Welcome to TIPS 2.0!!! This is a loooonng newsletter …… so, please, if you don’t read it all at once …… come back to it. It’s divided up into two sections — Part I is Western Civilization and Part II is Islam. I have poured just about all I have into this one. I’ve been working on it for over three months, searching the net, putting pieces together, then pulling together what I believe are the critical elements. There is a story here. I hope you can see it too. If you do, then please … please, pass it on — to as many as you can, or just to one other.
(One note of clarification — when I refer to Muslims, unless otherwise noted, I am referring to those of radical Islam).
I am not in the habit of crying wolf, but I feel strongly about this issue. It shows the general direction Islam is going, country-by-country, continent-by-continent — with an endgame of “world domination” and on to Armageddon. It even tells — speculates on the end of Islam. This is just a small picture of what is taking place on a global-scale. Don’t let the story end here. The future of America could depend on it …… your own future and the future of your family could depend on it. It’s no longer my place to …… I’ll be 77 in another month — the future is in your hands.
First, let me tell you what you will not see in this newsletter. You will not see Terrorism reports just for the sake of doing a newsletter; nothing on the Accords, Shari’a, or any of the other topics previously posted.
What you will see — migrations, Muslims moving into Southern Europe, all the way up to the Scandinavian countries. Footprints, as migrants move through the southern border of the U.S. You will also hear a steady call, seeking to unite Muslims around the world. The “Islamic Playbook” you’ve heard me talk about …… that, too, you will not see — if I’ve done my job right. No, there are no pages to turn. You will see it in terms of people, moving from place to place, methodically as if being orchestrated — by a “Playbook.” You have to be able to sit up in the balcony, watching down on the …… migration. Hear the call for the Caliphate … from Europe … from Africa … from New York City.
Where is it going? When will it start? Where will it end? The direction of Islam, from its inception in the 7th century to present day has been towards one event … world domination with one religion, that of Islam, and ending with Armageddon. Islam is not a religion of peace. That perhaps has been the big lie throughout history. One need only look at the final destination to know that Islam is a religion of JIHAD — and we are seated on the front row. What will you do?
The post immediately following this paragraph is as much as anything else, a symbol of the war between Hamas and Israel.
Murder Most Foul: The Bibas Family … Here’s The Story …

“On October 7, after their orgy of rape, torture, murder, and mutilation, Hamas operatives kidnapped 240 Israelis and took them back to Gaza. Among them was the Bibas family — father Yarden, mother Shiri, four-year-old Ariel, and 10-month-year-old Kfir. The 10-month-old was the youngest of the 240 hostages, and his baby face became the poster child, in every sense, for all of them …” and, for all of us.
UPDATE — On January 25 the following announcement was made:
Hamas transfers 10-month-old Israeli hostage, family to separate Palestinian terror group in Gaza: IDF … Here’s The Story …

Attacked on October 7, 2023, Hamas has placed its name in history just as Japan did on December 7, 1941, and Al-Qaeda on September 11, 2001. The difference being is that the latter two were strikes against America. And, America, following these two events, swiftly struck back. World War II ended with a complete and “Unconditional Surrender” by Japan on September 2, 1945.
The war in Afghanistan did not come to an end until August 30, 2021 — 20 years after it began. This war, though, did not end with a victory for America, but rather with a simple withdrawal of American troops, that in the end, was anything but simple.
On August 26, 2021, 13 U.S. service members were killed in an attack by the Islamic State terrorist group outside Kabul’s airport. They were helping people evacuate from the country when the attack happened.
At the end, the last president of the Islamic Republic, Ashraf Ghani, fled the country; the Taliban declared victory and the war was formally brought to a close. By 30 August, the last American military aircraft departed from Afghanistan, ending the protracted US-led military presence in the country.
I did not hear that anyone argued that America did not have the right to strike back at Japan or Afghanistan (Iraq is a different story). For some reason, though, there is a growing concern that Israel should draw down, accept a ceasefire with Hamas to end the blood-letting of October 7, 2023. Israel’s thinking is clear and it is sound. To let Hamas remain will only result in another blood-bath … and another. After all, it is Hamas’s reason to live, that Israel should be destroyed. No other reason exists, and Hamas is first to say this. Therefore, the only rational thing to do is to bring about the complete annihilation of Hamas. It must be stopped, torn apart, and every soldier put to death. If not, it will be like a cancerous sore that will fester until it turns into a deadly infection that will come back again and again and again until it reaches its intended purpose — death — the destruction of Israel, or its own destruction. Why on earth … if the option was there … would you not want to end it now?
Netanyahu: We’re attacking Iran directly … Here’s The Story …

Militant Islam
The West is the main target of militant Islam primarily because of the values we hold. Judeo-Christian values are anathema to Islam. Muslims do not believe in the Trinity, nor do they understand it. They believe that Allah provided Islam and the Qur’an because there are errors and inconsistencies in the Bible, and Islam is the only true and correct way. Another thing I’ve found over the years is that many Muslims believe that Christianity is solely made up of Catholics and the Catholic Church. It all goes back to the time of the Crusades. There were many atrocities made in the name of Christianity by various Popes. The Catholic Church of that time became corrupt. Armies were raised; people were told that by simply going to the Holy Land they could be forgiven of their sins. The Church had become bankrupt and used the Crusades as a source for raising funds as well as for political purposes. For more on the Crusades, see “Section 800: The Crusades & Medieval Times.” It was also during this time that led to the Reformation and the birth of Protestantism.
The name “crusade” is also a word or term that angers many Muslims today as they recall the medieval times and the humiliation of the early crusades. A number of Christian ministries who once had the name “crusade” as a part of their name have since changed, abbreviated, or otherwise renamed or rebranded themselves to reflect these new challenges.
One such ministry is Orient Crusades, founded in 1951 to minister in Southeast Asia. As the ministry spread and grew, it moved into Latin America. It was at this time that the name was changed to Overseas Crusades. Change did not stop there though. Asia was also undergoing a change …. Islam was growing, making inroads into Malaysia, Indonesia and other countries. Now, as the world changed so did Overseas Crusades, with an outreach to six continents. They also realized that the word “crusades” carried with it a meaning that no longer reflected the ministry. Keeping with their original purpose and to reflect a changing world, the ministry is now called OC International.
Another ministry that went through a similar change was Sudan Interior Mission which began in 1893. Today, with a worldwide ministry, the new name is SIM. SIM is keeping with its history but also reflecting a new mission in a new world.
Former spy czar says “Europeans will succumb to Islam.” PEW Research Center projects that Europe may see the Muslim population triple to 76 million by 2050 … Here’s The Story …

2050 …… barely 25 years away. Are we ready to give up on Europe? Is Europe ready to give up on itself? Do the Europeans even know?

