Lie Down With Dogs,
Wake Up With Fleas
Hamas in Turkey: Money Laundering, Turkish Passports, Government Collusion and Terror Bank Accounts … Here’s The Story …

The Gaza Strip’s Hamas Prime minister Ismail Haniyeh (L) and his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan salute together the lawmakers of Erdogan’s Islamic-rooted Justice and Development Party at the Parliament in Ankara on January 3, 2012. Haniyeh’s visit was a show of solidarity with the Islamic aid group IHH, which had planned to send the Mavi Marmara vessel with another Gaza flotilla last year but then dropped the plan. AFP PHOTO/ADEM ALTAN (Photo credit should read ADEM ALTAN/AFP via Getty Images)
ISI/DI: If you’ve managed to keep up, you already know that Turkey — Erdogan — has offered/provided citizenship and passports to the members of Hamas, Hezbollah, Al Qaeda, and ISIS. Is Erdogan building his own private army? Does he see this as the army of the caliphate he dreams of?
Erdogan — president of Turkey — seems to be going in multiple directions at once. Turkey is a member of NATO, and sits on part of a nuclear arsenal; Turkey is in hoc to Russia, taking loans to help fight the 83 percent inflation it is facing right now; Turkey has also extended its hand in friendship to Israel once again, exchanging ambassadors — it seems to be a love/hate relationship, though; Erdogan has expressed his desire to see a second Ottoman Empire with Istanbul as the caliphate and himself its caliph; then, there is his private army, mercenaries.
Just who is Erdogan? This is something we all must stay tuned for in order to see what emerges.
Canadian Muslim Brotherhood Group Demands End to Bill Barring Civil Servants from Wearing Religious Clothing … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: This is how Muslims change our laws and introduce Shari’a. It may all sound very innocent in the beginning, but once they are “in,” it’s too late. Make no mistake, Islam is about world domination and Muslims are here to see it happen.
How Afghan women took on the Taliban, as told through their text messages .. Here’s The Story ..

ISI/DI: This is a story that should be told and retold and told again. The women of Afghanistan have dared to defy and stand up to the Taliban, their promised protectors who are in reality, their jailers.
Cleveland officer who posted ‘salute to Hitler the great’ won’t be fired … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Bad stories aren’t worth telling, much less retelling.
Finland: Jew-hating Muslim migrant whose mosque was ISIS recruitment site becomes member of parliament … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: We can see the same results in each country — in the West and other more developed nations, Muslims are getting involved in politics at all levels of government as in the UK or they are over whelming the existing population by simply out-numbering them as in Denmark — and maybe Sweden.
In the less developed countries, Muslims are fighting to takeover the land as in a number of African countries — most recently, South Africa — or they are winning with increased numbers as in Nigeria.
Assimilation is not a word found in their vocabulary. It does not meet with their criteria for world domination. With the final quarter of 2022 now upon us, some Muslims are beginning to see that al-Mahdi is not going to make a long awaited appearance for this year. When might the next appearance be selected? Soon is my guess, although it will certainly wait for 2023. The ”doom and gloom” guys will regroup and pronounce their new date(s).
Erdogan says Greeks have ‘vile character,’ his government partner threatens war, says Greece is on stolen land … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Turkey and Greece have been at odds for years. My memory goes back at least to the 1980’s when Turkey decided to put a claim on Cyprus. That affront is still unresolved. Most recently, Muslim migrants have been channeled through Turkey and on to Greece where they found their way into the rest of Europe. At the same time, Turkey has claimed some of the Greek Isles as their own. That too, is unresolved. Now, it seems Erdogan wants all of Greece. I guess things aren’t moving fast enough for his rebirth of the Ottoman Empire.
There’s bound to be a claim that Muslims settled America drove out the Indians, and Christopher Columbus converted to Islam in 1491.
Do NATO and Turkey Have a Future Together? … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: That’s the $25 million dollar question. NATO needs to reread its own guidelines and values and be sure each member is meeting those points. Turkey — Erdogan — needs to decide what it wants; what is important to Turkey and its citizens. If this is left to Erdogan to do on his own, it may be time to move on; hopefully, there will be other more mature minds making this decision and will have the country’s and its citizens’ best interests at heart.
Syrian Israeli Affairs Expert Muhammad Nasour: The Number Of Jewish Deaths In The ‘So-Called’ Holocaust Is Grossly Inflated; The Zionists Were Behind The Bombing Of Hiroshima And Nagasaki … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: I don’t know what history books he reads … maybe he doesn’t read them. Still, for someone to deny this in today’s age really shows a lack of intelligence — or ignorance — or both. Maybe it’s something else, though.
Niger: Muslims seize fishermen’s catch as ‘booty,’ murder some of the fishermen … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Islam has come a long way in the last few hundred years — development of financial and banking systems, trade and economic development, as well as humanitarian relief. However, the radical jihadists do not understand any of this. They provide nothing back to Islamic society, they just take, take, take. Stealing. Murdering. Raping. Pillaging. It an endless cycle that will eventually run out of power as its own people come to realize the waste — waste of money, waste of time, waste of resources, waste of human life. Total and complete WASTE.
Suspected Islamists kill at least 14 civilians in east Congo attack … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: How many of these cross my desk each day? No matter, I never get used to seeing the killing, raping, pillaging. It reminds me of what President Mikhail Gorbachev allegedly said when he was allegedly asked what, in his opinion, was worst thing between Communism and Capitalism. He responded with, ”Man’s inhumanity to man.” He was then asked what was the worst thing between Capitalism and Communism, he responded with, “Just the opposite.”
Afghanistan: Taliban lure woman from home under guise of distributing aid, shoot her dead … Here’s The Story …

