UN says Taliban have murdered over 100 ex-Afghan and international forces, contrary to promises of tolerance qn

ISI/DI: Why is it that the only ones surprised . … Shocked? … by this, is the Biden administration? The Taliban, as shocking as it may sound, are doing exactly what they’ve been doing from the beginning. It doesn’t matter what they’ve said, whatever agreement they may have made, because if Muslims lie, they don’t see it as a problem. They see lying as a means to an end, and the only thing that is important to them is reaching that end. This is a principle taught and believed in Islam going back a thousand years. That same principle exists today in the West . . . we call it situational ethics. So if you find their actions surprising or shocking, go back and find their original purpose. When you do, there you will also find their ”end.”
Uganda: Muslims beat Christian evangelist with iron bar, ‘Today Allah has called you, and you are going to meet him’

ISI/DI: We have no idea what it means to live under these conditions . . . constant fear that you may be the next one attacked by vicious savages. There is no other term I can think of to use for people who act this way. Keep in mind, though – not all, not even most, Muslims act this way – only those who have been radicalized by the belief in Islamic eschatology.
Africa represents a real boon to radical Islam. North Africa – not radical . . . but still Muslim; the jihadists are working up and down the African coasts – on both sides of the continent. Nigeria . . . Nigeria wants to be a caliphate, is trying to act like one, and is still a work in progress.
Boko Haram is the Al Qaeda and/or ISIS of Central Africa. They have terrorized Nigeria and neighboring countries to the east – from Kenya and Uganda, and countries in-between.
Other groups are working their way up from the island of Madagascar, off the south eastern coast; Mozambique, Tanzania, even South Africa have felt the tendrils of radical Islam. Everything is a ”watch-and-see.” My fear though is that people will wait too long before attempting to take any action. It’s like the frog who goes to swim in a pot of water; then the flame is lit and the pot is under a slow burner. The frog never new he was being cooked. That’s the way I see Islam having moved for the last 100 years, since the 1920s or so.
It all comes back to the “Islamic Playbook” I’ve referred to so often. The playbook is real. It’s generic in nature, and made to order or customize for each and every country . . . and it works. One only has to look at the current world migration now taking place by Muslims; they have worked their way from the Middle East and North Africa up through Turkey and Greece, Italy, Spain. Into the Scandinavian countries, Germany, France, and the United Kingdom.
Muslim organizations – Hamas, Hezbollah, Muslim Brotherhood, and others – are working their way through Latin America, coming up our own southern borders and making their way into and throughout the United States. As this migration takes place – here, Europe and elsewhere – you will see Muslims staking out their territory, starting businesses, running for local and national seats or other places of government.
They do not assimilate; they have no intention of doing so. Rather, they begin to turn government around, to fit their goals, laying the groundwork for the introduction of Islamic Law, Shari’a. And, they do this all legally using our own laws and systems of government.
To see how this really works, take a look at Britain. Being close to the continent as well as being a global hub, migration has occurred naturally and deliberately. In addition to the mayor of London who is Muslim, Muslims also hold seats in parliament as well as positions of mayor and others throughout the country. This is easy to verify – just Google it.
Thus far, we see Islam on two main tracks of infiltration . . . one track is that of terrorizing and physically taking control of governments, as in Africa; the other track is through migration and working their way into and through a country, using that country’s own laws to gain control as seen in the U.S. and some European nations.
That leaves two other areas left to dominate. One is Eastern Europe. Oddly enough, Eastern Europe has been a bit tough for Muslims to crack. Hungary and Poland – these two are out front – others to a lesser degree. They have a zero tolerance when it comes to Muslim migration. Not that it can’t be cracked, it just hasn’t been so far.
The other area is Asia. Areas of Southeast Asia are predominantly Sunni Islam, from Indonesia to Malaysia, Bangladesh and parts of Thailand. Australia is infiltrated, but looks more like the UK.
China and Russia . . . vehemently opposed to Islam. Each country’s own ideology – China is Communist, and the most populous country in the world; China is the second largest country in the world. Russia, having left Communism . . . is still a work very much in progress to . . . something, and is the largest country in the world. Both countries challenging in their own right for very different and very similar reasons.
Wisconsin: Mediagenic Afghan Arrested for Sexual Assault, Mayor Says ‘This Doesn’t Define All Afghan Refugees’

