WATCH: Syrian rebel leader vows to implement Sharia law and morality police in new regime
WATCH: Syrian rebel leader vows to implement Sharia law and morality police in new regime
ISI/DI: Sounds like another … Afghanistan … Syria … Libya … Mali ……… Shari’a law and morality police only offer a poor future — if you want to call it a future.
When my board of directors told me back in 1982 that they felt the ministry I was doing needed to be in two places, places where most other ministries were not, I felt stunned, to say the least. Those two places were the Middle East and the Soviet Union.
It was several years later that I began my Ph.D. work at Oxford. I knew nothing — make that less than nothing — about Islam. Trying to pick a topic wasn’t too hard, though. I had taken several finance courses during summer school when we were at Covenant College. The courses were in money and banking. Also, we came through the 1970’s of gas shortages and long gas lines. This was when the oil producing countries of the Middle East formed OPEC — the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries. And America would never be the same. So, my study topic with Islam became Money and Banking & Oil and Gas.
However, it wasn’t until I retired from the Foreign Service in 2012, returned to the States and settled in to Estes Park, Colorado that my learning experience with Islam truly began.
I had no idea where to start, so I started at the beginning, which was to learn from the ground up. Having gone to Oxford, I still had access to their online research center.
I learned two things about Islam. First, Islam is a sickness; second, Islam is evil. Right now, there are approximately two billion souls who have been captivated by this evil sickness, and probably hundreds of millions more over the past 1,500 years.
But, if Shari’a and morality police are coming to Syria, all we can expect to see is another Iran, where its people are oppressed ………
The fall of Assad is just the beginning: The struggle for Syria has resumed – opinion

ISI/DI: The Assad family were ruthless dictators who abused the people of Syria. After the father’s death, the son took his place, and eventually used poison gas on portions of the Syrian population.
The Ghouta chemical attack was a chemical attack carried out by the forces of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, in the early hours of 21 August 2013 in Ghouta, Syria during the Syrian civil war.
Kurdish spokesperson: ‘The Turkish state’s goal is to bring the whole of Syria under its control’
Kurdish spokesperson: ‘The Turkish state’s goal is to bring the whole of Syria under its control’

ISI/DI: This would fall in line with with what I’ve reported concerning Erdogan. I always thought, “Naw, he’s not really doing this; there’s no possible chance of that.” Well, even now I’m not sure. I just try to call it as I see it. For those who do not know what I’m talking about ……
Erdogan has worked himself to Turkey’s top position, politically. He’s been at it for years now, and claims he will not run again after this term, which ends in 2028. He’s in his 60’s, dreams of a new Ottoman Empire, which I’m sure sees himself as the caliph of this new caliphate. He has offered sanctuary to existing terrorists of Al-Qaeda, ISIS, Hamas, Hezbollah — and maybe others; he’s provided homes, land, Turkish passports along with citizenship, and cash. My theory is that Erdogan is building his own force of mercenaries. To my knowledge there is no public information as to how many terrorists have taken his offer.
Syria could become ‘an Afghanistan-style base for global jihad, threatening us all”
Syria could become ‘an Afghanistan-style base for global jihad, threatening us all”

British Islamist And Former Hizb ut-Tahrir Official Taji Mustafa Advocates For Establishing A Caliphate And Shar’ia Law In Syria: An Islamic Caliphate System Will Establish Justice For Muslims And Non-Muslims

ISI/DI: Neither Islam nor anything associated with it will bring justice for non-Muslims. The whole system is rigged in favor of Muslims ……… all others are in servitude to Muslims; they are taxed or killed or are slaves. There is no justice in Islam.
The Future of Syria
The Future of Syria