PEW’s estimates are based on future Muslim Migration
Others, however, see the increase based on a different method.

Pro-Hamas demonstrators scream ‘Allahu akbar,’ say they want ‘Islamic society based solely on Islam’… Here’s The Story …

The German city of Cologne has just dismantled an Armenian Genocide memorial. … Here’s The Story …
Karlstsdt – The Muezzin Yodels at the opening of the Christmas Market … Here’s The Story …

Germany’s CDU redefines stance on Islam in new manifesto “Muslims belong to Germany so long as they ‘share our values’” .. Here’s The Story ..
That’s just the point, Muslims do not, will not, share anyone’s values but their own. They have no intention of straying from their own values. That’s their whole purpose, to make everyone else Muslim — or murder them. PERIOD.
After Oct. 7 jihad massacre, Muslims increase demands for prayer rooms in schools .. Here’s The Story ..

No question about it, Islam is on the march throughout Europe. pushing buttons that exist in the legal system and making them work to their benefit.
Prayer rooms in airports, other public/civic places, businesses, etc., are already happening in the U.S. The call to prayer can be heard five times a day, which is also another ritual of Islam, and comes from the minaret in local mosques across the country.

Muslim fifth and sixth graders ‘form a mob,’ surround teacher and scream ‘Allahu akbar’ … Here’s The Story
Islam is the second largest religion in Norway after Christianity … Here’s The Story …

In 2022, Sweden reported that the migrants that were now in Sweden outnumbered the actual number of Swedes living there, and the majority of migrants were coming from Syria … Here’s The Story …

Sweden raises its terror threat level to high for fear of attacks following recent Qur’an burnings … Here’s The Story …
… and here.

When a Muslim does not seem to have any calling …… there are always the gangs. They are prolific throughout the UK, Germany, and France. Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson has announced they are also a problem in Sweden, so much so that the Swedish army is stepping in to support police in tackling a recent surge in gang killings .. Here’s The Story ..

As Spain Faces Demographic Jihad, It Must Remember That Islamic Spain was Not a Paradise of ‘Convivencia’ … Here’s The Story …

Spain: Muslim migrants fight police in Barcelona . Here’s The Story .


Rising Wave of Islamic Violence Grips France: A Daily Jihad … Here’s The Story …
Austria: Arson attack on church, ‘Not only an attack on our culture, but above all on our peaceful coexistence’ … Here’s The Story …

Macron says ‘total destruction of Hamas’ would take 10 years of war; he calls for a ceasefire … Here’s The Story …
I find it odd that with the Muslim population in France Macron would not see what is happening before his very eyes.
France has been in the news quite a bit over the last year or so, when it comes to Muslims — attacks, cartoons, etc. There have been threats, knifings, and even the beheading of a teacher… Here’s The Story …

Muslim Arab Gang Attacks Young People, Stabs One To Death, Wounds 17 … Here’s The Story …

14-year-old Muslim swears on the Qur’an that he will kill teacher … Here’s The Story …
A New Delhi paper recently picked this up — Paris knife attack: Man shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’ kills 1, injures 2 near Eiffel Tower … Here’s The Story …

What Macron should really be concerned about, though, is this … For the first time in history, the second most widely spoken language in France is ……… Arabic. … Here’s The Story …
French interior minister on Paris jihad murder: ‘Terrorism is changing and exploiting the weaknesses of our system’ … Here’s The Story …


Denmark calls in army to defend Jewish sites as Danish Chief Rabbi assaulted … Here’s The Story …
Police summon street artist for breaking new law against desecrating Qur’an … Here’s The Story …

While I do not condone the willful destruction of another’s holy books or the intentional aggravation of others, Denmark is opening the door in favor of terrorism.

Seven arrested in Germany, Denmark, the Netherlands over suspected terrorism plots … Here’s The Story …
Muslim migrants kidnap teenage German girl, keep her as sex slave for nearly two years … Here’s The Story …
Holland raises terror alert to second highest level because of jihad threats, Qur’an burnings and Oct. 7 … Here’s The Story …

Netherlands: Muslim block streets for outdoor prayers in Amsterdam … Here’s The Story …

Belgium will be the first Muslim state in Europe … The population of Arab-Muslim origin is very numerous in Belgium, particularly in the Brussels region … Here’s The Story …
Ofcom (Office of Communications) powerless to stop London-based TV station broadcasting open support for Hamas and Hezbollah.
LuaLua TV, which was banned from operating in the US over suspected links to the Iranian regime, carried interviews in which contributors described Hamas’ October 7 attack as a “step closer to victory” and “humiliating” for Israel. … Here’s The Story…

MOB RULE: Police SLAMMED after de-arresting Pro-Hamas protester in Manchester after Islamist mob storm Police van in City Centre … Here’ The Story …

UK: Muslim migrants in London scream ‘Allahu akbar’ as they chase an Israeli with his daughter … Here’s The Story …
Teachers censoring their lessons over fears of offending Muslim pupils’ … Here’s The Story …

Eyewitness Report: London Street Demonstrators Rally for Hamas … Here’s The Story …
Welsh Government Use Teenage Girls To Attract Migrants To Wales … Here’s The Story …
MUHAMMAD was a PEDIPHILE. Shari’a, Islamic Law, allows Muslims to do this — all because Muhammad sanctioned it …… and did it. He married a young child at the age of six (6) and consummated it at the age of nine (9). Her name was Aisha …… and she was Muhammad’s third wife.
Although Muslims are limited to having only four wives at a time, Muhammad was exempted from this ruling and was allowed to have an unlimited number of wives. Muhammad’s wives were not allowed to remarry after his death, including Aisha who was only 18 at the time.
The following is from a young woman named Sophie …… she is from Pakistan.
“Islam, a religion manufactured to impose ignorant Arab tribes on the world . . . and when the blind faith was lifted from my eyes, I also saw the man I sacredly used to call the prophet to be a narcissistic psychopath with illusions of ruling the world.”