ISI/DI: The mayor is right, this does not define all Afghan refugees. Which is exactly why we have a vetting system that helps determine who should and who should not have access to our country. This happens to be one area I know a little something about, having worked in the Councilor’s office at the US Embassy in Israel. There were all sorts of people wanting to gain access to America, applying for visas, hoping to be approved . . . Israelis, Palestinians, Arabs, etc. Not all were people we wanted in our country. There were some Israelis who just did not qualify – wanting to come to America while leaving no one back in Israel. We were providing part-time visits. If they leave no one behind, they have no reason to return. Stamped, NO. At the same time, there were Arabs who wanted a visa. They were visiting friends in America, had children and other family living in Israel along with a business they owned. Chance of coming back? Excellent. Stamped, YES. Then, there were Palestinians. Much more scrutiny was required beyond family and business – criminal record, here, there, and abroad; longevity at each place, etc., etc.
Norway: Afghan Muslim migrant rapes 92-year-old woman, blames his ‘traumatic upbringing’

ISI/DI: We all have experienced ”trauma” of one kind or another during our lifetime. Nothing excuses this type of barbaric activity, though. It’s not even a good fit for radical lIslam. No other word but despicable.
France: Muslim migrants rape girl and video the rape while praising Allah and invoking the Qur’an
ISI/DI: Allah would have nothing to do with this act. I can’t even recall where an interpretation from the Qur’an would cover this . . . perhaps a lurid and corrupt reading of Shari’a, but I cannot think of any school of Islamic jurisprudence that would sanction this.
Biden’s handlers abandoned as many as 9,000 American citizens in Afghanistan

ISI/DI: A Senate report reveals that as many as 9,000 Americans were left behind the lines in Afghanistan. Had Biden ever served in the military he would understand the meaning behind, ”leave no man behind.” Perhaps this is one of the reasons Biden is such a weak and ineffective president.
Liberman to ‘Post’: The world is on the brink of chaos and anarchy

ISI/DI: This is a man who plainly sees what lies ahead. Of the three major super powers, two are vying to gain more land, one in eastern Europe, the other in the South Pacific, doing so by-hook or by-crook. The third is slowing fading as the sun dips off its western horizon. Is the sun finally setting on the Great Experiment? Were Jefferson, Washington, Franklin, the Adams and others wrong about what this country could be . . . or have we reached that potential somewhere along the way and now we are just in a state of normal decline? If so, where did we top out? Roosevelt? Eisenhower? Kennedy? Reagan? Hard to know when we’ve had men that have proven to be such strong leaders and now we have . . . Joe.
France: 35 people live under police protection because they have criticized Islam

ISI/DI: When you let the bullies take control, you live in fear and intimidation. The rule of law becomes ineffectual and there is no longer equality for those who need it most.
France: Woman stabbed 59 times by her Muslim partner must pay him $36,000, his lawyer warns against ‘Islamophobia’

ISI/DI: That comes to $610 per stab. Turns out not to have been very cost effective.
France: ‘Investigating political Islam quickly comes down to being called Islamophobic in public’

ISI/DI: I still say the best was to stop Islamophobia is to stop the terrorism.
India: Muslim students protest against uniform regulations, demand hijab, throw stones at Hindu students

ISI/DI: This stunning sense of entitlement that Muslims have; this is their world and everything belongs to them – not to mention that they are better than everyone else – opps, just mentioned it. Actually, this is all tied in with Islamic eschatology, who inherits the world, and so-on.
Muslim cleric defends capital punishment for those who leave Islam

MORE Trump Peace: Israel Defense Minister lands in Bahrain for whirlwind visit

Trump Peace: Israel signs security memorandum with Bahrain, its 2nd with an Arab nation

ISI/DI: President Trump left America with several ”gifts” that will keep on giving.
- One, he showed that a business person can run the government, long a controversial issue; I remember it being talked about when I was in high school … just yesterday. 🤓🥸
- Two, he left us with a strong, conservative Supreme Court, one that will last for several decades – unless the court is wrongly, packed.
- Three, a peace plan for the Middle East, that seems to be working. It’s also working with countries outside the Middle East, who are willing to follow what is right, and just (see Proverbs 2:9 and Proverbs 21:3).
Left-wing groups tell Congress to reject ‘dangerous’ peace accords with Israel

ISI/DI: How many countries have signed on with the Abraham Accords and/or placed their embassy in Jerusalem, Israel’s newly claimed capitol?:
Sudan, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates (UAE), Morocco, Oman, Jordan
Embassies & Consulates in Jerusalem

Embassies and Consulates now in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv

Foreign Embassies and Consulates now in Israel.

