ISI/DI: While nothing permanent has come about on the war between Russia and Ukraine, there will be a deal that brings about peace. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy of Ukraine will realize his recent gaff and “make nice,” and do what it takes to make the peace.
What will it look like (my take)? I see three parts:
- Russia will pull back or cede some of what it has taken and will also agree not to advance any further;
- Ukraine will redraw its boundaries, acknowledging Russia’s gain, just as Russia will redraw its boundaries showing its gain.
That is the easy part; now, begins the difficult step …… working together for peace.
- A peace could look something like the Marshall Plan after World War II; the U.S. would initiate this and carry the load in order to get it started;
- I imagine Europe (maybe with Russia) will be required to not just partake, but also monitor the peace and insure the progress of rebuilding;
- I also think Trump require Russia to “buy” into the plan, and fund certain portions of rebuilding;
Now comes hard part …… a guarantee of peace for the future.
- Russia needs to feel secure that Ukraine will never become part of NATO; only NATO can give that assurance;
- Likewise, Ukraine needs to feel secure as well, from any future Russian aggression;
- Perhaps through a “Marshall” type plan Ukraine and Russia can find that peace; maybe Russia, the West with the United States, can find that spot where we all find peace.

USAID sent over $2,000,000,000 to Hamas AFTER October 7 jihad massacre

USAID TERROR: Testimony Reveals USAID Gave $122 Million to “Charities” with Terrorism Ties
USAID Gave At Least $2.33 Billion to Gaza Terrorists

ISI/DI: I think of the times I applied to USAID for funds. Rigorous applications if you’re not used to it. While I never received any direct funding, partnering organizations often did, which still allowed for the work I was doing. Thinking back on it now, most AID folks I ran into were a bunch a cowboys, and not always respective of the host country’s laws. Sometimes a cowboy can be useful ……… but you don’t want to go down with his ship (?) … fall off his horse(?) ……… take a knife to a gunfight?
“In Cold Blood”: The Bibas Babies Were Brutally Beaten, Choked to Death, Mutilated
“In Cold Blood”: The Bibas Babies Were Brutally Beaten, Choked to Death, Mutilated

ISI/DI: ……… and the world cried …… “while the sons of the kingdom will be thrown into the outer darkness. In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth,” Matthew 8:12 ESV.
Israel finalizes swap with Hamas: 602 terrorist prisoners for 4 dead hostages
Israel finalizes swap with Hamas: 602 terrorist prisoners for 4 dead hostages

ISI/DI: Grossly over the top, but Israel never leaves anyone behind, no matter what it takes. And ‘collateral damage’ is not acceptable. You may recall how the IDF (Israel Defense Forces) announced their intentions over loudspeakers and dropped leaflets by the bucket load declaring their intentions to civilians before bombing communities in Gaza.
Israel identifies bodies of 4 returned captives murdered by Hamas, releases 600 terrorists
Israel identifies bodies of 4 returned captives murdered by Hamas, releases 600 terrorists

ISI/DI: Young men, old men ……… it was all so senseless. And the betrayal ……… reporters, of all things, from CNN, Reuters, BBC ……… staff from several of the United Nations’ agencies ……… it was just all so senseless ………
“For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul?” Matthew 16:26 ESV
The Books of Psalms, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes, all have many such warnings as well. Yet, that is what Muslims are fighting for — to gain the whole world. Many have already lost their soul.
And it was all so useless.
The Funeral
The Funeral

ISI/DI: There is nothing so cheerful as the laugh of a baby or young child. Their laughs can be so infectious. Listen ……… can you hear Kfir and Ariel? They now sit before the hand of God.
London mayor: ‘Islam is peace, love and tolerance. Islam celebrates diversity because diversity is our strength!’

ISI/DI: Sidiq clearly needs to go back and review the history of Islam. Thought to have its beginnings in the year 610, Muhammad won over his first converts …… by threatening to lop off their heads. For the next several years the story did not change much ……… warring tribes would continue to submit to Muhammad’s call, until he had an army of hundreds. The more they grew, the more they were able to intimidate new encounters. It was always the same though — you have two options — submit to the sword or submit to the messenger.
As for Sidiq, he says this is his last term in office. Muslims have made quite an impression on the UK during his tenure.
Some things he won’t talk about, though ……… just to start, Islam and polygamy; Islam and pedophilia; and Islam as a warring religion of peace.
Hamas refuses to extend Phase 1 of truce, demands end to war

Hamas Terrorists Storm Columbia University Barnard College Building, Hospitalize Security Guard, Terrorize Classes, Students
Hamas Terrorists Storm Columbia University Barnard College Building, Hospitalize Security Guard, Terrorize Classes, Students

Tulsi Gabbard Identifies Biggest National Security Threat, and It’s Not What We’ve Been Told

ISI/DI: Finally, it seems someone in Washington knows which end is up. Yes, that’s right …… she named Islam as being the BIGGEST national security threat. What I wouldn’t give to sit-down with her for just a few minutes ……… or an hour or so.
Well, she at least has identified the threat. I pray she will be able to surround herself with counselors who have wisdom, or as Solomon said:
“Can’t you hear the voice of wisdom? She is standing at the city gates and at every fork in the road, and at the door of every house. Listen to what she says: ‘Listen, men!’ she calls. ‘How foolish and naive you are! Let me give you understanding. O foolish ones, let me show you common sense! Listen to me! For I have important information for you. Everything I say is right and true, for I hate lies and every kind of deception. My advice is wholesome and good. There is nothing of evil in it. My words are plain and clear to anyone with half a mind — if it is only open! My instruction is far more valuable than silver or gold.’
“For the value of wisdom is far above rubies; nothing can be compared with it. Wisdom and good judgment live together, for wisdom knows where to discover knowledge and understanding. If anyone respects and fears God, he will hate evil. For wisdom hates pride, arrogance, corruption, and deceit of every kind.”
I could go on, but you may already know the Book of Proverbs. If you don’t, I strongly encourage you to read it. The Book of Proverbs does not waste a word, thought, or sentence. It’s a very powerful Book, and it’s what my book, Values In The Marketplace, is about — the search for wisdom and its application to our daily lives, especially in business. If it’s your first time to read it, I would encourage you to start with The Living Bible (TLB). The Living Bible is a personal paraphrase, not a translation, of the Bible in English. It uses every day, common English. If you have read it before but feel a bit rusty, I would then suggest the English Standard Version (ESV), which is a translation, and still an easy read.
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