There will be no e-letters between 09/18/2022 and 10/01/2022 as we will be out of the country, travelling through Eastern Europe.
Now on GETTR @Traveler13
Nigeria’s sharia blasphemy law not unconstitutional, court rules .. Here’s The Story ..

ISI/DI: This could be HUGE!!! That’s probably why you won’t see this from the main-stream media.
First, it quite possibly puts Nigeria firmly in the hands radical Islam’s, Boko Haram. And that in turn, would be a real win for the Islamic State — Nigeria is the most populated country in Africa, with over 206 million people, which is nearly twice the population of the number two country, Ethiopia, who has just over 115 million souls. Nigeria is over twice the size in population as it was in 1994 when I was there — 90 million at the time, and still the most populated country in Africa. Nigeria also provides the UN with a sizable number of military to help with their peace keeping missions.
The fact that a secular court has said that Shari’a is compatible with the Nigerian constitution will begin to be applied (perhaps not successfully, though) in other countries as well.
Nigeria’s general elections are scheduled for February, 2023. If you’ve kept up, you may recall that the ticket is usually split with one Muslim and one Christian. It seems to be a decade’s old tradition — and it will be broken in 2023. The lead candidate, a Muslim, has announced his running mate, who is also a Muslim. As a side note, the country is pretty evenly split between Muslims (in the north) and Christians (in the south). Muslims also run the military, who have been instructed to keep hands off of Boko Haram. None of this benefits the Christians.
It’s wait-and-see now — what will happen in the elections? It’s not a done-deal, though, not until the _ _ _ lady sings.
Pakistan girl refuses to marry friend’s dad; sexually assaulted, forced to lick shoes; her hair chopped … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Just one more of the ugly sides of Shari’a
Lebanese woman set on fire by husband in row over unwanted pregnancy dies in hospital … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Dead Murdered, at 21. Yes, Shari’a
Saudi woman gets 34 years in jail over Twitter use … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: This young lady is a Turkish pop singer. It seems she tweeted on Twitter about the educational system in Turkey. Now, her fate is unknown. The tweet? It was made about eight months ago. I guess the wheels of justice Shari’a move slow in Turkey, too.
Will engage with global community based on Sharia, says Taliban’s supreme leader Hibatullah Akhundzada … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: The Taliban are making it clear they will view everything through the lens of Shari’a. It will be the people of Afghanistan, though, who suffer the most.
It will be interesting to see how the rest of the world deals with Afghanistan — it will affect everything … imports, funding and finances … “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players.” — The Bard.
Let the games begin.
Tampa mosque event to feature one antisemitic imam and another who supports Sharia punishments … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: I guess ”freedom of speech” covers all hate.
France: Prominent imam says, ‘I make no distinction between Islamism and Islam. Islamism is Islam in action.’ … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Bottom line — radical Islam is Islam.
2014: Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan: ”… There is no moderate or immoderate Islam; Islam is Islam.” … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Bottom line — radical Islam is Islam.
Nabeel Qureshi (deceased), was an itinerant speaker with Ravi Zacharias International Ministries, grew up Muslim and had this to say:
“If I still believed in Islam, and if I wanted to be faithful to Muhammad, I would have a hard time not going to Syria right now to fight for ISIS. It seems like they’re doing what Islam commands.” … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Bottom line — radical Islam is Islam.
Denmark: Muslims boast that soon they will outnumber Danes, ‘soon you will be exterminated’ … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Denmark is seeing what it looks like when Muslims are true to the Islamic Playbook. They are now on the doorstep to outnumbering the Danes, themselves. Think what it must feel like to have the country of your birth … the country of your parents and possibly your grandparents birth, now dominated by a people who are set on world domination and your destruction … using the word, ”exterminated.” They care nothing about dominating Denmark — Denmark is simply a dot on the map that is on their way to dominating the world. And we are seeing it happen.
Open Borders.
If you will look at the website (discerning-slam.org), starting with Section: 1000, I have moved away from writing about Islam and what Muslims believe about themselves, their religion, their god, and world domination … and I am now laying out the tools — documents, court rulings, terrorism propaganda — and how and where they are on the move.
- SECTION 1000: People & Organizations Of Political Islam;
- SECTION 1100: Legal Documents Of Radical Islam (Pages From The Islamic Playbook);
- SECTION 1200: Other Documents Of Radical Islam;
- SECTION 1300: Propaganda Of Radical Islam;
- SECTION 1400: Terrorism and Links; Groups & Individuals (NEW!!! Coming 2024);
As I write this (09/2022), Section:1300 is being populated
Is Hamtramck, Michigan in the USA or Yemen?

