The Institute for the Study of Islam is a non-profit think-tank committed to counter-terrorism by helping others understand the enemy. The enemy is not Muslims . . . the enemy is Islam.

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Islamist Extremism

Minnesota Doctor Pleads Guilty to Supporting ISIS

  • Muhammad Masood, 30, a licensed medical doctor from Pakistan living in Rochester, Minn., under an H-1B Visa, pled guilty to attempting to provide material support for ISIS.
  • From January-March 2020, Masood made several statements to paid informants whom he believed were ISIS members, pledging his allegiance to the group and expressing his desire to travel to Syria to fight for ISIS.  … Here’s The Story …

ISIS ‘Beatle’ Sentenced to Life in Prison

  • Former British citizen El Shafee Elsheikh, 33, was sentenced to life in prison for his participation in a brutal hostage-taking scheme that resulted in the deaths of four American citizens as well as the deaths of British and Japanese nationals.
  • Elsheikh and two other ISIS members supervised the detention facilities where the hostages were held. …. Here’s The Story …

Texas Man Sentenced in Honor Killing of His Teen Daughters

  • Yaser Abdel Said was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole after being found guilty of capital murder in the 2008 killings of his two daughters.
  • Said was a fugitive for 12 years and spent six years on the FBI’s 10 Most Wanted List before he was arrested in August 2020.
  • Police called the murders “honor killings” because his two teenage daughters were living a secular, American lifestyle. …. Here’s The Story …


Russia offers Erdogan economic lifelineHere’s The Story …

Russian President Vladimir Putin meets with Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Tehran on July 19, 2022. – Iran’s president will host his Russian and Turkish counterparts for talks on the Syrian war in a three-way summit overshadowed by fallout from the Russian invasion of Ukraine. (Photo by Sergei SAVOSTYANOV / SPUTNIK / AFP) (Photo by SERGEI SAVOSTYANOV/SPUTNIK/AFP via Getty Images)

ISI/DI: One of these days Erdogan is going to step out too far. Turkey is a member of NATO, yet Erdogan fosters ambitions of a new Ottoman Empire, with himself as caliph of the new caliphate; he rubs shoulders with Russia, while baiting the U.S. on arms sales; Turkey has been a member of NATO for 70 years, having joined in 1952, yet, Erdogan also seeks and finds favor with Russia even though the former Soviet Union invaded and ruled Turkey from 1936 until 1946. And that, as they say — makes it complicated.

Turkish delegation heads to US for F-16 jets talksHere’s The Story …


ISI/DI: Turkey gets economic aid from Russia and wants to buy F-16 jets from America. Wait until Erdogan finds out we don’t take Russian Roubles and the Turkish Lira can hardly go lower.


Chad introduces fines for those who reject marriage proposalsHere’s The Story …


ISI/DI: What the headlines don’t say is that this ”ruling” is based on the Qur’an and is not a fan of women’s rights.


Does Killing Jihadist Leaders Matter?Here’s The Story …


ISI/DI: Radical Islam has lost more leaders in the last six months than it did in the first six years following 9/11. Yet, there is always one more to climb out of the tunnels.

Palestinian Islamic Scholar Dr. Mohammed Afeef Shadid: Our Goal Is To Spread Islam Throughout The Globe; We Will Liberate Palestine By The Sword, Kill All The Jews In ItHere’s The Story …


ISI/DI: These guys can hardly be any more clear about their intentions. And some of them are in our Congress and other public offices and would like nothing more than to introduce Shari’a.

Arabic-Speaking YouTube, Twitter, And Facebook Users Describe Severe Drought In Europe As Sign Of The End Times … … Here’s The Story …


ISI/DI: From “spreading Islam around the globe” (see above) to seeing a “sign of the end times” is not that far apart for many Muslims … in fact, the two go hand-in-hand.

Suspected Islamists Militants Murder 20 In East Congo Village AttacksHere’s The Story …


ISI/DI: 20 here …

42 Malian soldiers killed in suspected Islamist attackHere’s The Story …

ISI/DI: 42 there …

Burkina Faso: At least 50 killed in jihadist attack on eastern rural villageHere’s The Story …


ISI/DI: another 50 over here …

Life is cheap to some.

