Tackling Islamic Supremacy … Here’s The Story..

ISI/DI: You’ve heard me address this numerous times. Now, someone else see’s the problem too. Guess it shows if you yell loud enough and long enough, someone will begin to listen … even if they don’t quite get it.
“The most visible form of Islamic supremacy today is in India, where Mullahs leading a mere 14% of the population bully the rest of India.”
A country whose population is 1.3 billion people is being bullied by 182,000,000 Muslims …that’s just over seven (Indians) to one (Muslim) … and the Indians are treated like lesser beings.
Antisemitic rally takes to the streets of Bay Ridge … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Is this the America we’ve become? Is this where America is going … down the road of hate? What’s happened to “love thy neighbor …?” Have we become a people so full of hate for others that we have no room for love amy more? Do we even know why we hate? What is wrong with the Jews? The Arabs? The Muslims? The Christians? The Asians? The Latin Americans? Other Americans, for that matter?
US Muslim Brotherhood Group Condemns Iowa Law Establishing Anti-Semitism Definition … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: The Muslim Brotherhood would have Iowa become just like the streets of Bay Ridge. Make no mistake, Islam is on the move in the United States. Multiple organizations like C.A.I.R. (see TIPS Issue 15 for agency charts) have representation in all 50 states. Their common denominator? A group called the Muslim Brotherhood.
CAIR Condemns Anti-Free Speech Bills Signed into Law by Iowa Governor as ‘Doomed and Unconstitutional’ … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: You should Google your state now, to learn of the various Islamic organizations at work in your state. Not sure what to look for? Click < here > to see the charts from Issue 15 of TIPS. Study the charts and maps and share with friends. The upcoming 2022 Congregational elections are key, not just to who controls the Congress, but to individual key seats.
If each TIPS subscriber could add just one person to our distribution list, our outreach could begin to grow exponentially. This is not about adding people who might become financial donors. It’s about stopping the advancement of radical Islam in our country. Making people more aware … the best way you can help is by spreading the word.
US assures Sweden, Finland of military support as Turkey delays NATO entry . Here’s The Story .

ISI/DI: This could be one of the best moves NATO has made since World War II. And, Sweden and Finland have asked to join. Both countries are relatively small, Sweden having just over ten million people and Finland a bit over five million people; both countries have a sixth percentile recognition with Christianity. Sweden has a Unitary Parliamentary Constitutional Monarchy and was first established as a kingdom in the early 1200s; Finland gained its independence from Russia in 1809. Both countries have democratically elected representatives. Both countries also sport a military, albeit, small.
While it may appear these countries do not have much to offer militarily, their joining NATO would be a block against Russian aggression.
These two countries, along with Norway — the Scandinavian countries — have also been over run with Muslim migrants in recent years. To meet this challenge they have initiated laws whereby they now export Muslims back to their home coumtry or other clumtries that might be willing to accept them. In addition, they have also tightened up on laws that allow migrants in to their respective countries.
Turkey’s NATO obstinance threatens more than Nordic membership … Here’s The Story …

A picture taken on November 20, 2019 shows a NATO flag at the NATO headquarters in Brussels, during a NATO Foreign Affairs ministers’ summit. – NATO Foreign Affairs ministers are meeting ahead of a NATO leaders’ summit in London on December 3 and 4, 2019. (Photo by Kenzo TRIBOUILLARD / AFP) (Photo by KENZO TRIBOUILLARD/AFP via Getty Images)
ISI/DI: Two small European countries seeking to join NATO — and Turkey is the lone hold-out, blocking their way to membership.
Biden says it is not America’s problem; Sweden and Finland meed to solve the problem themselves. So what’s the problem?
Apparently Turkey feels that these two countries are not doing enough to protect Turkey from terrorist organizations. If we take a closer look, it is Turkey who has opened it’s borders to some of these organizations. The list includes Hamas, Hezbollah, ISIS, and Al-Qaida. Furthermore, Turkey has offered these terrorists sanctuary status with Turkish passports and full citizenship.
Biden didn’t go to Turkey, and things aren’t okay with Erdogan … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Biden’s hands-off on this deal is not working, at least as far as Turkey is concerned. According to Turkey’s Foreign Minister, Biden’s lackadaisical attitude is not only not working, but is incorrect and not helpful.
I’ve not seen any responses from Sweden or Finland, but if the two Scandinavia countries are to be admitted to NATO, they will have to act fast. Turkey’s nose is out of joint so-to-speak, and there is some definite fence-mending that needs to be done.
Federal Government Hands $5 Million to Radical Islamic Charities in 2021 … Here’s The Story …