ISI/DI: Hamtramck, surrounded by Detroit, is perhaps the only U.S. town with a Muslim majority population, as well as the first one governed entirely by Muslims. It’s newly-minted mayor, Amer Ghalib, has endorsed comments calling African Americans “animal[s],” Jews “monkeys,” and been accused of corruption and voter fraud. Yet the media insists on ignoring the Ghalib story. Why so? What does this mean for Hamtramck? Should Americans care?
Europe’s Twilight: Christianity Declines, Islam Rises … Here’s The Story …

PARIS, FRANCE – APRIL 15: Smoke and flames rise from Notre-Dame Cathedral on April 15, 2019 in Paris, France. A fire broke out on Monday afternoon and quickly spread across the building, collapsing the spire. The cause is yet unknown but officials said it was possibly linked to ongoing renovation work. (Photo by Veronique de Viguerie/Getty Images)
ISI/DI: What affect has Islam had on Europe? The Ottoman Empire fell in the early 1920s, after ruling for 400 years. Since that time, Islam seemed to be in a state of decline. But, was it really? Personally, I think it was in a state of quiet rage.
Not long after Ataturk took Turkey on a trip of secular exploration, the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) took hold, starting in Egypt. Today, MB is a worldwide terror organization, who has created in America alone, over 50 other Muslim organizations. These businesses — that’s what they are — work in a wide range, a spectrum if you will, of business functions: some address welfare; some youth; others hospitality; community organizers (that’s what Obama was before national politics); some are organized to keep people in touch with their homeland; there are all manner of functions being filled. They all have one thing in common, though — money — lots of money. Not just money itself, though. It’s generated by memberships, dues, gifts, even legitimate businesses — they all give back to something. Charities give to other charities … some of it is momey-laundering, to disguise where it is really going as well as where it really came from. Much of it though, goes to support terrorism. Terrorism overseas, terrorism at home.
Politics. Take the UK for example. England’s largest city and capital has a Muslim mayor, as do several other cities throughout the country. They can also be found in Parliament. Germany has several no-go-zones. Not a Muslim? Don’t go there.
In Europe, we now see Muslim rape gangs operating in the UK, Germany, and France — and probably elsewhere. There is not one western European country that has not been flooded with Muslim migrants. Denmark … Muslims are on the precipice of outnumbering the Danes, themselves. And Sweden is not far behind.
What is happening? The Ottomans fell in 1923. MB started in 1928. It took several years to find its way, but I believe the MB and through its worldwide affiliates, put together the Islamic Playbook … a plan of action that would — they hope — lead to world domination. The plan is general and it’s generic. It can and does work in just about every country. It starts with migration, legal migration. And it develops into illegal migration. It benefits from sanctuary cities and open borders. The Plan calls for the infiltration, not acclimation, of every country: building mosques; establishing businesses, and promoting charities; succeeding in politics; no-go-zones where Shari’a can be implemented.
Just as Europe is being infiltrated, Africa is being coerced. Europe is seeing England and Ireland being challenged; France is in turmoil; Denmark and Sweden are about to be outnumbered; Germany, Italy, Greece, Austria … all have large amounts of Muslims.
Africa … northern Africa is all Muslim; down the west coast, through central Africa, up the west coast. Virtually every` country is fighting to maintain its very existence.
Islamic scholar: Defensive jihad is abrogated in Qur’an, we will conquer the world and kill all Jews in Palestine … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Abrogate: In Islam, abrogation has not so much to do with the way the Qur’an is constructed but the way it is read, or even more, the way it is to be understood.
Now, if that is understood, I’ll try to throughly confuse you. When reading a book, we typically read and understand it from front to back, beginning to end. Not so, the Qur’an. The Qur’an is to be understood starting with the longest chapter to the shortest chapter. This means that if chapter 28, being a long chapter, it is read first. Chapter two might be a short chapter, so it is read last. If chapter 28 says to love Christians and Jews, but the second chapter says to hate and kill them, then is is this chapter which takes precedence because of abrogation.
Confused? You should try explaining it.
Mozambique: 80,000 people displaced as jihadists launch renewed offensive … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Mozambique has been struggling for months, fighting the Islamic State — and not winning. Now, we see that thousands of people have been displaced.
New Mexico: Man converts to Islam, tries to set up jihad training center for the Islamic State … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: In 2018, Christopher Wray, director of the FBI, said they had on-going investigations, monitoring suspected Islamists in every state. Don’t be fooled into thinking that radical Islamists are not in our country and planning their next attack.
‘Long live the Islamist revolution. We will be the masters of France. We will come for all of you, it will be soon.’ … Here’s The Story …
ISI/DI: These words speak for themselves.
On Al-Jazeera, Children Of Recently Killed Gaza Islamic Jihad Commander Khaled Mansourn Brandish Rifles, Pledge To Follow In His Footsteps: Our Father’s Martyrdom Makes Us Happy And Proud … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Children … never having a childhood … but ready to be the next killing-machine.
Four nuns kidnapped in southeast Nigeria on their way to mass … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Until recently, most attacks on Christians were in the North. Now, with the military being told to turn a blind eye to the activities of Boko Haram, an all-Muslim ticket in the general elections in 2023, Nigeria is set to fall and perhaps, become the next Islamic State.
Nigerian girl, 17, escapes month in locked room after abduction and forcible conversion to Islam … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: A brave and very fortunate young lady.
Dozens killed in al-Shabaab attack on Somali Hotel … Here’s The Story …
ISIS goes global: 143 attacks in 29 countries have killed 2,043 … Here’s The Story …
ISI/DI: ISIS is alive and well (by its standards).
Israeli delegation pays rare visit to Indonesia … Here’s The Story …

