Massachusetts Politicians Ennoble Boston’s Islamists … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: More and more Muslims are running for political office all across the United States. At the same time, they can also be found in the ranks of our military, places of business, and one other place, that of political staff appointments, like Yusufi Val.
These are the people behind the politicians. They hold tremendous power as they are the people who provide counsel and insight, at times assuming the position of handler for their elected official. It is vitally important that the people who hold these positions understand our Constitution, legal system and laws, and operate with the same set of values and principles … What can be said for Yusufi? We know that he is a Muslim and Muslims believe Muhammad was the messenger of Allah, the god of Islam, and Shari’a is the law that governs Islam.
The questions that must be on all our minds: (1) How closely will this staff — or other Muslims in public office — tend to push towards a Shari’a standard? (2) Have we stepped out on to that slippery slope that is nearly impossible to step back from?
What about “assimilation?” The Qur’an speaks against it as does Shari’a. The reason is that it opens the door to being apostate — or secularized — which draws a sentence of death. It’s also because of association with non-Muslims. If a Muslim adheres to what the Qur’an says verbatim — this is what leads to radicalization — and it can be a hard to break.
But, what if a Muslim assimilates? What then? If that happens, they would be in violation of their religion. This, however, is of his concern, not yours. You may say, ”Great, all is well and good.” Not exactly. He still may push for Shari’a, otherwise, why is he a Muslim? He’s in violation assimilating, and he’s denied Islamic Law. Both could draw the death penalty. What else is there? A Muslim has to think long and hard before doing this. The consequences are dire, real, and deadly.
Two political veterans face off in fight for Nigeria’s presidency … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Elections are in the forecast for Nigeria. Having had a Christian as a recent president did little to move the country away from Islam. And, now … both of the above are Muslims. What will that mean for Nigeria?
Most likely … there will be the usual corruption that has starved so many African countries. But the real elephant in the room is Boko Haram with its allegiance to ISIS, and other groups like them. They have raped, murdered, and pillaged their way across central Africa, mostly targeting Christians and churches. The second elephant is Islam itself. Sad days will continue to be in store for Nigeria, I’m afraid.
Nigeria: Muslims raid rural community, murder 37 people … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Presidential elections or — life — and death — continues on.
Nigeria: Muslims in helicopter and on motorcycles murder 32 people, destroy church and houses … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Case in point …
Iran pledges ‘firm’ response to IAEA resolution, switches off cameras … Here’s The Story …

A monitoring camera used in Iran is seen during a press conference of Rafael Grossi, Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)on the current situation in Iran at the agency’s headquarters in Vienna, Austria on June 09, 2022. – Iran is removing 27 surveillance cameras at nuclear facilities, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) head Rafael Grossi said, calling it a “serious challenge” to the agency’s work in the Islamic republic. (Photo by JOE KLAMAR / AFP) (Photo by JOE KLAMAR/AFP via Getty Images)
ISI/DI: Really? Iran’s answer to the IAEA (the international organization that oversees nuclear arms) is to turn off the cameras?
Iran shuts off 27 IAEA surveillance cameras at several of its key nuclear facilities … Here’s The Story

ISI/DI: General Jack Keane, chairman for the Institute of the Study of War (ISW) says Iran could have the materials for a bomb in a matter of weeks. However, having those materials and mounting them to a delivery system could take a year or more. He feels president Biden along with NATO and other countries, need to work together and apply the necessary sanctions to deter Iran.
For more on this and other stories of Iran, see below …
Iran shuts off 27 IAEA surveillance cameras at several of its key nuclear facilities … Here’s The Story …

Iran increased efforts to obtain illicit nuclear missile technology – German intel … Here’s The Story …

Iran’s Mullahs Score Nuclear Victory … Here’s The Story …

Many missiles ready for launch. Iran flag in background. 3D rendered illustration
Israeli PM warns Iran close to bomb as nuclear talks remain at impasse … Here’s The Story …

Senior Saudi Journalist Tariq Al-Homayed: Tehran Is Pursuing Its Goal Of Obtaining Nuclear Bomb, While West Avoids Serious Action To Prevent This … Here’s The Story …

US awaits ‘constructive’ response from Iran on revival of nuclear deal … Here’s The Story …

FILE – The United Nations Security Council unanimously votes Dec. 23, 2006 at U.N. headquarters to approve a resolution imposing sanctions against Iran for refusing to suspend uranium enrichment, culminating two months of negotiations aimed at pressuring Tehran to clarify its nuclear ambitions. Five more Security Council resolutions followed by 2010, tightening sanctions on the Islamic Republic. (AP Photo/Frank Franklin II, File)
Lebanon Must Join The Abraham Accords, Make Peace With Israel; We Are Hijacked By Hizbullah; This Will Only Change When There Is Change In Iran … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Things are starting to go exponential now with the Abraham Accords. It’s not just about placement of new embassies and recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s rightful capitol, but so much more — joint programs and initiatives, loans and investments, partnerships and sole proprietors, education and business, science and technology.
There will be problems to overcome, battles to fight, but the Middle East could be the next Silicon Valley — or anything it’s willing to work for. Just follow the TIPS below.
Trump Peace: Israelis will be able to enter Qatar for FIFA World Cup … Here’s The Story …

Trump Peace: Israeli PM Bennett Visits Abu Dhabi, to Meet UAE President … Here’s The Story …

TRUMP PEACE: Caribbean country to open Jerusalem embassy, pushes to improve ties with Israel … Here’s The Story …

TRUMP PEACE: Liberia to Open First Official Office in Jerusalem, Which Will Later Become Embassy …Here’s The Story …

Israel, Egypt, EU sign initial gas export agreement … Here’s The Story …

Abraham Accords: Israel carves new influence, regional peace … Here’s The Story …



Bizarro World: Mega-Terrorist Turkey … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Erdogan is riding a wave — which may be headed out to sea. There are elections coming up in 2023 with at least two other contenders in the bidding, so far. There are also Erdi’s dreams of building a second Ottoman Empire, which are lofty at best.
As already mentioned in previous issues, Erdogan has made Turkey a terrorists’ paradise — ISIS, Hamas, Hezbollah, Al-Qaeda — all have received Turkish passports and Turkish citizenship. His specific plans have not been made public yet, but, he obviously sees them as some sort of second Ottoman army or personal protection detail … or possibly enforcers of martial law. Question is, will that be enough to buy off all these different groups? There are several commonalities, but also some differences. They are all Muslim — some Sunni, some Shi’a; they are also terrorists, which should make them an unknown commodity for Erdogan. What ever it is, we should know within the next six-to-eight months as time for the election begins to draw down.
Turkey Targeting Iraq, Syria, Cyprus, Greece … Here’s The Story …

Mourners attend the his funerals of a fighter from the Women’s Protection Units (YPJ) and a civilian killed in a reported Turkish drone strike, in the northeastern Syrian Kurdish-majority city of Qamishli, on on June 5, 2022. – Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan recently renewed threats of a military offensive in northern Syria, which he said would target Kurdish “terrorists”. (Photo by Delil souleiman / AFP) (Photo by DELIL SOULEIMAN/AFP via Getty Images)
ISI/DI: More things that occupy Erdi’s mind — the ongoing war in Syria and land-claims by the Kurdish population — that will draw his attention away from what the things he really wants to concentrate on.
Turkey: Just before historic church reopens, mob of 50 Muslims attacks Christian family … Here’s The Story …

Click or tap ➡️: Assimilation
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MUSLIMS are not the problem.
ISLAM is the problem.

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VOLUME 1: Issue 18
June 17, 2022