The next issue of TIPS, issue 34, will be focused solely on Iran beginning with the young girl who was murdered by the regime because she choose not to wear a hijab, the traditional women’s’ head covering. It will focus on what has taken place since her killing, the riots that erupted, the protests at university. It will also focus on the much sought Iran nuclear deal and give updates. What will be different besides focusing on this one country will be the lack of commentary. Some of the posts will have comments, but I’m primarily giving you the headlines, letting you decide what is important and of interest to you. So, this is just a heads-up on what to expect for the next issue. Enjoy!!!
Part II Of The Call For The Caliphate
Islamic State calls on Muslims worldwide to join, criticizes Hamas and PIJ for ties to Shi’ite Iran … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: No, you didn’t miss the first call. That was given by Abu baker al-Baghdadi, back in 2014 when he started what is now, the Islamic State. However, ISIS is making a second call, along with several other groups … from time-to-time. It’s estimated that there are around 100,000 soldiers out there, ready to heed the call. There are several thousand in prisons from Syria, Iraq, Turkey, Yemen, and other possible locations; they are also fighting the war in Syria; living in Turkey and elsewhere … waiting to be called to the caliphate.

The first call for a caliphate made a lot of heads turn and there was much chatter, but it did not go much further than that. Sure, for the next few years terrorism was a key ingredient for any Islamic activity, from single stabbings and gunshots, car and truck ramming, to wiping out villages in Africa — but for the most part — there was no caliphate and there was no caliph. Small, but unified groups — Boko Haram from Nigeria, the Taliban in Afghanistan, the Al-Nusrah Front in Syria, Al-Shabbaab in Kenya and Uganda, Ansar Al- Sharia in Libya; there are also groups in other countries and areas — Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Central Africa, Iraq and the Levant, the Philippines — the UN along with the Office of the Director of National Intelligence list over 200 organizations World-wide that they are currently tracking.
Today, in 2022, there is not much difference than there was in 2014 – except, there is now another call for the caliphate. Part II — Will it be heard? And, if so … when … and by whom?
The Islamic State ‘has regrouped…and it is organizing for a prolonged insurgency’ … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Before his death in 2019, al-Baghdadi claimed that the Mahdi, the savior of Islam, would be coming in 2022. Yes … this year. His claim also coincides with the Grand Ayatollah of Iran, who made this claim back in 2014. Part of what makes this so significant is the Ayatollah is Shi’ite and Baghdadi is Sunni. This is one of the few things of any significance that the two denominations of Islam can seem to have any agreement on.
Now, 2022 in on the verge of coming to an end in roughly 45 days. Will the Mahdi make an appearance? If so, we can expect Armageddon sometime between now and the end of the year. If not, though, will an alternative date be selected (it most definitely will — al-Mahdi is, after all, the savior of Islam)? That’s the question of the century — the Islamic century.
Texas voters elect first-ever Muslim state lawmakers … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Have to admit, this one caught me unawares — not that a Muslim won a political office, but that it was in Texas. There are now 29 Muslims across the nation in congress at the state level, while the national count remains at four.
There are several ways this can be looked at. One is that our country is becoming more diverse; we have numerous cultures and they are all blending into the American experiment to represent their constituencies. There is just one thing wrong with that view. Muslims are forbidden by the Qur’an and Shari’a — ISLAMIC LAW — to mix in with other cultures; in other words, they are not allowed to assimilate into the American culture. This does not mean that some do not do so; it means that if they do, they do so in violation of Islamic law. I could write a whole library on this — and probably have somewhere — search the website: https://discerning-Islam.org. 🙃
‘Breaking The Crosses’ And Other Ills … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Issue 15 of the ISIS English-language magazine Dabiq from 2016 was titled “Breaking the Cross” by the terrorist organization. It was mostly an anti-Christian edition featuring theological arguments expanding on the much more succinct ISIS threat to the West that they would “break your crosses, take your women, and paint the White House black.”
Gulf banks raise interest rates, following US Federal Reserve … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: COVID 19 was introduced to us by China, the now infamous, Wuhan Lab. It has been worldwide since 2019, and is now (hopefully) in its last throes of life. Inflation, however, comes and goes — mostly dependent on who holds political office in the Untied States (I have no source to back that up … it’s just a personal opinion) was re-introduced by the United States. It, too, is now worldwide.
One of the key components used to fight inflation is the interest rate (I had a course in college in money and banking along with several other monetary courses, even did part of my grad work on money and banking of the Middle East — but no, I do not understand it.
In shock move, Turkey cuts interest rates again … Here’s The Story …

A corn vendor waits for customers on a street in Istanbul on September 6, 2022, as Turkey’s economy is suffering its biggest economic crisis in decades ahead of one of the toughest elections of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s rule. – Turkey’s official inflation rate barely changed on September 5, in a sign that a year-long crisis that has seen prices soar by 80 percent may finally be starting to ease. The TUIK state statistics agency said that consumer prices rose by 80.2 percent in August from a year earlier. The crisis has seen the ruling party’s approval ratings drop to historic lows heading into the next general election due by June 2023. (Photo by Yasin AKGUL / AFP) (Photo by YASIN AKGUL/AFP via Getty Images)
ISI/DI: So, we have world-wide inflation, brought on courtesy of the U.S., with its massive spending and no funds to support what is spent. The FED (Federal Reserve) hikes interest rates in hopes of bringing down inflation; in the mean time, spending continues. However, Turkey, in all of its infinite wisdom, with more years of experience than any one knows about — cuts it’s own interest rate … and maybe, it’s own throat — and thereby, driving local inflation up to — somewhere between 83 percent and 88 percent — at this rate, inflation is going so fast, a wider range is needed in order to stay on top. Make sense? No, me neither.
True Stories:
On a trip to Peru back in the mid-to-late 1980s, inflation was so rampant that in one store visited, they had taken the brown butchers’ paper, taped it to the wall, and used magic markers to track the cost of food as determined by the inflation rate so they would know how much to charge for meat. No figure lasted more than a minute or two without being struck through and a new number added.
We lived in Zimbabwe in the mid-2000s. Inflation was so bad that when people came in for payroll, they would bring large plastic trash bags (i.e., 96 gallon size) to carry home their worthless salary. One guy even brought a wheelbarrow to carry his home.
If it seems I’m rambling here, you’re right. And inflation just went up two percent.
Turkish inflation passes 83% as Erdogan eyes further rate cuts … Here’s The Story …

