It has taken 18 months, but all content (and then some) has finally been manually transferred from the old website to the new website — Discerning-ISLAM.org.
Now, we will be looking at adding new content and fulfilling requested topics. Don’t see an answer to a question you have about Islam? Let us know and we’ll do our best to provide the answer(s).
What’s NEW!?!?!?
LANGUAGES: Earlier this year, the ability to change languages was introduced site-wide. That means if Arabic or Farsi or German, etc., is your native language you can instantly change any content to the language of your choice. How do you do this? Simply look in the upper right-hand corner of your screen, and you’ll see a language displayed; click or tap on that spot and search for the language of your choice.
VIDEOS: I believe it was in July that a link was provided where you can find all the video content available on our website. We continue to add video as we find it and you can see it here.
VOICE: Coming soon, will be the ability to add voice. You will be able to hear any text by simply clicking or tapping on a designated location. More about this when it’s available, but we wanted you to know we are trying to make our website as accessible for you as possible.
ACCESSIBILITY EDITOR: This little plug-in allows the user to change the size of the text and a few other things in order to make the content more suitable and customized for individual use.
OTHER: My wife — Lynn — and I returned home on Wednesday evening, September 28th, from our trip to Eastern Europe, only to learn we had both contracted COVID. Your prayers would be appreciated.
Thank you for this opportunity to serve.
Islamist Extremism

Photo: Meghdad Madadi ATPImages/Getty Images
Two Remaining Obstacles to a New Iran Deal
- Iran is demanding that the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) investigation into the uranium particles found at several Iranian sites be closed prior to full implementation of the agreement. Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi said that resolving the IAEA investigation issue is a pillar of any nuclear deal and without it, “It is meaningless to talk about an agreement.”
- Iran is also demanding guarantees in case of a future U.S. withdrawal from the deal. Here’s The Story from Axios.
- See the review by Clarion Project of the dangers of the new deal HERE.
N.M. Man Attempting to Assist ISIS, Arrested
- Herman Leyvoune Wilson, 45, of Albuquerque, N.M., was arrested for attempting to provide material support for ISIS.
- Wilson, also known as Bilal Mu’Min Abdullah, attempted to establish an “Islamic State Center” in New Mexico that would teach ISIS ideology and provide training for individuals preparing to travel and fight on behalf of ISIS.
- Wilson faces up to 20 years in prison for each count. Here’s The Story from the DOJ.
Guilty Plea to Planning ISIS Attack in Queens
- Awais Chudhary, 22, pled guilty to attempting to provide material support to ISIS.
- Chudhary, who was born in Pakistan, pledged his loyalty to ISIS in 2019, began planning an attack on targets in Queens, and sought guidance from ISIS supporters.
- Chudhary faces up to 20 years in prison. Read More
- Awais Chudhary, 22, pled guilty to attempting to provide material support to ISIS.
- Chudhary, who was born in Pakistan, pledged his loyalty to ISIS in 2019, began planning an attack on targets in Queens, and sought guidance from ISIS supporters.
- Chudhary faces up to 20 years in prison. … Here’s The Story from FOX News.
Migrant Mobilization
Sweden: Leftist open-borders PM now says she’ll abolish Somali Muslim Sharia enclaves … Here’s The Story …

Prime Minister of Sweden Magdalena Andersson speaks during a joint press conference with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg prior to a NATO summit in Brussels, Monday, June 27, 2022. NATO heads of state will meet for a NATO summit in Madrid beginning on Tuesday, June 28. (AP Photo/Olivier Matthys)
ISI/DI: Unfortunately for this PM and for Sweden, it may be too late to close the barn doors. Like its neighbor, Denmark, who is projected to soon have more Muslims than it does Danes, Sweden may not be far behind with its “open doors” policy and migrant-filled ghettoes.
Civil Society Group Tied to Muslim Brotherhood Says “Mobilization Must Continue” After Expulsion Halted for French Imam Over Anti-Semitic Speeches … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: A ”civil society” group with ties to an anti-semitic terrorist organization says it must continue to mobilize … this is like an oxymoron. ”We are civil, but hate these people over here.”
Italy: Illegal Muslim migrants in 2022 top 50,000; 77,000 expected by year’s end … Here’s The Story …

June 7, 2014 – Mediterranean Sea / Italy: Italian navy rescues asylum seekers traveling by boat off the coast of Africa. More than 2,000 migrants jammed in 25 boats arrived in Italy June 12, ending an international operation to rescue asylum seekers traveling from Libya. They were taken to three Italian ports and likely to be transferred to refugee centers inland. Hundreds of women and dozens of babies, were rescued by the frigate FREMM Bergamini as part of the Italian navy’s “Mare Nostrum” operation, launched last year after two boats sank and more than 400 drowned. Favorable weather is encouraging thousands of migrants from Syria, Eritrea and other sub-Saharan countries to arrive on the Italian coast in the coming days. Cost of passage is in the 2,500 Euros range for Africans and 3,500 for Middle Easterners, per person. Over 50,000 migrants have landed Italy in 2014. Many thousands are in Libya waiting to make the crossing. (Massimo Sestini/Polaris)
ISI/DI: While Italy’s migrant situation is far less than that of the U.S., it is, nevertheless, a massive problem for Italy and not to be dismissed. Italy has over 8,000 kilometers — or 5,000 miles — of coastline, which can prove to be difficult to monitor all of the time. With its landmass protruding out into the Mediterranean, it’s like a welcome mat to migrants from North Africa.
Texas Governor Abbott: At least 81 people on terror watchlist caught at border during Biden’s handlers’ administration … Here’s The Story …