Muslims pray on grounds of Westminster Abbey … Here’s The Story …
Anne-Marie Waters | Islam Is Not A Peaceful Religion | Oxford Union
Ms. Waters has captured the truth of Islam …… its inconsistencies, falsehoods, and real purpose, that of world domination.
She says that people tell her that Islam is misunderstood. To that, she counters with the facts. This is a MUST WATCH video.
Elsewhere In Europe
A Hamas Terror Network in Europe … Here’s The Story …


Belgian MP from Iran: ‘More and more people are trying to silence people who criticize Islam’ … Here’s The Story …
European Union (EU)
Hamas members among 7 arrested in Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands over planned attacks on Jews … Here’s The Story …

Are Borders Back in Europe? … Here’s The Story …
4 Hamas members arrested in Germany, Netherlands over suspected terror plot against Jews … Here’s The Story …


Austria: Arson attack on church, ‘Not only an attack on our culture, but above all on our peaceful coexistence’ … Here’s The Story …
Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps Commander Threatens to Close Down the Mediterranean … Here’s The Story …

Muslims Gangs Across Europe
Rapes, Drugs, No-Go Zones, Thefts, Murders … and More.

UK grooming gangs Part 1: How minor girls as young as 9 were groomed, raped, beaten, and killed by Muslim … Here’s The Story …
UK: Rise of Islamist forces and growing Grooming Gang’s Jihad…… Here’s The Story …

Wave Of Muslim Rape Cases Across Europe
In Sweden, Three Muslim Migrants Rape Underage Girl … Here’s The Story …

Wave of Muslim rape cases across Europe … Here’s The Story …
The Muslim Immigrant Drug Gangs Transforming European Cities … Here’s The Story …
“Less than an hour from the capital of the European Union, gangs fight gun battles in the streets or bomb each other’s outposts. Crime reporters, police and prosecutors are bought off or killed. Torture cells are set up in shipping containers and bodies can be cleanly disposed of, but when the gangs really want to send a message they set up a public execution or fire off a rocket.
“That’s the way things are done, not in Bogota or Beirut, but in Antwerp.”

Media Blackout: Muslim Gang Rape Epidemic in Europe

UK: Muslim rape gangs still operating in Rochdale, thanks to Leftists who smeared those who called attention to them … Here’s The Story …
Rochdale victims ‘at mercy of gangs’, finds damning … Here’s The Story …

It would certainly take an Islamic and scholar to come up with this type of ruling …… and unheard of by women. As a general rule women were not allowed in Islamic Theological Universities. There is a common understanding among Muslims that women cannot hold positions of religious leadership or scholarship. However, Prophet Muhammad himself provided two clear counterexamples: naming Umm Waraqah as an imam of her community and Ash-Shifa bint Abdillah as Medina’s head educator.
Things are looking pretty bleak for some places in Europe right now. My concerns are not for today or next week …… but, I am very concerned over the next few decades. What started as a few migrants on the move over the years has now resulted in hundreds of thousands of migrants dispersing themselves by the week and by the month.
Fortunately, there is still time to do something about it. Unfortunately, I think there is a lack of will to do anything about it.
One question I am frequently asked is if Islam is a reflection of Christianity? I think most Christians know that Jesus said we are not to fret about His return. No one would know about the hour or the day.
Islam is quite similar in some ways. In more than 15 hadith found in the Sahih of Imam Bukhari, Sunnan of Imam Abu Dawwud, Jamii of Imam Tirmidhi and others. The prophet (Muhammad) said Islam has a specific lifespan on earth. These hadith state that Allah gave Islam 1,500 years (it was only recently that I came across this little known fact). Then relatively soon after this he would establish the hour. Islam was said to be founded in the year 610; we are now in the year 2024 of the western calendar, making this year 1,424 in the lifespan of Islam …… with approximately, 76 years to go before Islam fades away — IF it keeps to Islam’s holy books.
QUESTION (asked online of an Imam): “Is the hadith of only 1500 years of the Islamic ummah (community) correct?”
ANSWER: “Yes, it is correct and based on authentic hadiths. Moreover, the children of ishaq or israel also got about 1500 years in this world. So is the case for the children of Ismael.”
(Sunan Abi Dawud » Battles (Kitab Al-Malahim)
Narrated Sa’d ibn AbuWaqqas: “The Prophet (saws) said: ‘I hope my community will not fail to maintain their position in the sight of their Lord if He delays them half a day. Sa’d was asked: How long is half a day? He said: It is five hundred years.’”
“‘Originally Allah granted one day = 1000 years. But Rasulullah SAW prayed for another half a day = 500 years which has been granted. So total = 1500 years.’”
This sounds very much like the Old Testament, because it probably is. Muhammad was good at using the Old and New Testament to suit him when needed.

