The world as Islam would have it . . .

Kenya: Muslim says he killed soldier ‘in the name of Allah,’ ‘so that Islam can rule the whole world’

ISI/DI: This is what Muslims believe; this is what I’ve been saying they believe. And the world just slept on and on . . . “The woods are lovely, dark and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep.”
Biden Admin Only Told Staff to Evacuate As Taliban Took Kabul

ISI/DI: Biden’s policies create a new kind of terrorism for American’s overseas.
Nigeria described as world ‘epicenter of jihadi violence,’ Christian persecution at ‘catastrophic levels’

SOURCE: https://www.jihadwatch.org/2022/02/nigeria-described-as-world-epicenter-of-jihadi-violence-christian-persecution-at-catastrophic-levels
ISI/DI: And the world just slept on and on . . .
Nigeria: Muslims murder eleven Christians, burn elderly grandmother to death

ISI/DI: . . . and on.
Nigeria: Muslims murder 22 Christians, burn down 24 homes

SOURCE: https://www.jihadwatch.org/2022/02/nigeria-muslims-murder-22-christians-burn-down-24-homes
ISI/DI: Nigeria . . . home to a new caliphate.
Mozambique: Jihad leader who was responsible for ‘audacious’ attacks and kidnapped Brazilian nuns is killed

ISI/DI: Score one for the good guys.
US Special Forces Kill ISIS Leader In Late Night Raid

ISI/DI: Score two for the good guys.
SHARI’A . . .
Germany: New Green Party top dog says some parts of Sharia are compatible with German constitution

ISI/DI: Which parts of Shari’a are compatible with the German Constitution? Honor killings? Treatment of women and wife beating? Or is it the treatment of Christians and Jews? Please tell us, which part of the German Constitution is compatible with Shari’a.
Coups cheered in West Africa as Islamist insurgencies sap faith in democracy

ISI/DI: In many two-third’s world countries, civilian populations (non-military, non-politician) are feeling left behind in a world that is becoming more technology oriented by the second. People hoping and praying for a job that allows them to take care of their families are no longer competing against each other, much less those in first-world countries. They are having to compete against the technology – robots that do assembly line work from building automobiles to creating the computer chips that make them work; vehicles that drive themselves, from trucks on the highways delivering the world’s goods or a mobility service provider moving people from place to place; – a world of artificial intelligence (AI) that is doing the thinking that anticipates the future and building it today. When a cult comes along that turns that world upside down, they are quick to grab hold. It offers a chance to get back at the technology and those who created it. They are promised a paradise that caters to human depravity and taught to hate all who do not believe as they believe. No longer having to think, they are told what to believe and how to believe; what to pray and how to pray; what to do and what not to do; even what to wear and what not to wear.
‘Time for new strategies to roll back Iran nuclear program’

ISI/DI: . . . and miles to go before I sleep.
Iran says conditions present for ‘win-win’ agreement with US

ISI/DI: The last thing Iran wants is a win for the U.S.; the last thing the U.S. should want is a win for Iran. What is needed at the very least is containment with a hoped for roll-back.
Laser defense system will be ready to intercept missiles in a year – Bennett

ISIL/DI: And miles to go before I sleep.
Group Biden removed from terror list fires ballistic missile over Abu Dhabi as Israeli president visits UAE

ISI/DI: And miles to go while Biden sleeps.
Iranian supreme leader’s aide suggests pursuing 90% enrichment

ISI/DI: Suggests? This is the Supreme Leader!! Part of his title says, “Supreme Leader.” His official title is “Supreme Leadership Authority of the Islamic Republic of Iran”; he is also referred to as “Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution.” This is the guy who claims he will eat the U.S. for lunch. He does NOT suggest. Look for this to be a major point of discussion in any talks between the U.S., Western Ally’s and Iran. Regardless of the agreed upon outcome, look for Iran to begin 90 percent enrichment within the next 24 months.
UK: Six times as many illegal Muslim migrants entered country in January than last year

ISI/DI: It seems to change each week with growing numbers. Did you know there have been several Muslim migrations over the centuries? The first was known as the Migration to Abyssinia, also known as the First Hegira, and happened in 622. Since that time, they have migrated all over the world. This first migration was an episode in the early history of Islam, where Muhammad’s first followers fled from the persecution of the ruling Quraysh tribe of Mecca. They sought refuge in the Christian Kingdom of Aksum, present-day Ethiopia and Eritrea. There is more on Muslim migration that van be found on the website.
Biden eyes Qatar as major non-NATO ally

ISI/DI: A stroke of genius!!!
Qatar has been accused of allowing terror financiers to operate within its borders

ISI/DI: Opps . . . maybe it was just a stroke.
Israeli PM pledges Iran will no longer be untouchable

ISI/DI: A warning to the world; a warning to Iran.
US should walk away from Iran nuclear talks

ISI/DI: A voice of reason. The U.S. should listen.
Khamenei says max pressure led to US ‘humiliation’

ISI/DI: This is the same guy saying a deal could be a “Win-win” and “suggests” Iran move to 90 percent enrichment. Now he wants to embarrass the U.S.
Iran working to increase the range of its ballistic missiles to cover Europe

ISI/DI: Why does Iran need its missile range to cover Europe? Perhaps they plan to take a more active role in dominating the world for Islam.
U.S. and Allies Close to Reviving Nuclear Deal With Iran, Officials Say

ISI/DI: Heaven help us. Iran is not likely to listen to a UN team negotiating for a nuclear freeze.
Please be advised that the following post is an extremely graphic and abusive presentation of the application of Shari’a, Islamic Law, and some may find it offensive. View only if properly prepared.
Syria: 5-year-old girl kidnapped and raped, then murdered and dumped in garbage by parents in honor killing

ISI/DI: I do not see how any parent could do such a thing. To lay this at the feet of Shari’a can only be described as a cop-out. These parents, as well as the child molester, will surely spend their eternity in the fiery grasps of Satan.
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VOLUME 1: Issue 1
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