Nigeria: ‘We are dealing here with a sustained campaign to wipe out Christianity. No Christian is safe.’ … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Nigeria is in a very precarious situation. A Muslim running for president with another Muslim picked as his running mate — Christians have been excluded. A Muslim runs the military, who has been told not to concern themselves in situations involving Boko Haram.
Pakistan’s Shia Genocide … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Sunni Muslims are exterminating Shi’a Muslims in Pakistan. There always has to be somebody to kill in Islam.
Iranian journalist: Khamenei’s fatwa against nuclear weapons ‘can be reexamined’ … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Most of us already knew this, but Mr. Gharavi has just admitted that Islam believes in situational ethics.
Iran: Islamic Republic’s security forces shoot and kill 20-year-old woman who was getting ready to join protests … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: There is more to come on this in future issues. The murder of this young woman is setting off major protests in Iran — change could be in the air.
US General says Biden’s handlers’ sanctions relief for Iran will aid mullahs’ assassination plots … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: The general may be right, but other things have now come in to play that may make this a moot point. Unless drastic measures are taken quickly, Iran stands a good chance of undergoing significant change.
Iran: Man slaps woman, other men fight back on her behalf … Here’s The Story …

Iran’s state media crudely alters photo of pro-government rally to make it seem larger … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: The public is aware of the government’s tactics. More drastic measures will have to take place if the government is to succeed.
Iran: The Protesters are Not Cowed, and the Regime Has Been Shaken to Its Core … Here’s The Story …

President Of International Union Of Muslim Scholars (IUMS) Moroccan Islamic Scholar Ahmad Al-Raysouni In Controversial Interview: We Should Organize A Jihad March In Western Sahara And Algeria’s Tindouf; Establishing Mauritania Was A Mistake; Normalization With Israel Is A Mark Of Shame; Moroccan Jews Who Emigrated Were Traitors … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: No, there are no ”Ishmael Accords.” This is sarcasm aimed at those who wish to trash the Abraham Accords.

ISI/DI: Unless you truly hate peace, despise the Jewish race, and wish ill-will on the rest of the Middle East, there is hardly any other way to look at the Abraham Accords as ”the greatest deal ever made in the Middle East.”
Muqtada al-Sadr Retires: What Next in Iraq? … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Seems I was just talking about al-Sadr and the prospects of a civil war. Hopefully, a move like this would avert such a thing. With all the Iraq has gone through the last 20 years, I don’t think it could survive a civil war. Would be nice to think Sadr would put his country above himself. Not many do that, though. Just look at Erdogan.
At least 14 dead in rebel attacks in eastern DR Congo … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Al Jazeera now ups the count to 18, while defensepost.com says over a dozen others kidnapped.
Azerbaijani soldiers stab, rape, and dismember female Armenian soldier, video their crimes … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Nearly 90 percent of the Azeri people are of Iranian background. Again, Muslim treatment of others— Christians, women, other non-Muslims — they are all beneath Muslims. Therefore, Muslims have no respect, no regard, no compassion — for anyone, other than themselves.
Iran: Maryam Karimi’s Execution Carried Out by Daughter …Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: A daughter is forced to murder her mother on a trumped up violation of Shari’a law.
Germany: Four Muslim migrant teens sexually assault woman on the street … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Muslim rape gangs seem to be in a number of German cities. This one took place in Leipzig. We were just in Munich a little over a week ago. Octoberfest was just getting started, and at the location holding the event there were dozens of police and volunteer security personnel. When asked why security was so visible, one guard answered saying, ”We are with the counter-terrorism division.” Another young man said he was called up from another district and on temporary assignment to Munich.
It was easy to understand. In addition to all the tourists, there were also many families who attend the festivities. There were rides for children, restaurants, vendors — it very much reminded me of the Fulton County Fair we used to attend in the 1960s in Atlanta.
Suspected Jihadis Kill 11 Farmers in Niger … Here’s The Story …

New attacks in Mozambique’s Cabo Delgado drive displacement … Here’s The Story …

Five Christians Thrown Off Boat and Drowned in Uganda … Here’s The Story …

US prosecutors may negotiate plea deal with 9/11 architect Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, other conspirators … Here’s The Story …

Deadly intra-Shiite violence rattles Iraq’s Kurds … Here’s The Story …

Supporters of Iraqi Shiite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr rest during a protest against the nomination of a rival Shiite faction for the position of prime minister, outside the Iraqi parliament building in the Green Zone in the capital Baghdad, on August 25, 2022. – Tensions in the impoverished, war-scarred country have escalated over the inability of political factions to agree on formation of a government, 10 months after parliamentary elections. (Photo by AHMAD AL-RUBAYE / AFP) (Photo by AHMAD AL-RUBAYE/AFP via Getty Images)
ISI/DI: Most Kurds are Sunni Muslims, so with the tensions as high as they are right now in Iraq — some say Iraq is on the brink of a civil war, but it’s been this way since the topple of Saddam in 2003 — al-Sadr was pulling strings when we were posted there from 2004-2005, having formed a militia known as the Mahdi Army. Most of the problems then were in Mosul, several hours north of Baghdad, where ISIS fought a bloody battle with Iraqi troops and others.
Radical Islam’s Propaganda Machine
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Remember …
MUSLIMS are not the problem.
ISLAM is the problem.


VOLUME 1: Issue 29
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