Does Islamic Law Sanction0oo Hamas’ Rape of Captives? … Here’s The Story …
The short answer is …… Yes!! The long answer is …… YEEEESSSSS!!I cannot believe people are surprised about this. This is one of the things that Muhammad/Qur’an as well as the other holy books — and of course Shari’a, Islamic Law were nearly emphatic about. Along with the warring, pillaging — and raping — let’s face it, Islam is not now and, never has been a religion of peace, but rather a terrorist organization that requires the utmost devotion of its followers.
Muslims like to think that Islam is an Abrahamic religion (following the linage of Abraham’s first son, Ishmael, by Sarah’s handmaiden), meaning that its roots are the same as Judaism and Christianity. Well, the roots are not the same. You can read more about “Who Are The People Of The Book?”
SUMMARY: Islam in Europe
Muslims are advancing throughout Europe; studies and polls show their population growth; with this growth, they are also merging into society, becoming involved in political systems, and advancing Shari’a, Islamic Law. Do not confuse this involvement with assimilation.
With this growth we are seeing some countries where migrants (Muslims) are out-numbering the indigenous population (Swedes), and where a migrant’s language (Arabic) is displacing a country’s national language (French). Islam is widely considered as the fastest growing religion in Europe due primarily to immigration and above average birth rates. Between 2010 and 2015 the Muslim fertility rate in Europe was 2.1.
Between mid-2010 and mid-2016, migration was the biggest factor driving the growth of Muslim populations in Europe. An estimated 2.5 million Muslims came to Europe for reasons other than seeking asylum, such as for employment or to go to school.
Islam in Europe is often the subject of intense discussion and political controversies sparked by events such as Islamic terrorist attacks in European countries; the Satanic Verses controversy; the cartoons affair in Denmark; debates over Islamic dress; and growing support for right-wing populist movements and parties.
In Europe as a whole, the Muslim share of the population is expected to grow by nearly one-third over the next 20 years, rising from six percent of the region’s inhabitants in 2010 to eight percent in 2030. In absolute numbers, Europe’s Muslim population is projected to grow from 44.1 million in 2010 to 58.2 million in 2030.
Muslims migrants bring their own political, economic, and religious systems, separate and in many ways, incompatible with Western society.
At least we can say, “this is not happening in our country.”
Borno Governor, Zulum Excludes Christians, Their Communities From Nigerian Government’s N3billion Palliatives – Centre For Justice . Here’s The Story .

Zulum, a professor and governor of a Nigerian state is also a well known Muslim. He lives up to his Arabic name which is a word used interchangeably for cruelty or unjust acts of exploitation, oppression, and wrongdoing.
Last year — probably about this time — I remember talking about the upcoming Nigerian elections …… but never reported who won. Historically, if a Christian ran for president he would name a Muslim to be his running mate as vice-president. The same was true if a Muslim was running. However, this election cycle, it was different. A Muslim ran and named his running mate as a Muslim. There was quite a ruckus but nothing changed.
The 2023 election was held on 25 February 2023, to elect the president and vice-president of Nigeria. Bola Tinubu, a former Governor of Lagos State and nominee of the All Progressives Congress, won the disputed election with 36.61 percent of the vote, 8,794,726 total votes. His running mate, Kashim Shettima, is also a Muslim.
Nigeria is Africa’s most populous country with over 230 million people (I was there in the mid-1990s when the population was 90,000,000). The population is evenly split between Muslims and Christians. Just over half the population is Muslim and around 47 percent is Christian according to the CIA World Factbook.
Another statement I made not too long ago was that I saw a very bleak outlook for Christians in Nigeria. The terrorist organizational, Boko Haram, and other rebels in the country had targeted Christians …… for apparent genocide.

“Bandits” Killed Over 750 Civilians, Kidnapped 45 From Schools In 2023 … Here’s The Story …
World Ignores Muslims Butchering and Slaughtering Christians “For Sport” in Nigeria, 50,000 and Counting … Here’s The Story …

Amid killings of Christians, experts warn Nigeria may risk ‘religious war’ … Here’s The Story …
Attacks kill at least 160 people in central Nigeria … Here’s The mStory …

Christmas Massacres Challenge Secular Explanations of Nigeria Conflict … Here’s The Story …
In the mid-1990s I provided a two-week, back-to-back seminar sponsored by Partners International of San Jose, CA, and hosted by SIM (mentioned above, in the section explaining about missions and the word ‘crusades’). There was an MTW missionary family — Mission To The World — the overseas arm of my denomination, the PCA (Presbyterian Church in America) serving with SIM. The local participants were led by a grand old chief … Panya Babba was his name. Panya was known as the “Father of Nigerian Missions” and leader of ECWA (Evangelical Church of West Africa), known locally as the ‘Evangelical Church Winning All’ denomination. At the end of the two weeks, he had me all decked out in a chief’s wardrobe, a bright, multi-colored chief’s clothing, for which I never could find the right venue for wearing it. The “thought” truly counted though. Their main concern was not just how to do business according to Scripture, but to do it in a Muslim dominated location, that would speak the Word of God.
Plateau State has been the recipient of murders and brutalization for sometime, now. Due to the high visibility of Panya Baba in his state, I have no doubt that he is now with our Maker. I ran across this online article if any are interested to know more about Panya:
Islamic jihadis from Cameroon murder over 500 people in several communities .. Here’s The Story ..


At least 40 civilians killed in jihadist attack … Here’s The Story …
School Massacre Signals Islamic State’s Growing Reach in Africa … Here’s The Story …

Uganda: Muslims murder at least five people, kill councillor at restaurant, burn the restaurant, loot shops … Here’s The Story …
Muslims go door-to-door with knives, murder 19 people, kidnap others

Islam is growing throughout the continent of Africa. I cannot think of one country where it does not exist. If you’ve kept up with previous newsletters, you should know how I’ve plotted the growth — from Egypt all the way down the East coast to South Africa — turning back north along the west coast up to Morocco — straight across to Egypt again, until it cloaks central Africa from North to South and East to West. Boko Haram, an affiliate of ISIS and Al Qaeda has torn up Nigeria and the surrounding countries, while ISIS has covered the rest. As a continent it is now Islamic.
I first traveled to Africa in 1985 and again in 1988. In 2005, we moved to Zimbabwe with the Foreign Service/State Department (Colin Powell was Secretary of State then), where we stayed until 2008.

South African divisions exposed by Israel-Hamas conflict … Here’s The Story …
SUMMARY: Islam In Africa
Today Islam is the predominant religion of the northern half of Africa, mainly concentrated in the Horn of Africa and the Sahel, as well as West Africa.
There are 19 countries where more than fifty percent of the population are Muslim, with Northern Africa still identifying almost entirely as Muslim. The populations of Somalia, Mauritania, Algeria, and Morocco are still 99 percent Muslim.
The countries having the largest population of Muslims in Africa are located in and around the Maghreb, the Sahara Desert, and the continent’s eastern horn. Those countries are: 1) Morocco, 2) Somalia, 3) Tunisia, 4) Mauritania, and 5) Sudan.
While the presence of Islam in West Africa dates back to eighth century, the spread of the faith in regions that are now the modern states of Senegal, Gambia, Guinea, Burkina Faso, Niger, Mali and Nigeria, was in actuality, a gradual and complex process. Much of what we know about the early history of West Africa comes from medieval accounts written by Arab and North African geographers and historians.
Many African ethnicities, mostly in North, West and East Africa consider Islam their traditional religion. The practice of Islam on the continent is not static and is constantly being reshaped by prevalent social, economic, and political conditions.
By unifying the people of Northern Africa under a single religion, language, and currency, the Islamic rulers allowed for significant growth among their trade cities. They flourished not on conquest but on taxing and benefiting from rich trade routes along the well-protected roads of the Islamic Empire.
At least we can say, “this is not happening in our country.”

