Pakistan’s Minister of Health: Populate the World with Muslims … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: I don’t know if this qualifies as ’terrorism,’ but the thought of more radicalized Muslims to contend with is not something I look forward to.
Had this come from some place other than Pakistan … or Iran … or Nigeria … or Afghanistan … or … Like I said, the thought of more radicalized Muslims to contend with is not something I look forward to.
Nigerian soldier: “We consider them ‘Government Boys,’ you catch a Boko Haram, you get an order ‘don’t harm him’ … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: This explains an awful lot. Boko Haram has run rampant through Nigeria as well as some of the surrounding countries as if they had carte blanche, murdering, raping, pillaging — and now, a Nigerian soldier drops a bomb shell, which I’m guessing the military and government (run by Muslims) would not want known.
Why? Blackmail? Pretty hard to blackmail an entire government. More likely, ideology … and how much they subscribe to it … now, it makes me wonder who the head of Boko Haram is — and might they have a high … very high — position in the military or the civilian government itself. I expect we’ll be hearing more soon.
Could ISIS make a comeback? … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Up-again-down-again. ISIS is on a leader-loss roll right now. They’ve lost three leaders in nearly as many months.
Maybe the word is getting out that being the leader of ISIS carries more bad karma than it’s worth.
This Syrian refugee camp is incubating the next-generation ISIS … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Here’s one answer to the “ISIS comeback” question. The training of children. Where local laws still allow the practice of polygamy, camps such as this will keep the insurgents’ terror organization well supplied. Until … or unless things take a turn, we could be at war not just for decades, but generations.
Until it is realized that Islam is a political and religious entity, attempting to mirror not just Judaism and Christianity, but the religions of pre-Islamic Arabia as well, caught up in its own eschatology, we will continue to fight “radical Islam” on its own terms.
The underlying direction of Islam, from its inception to present day has been towards world domination: one religion, that of Islam, ending with Armageddon. Islam is not a religion of peace. That perhaps has been the big lie throughout history. One need only look at their final destination to know that Islam is a religion of the lesser JIHAD.
India: Muslims attack police team, murder one, injure two others … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: I’ve yet to see a report where the police take any action, either in defense of non-Muslims (other Indians) or where they charge Muslims for any aggressions. It can be a hard, cold world out there … most have no idea of the safe-haven we call America. And yet, they seek to destroy it.
Sweden: ’13-year-old Ethiopian’ who raped and tried to murder 9-year-old girl turns out to be adult Muslim … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: How does something like this happen? People are afraid of being put in the spotlight of Islamophobia. Being accused has them terrified. This is because we let happen. Instead of standing up and taking a firm position, we’ve let a card be played — it’s called Islamophobia, and the other side knows how to play it all too well
Egypt: Enraged Muslim mob throws rocks at Christian homes, starts fires after church gets legal recognition … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: This must have happened with a lot of fanfare. Christianity is not new to Egypt. The Coptics have been there following a visit by the Apostle Mark, around 33 AD, which predates Islam by nearly 600 years.
India: Muslim threatens to rape and murder 15-year-old girl for criticizing jihad murder of Hindu tailor … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Lack of decency and a moral compass.
UK: Muslim rape gang activity went on for decades, nothing was done for fear of being ‘Islamophobic’ … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: This is the result of doing nothing about their crimes, and provides an understanding to the saying, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
At Least 12 Killed in Raids on Northern Togo Villages … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Togo, another ”first timer” added to our list. What do we know about Togo? It’s a sliver of a country wedged in between Benin and Ghana and on a path due west from Nigeria — definite Boko Haram territory; 44 percent Christian and 14 percent Islam. The rest are mostly tribal beliefs. Population — under nine million.
Bangladesh: Muslim mob vandalizes Hindu temple, homes and shops over Facebook post … Here’s The Post …

ISIS planned chemical attacks in Europe, new details on weapons program reveal … Here’s The Story …