A customer holds US dollar banknotes outside a currency changer on a street in Istanbul on September 6, 2022, as Turkey’s economy is suffering its biggest economic crisis in decades ahead of one of the toughest elections of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s rule. – Turkey’s official inflation rate barely changed on September 5, in a sign that a year-long crisis that has seen prices soar by 80 percent may finally be starting to ease. The TUIK state statistics agency said that consumer prices rose by 80.2 percent in August from a year earlier. The crisis has seen the ruling party’s approval ratings drop to historic lows heading into the next general election due by June 2023. (Photo by Yasin AKGUL / AFP) (Photo by YASIN AKGUL/AFP via Getty Images)
Taliban ban women from parks, morality ministry says … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Polls by Knight, LLP (Lost Liability Partners) — just checking to see who reads this far down — Yes, as you can imagine, one of the things front and foremost on the minds of the Taliban is the morality of its women when at theme parks, national parks, and car parks. It’s a tough job being the Minister at the Morality Ministry … 3M Corp.
UK: Muslims say of Hindus, ‘Let’s clean them from Leicester as we did from Kashmir’ … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: This is England … not the Kashmir. Different rules and laws apply here … but it’s a Muslim enclave. Bits and pieces of Shari’a have filtered through, and when someone yells, “fill the gap,” a Muslim is always waiting to do just that.
In Afghanistan, the Taliban are concerned with morality of their women — thinking, what more can be done to “protect” our women? That is, after-all, every Muslim male’s chief concern for all Islamic women.
Nigeria: TikTok stars sentenced to be whipped 20 times under Sharia … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: I’m not a big fan of social media, having been cancelled once by Facebook, followed by Google and a major website host — so I’ve never ventured out on TikTok
At UN, King Abdullah Warns That ‘Christianity Is Under Threat’ In Jerusalem .. Here’s The Story

Pope praises Muslim Council of Elders, claims it is ‘committed to dispelling erroneous interpretations’ of Islam … Here’s The Pope …

ISI/DI: “…erroneous interpretations’ of Islam?” Which “erroneous interpretation” would that be? Erdogan’s “Islam is Islam,” or “radical” Islamists who take the Qur’an literally, or those who cry “Islamophobia” at any mention of Islam, or those who are looking to “reform” Islam, or …???
Israeli, US and Arab paratroopers dive to mark Abraham Accords anniversary … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: The Abraham Accords are still alive and well, throughout the Middle East, and in North, Central, and East Africa. It has brought peace, growing economies, goodwill, and made friends of enemies with countries who have not seen elements of these in a number of years.
UK: ‘As a Christian I’m worried that Islam is above criticism’ … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: YES!!! I have felt this for so long, but didn’t know how to put it. Then, this post comes along and made it so simple. It’s part of how I’ve viewed the Muslims caught up in this radical thought process and the attitude of superiority they seem to be taught from childhood. Match that up with Islamophobia, where nothing can be criticized about Islam.
They seem to go around like little children, doing what they like, when they like, to whom they like, without any concern for the consequences — acting as if they were above it all. “This is permitted where I come from;” “This is permitted in my religion;” “I do this all the time; ” etc., etc.
Yes, I, too, am concerned that Islam is above criticism.
Click or tap ➡️: ValuesIn The Marketplace, Chapter 3: Foundation Principles
Click or tap ➡️: ValuesIn The Marketplace, Chapter 4: The Functions Of A Business
Click or tap ➡️: ValuesIn The Marketplace, Chapter 5: The Godly Use Of Wealth
Click or tap ➡️: ValuesIn The Marketplace, Chapter 6: Justice In The Marketplace
Click or tap ➡️:Values In The Marketplace, Chapter 7: A Successful Business (Work In Progress)
Click or tap ➡️:Values In The Marketplace, Chapter 8: Leadership (Work In Progress)
Click or tap ➡️:Values In The Marketplace, Chapter 9: Management (Work In Progress)
Click or tap ➡️:Values In The Marketplace, Chapter 10: Planning (Work In Progress)
Click or tap ➡️:Values In The Marketplace, Chapter 11: Quality Control (Work In Progress)
Click or tap ➡️:Values In The Marketplace, Chapter 12: Business Relationships (Work In Progress)
Click or tap ➡️:Values In The Marketplace, Chapter 13: Managing Money (Work In Progress)
Click or tap ➡️:Values In The Marketplace, Chapter 14: Ethical Issues In Business (Work In Progress)
Click or tap ➡️:Values In The Marketplace, Chapter 15: A Code Of Ethics For Business (Work In Progress)
Click or tap ➡️:Values In The Marketplace, Chapter 16: Accountability (Work In Progress)
Click or tap ➡️:Values In The Marketplace, Chapter 17: In The World, Not Of It (Work In Progress)
Click or tap ➡️:Values In The Marketplace, Chapter 18: The Law And The Profits (Work In Progress)
Remember …
MUSLIMS are not the problem.
ISLAM is the problem.


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