Afghan women walk down a street in Kabul, Afghanistan, September 16, 2021. Picture taken on September 16, 2021. WANA (West Asia News Agency) via REUTERS ATTENTION EDITORS – THIS PICTURE WAS PROVIDED BY A THIRD PARTY – RC24RP931V6Q
ISI/DI: And, for what?
Assam bulldozes another madrassa ‘linked to al-Qaeda’ … Here’s The Study …

ISI/DI: India is learning to strike at the source of Islamic terror — the places of education, the madrassas. Children are taught terrorism at an early age. India is trying to nip that source in the bud. Good luck!!! Sincerely.
Burkina Faso: Attack on convoy kills 6 as jihadist violence surges … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: With a recent report of jihadists going into South Africa, I don’t think there’s an African country that has escaped Islamism. I know this post is on Burkina Faso, but since someone mentioned South Africa, I might as well go ahead and make a comment on it.
South Africa has a population of over 60 million people — less than Nigeria which is something, considering the land mass of each. With 78 percent Christian and less than two percent Islam, there are still over 12 million people who identify as being Zulu. The Zulu are a very proud people, and also of a warring nature. If you are not familiar with the Zulu, I highly recommend three movies to you: 1 – Shaka Zulu: Shaka lived during the mid-to-late 1800s; he united the many tribes of South Africa into the Zulu nation by means of war. 2 – Zulu: tells the story of the outnumbered British soldiers who did battle with Zulu warriors at Rorke’s Drift. 3 – Zulu Dawn: at about the same time-frame as Zulu, is a dramatization of the Battle of Isandlwana, where the British Army met its match against the Zulu nation.
These movies will provide some insight into what Islam may face encroaching on South Africa. The Zulu can be found throughout Southern Africa and could draw another half million warriors from these additional countries. At the same time, I have no doubts that Islam can pull together enough soldiers to wage a very intense war … if they are needed.
India: Another madrassa discovered to have links to jihad terror group … Here’s The Story …

Iran: ‘If you don’t wear hijab then men will rape you’ … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Is Iran threatening rape of women who don’t wear the hijab? Is it a warning?
The text from the Qur’an is:
- “O prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their veils close around them. That will be better, so that they may be recognized and not molested. Allah is always forgiving, merciful.” (Qur’an 33:59)
From text to law — Islamic Law (Shari’a).
Taliban warn shopkeepers not to sell goods to women without hijab … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: The Taliban and Shari’a — made for each other. If the Taliban did not have Shari’a, they would invent it; if Shari’a did not have the Taliban, it would create them, by decree.
‘Talaq, talaq, talaq’: Man divorces wife for serving cold vegetable dish; booked … Here’s The Story …
SOURCE: https://www.thekashmirmonitor.net/talaq-talaq-talaq-man-divorces-wife-for-serving-cold-vegetable-dish-booked/amp/
ISI/DI: No comment.
Turkey: Criticism of Islamic theology leads to professor having to testify before prosecutors … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: In Islam … under Shari’a … there is no freedom of speech. Now Turkey … nearly 100 years after the fall of its Ottoman Empire, and trying to be a secular nation, is now turning back to its religious roots … where there is no more secular thought.
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MUSLIMS are not the problem.
ISLAM is the problem.


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