This is what Muslims believe about themselves and their religion. It is not what I believe; it is what they believe.
Head of Iran’s intelligence services a double agent for Israel’s Mossad? Ex Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad drops a bomb

ISI/DI: Iran needs to use Angi’s List in order to get the most qualified individual.
Oh, wait ………… They did get the most qualified individual!!!!
Gooooo ISRAEL !!!!
Muslim Strangles His Sister to Save the Family’s Honor
Muslim Strangles His Sister to Save the Family’s Honor
ISI/DI: Family’s honor …… just how many types iof “honor” are there? Family? Personal? Religious? Workplace? Honor is honor. If I have to break it down into multiple areas, then there is no honor at all. Honor is trust. The above was not a family honor. It was plain out-right murder. If you have to start making excuses …… it’s already over.
More than 70 killed in Mali attack: What happened, why it matters

ISI/DI: Mali …… officially the Republic of Mali, is a landlocked country in West Africa. Mali is the eighth-largest country in Africa, with an area of just under 480,000 square miles … making it about twice the size of Texas. The population of Mali is 22 million … a bit less than Texas, with 30 million. But, Texas has roughly 105 people per square mile, while Mali has 52 people per square mile. All of this is simply to demonstrate that Mali is a lot of space with a small human footprint. Did I mention that Mali is 65 percent desert while Texas is under ten percent? Mali is a very hot, dry, and lonely place.
The country is bordered on the north by Algeria, on the east by Niger, on the northwest by Mauritania, on the south by Burkina Faso and Côte d’Ivoire, and on the west by Guinea and Senegal. 70 percent of Mali’s population is estimated to be under the age of 25.
The population of Mali is 95 percent Muslim, with under three percent being Christian. The constitution established a secular state and provided for freedom of religion. No more.
The French and the Americans have left. The Russians are there, but the jihadis “wiped out scores of experienced Russian mercenaries” in July.
Mali can now be labeled an Islamic State with Shari’a its new (if not already being practiced) form of law.
One thing Mali is famous for — it is home to the little desert town of Timbuktu — population: 30,000. The history books put Timbuktu’s population in 1450 over 100,000.
Erdogan: ‘Hamas is a resistance group that strives to protect its lands’
Erdogan: ‘Hamas is a resistance group that strives to protect its lands’

ISI/DI: I think “Erdi” misspoke. He meant to say, ‘Hamas is an ‘offensive’ group that strives to ‘increase’ its lands.”

Germany: 10,000 Catholic and Protestant temples expected to close in next decade
ISI/DI: In researching this headline, here is what I’ve found: “There are currently 24,500 church buildings in Germany;” “over 38,000 Protestants left the church in 2022;” “the numbers of those leaving the Church have declined compared to last year:” “402,694, compared to the 2022 figure of 522,821 departures;” “if we add “deaths, entrances, and moves,” the number of Church members in Germany decreased by 591,718;” “German churches will lose half their members in 40 years;”
I am already getting cross-eyed with the above numbers. What I was actually looking for though was: 1. How many active churches are there in Germany today? 2. What is the expected growth in Germany’s church membership over the next ten years?
I could find neither of the two questions above, which for me, makes the original headline not much more than rebreathed air. Sorry, if someone else can sort this out, please let me know.

Afghanistan: Taliban top dog calls women’s faces a ‘source of temptation’
ISI/DI: The solution to this is really quite simple to look upon. It is not the women who are the problem.
Matthew 5:30 says, “And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. For it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body go into hell.”
Pluck out your eyes, or chop off your head, which ever is bothering you. Quick & easy does it.
Confirmed: Hizballah top dog Hassan Nasrallah is dead
Confirmed: Hizballah top dog Hassan Nasrallah is dead

