India: Muslim Instagram ‘influencer’ tells Hindus, ‘Kaffirs, you will all be buried when the time comes’ … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: “… when the time comes.” And, just when is that ”time?” According to Sayyid Ali Hosseini Khamenei, the Grand Ayatollah of Iran, the window is closing fast. When he announced in 2014 that Islam had began the seven years of tribulation, he named 2022 as the closing of time — the time for Armageddon would be at hand; Islam would at last be ruling the world; life would be at its most simplistic level, ruled by Islamic law, Shari’a would finally become THE law of the land. At last:
The world as Islam would have it . . .

No governments. No rulers.
No boundaries. No borders.
Just One Caliph of One Caliphate.
A world which has only one religion, ISLAM.
A world which has only one people, Muslims.
A world which has only one law, SHARI’A.
A world which has only one god, ALLAH.
… but wait!!! Who believes this? Is this what non-Muslims believe will happen? Is this what non-Muslims believe Muslims believe?
No!!! Most non-Muslims do not even know what Muslims believe. This is what Muslims believe, about their world; about their leaders; about their religion; about themselves; about their law; about their god.
If a Muslim denies these things … he is basically denying the Qur’an and other Islamic holy books; he is denying Islamic Law; he is denying Islam, itself.
Remember, it was Recep Tayyip Erdoğan the current president of Turkey, who said, “The term,’moderate Islam’ is ugly and offensive. There is no moderate Islam. Islam is Islam.”
Erdogan is leading an officially secular country with no official religion since the constitutional amendment in 1928. This was the final nail in the coffin of the Ottoman Empire. To fully understand where Turkey is today, a better understanding of Erdogan is required.
This is a man who envisions a new Ottoman Empire with himself as the new caliph of a renewed caliphate; this is also a man who is leading a NATO member country; he has sought to lay claim to several of the Greek Isles as well as the island of Cyprus; he has provided citizenship to the foot soldiers of Hamas, Hezbollah, ISIS, and Al Qaida; he has also hunted ISIS leaders. As noted above, he also sees only one Islam. He has courted a relationship with the United States as well as Russia — at the same time. He sees value in a relationship with Israel, while at the same casting dispersions on this Jewish country. He has fought the Assad regime in Syria. Complexities abound.
Cracks in the Alliance: Dearborn Muslims Enraged at LGBTQ Agenda in Schools … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: “… and the time goes.” Does anyone remember back aways … when I said the alliance between the ’liberal left’ and the Islamists would begin to falter when the Islamists had no further use for the Democrat Party? Don’t look now, but there’s a crack in the alliance.
Amazon Egypt launches page for Egyptian handicrafts … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: This could be a really good thing, providing the artists, manufacturers, makers, etc., are fairly compensated. More than fairly. Jeff Besos certainly doesn’t need it. I’ve seen a fair share of this type of thing over the years. They usually don’t last long, which is a shame for those who have — high expectations — dreams, really.
The underlying issue is one of sustainability … not for the artisans, but for the marketers. Whether it’s a lack of time, too much work, loss of interest — or a combination of these or other reasons, the history of projects like this is one of un-sustainability for the most part.
Hizballah activities increasing in Latin America … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Hezbollah has been involved in Latin America for several decades. The map below shows their involvement as of 2011. Note that the countries in purple are where they are not located.

Washington Post: ‘Britain’s new head of state is a loud admirer of Islam,’ ‘detests Islamophobia’ …Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: I admire certain elements of Islam, as well — architecture, artists, mathematics, medicine, science; I also deplore islamophobia. Truth is always the right path.
Azerbaijan kills 49 Armenian soldiers in attacks on half a dozen locations … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: The Azeris and Armenians have been at it for years. The year we lived in Azerbaijan all of my local staff were Muslims, which is not what was so unusual. What was unusual was when they told me they went to the Catholic (Eastern Orthodox) church on Sundays but went to the mosque on Fridays. You should have seen me with my jaw dropped. Then, as I thought about it, it made perfect sense — how else to get a three-day weekend plus double-up on all the holidays. Just as there are nominal- Christians, there are nomimal-Muslims.
Back to the conflict, though. We lived in the second largest town of Azerbaijan — Ganga — which was about a five-to-six hour drive from Baku and the Black Sea. The Azeri and Iranian people go back hundreds of years and the blood-lines probably do as well. But, Ganga … on the edge of what is known as the Nagorno-Karabakh region … officially, it is a disputed territory, internationally recognized as part of Azerbaijan, but most of it is governed by the unrecognised Republic of Artsakh (also known as the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (NKR)) since the first Nagorno-Karabakh War. Since the end of the war in 1994, representatives of the governments of Armenia and Azerbaijan have been holding peace talks mediated by the OSCE Minsk Group on the region’s disputed status. There is no love lost with the Armenians; then, there are the Turks, who live at the opposite end. Picture Azerbaijan in the middle, Iranians at one end, Turks at the other. Christians and lions … Turks still refuse to admit to the Armenian genocide of the early 20th century. Every year, on the anniversary of the genocide, Armenia brings a resolution before the UN. It continues to be ignored.
Turkey backs Azerbaijan in deadly attacks against Armenia … Here’s The Story …

