1: Issue 5
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Wow; what a great idea, for us to yell “Yahweh, akbar!” from time to time, and not follow it with violence!
(In the piece about Sweden and the conversion of a house into an Islamic center, I think the word “shutter” is meant to be “shudder.”)