Muslim violence reported from all over India as Ram Temple is inaugurated … Here’s The Story …
Indian security services bust jihadi recruitment cell boasting of imposing ‘Islamic rule by 2047’ … Here’s The Story …

Indonesia is the most Muslim populated country in the world with 274 million people, of which 87 percent are Muslim. It is also host to 13 percent of the world’s Muslims. Twelve percent of Indonesia‘s population is Christian.
Today, although Indonesia has an overwhelming Muslim majority, it is not an Islamic state, but constitutionally a secular state whose government officially recognizes six formal religions.
This year, the Indonesian government will support Christians who do not have a church for Christmas. Christmas for Indonesian Christians, over the years, has been prone to violence, attacks, and other opposition.

A Muslim man murdered a young Christian because he was “driven by a strong hatred for Christians and Jews.” … Here’s The Story …
Two Christians arrested in Pakistan over blasphemy accusation … Here’s The Story …

Muslims Planned Jihad Massacre at Cologne Cathedral, Austria, Germany, Spain Receive Warnings Muslims Plans to Carry Out Attacks on New Year’s Eve or Christmas … Here’s The Story …
Islamic Terrorists Kill 10 Christians in Western Uganda, Sources Say…Here’s The,Story,…


Muslim terrorists raided a Christian village in the terrorism-plagued Cabo Delgado region, killing four. The Islamic State later claimed the attack … Here’s The Story …
Muslims Planned Jihad Massacre at Cologne Cathedral, Austria, Germany, Spain Receive Warnings Muslims Plans to Carry Out Attacks on New Year’s Eve or Christmas … Here’s The Story …


Muslims murder seven Christians in jihad attacks on two villages in Plateau state … Here’s The Story …
Nigeria: Muslims murder at least 76 people in a coordinated attacks on Dec. 23 and Christmas Eve … Here’s The Story …

Nigeria Christmas Attacks Kill At Least 39 … Here’s The Story …

Terrorists Kill Christian, Kidnap 25 Others in Northern Nigeria … Here’s The Story …
Pastor Slain, Wife Kidnapped in Kaduna State, Nigeria . Here’sThe Story …

At Least 10 Christians Slain in Taraba State … Here’s The State …
Pastor’s Wife Shot Dead in Taraba State, Nigeria … Here’s The Story …

Kidnapped Pastor Killed in Nigeria after Ransom Payment … Here’s The Story …
Police stop young Nigerians from attending Church … Here’s The Story …

Muslim Husband Sets Wife on Fire for Accepting Christ … Here’s The Story …
Muslim Extremists Kill Six Christians in Coastal Kenya … Here’s The Story …


Pro-Hamas demonstrators disrupt Milan Christmas concert … Here’s The Story …
‘You Christians, you worshipers of the cross, this is our city, and we will cleanse it of people like you’ … Here’s The Story …


Hamas Supporters Declare War on Christmas … Here’s The Story …
Muslims respond to baptism video, ‘We have to kill those who preach Christianity’ … Here’s The Story …


On Nov. 23, a Muslim man of Algerian origin knifed a group of preschool children … Here’s The Story ,…
On Nov. 11 in the town of Colonos, a 38-year-old Muslim man of Afghan origin knifed a 56-year-old Egyptian because the latter had converted to Christianity … Here’s The Story …


Toronto Police Shut Down Highway Overpass Amid Pro-Palestine Protest … Here’s The Story …
Canada: Pro-Houthi protesters take to Toronto streets in solidarity with Hamas … Here’s The Story …

Mexico is a predominantly Catholic country, but there are also a growing number of Protestants as well. The adherents of Islam represent a small minority. Due to the secular nature of the state established by Mexico’s constitution, Muslims are free to proselytize and build places of worship in the country.
There are 17 mosques serving a growing number of Muslims. According to the Pew Research Center, the Muslim population was 60,000 in 1980, 111,000 in 2010, and is predicted to be 126,000 in 2030.
Making America Muslim . . . all of America Muslim
Sharifa Alkhateeb – C-SPAN 1989
Making America Muslim . . . all of America Muslim
Breaking Up Is Hard To Do
‘Abandon Biden’ Campaign Launched By Left-Wing Muslim Leaders … Here’s The Story …

Arab leaders in Michigan decline meeting with Biden campaign team amid Israel-Hamas war backlash … Here’s The Story …

Julie Chavez Rodriguez, Biden’s campaign manager, was rebuffed by Michigan Muslim and Arab Americans. AP
This was such an easy call. I made a note of it back in 2014 during the Obama administration, that Muslims were only signing on with the Democrats until their (Muslims) agenda was completed or the Democrats were no longer moving in the same direction. Their thinking was that they would play along with the Dems until they no longer were needed … or relevant.
To be blunt, the Democrats have very little to offer that the Muslim block finds of interest. They have gained enough strength in certain locales — communities in Michigan, California, New York, even in Washington — they are forging ahead with their own agenda. WAKE UP AMERICA. We are being consumed and no longer realize what is happening.
The Midterm Results Show Muslim Americans Are No Longer On The Fringe Of U.S. Politics … Here’s The Story …

This year’s midterm elections propelled a large number of history-making politicians into office, from Congress’ first Gen Z member to Maryland’s first Black governor. It also proved to be historic for Muslim Americans, with a record-breaking number of community members being elected to their respective seats.
The November eight midterms almost saw Dr. Mehmet Oz become the first Muslim U.S. Senator. The Republican TV doctor-turned-politician — who wasn’t exactly popular among a wide swathe of Muslim Americans — would have been a controversial first for the community. However, Oz’s loss to Democrat John Fetterman in Pennsylvania masks what was otherwise a record-breaking election for the community of at least 3.45 million people.
Muslim Americans won at least 83 seats across local, state, and federal midterm elections, according to an analysis by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), a civil rights and advocacy group (founded by the Muslim Brotherhood — a terrorist organization, even if not officially labeled as such), and Jetpac, a nonprofit focused on increasing Muslim political representation in the U.S. Almost 150 Muslim Americans had run this year for office, including 51 state legislative candidates across 23 states.

