‘Muslims are arguably the most privileged and powerful minority in the West’
‘Muslims are arguably the most privileged and powerful minority in the West’

ISI/DI: They cry foul (Islamophobia) at the drop of a coin while committing rape, murder, honor killings, and just a general fear frenzy.
Let’s talk about continents ……
- First, is Africa. Here is a short-list of countries NOT affected by Islam: Well, there aren’t any;
- Next, is Asia …… countries where the Muslim population makes up between 80 and 89 percent are Bangladesh, Indonesia, Kuwait, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan — the Muslim population in these five countries makes up approximately 41 percent of the total Muslim population of Asia;
- Thenn there’s Europe — the term “Muslim Europe” is used to refer to the Muslim-majority countries in the Balkans and the Caucasus (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Turkey, and Azerbaijan) and parts of countries in Eastern Europe with sizable Muslim minorities (Bulgaria, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and some republics of Russia) that constitute large populations of indigenous European Muslims, although the majority are secular; the number of Muslims in Europe has grown from 29.6 million in 1990 to 44.1 million in 2010. Europe’s Muslim population is projected to exceed 58 million by 2030. Muslims today account for about 6 percent of Europe’s total population, up from 4.1 percent in 1990 — by 2030, Muslims are expected to make up 8 percent of Europe’s population … Hungary still has the best laws enacted, but it comes at a price; the hardest hit Western European nations include Sweden, the UK, Germany, France, Spain, the Netherlands …… but, there again, there is no one country that is immune;
- South America — Suriname has the highest percentage of Muslims in its population for the region, with 13.9 percent or 75,053 individuals, according to its 2012 census, however, Argentina has the biggest Muslim community —unfortunately, Islamic activities in South America are not widely reported and are dated …… meaning …… I’m not sure and this is not an area in which I wish to speculate.
- Closer to home …… North America — in Mexico the Muslim community enjoys access to a network of more than forty mosques, including four in the capital , Mexico City, making Islamic worship and community engagement accessible across the nation, with only seven out of thirty-two states currently lacking a mosque, according to Centro Salafi de Mexico …… the arrival of Islam in Mexico and Central America is sometimes dated back to the days of slavery following the discovery of the Americas, and immigration records show clear evidence of the migration of Muslims to the region from the nineteenth century onwards …… Canada … more than half of Canadian Muslims live in Ontario, with significant populations also living in Quebec, Alberta, and British Columbia, the percentage of Muslims is the second-largest religion in Canada practiced by approximately five percent of the population of the total Canadian population — the United States … for an in-depth look at Islam in America you might want to check out a four-part section here on Islam In The United States.
- Last, is Islam in the Middle East — there is a whole section on Islam as well as other Religions Of the Middle East.
Sinwar’s Bodyguard Is An UNRWA Teacher
Sinwar’s Bodyguard Is An UNRWA Teacher

ISI/DI: It seems the UN’s part with Hamas is just getting better and worse. It is confirmed, that one of Sinwar’s bodyguards was not just a teacher, but also a Hamas operative, who paid the UNRWA for the “privilege” of his association with them.
In Afghanistan, The Taliban Wages War On Music

ISI/DI: The Taliban sure has a lot to worry over if it has taken this long to get down to destroying 20,000 musical instruments.
Former Pakistani PM Nawaz Sharif Calls For An Islamic Military Force To Fight Israel: ‘Islamic Countries Possess A Large Force; If They Do Not Use It Now, When Will They Do It?’; Islamic Preacher Zakir Naik Urges ‘NATO-Like Alliance For Resolving The Palestine Issue’

Pakistani religious and political leaders’ meeting at the President House, Islamabad.
ISI/DI: This could be a rallying call for a caliphate, which is not something being actively promoted after the call in 2014 by the now deceased al-Baghdadi. I have my doubts that this call will gather much steam, but, at the same time, Muslims know that the prophecy of an end-date for the existence for Islam is in the early 2100’s.
UK: London mayor approves ad featuring jihad preacher making Islamic State index finger signal

ISI/DI: Khan has already noted that he will not run for the mayorship of London again, \following the end of his current term. It would not be out-of-character to flex his Islamic muscles when/if the opportunity arises.
Exiled Crown Prince Calls for Peace in Middle East, End to Iran Government

India’s Hindu Festivals Bring Increasing Anti-Muslim Violence

ISI/DI: For the past 18 months Muslims have been increasingly moving in on the Indian people and their democracy. India is the worlds‘ largest democracy, being four times the size of the United States.
Islam is not in hiding anywhere on our planet. While it’s true that only a small percentage of Muslims can actually be called “radical,” the foot-soldiers, the armies of ISIS, Al-Qaida, Boko Haram and other terrorist organizations, there are many times that number who provide the funds, counsel, arms, etc. There are people like Sadiq Khan (the mayor of London since 2016), and Recep Tayyip Erdoğan (Turkey’s powerhouse since the early 2000’s). There is also of course the money that flows from Saudi Arabia. While the House of Saud is our friend on one hand, there is also the quiet, back-room support provided to the “true soldiers” of Islam. There is also the Iranians, who make no attempt to hide their disdain for the West; Iran is known as the world’s largest state supporter of terrorism.
Many Jihadi Groups In Asia & Africa Pledge Allegiance To Taliban Leader, Group Sources

Uttarakhand: Maulvi Shabbir Raza arrested for raping and sexually exploiting 5 minor girls inside illegal Madarsa in Rudrapur, police say there can be more victims

Islamic Militias in the Central African Republic

The Central African Republic is a tragic case of what happens when Islamic radicals take over a nation. Pictured: A boy rides a loaded donkey through a rural village in the Vakaga Prefecture, near Birao on August 11, 2024. (Photo by Amaury Falt-Brown/AFP via Getty Images)
ISI/DI: The Central African Republic (CAR) …… of …… when I first looked at this, I thought it just left something hanging out there like …… The Central African Republic Of of, of, of something. Maybe that’s the point, though. There is no “OF,” just as there is no future for countries like CAR. They have given up all hope as they prostrate themselves before Islam.
Yazidi woman freed by IDF from Gaza reveals ISIS made them eat babies

ISI/DI: ……………
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