Hamas tells negotiators it doesn’t have 40 Israeli hostages needed for first round of ceasefire
Rhode Island Mosque Exhorts Muslims to “Fight Disbelievers,” Just Two Days After Murderous Jihadist Attack in New Orleans
Rhode Island Mosque Exhorts Muslims to “Fight Disbelievers,” Just Two Days After Murderous Jihadist Attack in New Orleans

ISI/DI: Once again, the call is coming from our own shores. Whatever happened to, “I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic” …… is this not an act of sedition?
Brooklyn Friday Sermon By Raja Abdulhaq, Who Previously Spoke At Columbia University Encampment: Since 9/11, Muslims In America Have Been Viewed As A Threat To The Empire; We Cannot Be Loyal To The Security Forces Of An Empire That Is Destroying The World; The Prophet’s Companions Expanded The Muslim Empire In Order To Create Justice – Not To Occupy Or Rule Like Colonial Western Powers

ISI/DI: Muslims are singular in their world-view. Perhaps this Muslim has forgotten it was Afghanistan who first attacked the U.S. They brought their world to our shores first. As for as his loyalty, he shouldn’t let the door hit him on his backside on his way to which-ever Shari’a-lead country he plans to go to.
‘This is how you enter Greece’: Pakistani video tells Muslim migrants how to enter Europe illegally
‘This is how you enter Greece’: Pakistani video tells Muslim migrants how to enter Europe illegally

ISI/DI: For those still skeptical of a “Playbook,” maybe this will convince you of the coordinated effort to flood the West with jihadists. Folks, they do not come here by accident … …… there is no wrong boat for them to catch …… every boat is coming here. Where we have our millions of immigrants, every country in Europe has their hundreds thousands.
America …… you have slept too long. By the end of this decade we will have a Muslim president …… that is if there is an America left to have a president.
Are we really going down that road? What would you think if I told you a Muslim is to co-chair a committee to reduce our defense budget?
Ilhan Omar to replace co-chair of caucus on defense budget reduction

ISI/DI: Now, what do you think? If you did not read the above post, read it, then answer the question.
Syrian Defense Ministry requires course in Sharia for joining the new Syrian army
Syrian Defense Ministry requires course in Sharia for joining the new Syrian army

ISI/DI: In the last issue I shared that all U.S. military receive a book called the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). It looks like the new Syria is requiring something similar of their military …… only it’s based on Shari’a. I guess you could call it the UCMJ (Uniform Code of Muslim Justice).
Biden Extends Deportation Protection To Hundreds Of Thousands In Final Days Of Administration

ISI/DI: It is not written policy, but it is policy …… I do not like to cross the line into politics, no matter the party or individual. BUT ……
In this case, however, it is politics which has crossed the line. To make sweeping deals like this is never good. It is inappropriate and crosses the line of conflict of interest. In this case, it is the interest of the United States and the conflict of interest is an out-going politician who purposely creates a situation for his in-coming replacement. Not only that, but it is also a national security breech.
Biden admin shifts millions in aid from Israel to Hezbollah
Biden admin shifts millions in aid from Israel to Hezbollah

ISI/DI: Ditto.
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