Hamas refuses to hand over list of living hostages – report
Hamas refuses to hand over list of living hostages – report
ISI/DI: The last proof of life was offered in April, 2024. How many hostages do you suppose might still be left alive? The answer might be tied to Hamas’ refusal to hand over a list of those hostages who are still alive. There are several possibilities:
- There are no hostages still alive;
- Hamas gave some hostages to other terrorist organizations, i.e., Hezbollah, Houthis, etc., and for what ever reason, they are unaccounted for;
- Hamas never did plan to pursue peace with Israel to begin with.
Iraqi MP Habib Al-Halawi: Inshallah, We Will Kill The Americans Like Flies; Our Youth Were Inspired To Volunteer For Jihad By The Blood Of Nasrallah, Mughniyeh, Soleimani; From Time To Time We Need More Pure Blood

ISI/DI: A few bits of Iraqi history you probably will not find anywhere else:
Saddam Hussein was captured on December 13, 2003. He had been hiding in a hole … not a cave, just a hole. The execution of the former Iraqi president took place on 30 December 2006. Saddam was sentenced to death by hanging, after being convicted of crimes against humanity by the Iraqi Special Tribunal for the Dujail massacre — the killing of 148 Iraqi Shi’ites in the town of Dujail — in 1982, in retaliation for an assassination attempt against him.

Both, my wife and I, joined the Foreign Service in 2002. Our first post was Israel, during the Second Intifada. In May 2004 we volunteered for our second post, and spent a year in Baghdad, Iraq. The war in Iraq from 2003 to 2011 was called the Iraq War, also known as the Second Gulf War or Operation Iraqi Freedom.
Going back two decades, the Iran–Iraq War was a military conflict that lasted from 1980 to 1988 and was fought over a number of issues, including:
- Border Disputes: Iraq wanted to retake the eastern bank of the Shatt al-Arab river, which it had given to Iran in the 1975 Algiers Agreement. Iraq also wanted to control the entire Shatt al-Arab;
- Khuzestan: Iraq wanted to annex Iran’s oil-rich Khuzestan province, which was predominantly Arab. Iraq hoped to exploit Arab separatism in the region to undermine Iran;

- Ideological differences: The war was fought between theocratic Iran and the secular-socialist Iraq. Saddam Hussein, Iraq’s leader, saw Iran’s Shi’a Islamism as a threat to Iraqi society;
- Fear of insurgency: Iraq feared that the 1979 Iranian Revolution would inspire insurgency among Iraq’s Shi’ite majority.
The war was one of the most destructive conflicts of the late 20th century. Estimates of the total number of casualties range from 1,000,000 to twice that number.
Now, that an Iraqi MP wants to kill Americans leads me to believe that our time there, trying to bring peace, introduce the concept of democracy, etc., were of little use. Except that the MP who wants to kill the Americans …… was voted in to office by the wheels that democracy runs on. Oh, well.
Orlando Imam Abu Usama At-Thahabi: Christianity Is A Pagan Religion; Your Christian Relatives Are Pagans; They Think They Are Believers But Are Not; Do Not Let Your Children Watch Movies With Christmas Themes

ISI/DI: These folks also think the Jewish people are descendants of apes (it says so in the Qur’an) …. among other things.
BBC Praises Muslim Leader Who Wants Sharia in the UK
BBC Praises Muslim Leader Who Wants Sharia in the UK

ISI/DI: Shari’a already exists in some places in the U.K. The reasoning is that it is better to let Muslims handle some of their personal affairs …… such as divorce, multiple marriages (polygamy), etc.
The legal system (not the government) does not recognize Shari’a as law. It does recognize it as a cultural framework for settling some disputes that may be adopted if all parties to the dispute agree. If a Muslim couple are divorcing, they may, if both parties agree, ask the court to take Shari’a rulings on divorce into account in the legally enforceable settlement passed down by the court.
South Africa: Next Rich Failed State; Perfect Target for a Hostile Takeover

Spain: Moroccan migrant says he’d like Morocco to conquer Spain, ‘Spain is ours, because al-Andalus was ours’

ISI/DI: Notice the change in the heading from “is” to “was.” According to the migrant, Spain is theirs because part of it USED to be theirs — by conquest.
Erdogan: ‘Jerusalem is our city, a city from us’