This aerial picture shows traditional fishing boats moored at a pier in Jakarta on May 5, 2022. (Photo by BAY ISMOYO / AFP) (Photo by BAY ISMOYO/AFP via Getty Images)
ISI/DI: Israel sends a delegation to the most populated Islamic country in the world. The only thing I can think of is that Trump and Pompeo paid attention to the details when crafting the Abraham Accords — and it’s paying off big-time for all involved.
Senior Democratic, Republican Senators call on Biden administration to support Kurdistan Region in disputes with Baghdad … Here’s The Story …

Israel-Turkish reconciliation takes shape … Here’s The Story …

The flags of (L to R) Turkey, Israel, and the Israeli army armoured corps fly at the Yad La-Shiryon Tank Museum in Latrun, about 30 kilometres west of Jerusalem, on August 18, 2022. – Israel and Turkey on August 16 announced the resumption of full diplomatic ties following years of strained relations between the Mediterranean nations. Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid hailed the step as an “important asset for regional stability and very important economic news for the citizens” of the Jewish state. Lapid had held a phone call with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, during which they agreed the move would “lead to many achievements, especially in the fields of commerce and tourism”, his office said. (Photo by GIL COHEN-MAGEN / AFP) (Photo by GIL COHEN-MAGEN/AFP via Getty Images)
ISI/DI: This on-again-off-again relationship has many baffled, with some highly critical of Turkey, calling her a traitor to Islam. Israel and Turkey have been at peace for many years though and both countries have profited from it. This is just one more tightrope, though, that Turkey has chosen to walk.
Pro-Jihad Kuwaiti Islamic Scholar And Muslim Brotherhood Leader Tareq Al-Suwaidan: Muslims In The West Should Advocate Against Zionism On University Campuses — Like My Daughter At Harvard … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: The irony of it all. I wonder if his daughter qualifies for the $20,000 tax-payer expense loan-forgiveness program?
Click or tap ➡️: Material Support For Terrorism
Click or tap ➡️: Shura Council Report On The Future Of The Group
Click or tap ➡️: A Guide To Names And Naming Practices
Click or tap ➡️: Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist Designation
Click or tap ➡️: Shari’a And Violence In American Mosques
Click or tap ➡️: Perspectives on Terrorism – #5-6
Click or tap ➡️: Statement Of Facts
Click or tap ➡️: U.S. District Court – Northern District of Texas
Click or tap ➡️: North American Islamic Trust (NAIT) Purchase
Click or tap ➡️: NAIT Sale
Click or tap ➡️: Terrorist Groups’ Thesaurus
Click or tap ➡️: Al-Qaida’s Sahara Playbook
Remember …
MUSLIMS are not the problem.
ISLAM is the problem.


VOLUME 1: Issue 27
See COPYRIGHT information below.