Germany Closed Its Eyes to Russian Expansionism, Does it Again With Islamism … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: As Germany closed its eyes to the Russian aggression of taking Crimea and then Eastern Ukraine, it has also closed its eyes to Islamic expansion within its own borders.
Just as the Left in America is doing, Germany seems to be following suit. Many feel that the decision has been made to fight Islamophobia rather than limit the migration.
Austria: Mosque found to be hub for jihad terrorist recruitment … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Imagine that!! Jihadi recruitment at a mosque. Did they think you’d just pop on down to the nearest strip-mall and look for the terrorist recruiter’s sign? Everything … EVERYTHING… takes place at a mosque — recruitment, terrorist education, Friday sermons, prayer, arsenal stash, and Wednesday-night Ramadan Bingo. It’s at the mosque.

Austria’s Radical Islam Problem … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Austria’s youth — teenagers — have been more enamored with the idea of going to Syria and fighting for ISIS, only to find that their return home raises more questions about their allegiance and future. Like other Muslims who have left their homes in the west, and later sought to return, they now face immigration and repatriation problems.
The Muslim Brotherhood in Austria … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: The Muslim Brotherhood has entities that exist in many countries all over the world. These entities have the same ideology, principles, and objectives but they work in different circumstances and in different contexts. There is one underlying theme, though, and that is the element of terrorism as a means of achieving its goals — world domination resulting in one religion (Islam), one law (Shari’a), one god (Allah), and one people (Muslims). They believe they are being true to the Qur’an and Shari’a. And that’s the rub. Is the Qur’an to be taken literally?
India: Board of 1,400-year-old religion claims 1,500-year-old Hindu temple is on Islamic land … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: This is not the first time elements of Islam have made claims of this nature. Islam has claimed ownership to lands inhabited by others who were there before the existence of Islam. For instance, Turkey (Erdogan) has made claims to some of the Greek Isles which even ancient history shows were part of Greece; Islam has also claimed ownership to Jerusalem even though biblical history shows it was inhabited by the Jews.
Last, but not least, there is a website that claims the following:;
“Muslims thus arrived in America more than a century before the Virginia Company founded the Jamestown colony in 1607. Muslims came to America more than a century before the Puritans founded the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1630. Muslims were living in America not only before Protestants, but before Protestantism existed. After Catholicism, Islam was the second monotheistic religion in the Americas.”
I wanted to write, asking what documentation they could refer me to in support of these statements. Unfortunately, they do not provide any email contact information, not even a general form to fill and submit. They do provide several twitter addresses, though. Not being a user of twitter, I am still trying to find out how to reach them. I will definitely report back on this one.
Nigeria: Muslims storm church, abduct 40 Christians, demand $466,000 ransom … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: $466K — such a nice, round number. Hopefully, with the abductions, there were no killings
Mozambique: A million displaced as jihad violence spreads despite military efforts … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: With the recent inroads made by the jihadists, Mozambique should be on the precipice and ready to fall most amy time.
Hindu man killed for marrying Muslim woman, 2 held … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Relationships between infidels can garner death for both parties.
“Quran explains why Muslim women should wear hijab. ‘So they can be recognised as Muslim and not be harassed.’” … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Truth be known, truth be told — it’s a manner of control, one more way to keep the ’weaker’ sex in check. Islam is great at doing that. It would be such a catastrophe if Shari’a were ever allowed into America.
Scripture tells us the problem of trying to serve two masters:
“No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other …” Matthew 6:24.
It’s not just about serving God and money; it’s about serving two different and opposing entities. In this case, it’s about the rule of law and the U.S. Constitution as opposed to Islamic law, Shari’a. They are not compatible; they are on two, completely different, plains.
Turkey: Muslim murders his 15-year-old cousin who didn’t want to become his second wife … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: This is not unusual; it’s likely the bride to be was sold, or otherwise promised to her cousin. No jokes here … marriages of this type are not uncommon in Islam. I can’t comment on the health aspects, mental or otherwise. At any rate, she opted out and it ended her life. It’s ”OK” in some countries, in others it’s punishable.
In Turkey, 21 percent of marriages are cousin-to-cousin — yes, a high rate. Turkey also allows marriage of up to four wives. I could not find the percentage of women killed in honor-killings in Turkey, but it is legal. The best I could find was a figure noting that 2,000 women died in eight years. No reason specified.
“In response to the West, I repeat the same message in English: [To] anybody that challenges the existence of this country and its kingdom — all of us are projects of jihad and martyrdom. That’s my message to anybody that thinks that he can threaten us.” .. Here’s The Story..

Click or tap ➡️: ValuesIn The Marketplace, Chapter 3
Click or tap ➡️: Values In The Marketplace, Chapter 4
Click or tap ➡️: Values In The Marketplace, Chapter 5
Click or tap ➡️: Values In The Marketplace, Chapter 6 (work in progress)
Remember …
MUSLIMS are not the problem.
ISLAM is the problem.


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