Hamas Senior Official Sami Abu Zuhri Calls For Violence Against American And British Interests Worldwide; Adds: Blinken Is An Enemy, Just Like Netanyahu; Both Will Pay The Price … Here’s The Story …
Leftist Foundations Have Forked Over Millions to Hamas-Linked CAIR … Here’s The Story …

NY and LA: Jihad Terrorists Shut Down Entrances To JFK and LAX Airports Causing Travel Nightmare … Here’s The Story …
Former Grand Mufti Of Egypt Sheikh Dr. Ali Gomaa: The Destruction Of Israel Will Lead To A Battle In Which The Muslims Will Defeat America And Russia .. Here’s The Story ..

Florida: Imam says ‘freedom for a Muslim is when sharia is established,’ prays for ‘annihilation’ of ‘Zionists’ … Here’s The Story …
Pro-Palestine group gives out NYC map calling for ‘direct action’ on landmarks as city blasts ‘hateful rhetoric’ and alerts the NYPD … Here’s The Story …

Muslim family accused of assaulting son in Nashville home for converting to Christianity … Here’s The Story …
Pro-Hamas demonstrators again disrupt Colorado state house proceedings, speaker does nothing … Here’s The Story …
NYC: Muslims screaming ‘Allahu akbar’ shut down entrance to World Trade Center site … Here’s athe Story …

Screaming “Allahu Akbar!” Islamic Supremacists Take Over/Shut Down the World Trade Center 23 Years after 9/11 … Here’s The Story …
Al-Qaeda relaunches English magazine and releases video trailer threatening jihad massacres in New York City … Here’s The Story …

NYC: Pro-Hamas protesters block Grand Central Station as people try to head home for Christmas … Here’s The Story …
NYC: Pro-Hamas demonstrators stage mass Islamic prayer in Penn Station … Here’s The Station …
US intelligence reportedly fears Hezbollah could attack America: ‘It is something to be worried about’ … Here’s The Story …

Massive Pro-Terrorist Rally in DC Was a Real Insurrection … Here’s The Story …
WATCH: ‘We must normalize massacres as the status quo’ … Here’s The Story …

LA: Pro-Hamas savages spray ‘Free Gaza’ and ‘Intifada’ at National Cemetery, chant genocidal anti-Jewish slogan … Here’s The Story …
Pro-Palestinian Rioters Force Partial Evacuation of White House … Here’s The Story …