Knifeman stabbed wife 27 times in the neck in front of their horrified young childrenHere’s The Story …


ISI/DI: This must be the U.K., because this sort of thing just doesn’t happen in the U.S…. Unless —

Hate crime fizzle in New Mexico: Murderer of Shi’ite Muslims turns out to be a Sunni group Muslim, not an ‘Islamophobe’Here’s The Story …


ISI/DI: — Unless you’re a Sunni Muslim with a grudge against Shi’a Muslims.

Want to know more about the rift between the Sunni’s and the Shi’as? Click to know about Sunni Islam; and click to know more about Shi’a Islam; then, you can click to learn about what separates them.




ISI/DI: And they’ve been doing just that, all across central Africa.

Cameroon: Muslims murder one soldier and five civilians in jihad raids . Here’s The Story .


ISI/DI: Cameroon, a new country added to our list. Cameroon is in west-central Africa, bordered by Nigeria to the west and north and the Atlantic Ocean to the south-west. The most likely group of Muslims would be Boko Haram, although, that is not yet confirmed.

Saudi Writer Abdullah Bin Bijad Al-Otaibi: Iran Has Friends From The Obama And Biden Administrations; Obama Aimed For Peace With Iran, Wanted The Muslim Brotherhood, Other Terrorist Groups To Control the Arab Countries


ISI/DI: Finally … CONFIRMATION … of what we all knew. There were numerous Muslims who were attached to the Obama White House providing counsel and advice. Those same Muslims are now working with the Biden administration.

Obama wanted peace with Iran, and to place the Muslim Brotherhood and other terrorist groups in control of the Arab countries following the Arab Spring.

The Left has charged Trump with working with Russia to sell out America. We all know now that was a lie; the Left also tried to tear a part his administration, going after one person at a time. While a number of lives have been ruined, we also know those were lies.

The real traitors to America — Obama, Biden, Clinton, Schumer, Schiff, Swalwell, Pelosi, Waters …

What ever happened to the oath of office that nearly all government employees and elected officials are supposed to take — “to protect this country from all enemies, foreign and domestic.”

The Left has tried their best to convict Trump of treason, when it is the above individuals who are the actual traitors. There was a time when people went to prison … received life sentences in prison … were executed — shot, hung, electric chair — our country has been weakened and nations such as China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea are seeking to find the linchpin that will once and for all, topple our once great nation.

All patriots should be deeply saddened by this. The people of this once great nation deserve better … much, much better than these low-lifes have given. They are not to be respected. Respect is something that must be earned. In fact, their actions should be found as treasonous. They were elected to serve, to give their best for the betterment of our country; not to gey-get-get. Instead, they have gone to Washington with very little in their pockets only to become multi-millionaires a short time later.


Click or tap ➡️: Defense Of The Muslim Lands

Click or tap ➡️: Methodology Of Dawah

Click or tap ➡️: Islamic Circle Of North America

Click or tap ➡️: Al-Qaeda Training Manual

Click or tap ➡️: Management Of Savagery

Click or tap ➡️: The Myth Of Delusion

Click or tap ➡️: Muslim Brotherhood Network

Click or tap ➡️: Ten Year Programme Of Action

Click or tap ➡️: Islamic Society Of Greater Chattanooga Deed

Click or tap ➡️: The Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam

Click or tap ➡️: Charter of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference 

Click or tap ➡️: Towards A Worldwide Strategy For Islamic Policy

Click or tap ➡️: Milestones

Click or tap ➡️: Muslim Brotherhood An Explanatory Memorandum – Strategy

Click or tap ➡️: Muslim Brotherhood Implementation Manual

Click or tap ➡️: Teaching About Islam And Muslims In The Public School Classroom

Click or tap ➡️: Directory of Policy Experts on Islamic Studies & Muslim Affairs

Click or tap ➡️: Islamic Circle North America (ICNA) Members’ Handbook

Click or tap ➡️: Islamic Circle Of North America (ICNA)

Click or tap ➡️: Building Bridges To Strengthen America

Click or tap ➡️: NYPD Report – Radicalization In The West – The Homegrown Threat

Click or tap ➡️: The Quranic Concept Of Power


MUSLIMS are not the problem.

ISLAM is the problem.


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VOLUME 1: Issue 26

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