Iraq is Legalizing “Child Marriage” at Age of 9 years Old (Like Their Prophet Muhammad)
ISI/DI: There can be little doubt that Muhammad would be known as a pedophile in today’s world …… his ’favorite’ wife, Aisha, was six (6) years old when they married and she was nine (9) years old when the marriage was consummated.
Progress: Iraq Moves to Legalize Pedophilia
ISI/DI: Now, Iraq wants to legalize pedophilia, leaving little doubt that Islam supports this crime against children …… yet, so many countries are kowtowing to this so-called “religion of peace,” protector of women and children.
The underlying direction of Islam, from its inception to present day has been towards world domination: one religion, that of Islam, ending with Armageddon. Islam is not a religion of peace. That perhaps has been the big lie throughout history. One need only look at their final destination to know that Islam is a religion of JIHAD.
The final destination: Armageddon (per Islam).
The date: 2110 (again, per Islam); a mere 86 years.
UK police tacitly admit to ‘two tier policing’ for Muslims
http://UK police tacitly admit to ‘two tier policing’ for Muslims

ISI/DI: Of course policing is on a two-tier system. It’s the same many places right here in the States. Muslims (and their supporters) cry foul/Islamophobia when someone sneezes. Cry ‘terror’ and the anvil comes down. Cry foul and your ostracized.
Wake up America …… there is very little time left. I believe there is a better than even chance the Democrats will win in November. If they do, we can expect a heavy hand in favor of Islam and a lack of support for Israel.
Hamas demands release of intifada mastermind in exchange for hostages

ISI/DI: Hostages? What hostages? The last hostage has been found …… dead.
Last Missing Person From Oct. 7 Hamas Attack on Israel Found

ISI/DI: The last person listed as missing from the Hamas attack on Israel 10 months ago has been identified as killed, Israeli authorities say. Bilha Yinon, 75, was murdered along with her husband, Yaakov, at their home in Netiv Haasara, when hundreds of gunmen from Gaza attacked communities in southern Israel on 7 October, 2023.
The last proof-of-life provided by Hamas through contacts in Qatar was on April 24, 2024.
Tim Walz attended Hamas-linked CAIR ‘Islamophobia’ conference with antisemitic jihad defender

ISI/DI: For those of you who are new to our newsletter, a bit of history …… CAIR — Council on American-Islamic Relations — was named an un-indicted co-conspirator in a landmark case of 2007-2008, United States Government vs Holy Land Foundation (an Islamic non-profit — founded by The Muslim Brotherhood). The USG won the case, the largest of its kind.
CAIR walks a narrow line and is constantly on some agencies’ radar. CAIR is a Muslim political organization pursuing Muslim civil rights. They also pursue the advancement of Muslims into the political arena, in local, state, and federal politics.
For Tim Walz to be found in their midst only shows how naive he is. Islam has but one goal, and that is world domination.
Tim Walz repeatedly hosted Muslim cleric who celebrated Oct. 7 jihad massacres and shared pro-Hitler website link

ISI/DI: In 2020, shortly after the last election, I said Muslims would be hanging on to Biden until they had no more use of him. They dropped him about six months ago.
The same will be true for Harris/Walz. There will be a honeymoon of sorts, Muslims will be greeted and all the fanfare that goes with it, but once tensions cool, Islam will drop the Dems so fast their heads will spin.
UK: London police top dog vows to hunt down Americans who report about his country’s capitulation to Islam

ISI/DI: The guy is in a hard spot. Muslims now occupy so many positions in the government, from local all the way to the mayoral spot in London, who is no moderate himself.
Turning the screws on the Americans makes him look good at home, but I think everyone understands. Can’t blame him …… must be embarrassing. If people would only understand a bit.
Countries in Africa face mayhem and terror, genocide, pillaging, murder …… Western countries face a different type of terror. It’s much more subdued, but consider the Muslims in America and what they do. Many are involved in politics, using our own laws to put forth their own agenda …… advancing Islam, Shari’a (Islamic Law).
India: ‘She has ruined my father’s honor’: Muslim murders teen sister in front of crowd for loving Hindu boys

ISI/DI: Where ever you are, life under Shari’a is very much the same. India, which has a fairly large Muslim population (just as Pakistan and Bangladesh have large Indian populations) and the world’s largest democracy, might be a microcosms of democracies elsewhere. The UK has made adjustments to certain elements of Shari’a. There are Shari’a courts which are allowed to deal with certain legal issues, especially when it comes to marriage and divorce situations. However, one must remember, give Islam a two-hold and soon the foot is lost. It becomes a very slippery slope when the fox is allowed into the chicken coop.
Leftist voters demand Harris force Israel to allow Hamas to survive, or she won’t get their votes