Saudi Writer: The West Is Ignoring Iran’s Evil And Seeking An Agreement With It, Just As It Did With Nazi Germany

Saudi Writer: The West Is Ignoring Iran’s Evil And Seeking An Agreement With It, Just As It Did With Nazi GermanyISI/DI
ISI/DI: Why is it that the only voice heard on this issue is a Saudi, Middle Easterner? Yes, of course the West is ignoring the evil of Iran and seeking an agreement with it. Never hear of striking an agreement with the Devil? That’s exactly what is being done. And then what? Why, we expect the Devil to adhere to his words. Don’t you?
Would you strike a deal with Satan just because it was the best deal you could get? Why? He’s going to do exactly what benefits him, regardless of what he’s said.
Remember Russia and Crimea? Remember Syria and Obama’s ”red line?” Remember “if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor?”
Biden Waives Sanctions on Iran’s ‘Civilian’ Nuclear Program in Bid to Restore 2015 Deal

ISI/DI: Score one for Iran.
BREAKING: Biden Lifts Sanctions On Terror Regime Iran’s Nuclear Program

ISI/DI: Score two for Iran.
Iran talks to resume Tuesday as negotiations enter final phase

ISI/DI: Score three for Iran.
Biden acknowledges Israel’s freedom to act even if there’s an Iran deal – Bennett

ISI/DI: Score .5 for Israel.
Iran to unveil new missile despite progress on nuclear deal

ISI/DI: The one thing Iran has learned is the old Communist Moscow Shuffle. They do what they say they won’t do, and they don’t do what they say they will do. Que sara, sara.
Score two more for Iran.
Iran says US must make ‘political’ decision to rejoin deal

ISI/DI: Why is it that we are letting Iran dictate terms to America? Aren’t we supposed to be the ones leading this charge?
Iran nuclear deal will be a tough sell in Congress

ISI/DI: The jury is still out on this one; no score yet.
Syrian Quran Reciter Zaki Al-Asali On MB TV: Polygamy Serves The Interests Of Women, Ensures They Have A Husband; I Married Second, Third Wives Because I Love My First Wife So Much

ISI/DI: Wow!! What a renaissance man. Spell that N-E-A-N-D-E-R-T-H-A-L. Wouldn’t you love to speak with all of this guy’s wives? Just how ”loving” do they feel about all this?
Spain: Muslim migrant rapes 95-year-old woman, says ‘I confused her with a girlfriend of mine’

ISI/DI: His girlfriend? 95?
Iran: Muslim beheads his 17-year-old wife in honor killing, parades her severed head in the street

ISI/DI: What honor can be found in beheading a 17 year old young woman?
Fraudulent Biden Admin Spent Over $2 Billion to Transport Illegal Aliens Across U.S.

ISI/DI: All done in the dark, after hours. Is Biden so afraid of the American public that he has to operate this way?
Somali Muslim Gets Probation for School Arson During BLM Riots

Biden Waives Sanctions on Iran’s ‘Civilian’ Nuclear Program in Bid to Restore 2015 Deal

ISI/DI: Iran scores again.
Biden Waives Sanctions on Iran’s ‘Civilian’ Nuclear Program in Bid to Restore 2015 Deal

ISI/DI: You’re mot seeing double. The story is getting picked up everywhere.
Biden Sanctions Waiver Allows Foreign Companies to Work on Iran’s Nuke Program

ISI/DI: Everybody gets a little piece of this deal.
Will France Wake Up and Defend Her Freedom – or Not?

ISI/DI: Question of the decade – only we don’t have that much time for France to find out.
India: Sufi Muslims poke out their eyeballs with swords and sticks during Islamic religious procession

ISI/DI: Sufi Islam is a small Sunni sect, also known as the Twirling Dervishes. Sufism is a mystical denomination not unlike the Christian fundamentalists who also practice mysticism.
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VOLUME 1: Issue 2
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