ISI/DI: “Erdogan referred to the Ottoman Empire’s rule over Jerusalem, which lasted four centuries (1517-1917), to justify his claim.”
‘So?’ you might ask.
If you’ve missed my prior explanation of this, here it is again. According to Islamic law, Shari’a, once a land is conquered and lived in, that land belongs to Islam, no matter if they have vacated the area, no matter the length of time. In other words, once conquered, it belongs to Islam forever …… and ever.
This is not the first time Erdogan has made such a claim. He has also claimed Cyprus, a number of the Greek isles, the city of Jerusalem, and probably other locations as well. To my knowledge, the only location where he has actually pursued a claim was in July of 1974 when he “annexed” a portion of Cyprus. That “annexation” is still in place today.
Russia’s Putin has done a similar thing with Ukraine. Russia invaded Ukraine in 2014 and annexed Crimea and Sevastopol and again in 2022, with a second invasion that is still on-going.
Turkish Caliph President Erdogan Threatens to Invade Israel

ISI/DI: Israel and Turkey have been around the track and back again for a number of years. Their “official” diplomatic relations have been on-again, off-again. They enter in to trade agreements, peace agreements, bi-lateral agreements …… and then off-again.
Now that Erdogan wants to invade Israel …… I’ll report on it when — if — it happens.
President Erdogan’s Son Calls for Turkey to Takeover Israel:”Yesterday Hagia Sophia, today the Umayyad Mosque, tomorrow Al-Aqsa.”
ISI/DI: Turkey’s authoritarian ruler Recep Tayyip Erdogan, may be having growing health problems, which would be a reason as to why he’s not seeking office again.
It seems that Erdogan has put in motion plans to properly groom and prepare his youngest son to succeed him, setting the stage for creating a family dynasty against the backdrop of dismantling democratic institutions in Turkey.
Necmettin Bilal Erdogan, the 42-year-old younger son in the family, is not in charge of any public office, but he should perhaps be considered to be the most influential person in the governance of Turkey. An ideological zealot, he operates from the shadows. He is aided and abetted by his father’s repressive, unaccountable regime and an extensive network of cronies strategically planted in key government positions.
The road markers for such a prospect were already visible in the key appointments made by President Erdogan after the elections in May and the subsequent cabinet reshuffle. Erdogan has said he intends to voluntarily step down from politics. His deteriorating health, which includes cancer treatment, recurring epilepsy episodes and occasional memory lapses, may necessitate planning for a smooth succession in case of any future challenges to his leadership.
Erdoğan: ‘Turkey is bigger than Turkey, we can’t limit ourselves’

Former Portuguese ambassador to Qatar says Qatar dreams of establishing Islamic caliphate
Former Portuguese ambassador to Qatar says Qatar dreams of establishing Islamic caliphate

ISI/DI: Turkey, France, and now Qatar — all vying to be a caliphate. Obviously, this would be a feather in anyone’s cap to have their country set up to be the caliphate — and they the caliph.
If it were to be France, there would be the added benefit of conquering a European country … for the second time; if Qatar — I’ll need to think on this one for a while; if Turkey, the added tribute coming in would solve a lot of Turkey’s financial problems — until someone overspent again.
42% of German Teens are Foreigners — Germany is gone.
42% of German Teens are Foreigners

ISI/DI: “Germany has wiped itself out. Numbers like these show how quickly mass migration can eliminate a country’s future. Germany Opened Its Doors to Migrants. Now It’s Struggling to Cope.”
Germany is not the only European state showing difficulty. You may recall from earlier postings, that Arabic is the second most spoken language in France; there are more migrants in Sweden than natural born Swedes; size for size, the UK is experiencing border problems similar to the U.S.; Germany, the UK, Spain, Luxembourg — all have no-go-zones along with Muslim rape gangs — some even have biker gangs.
Islamists aim to turn France into caliphate – intel chief

ISI/DI: The calls for a caliphate are coming from several places and more frequently. One of these days it’s going to stick …… the call will go out, it will be heeded, and it will draw Muslims like a magnet. It could be in 2025 or in 2026 …… 2030 at the latest.
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