France will ‘never give in to Islamist terrorism,’ says Macron after policewoman’s killing … Here’s The Story …
India: Jihad group forms team of 40 people to behead people who support Nupur Sharma … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Relentlessly spinning wheels about … the truth? These people just will not quit. If you’ve missed comments in previous TIPS, let me know and I’ll bring you up to date.
India: Muslims threaten to kill young Hindu for posting picture of Nupur Sharma on Instagram … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: I hope this ends soon.
Israel, Morocco sign MoU to further tighten their business relationship … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: One has to wonder how much more the Accords have to give. While it has certainly been a boon for Israel, it has no doubt benefitted other countries as well. While Israel is enjoying extended peace offerings, they are also tapping into fresh business, labor, and finances. Others, for their part, are getting Israeli technology which is also cutting edge. Yes, this gift just keeps on giving.
These five articles may not say much on their own outside of their title, however, when tied together, I believe they say quite a bit about Turkey and the slippery slope she has been walking on … Russia, Syria, NATO, Israel, Greece, the United States … Turkey and Russia have a history from the Cold War; Turkey is in a war with Greece now, over some of the Aegean Islands as well as Cyprus; Turkey is involved in the Syrian war; Turkey has been an ally of the United States for over 30 years; and, Turkey seems to be in a “love-hate” relationship with Israel — one of the few countries at peace with Israel (accept when she’s not) following the 1967 war.
Anyway, it’s a real mess — but, if you have the interest, these posts may help clear some of it up.
‘Turkey hurting NATO by undermining Israel ties’ … Here’s The Story …

Why is Turkey Still in NATO? . Here’s The Story .

Turkey: Advocating for Alliances with the U.S. and Israel Can Be Criminal .. Here’s The Story ..

The U.S.-Turkey-Israel Triangle … Here’s The Story …

Islamist Lobby Day: Congress Welcomes Turkish-Backed Extremists to Capitol .. Here’s The Story ..

Turkey’s economy stands to suffer from euro’s downturn … Here’s The Story …

A currency exchange vendor shows a sheaf of Euro currency notes at Tahtakale in Istanbul, on March 22, 2021. – Turkish officials tried to calm the turmoil triggered by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s abrupt decision to sack his reformist central bank chief, insisting they would stick with free market rules.The lira lost as much as 17 percent against the dollar on the first day of trading after Erdogan replaced market-friendly economist Naci Agbal with former ruling party member Sahap Kavcioglu at the key post. (Photo by Ozan KOSE / AFP) (Photo by OZAN KOSE/AFP via Getty Images)
ISI/DI: Turkey’s economy hasn’t been this bad in nearly 20 years. It rivals Peru back in the 1980’s and Zimbabwe in the early 2000’s — where we lived just short of four years — in the early 2000’s. We witnessed people on payday arriving with wheelbarrows, 90 gallon trash bags, etc., just to carry their cash home. And for what? Grocery stores had little stock; gas stations were closed; butcher shops sold out within an hour of opening.
Peru was not much different. I saw grocery stores there with brown butcher paper taped to the wall, where the inflation was tracked; prices going up, literally by the minute. The butcher paper looked like the stock market, only in a deep nose dive.
I was an outsider in all three cases — Turkey, Peru, and Zimbabwe, so pretty much unaffected. However, I had friends, third-coumtry nationals, who lived through it everyday. It broke our hearts to see it happen.
Efraim Inbar: Israel Will Confront Iran Militarily, Deal or No Deal .. Here’s The Story ..
ISI/DI: As you are probably aware, there is a lot of going-back-and-forth, a ’we-said, they-said,’ only it’s progressing to be more than talk — Israel is ready to take the lead even as the U.S. twiddles away the time. Iran says they have the ability, but no decision as yet on what — or when — they may start production.
Khamenei’s Foreign Policy Advisor Kamal Kharrazi: Iran Has Become A Nuclear Threshold Country – We Have The Technical Capability To Produce A Nuclear Bomb … Here’s The Story …
ISI/DI: But, will they? If this is the real thing, why all the blunder-bus and threats. I mean, this is Iran, they hate America, they hate Israel. Why the foot-dragging?

ISI/DI: The short answer seems to be — maybe, yes. Interesting article … and scary.

ISI/DI: That makes it sound like the meeting with Biden did not go so well. Did the U.S. pull back its support of Israel, leaving them little choice but to move on their own? Israel will … and they are able. I would not want to be the one betting against them.
‘Iran has the technical means to produce a nuclear bomb but there has been no decision by Iran to build one’ … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Israel has always said they would attack Iran before she could build a nuclear weapon. But, why is Iran dragging her feet?
Sudanese court sentences womano(I to death by stoning … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Sudan takes Shari’a (Islamic law) seriously. Very.
Muslim Leader Blames Rising Meat Prices On Women’s Skimpy Clothes, ‘Naked Bodies’ … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: It is really comforting to know that these guys place such a high value on women, protecting their rights and all. I understand one Muslim man os assigned to protect four women at a time.
Click or tap ➡️: ICNA Member’s Handbook/Manual
Click or tap ➡️: Phases Of World Underground Movement Plan
Click or tap ➡️: Muslim Brotherhood – An Explanatory Memorandum: Strategy
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MUSLIMS are not the problem.
ISLAM is the problem.

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VOLUME 1: Issue 23
July , 2022
See COPYRIGHT information below.