15 People On Terrorist Watchlist Apprehended At Southern Border … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: No telling how any get through that have been missed, given the crowds that have come to the border. The men and women who provide security at our southern border areas are over-worked and under-staffed — not supported from the top and given little instruction on the ground. These troops need our prayers and thanks for the very dangerous jobs they have. If they do not encounter physical danger they certainly confront disease and other health issues.
Jihadists at the Gate: U.S. Open Border Policy and the Security Crisis … Here’s The Story …
SOURCE: https://www.meforum.org/63331/jihadists-at-the-gate-us-open-border-policy?goal=0_086cfd423c-7d97ee0fb8-34169953&mc_cid=7d97ee0fb8&mc_eid=40d252031d
ISI/DI: This video is an excellent piece on our borders.
India: Muslim mobs riot across India after Friday prayers over Nupur Sharma’s supposed blasphemy … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: India is in for some rough times with its growing Muslim population. They are becoming more restive daily. Police seem to be afraid to follow the law where Muslims and Indians are involved together. With the proximity of Afghanistan and Pakistan so close by, radical Islamists are coming and going across the borders on a regular basis.
‘Palestinian’ Islamic scholar says Muslims must ‘declare jihad’ against Hindus and ‘eradicate’ them … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: India has outside influences who seek to radicalize the Muslim population within her borders. This is not a difficult task considering the already bad blood between India’s Hindu and Muslim populations, as well as the neighboring countries to the West and Northwest.
The jihadists Muslims in-country … are only looking for an excuse.
Burkina Faso: Muslims murder at least 10 gendarmes in jihad attack on gendarmerie post … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: A land-locked country, a skip away from Nigeria — on the southern side of the Sahara, and south of Mali. There is a population of just over 21 million, with 2.5 million in the capital city of Ouagadougou (Waugadugu). Islam is the dominant religion.
Outside of the capital city, there are numerous villages and small towns dotting the country-side. Some serve as stop-overs where various groups, including Boko Haram, come to renew ammunition stockpiles and pick up new troops, mostly transients.
Muslims Slaughter 55 People In Burkina Faso, Rape Dozens of Women … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: It’s beginning to sound like Nigeria all over again. With just over 1/5 of the population and a much smaller footprint … The jihadists are operating all over Africa — up and down both, the East and West coast; through central Africa — Kenya, Nigeria, Burkina Faso.
I’m working on a country-by-country sketch and hope to have it as soon — being the only dishwasher in the kitchen, though, it will take me some time.
Doha Meeting of International Muslim Brotherhood Leaders Features CAIR Executive Director … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: If any one had any questions concerning C.A.I.R. — the Council on American-Islamic Relations — this should answer them. the Muslim Brotherhood (MB), which has started over 30 organizations in the United States, including C.A.I.R. — is banned by many countries in the Middle East. That alone should let you know MB is not one of the good guys. I posted several charts in earlier newsletters that show their operations in the U.S. and will gladly make them available again on request. Just let me know.
According To UN Report, Afghan Taliban Continues To Sponsor Al-Qaeda And Other Foreign Jihadi Organizations Such As Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), Jaish-e-Muhammad (JeM), Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), And East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM) … Here’s The Story …

According To UN Report, Afghan Taliban Continues To Sponsor Al-Qaeda And Other Foreign Jihadi Organizations Such As Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistanuh (TTP), Jaish-e-Muhammad (JeM), Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), And East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM)
ISI/DI: The Afghan Taliban have broken nearly every agreement made with the Biden administration. Guess there’s no reason to be surprised at this. One thing I’m watching, though, is to see how — or if — this has any affect on Turkey and their overwhelming support for some of these same organizations — Turkish passports, Turkish citizenship. More to come, you can be sure.
Egypt: Muslim ‘extremist’ attacks Christian with meat cleaver, killing him … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Incidents like this have taken place all over the world — neighbor-to-neighbor, family-on-family. The only apparent common denominator is that at least one of the parties is Muslim. It’s not mass shootings, but it’s exactly what AL-Qaeda and ISIS has encouraged responsive Muslims world-wide to do … start small fires, especially forest fires; if you have access to a vehicle, run it into a crowd, killing as many as possible; use knives or other small weapons, killing as many people as possible. The terrorists were banking on small disruptions turning our society into mass hysteria. So far, they have not succeeded.
Website Connects ISIS Operatives incarcerated In The U.S. With Outsiders, Provides Instructions For Money Transfers, Shows Satellite Imagery Of Detainment Facilities … Here’s The Story …

