Former CAIR Official Cheers for America’s Enemies … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: C.A.I.R. (Council on American-Islam Relations) is increasingly becoming well-known, not so much for its work on behalf of Muslims, but rather for the corruption which lies from within. After its formation in 1994 by the Muslim Brotherhood, an organization which itself has been under the scrutiny of American justice, C.A.I.R. became caught up in a federal lawsuit against another Muslim organization, the Holy Land Foundation, an Islamic relief and development agency, where it was named an un-indicted co-conspirator in the largest trial won by the United States Government. Now, the leadership of C.A.I.R. has found itself involved for a second time on charges of bribery, embezzlement, and money laundering. This is treasonous.
America is dismantling the pillars of its own empire – Saudi editor to ‘Post’ … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Perhaps unknown to the broader American public, it is certainly known to America’s enemies and others who may wish her ill-will of a weak administration handled by puppeteers and those who would seek to harm our Republic. The weaker we look, the stronger our adversaries are perceived to be, regardless of reality. This is treasonous.
New York state: Muslim pulled over for speeding, is discovered to have 58 illegal guns … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Guess he wasn’t speeding fast enough. And the Democrats think gun-control will stop this sort of thing? No … minus the ”gun” and you have what they want — control. This was probably meant for some devastation right here in the homeland. We are fortunate to have the ’first-responders’ that we do. This is treasonous.
IS releases video of new recruits from India as they pledge to carry out jihad. … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: India has some tremendous problems when it comes to Islam. Built on a caste system, and most of its population being lower-caste, they are by nature, a docile people in many regards and often hold everything but themselves in high regard. This lends them to be easy prey for bullies and Muslim jihadists. From the news bits I see, they can rarely count on help from local police — not for a lack of trying — when Muslims are involved, the police tend to back down and move away. If he were alive today, I’m sure Gandhi would have a lot to say; I’m also just as sure it would fall on deaf ears.
The EU and the Biden Administration Give in to Iran’s Mullahs … Here’s The Story …

Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif (R) welcomes European Union High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell in the capital Tehran on February 3, 2020 . (Photo by ATTA KENARE / AFP) (Photo by ATTA KENARE/AFP via Getty Images
ISI/DI: Why is everyone so intent on seeing Iran get the bomb, when that’ve made no secret of what it is they intend to do should they obtain nuclear capabilities? The Republicans and a few Democrats seem to be the only ones who understand this.
There are times I wonder just exactly what Iran and her mullahs would do if there were no Islam — sort of like, what would Darth Vader do if there were no ”evil empire.” Heaven knows, Islam certainly rivals the ”evil empire.”
Muslim Brotherhood’s influence in US should be confronted and defeated … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: The Muslim Brotherhood (MB) represents a mixed bag if ever there was one. Founded in Egypt in the 1920s, it is also banned in Egypt today, as it is in several other Muslim countries of the Mid-East and Europe. The MB is also responsible for helping to start over two-dozen organizations (see charts below) right here in the United States, one of them being C.A.I.R., the Council on American-Islam Relations, which now has chapters in all 50 states. C.A.I.R. was named an un-indicted co-conspirator in a 2007-2008 lawsuit brought about by the United States Government (USG) vs. the Holy Land Foundation (HLF), an Islamic aid organization, also founded by the MB. The verdict of the court was for the USG, who charged that HLF was providing financial and other material support to Hamas, another terrorist organization.