The Muslim population is growing, and in the next two decades Muslims could become the second-largest religious group in the United States, according to a Pew Research study. … Here’s The Story …
SUMMARY: Islam In North America
There it is …… making the call for terrorist attacks … no, not attacks, but massacres, to become the “status quo.” And what do Americans do about it? Like Ichabod Crane, they just sleep through it, until it’s too late — the call to prayer goes out across America … you know the prayer …“Subhanaka allahumma wa bi hamdika wa tabara kasmuka .l’:wa ta’ala jadduka wa la ilaha ghairuka.“ Translated into English, “Glorious You are O Allah, and with Your praises , and blessed is Your Name, and exalted is Your majesty, and none has the right to be worshipped but You.“
No longer can we say, “At least this is not happening in our country.”
We’ve always thought of these things as taking place somewhere else. Not any more. They have moved from the street corner to our front door and are now in our living rooms all across America.
While we occasionally hear of an honor killing or a Muslim who becomes apostate, or of some offense by a Muslim — not the “Lone Wolf” situations or of a local Muslim who tries to join up with ISIS — this is the first time we’ve actually had mass groups in protests or some other crime.
From Florida to New York, and California to Washington, we are seeing Muslims in protest, barring our national forms of transportation, outwardly speaking in opposition to our country, calling for an intifada or worse.
Islamophobia still plagues Islam two decades after 9/11. But terrorism still persists as well and is actually on the rise.
Islamic State (IS) and its affiliates remained the world’s deadliest terrorist group in 2022 for the eighth consecutive year, with attacks in 21 countries. Deaths from attacks by unknown Jihadists globally are eight times higher than in 2017, representing 32 percent of all terrorism deaths and 18 times higher in the Sahel. Sahel region is a biogeographic region in Africa in transition between the more humid Sudanese savannas to its south and the drier Sahara to the north.
The problem is not that we let Muslims into our country; the problem is that we do not require of them to live according to our laws. We become perplexed when they demand we make changes just to accommodate them. It’s the little things at first. We allow them to live here, but in the end, we allow them to live in a parallel society that eventually dominates us. Do you think there are parallel societies living in Muslim countries? Do you think non-Muslims can do as they wish when it comes to living in a Muslim country? When a Muslim seeks citizenship in our country they read the following oath:
“I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty, of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform noncombatant service in the Armed Forces of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform work of national importance under civilian direction when required by the law; and that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; so help me God.”
Are there allowable changes? Yes, read about them here:
Permitted Modifications to Oath: Deletion of either or both of the following clauses: Bearing arms on behalf of the United States if required by law [INA 337(a)(5)(A)]; and Performing noncombatant service in the U.S. armed forces when required by law.
(Must show opposition to clause (or clauses) based on religious training and belief or deeply held moral or ethical code. Applicant may provide an attestation or witness statement.)
(Evaluation by medical professional stating inability to understand or communicate the meaning of the oath due to a physical or developmental disability or mental impairment.)
Want to kill your wife, husband, children due to honor? No substitutes here. Want to protest by blocking traffic, airports, etc.? No; that is not the way we do things, and for good reasons. Safety, infringe on the rights of others. There are many ways to do things in our country to have your voice ‘heard.’ We have laws that provide how and when this can be done — and, no one gets killed.
SUMMARY: Islam In Western Civilization
You’ve seen the evidence. For every post noted above …… they are but a small fraction of what is taking place … … of what is really going on.
AFRICA: No, it is not considered to be a part of Western Civilization. However, almost all of Africa has seen its share of western missionaries or been colonized in some other way, owing its presence to the West …… for better or worse.
Today, there is not one country in Africa that does not have a growing Muslim presence. The population of Africa in 2023 is estimated to be 1,460,481,772. Muslims have a significant presence in Africa, with an estimated 50 percent of the continent’s population identifying as Muslim.
Are they a minority? Yes, they are. But, they take the Qur’an, Sunnah, Hadith, and Shari’a at its word; in other words, they take their religion seriously and literally. That’s what makes the difference .
EUROPE: The number of Muslims in European countries is estimated at 44 million, or 5 percent of the total population. Not very much, but look at the havoc that is taking place in Europe. The Swedish population is being displaced; the second language in France is Arabic; Germany, France, and the UK have no-go zones controlled by Muslims; a former European spy chief says: “Europeans will succumb to Islam by 2200” and PEW Research Center projects that Europe may see the Muslim population triple to 76 million by 2050.
AMERICA: Islam is on the move — methodically, purposeful, and planned. For islam to rule, to dominate, it does not take every Muslim to adhere to the fringe. This is where we’ve missed the boat. We sit and think, “It’s only a small percentage of Muslims who are really radical.” It only takes a small percentage to fight the fight, opening the gates for the mainstream.
Try to think of it in military terms. The United States is the world’s third largest military in terms of manpower, with about 1.4 million active military personnel, or less than 1 percent of the U.S. adult population. That puts us behind China and India, and ahead of North Korea. Of those, the only one I can think of that might come to our aid is India …… but, they have their own problems with Muslims.
On the other hand, Islam has a population that exceeds 2,000,000,000 …… that’s two-billion Muslims. According to the RAND Corporation, it’s estimated that those who have been radicalized are between 15 percent to 25 percent. At the same time, “all intelligence services around the world,” said, when asked by an American University law student, “You’re looking at 200 million to 500 million people dedicated to the destruction of Western civilization.”
Again, If you look at it in terms of military might, it’s between 200 million and 500 million soldiers of Islam going to war with 1.4 million American soldiers plus what ever amount the rest of Western nations (or NATO) might be able to pull together — another three million soldiers. That makes it 4.5 million up against 500 million. Even with the smallest number for an Islamic military, we’re still talking about 4.5 million up against 200 million. That’s not very much to be taking to the battle of ARMAGEDDON.
Look at Saudi Arabia …… it carries on a very elegant lifestyle, while funding Al Qaida; look at Iran, living in a police state, and funding Hamas and Hezbollah; look at the Muslim Brotherhood, not actually committing any atrocities itself, but funding and starting hundreds of organizations, many in the United States, which stir the pot, pushing the envelope, to introduce the Islamic way of life right here at home. YES AMERICA, we can no longer say, “not in my country.”
I wish it wasn’t so, but I cannot make this stuff up. You’ve seen all the sources above. Check out the articles. Look at the dates. I’ve gone back and verified them with at least two other sources, and sometimes more, which is part of why this has taken so long to produce. Don’t take my word for it though. Please, you sort it out. Follow the dots, or what is so often said today, “follow the money,” except here, there is no money, just a trail of bodies and atrocities.
Click on Sharifa’s name below and learn of Islam’s goal for America, stated over 30 years ago and see how things have progressed. More importantly, compare that progression with Europe ……… and let me know what you see.
Sharifa Alkhateeb – C-SPAN 1989
Where Is It Going & When/How Will It Get There
If one has studied Islam to any depth, it can hardly deny that where Islam is headed is clearly Armageddon. How it will get there is by means of the sword, or to be more direct — TERRORISM.
The Islamic Playbook
I’m always asked, “Is there really an Islamic Playbook?” The answer is an unequivocal, YES. But, it’s not exactly a book in hard copy. It’s more of an outline, like a skeleton, and being passed around by word-of-mouth, to be used in each country or region by the Muslim population there. What it does, is to provide direction, a way to infiltrate and bring about change where they are. Some go into business; others go into politics; others see their way and become part of a gang wreaking havoc and mayhem wherever they go. You can see parts of the “Playbook” in Section: 1100 and Section: 1200 on our website. You can also take another look at the above on Europe, Africa, and North America, where there is a similar direction in each country. What is taking place in Norway could just as easy take place in Spain; what ever is taking place in the UK could just as easy take place in the U.S. They are all following a similar sequence of events.
Please read a bit more to see what this “Palybook” looks like.
Over the last decade and-a-half, there has been a massive migration of Muslims throughout the world. They come from Asia, North Africa, and the Middle East, working their way up through Turkey, moving across to Bulgaria and Eastern Europe or on to the coasts of the many islands of Greece, which offers some of the best avenues into the rest of Europe.
Today, there is no assimilation … if there ever had been, it took place by those who entered their country of destination 100 years ago. They paved the way for what is happening now. That was part of the long-game, a concept provided for in the “Playbook.”
Islamic Eschatology
The eschatology (study of the end times) of Islam is one of the few things that both the Shi’a and Sunni branches of Islam seem to agree on (this has been discussed numerous times in previous newsletters as well as commentaries found on my website).

