Robert Spencer: How well do Western leaders understand jihad threat? ‘As well as a dog understands trigonometry.’

ISI/DI: It is difficult for Western leaders to understand the pressure that Muslims are under when they go to another culture. Most Muslims who follow the Qur’an do not assimilate into the host culture they are in. The Qur’an tells them not to assimilate and Shari’a forbids that they do so.
Because of this lack of understanding, Western leaders proceed to make laws that they think will protect Muslims and their culture, while the reality is that rather than protecting them they are actually creating avenues which allow the destruction of their own Western culture.
Denmark’s parliament adopts laws banning Qur’an burnings

ISI/DI: As an example of the above comments — Denmark bans the burning of the Qur’an — yet no holy books of other religions …… Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc., …… not even Sun Myung Moon’s Unification Church.
Yet, the second largest religion in the world somehow manages to intimidate everything it comes into contact with by kowtowing to their beliefs without actually bringing everyone else into their sphere of belief. Unless you count jihad.
Even then, though, there are stories of Christians who would rather die … and did … than accept the false god that Muslims worship.
Sharia Denmark charges two people in first-ever Qur’an desecration case
Sharia Denmark charges two people in first-ever Qur’an desecration case

ISI/DI: This is a continuation of the post just before it ……… actually, it has now gone full-circle, leaving you to decide if you have understood what has transpired in this conversation.
Former Home Secretary Suella Braverman says UK could be led by ‘Islamist government’ within 20 years
Former Home Secretary Suella Braverman says UK could be led by ‘Islamist government’ within 20 years

ISI/DI: I’m stunned …. this is five years earlier than just a year ago. I’ve always felt Britain was on a fast-track to becoming an Islamic republic, but not in just two decades. A year ago it was projected to be 2050, which I thought was a bit too soon. But, if Britain goes in 20 years, the whole of Europe will be close behind. And, America? The pond is quickly becoming a puddle.
Pakistan: Jihad group abducts 18 Pakistani nuclear scientists and steals a significant quantity of uranium
Pakistan: Jihad group abducts 18 Pakistani nuclear scientists and steals a significant quantity of uranium

ISI/DI: Why does a nuclear powered country need to kidnap a group of nuclear scientists? Are the Afghan-Taliban getting a bit too close for comfort? Or, is it neighboring India that is a reason for concern?
Pro-Hezbollah teacher in London vows to make children holy warriors

ISI/DI: This is what happens when we allow outside forces that are alien to our beliefs, that are alien to our values, and that are alien to our culture, to impose their beliefs, values, and cultural mores to our educational system.
France: Town pulls advertisement after Iran said it was an insult to the Islamic Republic
France: Town pulls advertisement after Iran said it was an insult to the Islamic Republic

ISI/DI: This is what happens when we allow outside forces that are alien to our beliefs, that are alien to our values, and that are alien to our culture, to impose their beliefs, values, and cultural mores through our media sources.
There are so many in-roads that lead to our own devastation, and Islam is encroaching upon them all.
Hamas Hostages Were Held in UNRWA Compounds
Hamas Hostages Were Held in UNRWA Compounds

ISI/DI: The UN was involved up to their necks in the October 7, 2023 attack that killed over 1,000 Israeli young people attending a concert. Many of the women were raped; both men and women were literally pulled limb from limb; babies were killed.
Islamic Republic of Iran: Two girls arrested for dancing could face ‘years in prison or death penalty’
Islamic Republic of Iran: Two girls arrested for dancing could face ‘years in prison or death penalty’

ISI/DI: I have two girls …… grown now …… and how they loved to dance; my son has two girls, 4 and 5, and I can’t tell you how much they love to dance!!!!
What about you? I imagine many of you have two girls somewhere in your family …… even with one girl, I’m sure she loved or maybe loves, to dance.
Now, imagine a law that is so harsh that it forbids your children from dancing.
King David danced before the Lord while carrying the Ark of the Covenant into Jerusalem. The story is told in the Bible in 2 Samuel 6.
There are times when dancing is not only fun, but can also be a time of worship before the Lord. Dancing is a prominent part of Jewish culture, and has been for thousands of years. It’s a way to express joy, connect with history and culture, and celebrate religious and secular occasions.
Dance has long been used by Jews as a medium for the expression of joy and other communal emotions. Dancing is a favorite pastime and plays a role in religious observance. While the Bible does not say that Jesus danced, he surely attended Jewish weddings. Dances associated with Ashkenazi and Sephardi traditions, especially Jewish wedding dances, are an integral part of Jewish life around the world.
Shari’a would deprive our children of this wondrous and fun-filled way of expression before our Lord.
Syria’s new leaders turn to Islamic law in effort to rebuild Assad’s police

ISI/DI: The ink is not even dry on this failed state and already the laws are written in stone. There never was much doubt about Syria as a dictatorship but at least it had a figurehead. Now, it becomes just another terrorist domicile.
Vox warns that 200 Andalusian schools teach Islamic religion: “We have succumbed to immigration”

ISI/DI: Yes …… that is what “unconditional surrender” looks like. And, it is the only kind of surrender acceptable when it comes to Muslims and the Islamic religion. If you are still not convinced, look around at what is happening throughout the world today, and where it was just 18 months ago.
It is prior to the October 2023 attack by Hamas on a defenseless group of young people at an outdoor concert; the grueling behavior of the world as antisemitism raises its ugly head to levels not seen since the end of World War II; the fall of Britain was not under discussion; American colleges and universities were relatively calm.
In other words, in America, regardless of what was taking place with the rest of the world, was just beginning to realize that the world’s axis was askew, far greater than anyone realized.
From Scandinavia to South Africa the world was beginning to understand that Islam truly was a threat, a “clear and present danger.” Sweden was out of Swedes; France was no longer assured that its most spoken language …… French …… would remain so; President Erdogan of Turkey was being re-elected and continuing his draft on what the world might look like under an Ottoman Empire 2.0; London’s Muslim mayor had not yet waved his cape in the air, signifying his re-election while at the same time revealing his stance on Shari’a.
Lots of things were different. Yet, the more things changed, you know, the more they stayed the same.
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