ISI/DI: By “leftist voters,” there are two camps: one, those who support Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran; and two, Muslims who live in this country. The largest block live in northern Michigan …… Detroit, Dearborn, and Farmington.
Hamtramck made history recently. It is the only Muslim-majority city in the United States. Known in the 20th century as a vibrant center of Polish-American life and cultur’e, Hamtramck has attracted new immigrants in the 21st century, especially from Yemen, Bangladesh and Pakistan.
The Morning Briefing: Hamas-Loving Harris Is Working Hard for the Dearborn Vote

ISI/DI: As of 2023, Dearborn, Michigan, has become the largest city with an Arab majority in the US, with 55 percent of its 110,000 population claiming Middle Eastern or North African roots in the latest census.
Michigan is a sizable block, a must-have for Kamala if she wants to be known as their representative.
High Level Military Group Concludes That the IDF is ‘the Most Moral Army in History’

ISI/DI: We lived in Israel for two years …… 2002-2004, during the Second Intifada. The IDF were very visible during this time and we recognized them every place we went. My impression of them was very favorable. They were mostly young and college aged. They took their jobs very seriously, yet knew how to laugh, have good times.
The IDF were very visible during the Second Intifada. You would find them providing security at restaurants, shops, office buildings …… people felt safe even though they knew why the IDF had to be there.
Tens of Thousands of Hamas Terror Extremists Expected to March at the DNC
Tens of Thousands of Hamas Terror Extremists Expected to March at the DNC
ISI/DI: Perhaps this will be a wake up call for many Americas who either do not understand the gravity of what is being dealt with, or otherwise do not care. One thing is sure, though …… time is running out and the window of availability is very short.
Canada: Watch Hamas Terror Mobs March on Parliament Hill against Israel

ISI/DI: The United States is not the only place with Hamas sympathizers and mobs. Canada has been a long-time favorite for protests and sympathizers.
Bangladesh: Muslim leader whose group spreads Hindu hate becomes part of interim government, wants Sharia state

ISI/DI: Bangladesh is already considered to be a Muslim country by some. When there just after the turn of this century, the Hindu people we talked with feared talking about any issues with Muslims. We found it safer to avoid any discussions of Islam as we did not want to put anyone in jeopardy.
Muslim in UK: ‘Pretty soon, England will be paying the Jizya to us Muslims’
http://Muslim in UK: ‘Pretty soon, England will be paying the Jizya to us Muslims’

ISI/DI: Jizya is a tax paid by non-Muslim populations to their Muslim rulers. It is not a “head” tax or a “poll” tax. It’s simply a tax non-Muslims pay when they live in a locale where Muslims are in charge of the government.
On the message I would not disagree, but the timing, “pretty soon,” may be a bit optimistic. The United Kingdom has made it through all manner of governments for hundreds of years, and she still stands.
Will Islam only last for 1,500 years? That is 86 years from now. There is a lot that must happen between that time and now.
Then, there comes the question — what if Islam goes beyond that 1,500 year time span? Will Islam simply have a melt-down and go away, or will the mullahs say, “Well, Muhammad may have missed the mark,” and life goes on, one terror attack after another?
Hizballah exploits cocaine, corruption and chaos in Venezuela as it expands operations in South America

ISI/DI: For decades, the Tri-Border Area of Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay has been the hub of Iranian and Hezbollah activity in Latin America, capitalizing on large Lebanese and Shiite diaspora communities.
According to the late Argentine special prosecutor Alberto Nisman, Hezbollah established its presence in Latin America in the mid-1980s, beginning in the Tri-Border Area, a relatively lawless region. From its base in Ciudad del Este, Paraguay, it set up illicit enterprises to fund its operations in the Middle East and elsewhere, including money laundering, counterfeiting, piracy, and drug trafficking. In addition to trafficking illicit drugs from Paraguay to Europe, the group has reportedly expanded into cryptocurrency mining.
Al-Qaeda, Hezbollah and Hamas all Active in South America