US National Capitol in Washington, DC. The building of the United States Congress is on the background of 100 dollar bills.
ISI/DI: What?!?!? Why?!?!? This is a story you may want to read.
“The Biden administration handed out over $5.1 million in grants and contracts to radical organizations during 2021.
“Cross-checking over 5,000 organization names against the government’s federal spending database … Middle East Forum (MEF) obtained and reviewed almost 1,700 grants to Islamic organizations around the world, worth a total of $240 million.
“From 2007 to the present, almost $70 million of this funding ended up in the coffers of institutions MEF identified as Islamist-controlled.
“Under the Biden administration, the most alarming grant is $50,000 from USAID to Helping Hand for Relief and Development (HHRD), the humanitarian aid arm of the Islamic Circle for North America (ICNA) and seemingly one of the most dangerous Islamist charities in the United States.
“In 2017, HHRD openly partnered with the designated Pakistani terror group Lashkar-e-Taiba, which carried out the deadly 2008 Mumbai attacks, in which 166 were murdered.
“Another $1.5 million was handed out by three federal agencies to HHRD’s sister organization, ICNA Relief.
“Both HHRD and ICNA Relief are listed by the violent South Asian Islamist group Jamaat-e-Islami as donors to welfare arm, Al-Khidmat Foundation, which is closely involved with the Kashmiri jihadist organization Hizbul Mujahideen, and which proudly boasts of funding Palestinian terrorist group Hamas for its ‘just jihad.’”
Is there a common denominator? Oh yes … every organization listed above (many operating right here in the U.S.), is somehow linked to the Muslim Brotherhood, who started many of them.
Is this the future of America?
Connecticut Congressional Candidate Bankrolled by Libyan Muslim Brotherhood Supporters …Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Muad Hrezi, is Connecticut’s 27-year-old candidate for U.S. Congress. For whom is Hrezi fighting? Based on publicly available federal elections data, the Libyan American’s campaign appears to be bankrolled by an ensemble of Islamists, accused terrorists and terrorism financiers, and senior officials allegedly tied to Libya’s violent and illiberal Muslim Brotherhood movement.
Muslims are on the move through-out our political system, at local, county, state, and national levels. With them, comes Shari’a, Islamic Law. How long before the West’s concept of rule-of-law becomes Islamic Law? Just as long as it takes them to make their voices heard.
Taliban Threaten Pakistan With War, Pakistan Bombs Afghanistan … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Not even going to comment. Things just get couriouser and couriouser
Jordanian Islamic scholar Bilal Al-Qasrawi said in a May 20, 2022 show on the Hizb-ut-Tahrir-affiliated Al-Waqiyah TV (Lebanon) that when an Islamic caliphate is reestablished, the infidels might use nuclear weapons against Muslim countries, but that the Muslims nonetheless will not surrender. He said that if the infidels kill a million or two million Muslims, the Muslims will kill as many infidels, adding: “We can afford to lose a million [lives]. They cannot.” . Here’s The Story .

ISI/DI: World-wide Muslim population — approximately two billion people — and this ”Islamic scholar” is OK with giving up a few million Muslim lives in order to gain nuclear arms. What will they do — pick straws? Odd man out? He’s certainly free with other peoples’ lives. I’ll just bet he’s already volunteered his own life.
Remember — Muslims are not the problem — Islam is the problem.

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VOLUME 1: Issue 16
May 28, 2022