Islamists Try to Renew Push for Ilhan Omar’s Flawed ‘Islamophobia’ Bill .. Here’s The Story ..

ISI/DI: The “Islamists” referred to are Muslim front organizations representing the Muslim Brotherhood (MB). You see, the United States has not yet labeled the MB a terrorist organization and they are trying to cover what ever tracks might lead back to them. With dozens of Islamic organizations established in the United States — all by the MB and with representatives in each state — the MB wants to try and distance themselves from any potential problems.
The greater question here, though, is what are our two Muslim Congresswomen doing and what is their involvement with the MB?

US-Israel ties: From the Abraham Accords to the Biden visit … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Biden would have done far better — and have things he could actually — and truthfully — boast about, had he just followed on with many of the prior administration’s policies.
Weirdly, Lebanon Signs Deal to Import Gas from Israel …Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: A little trust with one can go a loooooong way.
Israel to advance joint industrial zone with Jordan … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Israel and Jordan are next door neighbors. They have a history together that literally spans biblical timelines. Both hold a particular interest for me, though, having lived and worked in each.
We lived in Israel for two years (2002-2004), where I worked in the Consular section of the U.S. Embassy. Following that, I lived in Jordan (2004), as part of a team that was setting up entry and exit points for all American civilian personnel who would be working in the Green Zone of Iraq, where we lived from 2004-2005. This job had me bouncing back and forth between Jordan and Kuwait (the two locations identified for entry/exit to/from Iraq).
Now, to see both countries working together, establishing areas of trust, working for peace … and there is still such a long way to go. But, they are making progress.
ISI/DI: Everyone knew it before he went; everyone knew when he was there; everyone knew it after he returned. Maybe he just forgot about it.
Nigerian Christians Protest Muslim-Muslim Ticket as a ‘Declaration of War’ … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: It was just an issue or two ago I reported on this very thing. The history behind this has been that the ruling party has someone from the opposing party as a running mate. This marks the first time in several decades of not following the tradition.
Now, it’s going to be an all-Muslim government … if he wins.
Nigeria: Muslims storm military checkpoint and open fire, killing several soldiers … Here’s The Story ..

ISI/DI: This is an odd turn of events, considering the revelations in the last issue (#23) of the military turning a blind eye to the terrorist activities of Boko Haram.
Turkish Public School Textbook Promotes Armed Jihad … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: And Erdogan endorses it; and his plans for a second Ottoman Empire; a member of NATO; a keeper of nuclear arms. What a tangled web he weaves. Which side does he sit on, though?
Power, an illusive aphrodisiac. I started following Erdogan in 2014, two years before the plot was made on his life. Some call it a coupe — others say he made the attempt himself.
What ever took place, he has led a colorful life. He’s been in politics for over 30 years, much of that time at Turkey’s helm.
He’s been a western ally for many years, but also has a past relationship with the former Soviet Union during the Cold War. He ushered Turkey into the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and keeps an undisclosed number and type of nuclear weapons, while having dreams of establishing a new caliphate — a revived Ottoman Empire. He’s allowed terrorists from Hamas, Hezbollah, Al Qaida and the Islamic State to settle in Turkey, while offering them Turkish citizenship and passports — a possible mercenary army that would report directly to him.
For now, though, he is training a new era of jihadists — to what end?
India: Nine Islamic legal scholars arrested for running jihad camp in madrassa … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Some Muslims in India have recently turned over a militant page. Now, seeing that the clergy are teaching jihad in their schools, we can expect to see more of this in the coming years and decades.
Our world has moved a long way from the terrorists and terrorism that made their mark from the 1960’s to the 1980’s. From small, localized terror groups that want to be heard, or make a point regarding a situation to militias fighting a government, we now have major mercenary terrorism creating cell groups around the world. Small groups spring up and are attracted to the larger groups and it grows from there.
Terror organizations like Al Qaida and ISIS are just that, large organizations with millions of dollars and thousands of foot soldiers, spread throughout the world. Society has grown to a point that the world is becoming unmanageable, with its billions of people.
Some dream and plan of a ”New World Order.” It’s not likely that there will be any ”New World Order,” though, considering the time and resources (need vs. availability), it just isn’t feasible. We are already on a short fuse and it seems to be burning from both ends with a match at its center-point. We would do well to pay attention to today’s needs without taking on more unmanageable tasks.
The Next Generation of Jihad Suicide Bombers is Being Trained at an Islamic School in Houston … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: We don’t think of this happening in America. The madrassas (Arabic for educational institutions) across the Middle East or southeast Asia — or Turkey and India — are the usual places we might think of when it comes to educating Muslim children in the art of being a jihad suicide bomber. But, Houston? Someone is asleep at the wheel.
There have been signs all over the place, but no one has connected the dots. What signs? A number of places — like Texas or South Carolina — have been approached concerning the implementation of Shari’a, Islamic law. Fortunately, they were wise enough to vote “NO.” They won’t be the last, though. There are currently a new and more vocal group of Muslims holding political office, and they have their eye on transforming our country — ALL of our country, into something quite different.
UK: Muslim rape gang leader strolls around near the scene of his crimes after serving half of his sentence … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: The leader went to jail — the gang continued on, and is still operating. There are numerous ”rape gangs” working in Britain, Germany, and other European communities. They use as their defense, “what I do is allowed in my country,” or ”my religion permits me to do this.” And they continue on, no one calling their bluff. They need to be held accountable to the communities in which they live.
DR Congo: Muslims murder 24 people in jihad raids on two villages, most were beheaded … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: No longer taking hostages it seems. Perhaps hostages are too much of a burden for small raiding parties. Sometimes it gets to be quite a bit to comprehend.
Terrorists flog kidnapped train victims in fresh video … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Terrorist often abuse their victims, but it’s usually preceding their death. I’ve not encountered flogging — unless they are to be sent off to the slave trade.
India: Muslim stalks Hindu girl for a year, rapes her, forces her to convert to Islam … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Terrorism, yes; just ask the young girl. But, it’s also Shari’a
Rashida Tlaib campaign events in 2018 were organized by alleged terror financiers … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Everyone complains about the ”squad,” but no one brings them up on charges. Too afraid of the ”I” word — Islamophobia. This is the new Democrat party … people move around in fear and anxiety.
Islamic scholar in Canada tells woman who converted to Islam that she is no longer married to her infidel husband … Here’s The STORY …

ISI/DI: This is faster than Vegas!!
Click or tap ➡️: Human Trafficking: Human Trafficking In The Context Of A Global Pandemic (Part 1 of a 7 part series)
Click or tap ➡️: Human Trafficking: Human Trafficking Defined (Part 2 of a 7 part series)
Click or tap ➡️: Muslim Brotherhood Implementation Manual (in Arabic with English Translation)
Click or tap ➡️: Islamic Action For Palestine (in Arabic with English Translation)
MUSLIMS are not the problem.
ISLAM is the problem.
ISLAM is the problem.


VOLUME 1: Issue 23
July , 2022
See COPYRIGHT information below.