ISI/DI: Many Muslim terrorist organizations, including Hezbollah, Hamas and Al-Qaeda, have a strong presence in South America. They are particularly active in the Tri-Border Area (TBA), the region where Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina meet.
Often used for the smuggling of traditional goods, the TBA has expanded to support the international drug trade and global terrorism. Al-Qaeda and Hezbollah representatives met there in 2002 to plan attacks focused on targets in the United States and Israel. United States government officials estimate that the Paraguayan city of Ciudad del Este alone boasts 55 banks and that approximately half of Paraguay’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is laundered through that city.
Since 1994, Hezbollah has worked to further the three primary goals of the Iranian regime. These goals are to reduce the international political isolation of Iran (the recent American-Iranian nuclear “deal” has materially assisted in the achievement of this goal); to obtain access to technological advancements and resources; and to weaken U.S. influence in the Americas.
The Iranian regime and Hezbollah remain consistent in their efforts to achieve their goals. As with any organization, funding is paramount. How does Hezbollah fund its operations in the TBA and other parts of the Americas?
The efforts of Hamas in South America are less focused on destabilizing American influence in the region and more oriented toward gaining the support of various governments for their cause against Israel. For example, Hamas had a warm relationship with former Venezuelan strong man President Hugo Chavez.
Hamas is an organization supported by Iran. The relationship is close enough between Hamas and Hezbollah that some analysts simply group the two loosely together despite their marked sectarian difference. Other analysts discuss Hezbollah activities at length and Hamas only peripherally.
Comparatively little has been published in recent years about Al-Qaeda in Latin America due to the rise of other Muslim groups such as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). While Al-Qaeda is a Sunni group and Hezbollah is Shi’ite, the largest concentration of Shi’ite Muslims in South America reside in the cities of Foz do Idguaco, Brazil and Ciudad del Estes, Paraguay. The concentration of Shi’ite Muslims in this area tends to focus the attention of Hezbollah on this population as a prime source of strength ^in the region. However, most Muslims in the Americas are actually Sunni.
Al-Qaeda and Hezbollah, along with Hamas, could temporarily unite for their mutual benefit and to form a common front in the Americas against the U.S., the common enemy. In a speech at the National Defense University, former Southern Command (SOUTHCOM) Commander General John F. Kelly noted that cocaine trafficked through Bolivia and Peru follows a West African route via the Maghreb. Cocaine transports ultimately terminate in Western Europe with Al-Qaeda facilitating the transports as a funding source.
Chip Roy raises ‘strong concerns’ Sharia law will be ‘forced upon the American people’

ISI/DI: Chip Roy is a conservative Republican Congressman from Texas, serving in the House since 2019. He is friends with Ted Cruz and Ron DeSantis.
I am not that familiar with Mr. Roy, but I am trying to see if I can make contact with him, to see how close we are philosophically. Who knows where it might go from there …… or, no where at all.
This morning I tried to email him. It was quickly shut-down because I’m not a Texas resident. So, I sent a two-page letter to his office in DC. At most, I may get a short note back from a stagger about how busy he is and, “thanks for writing.”
Today in History: Muslims Behead 800 Christians for Refusing to Renounce Christ

ISI/DI: It never really stopped. Christians kill Muslims; Muslims kill Christians; Christians kill Muslims; Muslims kill Christians.
In Islamic eschatology, the Mahdi is a Messianic figure who, it is believed, will appear on Earth before the (Islamic) Day of Judgment, and will rid the world of wrongdoing, injustice and tyranny. People claiming to be the Mahdi have appeared across the Muslim world – in South Asia, Africa and the Middle East – and throughout history since the birth of Islam (AD 610).
A claimant Mahdi can wield great temporal, as well as spiritual, power: claimant Mahdis have founded states (e.g. the late 19th-century Mahdiyah in Sudan, as portrayed in the 1966 movie, Khartoum starring Charlton Heston), as well as religions and sects (e.g. Bábism, or the Ahmadiyya movement). The continued relevance of the Mahdi doctrine in the Muslim world was most recently emphasized during the 1979 seizing of the Grand Mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, by at least 200 militants led by Juhayman al-Otaibi, who had declared his brother-in-law, Muhammad bin abd Allah al-Qahtani, the Mahdi.
Traditionally interest in “apocalyptic speculation,” (with the appearance of the Mahdi being central), has been strongest among mainstream Shi’a (Twelver Shi’a), Isma’ilism, and Sunni Muslims living on the “doctrinal and geographic ‘margins” – such as present day Morocco or Sudan – but was weaker in the heartland of Sunni Islam.
While in (at least) Shi’a Islam, waiting for the Mahdi “is hailed as a form of worship; joining him when he appears and fighting under his banner to fill the world with justice is an everyday aspiration of the faithful,” so that more pious Muslims are naturally attracted to support for someone convincingly claiming to be a Mahdi, there is sometimes considerable clash between a claimant on the one hand, and orthodox believers and Islamic scholars on the other. In Iraq claimants have been condemned as “infidels, charlatans and liars,” while in Iraq one self-proclaimed Mahdi (Dia Abdul Zahra Kadim) and one claiming the Mahdi has appointed him his representative (wassi) (Ahmed al-Hasan), both with militias, have both vigorously attacked Ayatollahs of Shi’i Islam.
Mahmoud Pargoo offers the explanation that according to Shīʿahadiths, the Mahdi “will bring a new religion, a new book and a new law;” making hard won Islamic learning and beloved, established religious rituals and institutions “redundant.”
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