ISI/DI: Nasrallah has had been with Hamas for 18 years. Now that he’s checked out … sorry … retired, I imagine Iran will step up to pay his pension to the family, his being a stand up employee and all. Wonder how the wife wives feel about the 72 virgins.
Here is an interesting item I came across while doing this article. It has been said that Muslim martyrs will be rewarded with 72 virgins in heaven, or paradise. But a growing number of Qur’an scholars and Islamic theologians have contested its interpretation.
In the CNN special show “Why They Hate Us” in 2016, Canadian author and Qur’an scholar Irshad Manji said the word “virgin” in the Qur’an meant “raisin.”
“Nowhere in the Quran does it promise 72 virgins, 70 virgins, 48 virgins …… The Arabic word for ‘virgin’ has been mistranslated. The original [word] that was used in the Qur’an was the word for raisin, not virgin. In other words, that martyrs would get raisins in heaven, not virgins,” Manji said.
Likewise, New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof said “the Arabic language was born as a written language with the Koran, and there’s growing evidence that many of the words were Syriac or Aramaic.”
“The Koran says martyrs going to heaven will get ‘hur,’ and the word was taken by early commentators to mean ‘virgins,’ hence those 72 consorts. But in Aramaic, hur meant ‘white’ and was commonly used to mean ‘white grapes’,” Kristof said.
Christoph Luxenberg (pseudonym), a scholar who pioneered such research, said in an e-mail interview with Kristof that grapes made more sense in context because the Qur’an compares them to crystal and pearls and that paradise is described as ‘abounding with fruit,’ especially white grapes.
So, where do we go from here? Well, I embarked on a study for myself, being the linguini linguistic person that I am.
In Arabic, “Hur” (حر) can have multiple meanings depending on the context. It can mean “free,” “liberated,” or “free–born.” It can also refer to someone who is noble, honorable, or distinguished. Additionally, “Hur” can mean “white” or “blond” when describing physical attributes. Hmmm ……
What does ‘hur’ mean in the Quran?
The term “houri” originates from the classical Arabic language words “hur” and “in” and roughly translates to “pure companions with most beautiful eyes.” This focus on the eyes is believed to reflect an idea found elsewhere in the Qur’an that the eyes reflect the inner beauty and character of a being.
Now, I stumbled on another derivative for hur — hoor. What does hoor mean in the Qur’an?
“Hoor (beautiful, fair females) guarded in pavilions” [Al-Rahmaan 55:72] Ibn al-Qayyim said: Allah describes them as being “guarded in pavilions,” i.e., they are prevented from making a display of themselves before anyone except their husbands.
Does the Qur’an mention virgins?
According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, “There are numerous references to the houri in the Qur’an describing them as ‘purified wives’ and ‘spotless virgins.’”Other scholars have stated that the Qur’an elevates dutiful and faithful wives above the houris. There is even debate as to whether houris are women.
Beyond this, it all gets very confusing. What words are in the Qur’an and what words are not; what is one word in Aramaic and what it means in another language, and on and on. With all the confusion one would think the suicide bombers and others who ‘give it all for Allah’ would be a bit more concerned about just what their reward is supposed to be for all the fireworks they create.
How did I wander off on this rabbit trail?
Hassan Khalil Yassin named Nasrallah’s successor as Hizballah top dog, is immediately killed by IDF
Hassan Khalil Yassin named Nasrallah’s successor as Hizballah top dog, is immediately killed by IDF
ISI/DI: Will the real Hassan Khalil Yassin please step forward: actually, all of these individuals go by the name of Hassan Khalil Yassin.
Some Shallow, Some Deep
Islamic scholar: ‘This not a war against the Zionist entity but against the infidel world in its entirety’
Islamic scholar: ‘This not a war against the Zionist entity but against the infidel world in its entirety’

ISI/DI: Why is it noble to die at all? And why waging jihad? Clearly, we worship a different God.
Your god wants you to die. He says your death brings him glory.
My God created man in His Image, to live that he might worship his maker; and to live his life that God would be identified through him to others.
Turkish Muslim poet: ‘The first duty of Muslims is to be terrorists. Kafirs [infidels] should be afraid of Muslims.’
Turkish Muslim poet: ‘The first duty of Muslims is to be terrorists. Kafirs [infidels] should be afraid of Muslims.’

ISI/DI: Those who take the Qur’an and Islam as it’s literal truth …… you can tell it’s a warped mind. First duty is to be terrorists …… seeking to fulfill some sense of warped martyrism ……
The underlying direction of Islam, from its inception to present day has been towards world domination: one religion, that of Islam, ending with Armageddon. Islam is not a religion of peace. That perhaps has been the big lie throughout history. One need only look at their final destination to know that Islam is a religion of the lessor JIHAD.
ISI/DI: Our Democracy stands with the One True Triune GOD, Yahweh, and cares not for your god, Allah. You and your god will come on bended knee where you will receive His Judgement.
Slowly and surely, Islam is in slow-creep mode on track to claim the world for their own. They know there is a clock, and for the moment, time is on their side. But not completely …… According to Muhammad, himself, the clock strikes in 86 years — that’s in the year 2110 …… and Islam will be extinct.
ISI/DI: According to Islam, if it is not stamped “Allah Approved,” it must be re-educated in order to fill the void created by non-Muslims. Everything else is second-class. Radical Islam wants to make everything MAGA — Make Allah-dom Great Again.
Germany: Muslim migrant tells Germans: ‘You are helpless, I conquered your land. Everything is under my feet!’

ISI/DI: In Islam the view of land ownership is it all belongs to Allah. Therefore, once a piece of land — country, city, island, mountain, etc., — falls into Muslim hands, it is considered to belong to Islam forever …… no matter how many times it may have switched hands. Once in Muslim hands, it belongs to Islam forever.
Germany tightens controls at all borders in immigration crackdown

ISI/DI: I guess it’s better late than never, but about all I can add is, “good luck with that.” After years of open-borders (OB) under Angela Merlkel, Germany is more like a sieve than a padlock. Even a padlock would have been been an improvement to Markel’s OB.
Germany: Muslims throng streets of Berlin, scream ‘Allahu akbar’ to celebrate Iran’s attack on Israel
Germany: Muslims throng streets of Berlin, scream ‘Allahu akbar’ to celebrate Iran’s attack on Israel

ISI/DI: Where are the Germans in all of this? Where are the police? Where is Germany? Will Germany now become Germanistan?
Fiji: Deputy Prime Minister claims that principles championed by Muhammad form foundation for progress

