Pakistan: Girl asks renowned Islamic preacher about pedophilia in Islam, he gives her a deceptive, dishonest answer

ISI/DI: OK, how about a straight up, honest answer? First, let me define pedophilia — pedophilia means having sexual feelings towards children; it is further defined as a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children.
Muhammad is thought to have had at least eleven wives, but some place the number as high as thirteen; the most wives he had at any one time was nine.
His third wife was Aisha; she was also his favorite wife. He married Aisha when he was 53 …… Aisha was six. The marriage was consummated when she was nine, making him 56.
Pedophiles …… does the thought make your skin crawl? Well, it does mine (too). I hope I’m not offending anyone …… perhaps because you’ve known someone who is or was close to you. That is not my intention. I am talking about the act itself. I believe it is a sickness. Curable? I have no idea and will leave that to the medical field.
Let’s consider Muhammad. Unless you are a Muslim, chances are pretty high that that this is not a subject or a topic that you give much thought to on a regular basis. I even have a hard time writing about it. Not because I condone it, but because it is a delicate subject with many medical considerations.
The following is from Wikipedia:
“Child sex tourism (CST) is tourism for the purpose of engaging in the prostitution of children, which is commercially facilitated child sexual abuse. The definition of child in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child is “’every human being below the age of 18 years.’”
The United Nations (UN) has taken a stance against pedophilia, yet there are still countries today that allow and may even encourage this sickness to take place — and these countries are even members of the UN.
I have searched using Google and other random search methods and am unable to find one country that supports pedophilia. This is not to say that some countries may be trying to legalize it or that there are no countries who allow it to take place.
In the Muslim world …… there are places we will never be allowed to see …… it not only takes place, but is supported by inference of the Qur’an and codified into law by Shari’a, Islamic Law. In this way, Muslim dominated countries or countries where Shari’a is the law of the land, heads-of-state may not endorse it, but at the same time be able to say it is the law and they do not make the laws. It is a lot of political talk.
The Qur’an does not specifically mention child marriage, but it does refer to pre-pubescent girls in the context of divorce. In Sura 65:4 (“And those who no longer expect menstruation among your women — if you doubt, then their period is three months, and [also for] those who have not menstruated. And for those who are pregnant, their term is until they give birth”) the Qur’an lists regulations for the waiting period for divorced women before they can remarry, and it includes conditions for women who have not yet menstruated.
Islamic law permits marriage based on maturity, which is usually attained when a girl reaches puberty. However, some say that early and forced marriages violate the human rights of women and children, as well as the sanctity of marriage in Islam.
The point is …… in today’s world pedophilia is not an accepted practice and in most cases it is considered illegal. Which leads me back up to the fifth paragraph, “Let’s consider Muhammad.” Today, Muhammad would be considered a pedophile. I do not believe any one can argue for the point that he was not.
It is Muhammad’s words that give us the Qur’an and his words, actions, beliefs, etc., that gives us Shari’a. No man should be allowed to construct a legal system that is solely based on his wishes, desires, actions, etc. Which is exactly what Muhammad did to appease those around him and to assuage his own conscience.
Today, Muslims around the world are doing this exact thing and the religious leadership of Islam is right there to endorse it.
Hamas documents reveal plans for 9/11-style attack on Tel Aviv
Hamas documents reveal plans for 9/11-style attack on Tel Aviv

ISI/DI: I imagine you probably know Israel’s stance when it comes to Hamas. With Netanyahu’s (Israel’s Prime Minister) leadership, Israel has vowed to eliminate Hamas. What Hamas did on October 7, 2023 is unconscionable. It is not just what they did, but the way that they did it, as well.
What has grown out of that event has been worldwide antisemitism, riots and protests … things I haven’t seen in over 70 years … against Israel, who is clearly the victim.
The United Nations itself, along with several leading Western. news organizations (CNN, Reuters, etc.), are also complicit in the mass murders that took place on that date, and ALL should be tried before the World Court for crimes against humanity.
So why the concern about the elimination of Hamas? Why is the U.S. not supporting Israel?
From the newsletter I did after the war began I asked the following: On December 7, 1941 did America seek counsel before going to war against Japan? On September 11, 2001 did America seek counsel before going to war with Afghanistan?
In the case of Japan, not only did America go to war as quickly as possible, but was welcomed into the war by the Allied Forces. In the case of Afghanistan, NATO joined the fight along side America as part of the allied coalition after the 911 attacks.
So why is Israel not afforded the same rights? And, why are we not supporting them? Not just supplying arms and ammunition, but in the press, the United Nations, and the before the World Court?
Spanish farmer stabbed by migrants speaks out: ‘The police are overwhelmed, and we are living in fear’
Spanish farmer stabbed by migrants speaks out: ‘The police are overwhelmed, and we are living in fear’