British-Palestinian Journalist Abdel Bari Atwan: The Ukraine War Is A Gift From Allah To The Arabs; The Arabs Benefit The Most From This War; The West Is Begging Us To Increase Oil Production, Their Lives Are In Our Hands … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: This is the typical view of the radical jihadis. Muslims are falling on both sides of the spectrum in the Ukraine war. While Iran is a Russian ally, it is not 100 percent on Russia’s side in this war. In Ukraine, there are Shi’a Muslims, Sunni Muslims, and Chechens, just as there are in Russia. So, while on one hand Muslims may be winning, they (Muslims) are also losing on the other side.
Infographic In Issue Five Of ISIS Magazine ‘Voice Of Khurasan’ Reports 30 Attacks In Afghanistan And Pakistan, Fired 10 Rockets Into Uzbekistan During Ramadan 2022 … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: This marks the third ISIS newsmagazine which is primarily directed at recruitment. For a look at the series of newsmagazines published for ISIS, see Section 13: Propaganda Of Radical Islam.
Article In Issue 4 Of ISIS Magazine ‘Voice Of Khurasan’ Advocates Eternal War Against Polytheists, Says: ‘Islam And Kufr [Unbelief] Must Inevitably Contend In Every Place And Time’ … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Make no mistake about the goals of radical Islam. Their end goal is world domination. Not because some madman wants to be dictator; because that’s what the Qur’an, Shari’a, Hadiths, Sunnah, and all of Islam’s holy literature teaches. Why is it that all Muslims are not radical? Usually, those who take the Qur’an and other holy books of Islam in a literal sense are the ones which become radical. Why? Because that’s what these books teach. It’s as simple as that — sort of. There are people like the mullahs, the Baghdadi’s and so on, who teach them; verses are memorized; it’s all about power.
India: ‘I told him to stay safe but he led a mob attack on my family’ … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: It’s ideology … Islam has caused fathers to murder daughters; brothers to murder sisters; mothers to murder sons; and husbands to murder wives. It has turned families inside out and neighbor against neighbor. Yet — it’s called a religion of peace. How can that be? Islam is built on the back’s of Judaism, Christianity, and the polytheism of pre-Islamic Arabia. With all of that, how else could it have turned out? Yet, nearly two-billion — or one-quarter — of earth’s inhabitants have chosen to follow it. That has to be a cause for sadness if ever there was one.
In Search Of 1984
The need for an Arab NATO is growing ever more pressing … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Perhaps it is time for more strategic alliances. Based on a regional structure, using the Abraham Accords as part of a plan. Make it so potential rogue countries will find it more advantageous to be part of the system rather than apart; overlapping groups, with vested interests in each section.
NATO has held for 55 years, stronger some years than others, but always hashing things out; better the devil you know than the one you don’t.
It is not something that could only apply to the Arab world, either. Start there. It’s a fractured picture at best, but ripe with opportunities. Follow with a North Africa grouping, overlapping some of the Arab grouping; Next, a Mediterranean alliance, pulling in some Arab, some North African, some of Southern Europe, and maybe a NATO member or two.i
It might be just the right time for another Arab Spring.
I no longer work at the State Department. Maybe the above is why. I like to think outside the box … makes some folks nervous.
European Union Unveils New Strategy to Become a Global Power … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: The EU has struggled since its inception, but has plowed ahead. The UK opted out; Greece and Italy have proven to be financial problems, yet, the EU has continued. But, is it truly ready to pose as a “Global Power?” Are we moving ever closer to the ”One World Order?” (OWO) Count on it. A unified Europe, with one voice, is much easier to deal with than the 40+ that make it up today. One thing is forgotten, though … Man may plan his way, but it is God, who makes his path (Proverbs 16:9 ESV).
This ”One World Order” I fear, has not counted on a religion such as Islam, who also wishes to dominate the Earth … only to destroy it.

New Google Docs Feature to Flag “potentially discriminatory or inappropriate language” … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Big Brother … always there — watching, listening, reading. That seems to be what tech giant, Google, is offering to be. Or is it mandating it? Would that be its part to play in the OWO? And, who would control the controller?
Convert to Islam who joined ISIS now admits that Islam is ‘inherently violent’ and the Qur’an ‘plagiarized’ … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: This is someone truly searching. A student of philosophy who is willing to admit he is wrong and change his mind.
Communist Party of India top dog says many of Muhammad’s ideas are close to Communist ideals … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Which iseas would those be? Murder? Sexual abuse? Moral depravity? Genocide? Shall I go on?
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