ISI/DI: I never would have thought Fiji would line up for this. After all the years that Fiji has benefitted from tourism, outside finances helping to build their infrastructure, and maintaining the pristine eco-culture. I would like to hear further on this, to learn just what it is that the PM finds attractive as a way forward for the country.
The Source of Muslim Male Mistreatment of Female Relatives Can Be Found in the Qur’an

ISI/DI: Yes, the ill-treatment of women begins in the Qur’an, but it does not stop there. There are other Islamic holy books, schools and universities, jurists at all levels who lend their personal interpretations to specific events, and then there is the almighty Shari’a …… Islamic Law.
So, how does all this work? We start with the Qur’an, and try to pull all the verses together relating to the treatment of women. Next, to show you the absurdity of this, we look to two other Islamic holy books, the Sunnah and the Hadith.
The Sunnah is the “body of traditions and practices of the Islamic prophet Muhammad that constitute a model for Muslims to follow. The sunnah is what all the Muslims of Muhammad’s time supposedly saw and followed and passed on to the next generations.” In other words, if Muhammad was observed scratching his right ear at nine o’clock every morning, this was interpreted and written down in what is called the Sunnah. There are more than one Sunnah. The compilation of works were put together by Muslim theologians who also gave their interpretation and understanding of the ear scratch. The volumes were then used at the various schools of jurisprudence, according to their Islamic denomination (Sunni, Shi’a, etc.). Just as there are various denominations of Protestant Christianity, there are also denominations in Islam, over 40 of them. You can learn more about Islamic denominations by clicking HERE. Where the real problems take place is when the local Imams add their own interpretation when making a ruling on a specific situation in their own community. Decisions can …… and do …… vary widely. What does not vary widely though is the suppression of women.
The other book, called the Hadith, is a form of Islamic oral tradition containing the purported words, actions, and the silent approvals of the prophet Muhammad. Each hadith has a chain of narrators (a lineage of people who reportedly heard and repeated the hadith, from which the source of the hadith can apparently be traced). Compilations of hadith were collected by Islamic scholars in the centuries after Muhammad’s death. Hadith are widely respected in mainstream Muslim thought and are central to Islamic law, Shari’a.
It should go without saying, that what one jurist may interpret and apply as law — another would not. One ruling may come down as lenient and another case might make it harsh. The variance can be extremely wide as well as extremely narrow.
This is Shari’a.
UN Demands Immunity for UNRWA Terrorist-Employees Who Took Part in October 7th Atrocities

ISI/DI: Immunity for organized terrorists? This is just too rich, no-one above the law and rule-of-law, etc., etc. I can sum this up in one word — HORSEFEATHERS!!!!
I had the misfortune of dealing with some of the UN operatives when we lived in Tbilisi back at the turn of the century. It had been raining, it was cold, and the roads were awash with mud. We rounded a corner and a UN marked SUV pulled up behind us honking their horn. The roads were congested and just one lane. There was no maneuvering. After I thought we had parted ways, I took us (my wife and country manager were also in the vehicle) back to our compound. Within fifteen minutes there was a banging on our outside gate — guess who — three of these UN terrorists came to complain and actually threatened us. I just closed the peep-hole and deadlocked the gate.
The next morning I went to the offices where the UN was located and filed a formal complaint. Several days later I received an email that was essentially a letter of reprimand.
The audacity and lack of professionalism just amazed me. I made it a point to avoid these thugs in all of our dealings. We did not need that type of association.
IDF assesses Hamas defeated militarily in all of Gaza, is now a guerrilla terror group

Yemeni Christians Pressured to Conform to Islamic Law: ‘We Were Forced to Wear the Hijab’

ISI/DI: This is a rare occurance, to see Muslims allow Christians or any non-believers really, to pay a tax if they plan to live in an Islamic controlled area.
However, under Islamic law, that is exactly what is supposed to happen. Shari’a allows any person to live in an Islamic controlled area — city, country, etc., — by paying a tax known as the jizya. The non-believer is called a dhimmi.
What is the dhimmi law? A dhimmi refers to a non-Muslim subject of the Ottoman Empire. Derived from Islamic legal conceptions of membership to society, non-Muslims ‘dhimmis’ were afforded protection by the state and did not serve in the military, in return for specific taxes.
Shari’a guides the personal religious practices of Muslims worldwide, but whether it should influence modern legal systems remains a subject of intense debate.
Shari’a is the ideal form of divine guidance that Muslims follow to live a righteous life. Human interpretations of shari’a, or ‘fiqh,’ are the basis of Islamic law today.
About half the world’s Muslim-majority countries have shari’a-based laws, and most Muslims worldwide follow aspects of shari’a in their private religious practices.
Debate continues to flare over shari’a’s place in the modern world, particularly with regard to its teachings relating to criminal justice, democracy, and social equality.
If radical Islamists were to follow these laws, they might find a better reception in Africa, where murder, rape, and other inhumane actions take place.
In Six Weeks, Israel Has Eliminated As Many Wanted Terrorists as the US Has Done in the Last 20 Years

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