ISI/DI: “A farmer in El Ejido was violently attacked by two migrants while defending his property from a robbery, highlighting the growing insecurity in rural Spain as locals express frustration over the lack of police resources and increasing crime.”
Spain has been fighting this battle for some time. Unfortunately, the hot water has reached the boiling point.

UK: ‘This is our country now, kafir. There is nothing you can do about it. Allahu akbar!’
UK: ‘This is our country now, kafir. There is nothing you can do about it. Allahu akbar!’
ISI/DI: The UK has been on this slippery slope for quite some time, now. Ever since Muslims gained political seats in England’s government all around the countryside right up to the mayor’s office in London.
Allahu Akbar’ Chants In London Horrify U.S Lawmakers; “America Will Be Next” I Watch
uISI/DI: “U.S. lawmakers have expressed grave concerns over what they describe as a “massive Muslim takeover” in the UK. Highlighting recent events in London, where an elected councillor chanted ‘Allahu Akbar’ after winning local polls. U.S. lawmakers now warn that the United States could be the next target. Watch the full story to see the unfolding controversy and its wider geopolitical impact.”
Protesters In Chicago: All Chicago Is Hamas! The Entire Country Is With Hamas!

ISI/DI: Yes, it’s America too …… we just haven’t felt how hot the boiling water has become.
OUTRAGE: Christian Pastor ARRESTED for preaching on Christianity vs Islam – ‘Two-Tier POLICING!’
Sharia UK: Cops arrested Christian pastor and held him for 13 hours for criticizing Islam during Ramadan
ISI/DI: What are the words …… “It’s not over until the fat-lady sings” …… have you looked around at some of America’s shopping centers? You can usually find the pictures on Facebook. The fat lady may not be singing, but she sure is humming.
Sweden: Muslim migrant murders girlfriend because his mother disliked that he was with a non-Muslim ‘white’ girl
Sweden: Muslim migrant murders girlfriend because his mother disliked that he was with a non-Muslim ‘white’ girl

ISI/DI: More “honor” killings. Muslims are committing murder because their religion and religious laws say it’s OK to do so. The problem is, they are doing it in other countries who do not accept murder as an allowable practice..
No, that’s not right, at least not completely right. They also do it because there is no recourse against them. Western rule-of-law does not bring them to justice and prosecute them …… for fear of a backlash?
Folks, the very existence of Western Civilization is at stake here. Wake Up America!!! PLEASE!!!
Biden-Harris Admin Defends UNRWA, Blasts Israel
Biden-Harris Admin Defends UNRWA, Blasts Israel

ISI/DI: Yes, the same UNRWA who did not just ride along with Hamas on October 7, 2023. These UN staff members were actually part of the attacking force …… committing murder, rape, and dismemberment of body parts.
Do you know what has happened to the UNRWA staff that took part in this carnage? There were nine of them, and they were fired. Fired for committing murder, rape, and dismemberment of body parts …… and what does the UN want to do?
…… ⤵️
UN seeks immunity for UNRWA employees complicit in Oct. 7 massacre – Channel 12 report

ISI/DI: Yes, they lost their jobs, but now the UN is seeking immunity for them. Nine employees of the UN murdered, rapes and dismembered body parts of dying victims.
Biden-Harris Officials Leak Every Piece of Info They Have About Israeli Attack on Iran

ISI/DI: The Biden/Harris administration has said they are fully behind Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East and our strongest Middle East ally for over 75 years.
And America has committed treason against this ally. America used to kill people who committed treason against us.
Democratic lawmaker calls Netanyahu ‘genocidal maniac,’ Israeli ambassador fires back
ISI/DI: Rashida Talaib should be ousted from Congress.
UNFIL Is Part of Hizb’Allah Militia in Lebanon, Netanyahu Calls for Their Immediate Removal
UNFIL Is Part of Hizb’Allah Militia in Lebanon, Netanyahu Calls for Their Immediate Removal

ISI/DI: And guess what? UNFIL said no.
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