Italy: 14 Muslims arrested for plotting jihad massacres, leader obtained refugee status in 2015 … Here’s The Story …

India: Muslim YouTuber posts video of himself pretending to behead Nupur Sharma, then says ‘Islam teaches tolerance’ … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Sarcasm? In case you missed it on the news, Nupur Sharma is a female lawyer and the one behind the recent negative comments made about Muhammad.
The above video may have been made in sarcasm, but the meaning is all too real and this lawyer could still end up paying the ultimate price.
Afghanistan: Muslims attack Sikh temple in retaliation for ‘insult’ to Muhammad … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Insult? Have you heard about the insult? It was made by someone called Nupur Sharma. So, what was the insult? Well, Nupur made a statement that Muhammad married an under age child. True? Yes, in fact several Muslim clerics have validated the statement. Totally unnecessary though, as it’s part of history. Muhammad’s third and youngest wife, Aisha, was … 5, 6, 7, or 9, depending on what source you might use. Either way, the alleged “insult” is true.
India: Muslim mobs throw stones at police in rage over false blasphemy .. Here’s The Story ..

ISI/DI: This is a result of comments made about Islam’s prophet, Muhammad. It has had ripple effects throughout the world.
India: Two dead in ongoing violent riots over false claims of blasphemy against Muhammad … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Remember the game where you have a group of people — say 15 — the first in line whispers a phrase to the one next to him, and so on until the it reaches the last person. Then the first person says the original phrase followed by the last person telling what he heard the phrase to be when it reached him, and everybody laughs as they find out how the phrase changed by the time the last person heard it.
That’s what is taking place here, only someone could easily get hurt — or worse. A statement was made about Muhammad marrying an underage child. Many Muslims called it blasphemy, demanding a beheading or just plain killing. Well, it was not blasphemy. It was true, as several Muslim clerics later affirmed. Muhammad married Aisha, his third and youngest wife
India: Muslim cleric says ‘there is only one consequence’ of insulting Muhammad, ‘and that is death’ … Here’s The Story …

ISI/Di: Some people don’t know the truth when they hear it; others just don’t care what is and what is not the truth.
‘Islam is a religion of peace, we demand that Nupur Sharma should be hanged’… Here’s The Story…

ISI/DI: Islam, a religion of peace … that is perhaps the greatest lie throughout history.
India: Muslim leader issues bounty for Nupur Sharma’s tongue, says he’ll force her to dance … Here’s The Story …

Uganda: Muslim woman converts to Christianity, her father kills her on the same day … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: This, ladies and gentlemen, is Shari’a. Parents killing children; brothers killing sisters. This in Islam, is HONOR.
Iran’s: Young women forced into virginity tests, sometimes honor killed if they fail … Here’s The Story …

B2FDTK Muslim woman in a burqa or burkha burka POSED BY MODEL Asian Islamic Pakistan Pakistani Islam
ISI/DI: Young women, subjected to the laws of Shari’a … maybe your daughter; maybe your fiancé. If Muslims were to gain power, they would have little choice but to implement these actions. Or to denounce Islam and become apostate. And then, a target for a family member who decides to uphold shari’a.
Biden’s handlers to give Mozambique $140,000,000 to rebuild after jihad devastation … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: $140 million to a country over-run by radical Islamists?
Egypt boosts ties with Tanzania amid ongoing Nile dam dispute … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: And today’s bright spot!!! The Accords!!!
Al-Azhar calls for new law criminalizing ‘Islamophobia’ … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Located in Cairo, Al-Azhar is a Sunni school of jurisprudence, and one of Islam’s premier universities. If such a law were to happen, it would start there, and possibly work its way up to the UN and on to the International Court of Justice, also known as the World Court, located in The Hague, Netherlands.
However, there is a much simpler way — I’ve always said, the best way to stop Islamophobia is to stop the terrorism.
Click or tap ➡️: Al-Qaeda, Taliban, ISIS: Jihad Organizations
Click or tap ➡️: Mapping Terrorism
Click or tap ➡️: Global Terrorism Database
MUSLIMS are not the problem.
ISLAM is the problem.

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VOLUME 1: Issue 17
June 21, 2022