In 2014 The Grand Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Hosseini Khamenei reportedly had a conversation with al-Mahdi that his appearance was forthcoming soon.
In essence Islam entered into its own tribulation (by the Grand Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Hosseini Khamenei’s own account) around 2014 (he claimed to have spoken to al-Mahdi, himself). That date seemed to be a pivotal point, bringing about the presence of the Mahdi, the savior in of Islam. Only, there was no appearance, throwing the whole equation up in the air.
There are three main books which are considered holy in Islam. There is the Qur’an, the sacred book of Islam, believed to be the word of Allah as dictated to Muhammad by the archangel Gabriel; the Sunnah, which is the body of traditional social and legal custom and practice of the Islamic community; and the Hadith, a collection of traditions containing sayings of Muhammad which, with accounts of his daily practice (the Sunnah), constitute the major source of guidance for Muslims apart from the Qur’an.
In more than 15 ahadith (ahadith is the plural of hadith) found in the Sahih of Imam Bukhari, Sunnan of Imam Abu Dawwud, Jamii of Imam Tirmidhi (these four men are the most favored when considering writers of the Hadiths — and, yes, there are several volumes, all different, but similar) and others, Muhammad said Islam has a specific lifespan on earth. These Ahadith state that Allah gave Islam 1,500 years, then relatively soon after this he would establish the hour (this seems to run very close to the Bible’s 1,000 year story). We are now in the year 1438 of the Islamic calendar (leaving 62 years in the life of Islam) and the year 2024 of the Christian calendar (leaving 76 years in the life of Islam). Each of the ahadith discusses the giving of specific years for when events are expected to occur according to Muhammad. Because we can place all the ahadtih of events on a timeline, since Muhammad spoke consistently about events from his time to ours on a year by year or decade by decade basis, we can place names and years for when the events occur, which all leads to one question: When will the end come? For muslims there are two “ends” they are waiting for in life, the hour itself and the end of Islam on Earth before that time when Allah will take the life of every Muslim and lift the Qur’an from the face of the Earth. Each of the ahadith speak not just about the lifespan of Islam, but also give a timeline for events in years, such as Imam Mahdi ruling for nine years or Isa remaining on earth for 40 years after he returns.
The reappearance of Muhammad al-Mahdi is the Twelver eschatological belief in the return of their hidden Imam in the end of time to establish peace and justice on earth. For Twelvers, this would end a period of occultation (An occultation is an event that occurs when one object is hidden from the observer by another object that passes between them).
While the miraculously prolonged life of the eschatological Mahdi is specific to Shi’a, the signs of his (re)appearance and his career are largely common in Shi’a and Sunni, and the belief in a messianic Mahdi remains popular among all Muslims, possibly owing to numerous traditions to this effect in canonical Sunni and Shi’a sources.
It’s worth noting that each Abrahamic religion believes in a single God and expects the Messiah to emerge as predicted in their scriptures: Christians look forward to Jesus Christ’s second coming, whereas Jews look forward to the Messiah, David’s son …… Muslims, on the other hand, expect the coming of two people at the same time: The Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, and the predicted Mahdi. Muslims, according to Ibn al-Qayyim, are waiting for the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, to come down from heaven and the Mahdi, who would bring justice to the earth. The Mahdi would offer all non-Muslims to accept Islam as their religion, while their version of the Messiah would dispense justice …… with the sword.
While I would not want to discourage anyone from trying to verify all of this, let me say that it would be a Herculean task to do so — that is, of course if you are a Muslim and actually been through one of their universities and majored in this topic. You see, ahadith is not just one book — there are volumes. … and volumes. And that would just be for one of the authors. However, they say you can find almost anything on Amazon.com. Yes, there is a 40 or so page book with the title, The Lifespan Of Islam On Earth (How Much Time Does Islam Have Left On Earth) bySayyid Rami Al Rifai. Catchy title. Yes, it’s on Amazon. I bought a copy and guess what? I still do not understand it. You are welcome to my copy, though.
PS – Just so that you know, all of the works are in Arabic. It loses something in translation. Oh, and Arabic reads and writes right to left, whereas we read and write left to right.
The world as Islam would have it . . .

No governments. No rulers.
No boundaries. No borders.
Just One Caliph of One Caliphate.
A world which has only one religion, ISLAM.
A world which has only one people, Muslims.
A world which has only one law, SHARI’A.
A world which has only one god, ALLAH.

Most of the unreached peoples in the world today
live in the 10/40 N. Latitude window.
This was true 1,000 years ago, and it’s true today.
Islam’s Land Reclamation Program
What is the reclamation of land in Islam? Under Islamic theory, the role of the State is to supervise land, which ultimately belongs to Allah, for the benefit of people in the community. The State is mandated to administer land, efficiently and fairly, in accordance with Allah’s laws and ethical and moral principles. In reality, there exists no ideal Islamic State.
- The government of Turkey has threatened to invade and annex Greek islands in the Aegean Sea for nearly a decade;
- The Turkish media continues to falsely and repeatedly claim that “152 Greek islands and islets in the Aegean belong to Turkey.” These islands historically and legally … belong to Greece;
- Islamists believe that once a land has come under Islamic occupation and colonialism, the land conquered is forever Islamic. Islamic supremacists such as Erdogan believe that because Thessaloniki was once under the occupation of the Islamic Ottoman Empire, it is a Muslim land eternally and must be returned to its rightful owner;
- Jerusalem was under Ottoman occupation for four centuries (1517-1917). The Jewish people, however, reversing that pattern of Islamic colonialism and imperialism, re-established their homeland, now Israel, in 1948. Islamic supremacists still have not healed from the perceived affront by Israel’s indigenous Jewish people to Islamic conquest;
- Islamists therefore say they want to reconquer Jerusalem and the rest of Israel. According to doctrine, the only religion that should rule over these lands — or any lands, for that matter — is Islam. Christians and Jews could be only dhimmis, second-class, tolerated subjects of an Islamic state where they are only allowed to stay alive on sufferance by paying a high “protection” tax, the jizya;
- Theologically, according to Islamic scriptures, Judaism and Christianity are merely distorted versions of Islam. In the Islamic view, originally there was only Islam, which the Jews and Christians later distorted into Judaism and Christianity. All history, in this mindset, is therefore originally Islamic history and all major figures of biblical history, from Adam and Eve, are therefore Muslim. According to Islam, Abraham, David, Moses and Jesus are also Muslim. So, any place related to them, in that view, is Muslim territory;
- Many others see these events as the Jews, who were the indigenous population of what is now Israel, having had their land “stolen” by the Ottomans, similarly to how the Turkish military invaded the northern part of the Republic of Cyprus in 1974, or how the Christian Byzantine (Eastern Roman) Empire was “stolen” by Ottoman Sultan Mehmed II and his troops on May 29, 1453 when they stormed Constantinople and triumphantly entered the Cathedral of the Hagia Sophia, after besieging the city for 55 days;
- Many Islamists are therefore obsessed with conquering Israel, Spain and Portugal (Muslim-occupied al-Andalus), Greece, Cyprus and India for Allah — then the rest of the non-Muslim world.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan keeps increasingly referring to places outside Turkey as “our lands.” The government of Turkey has threatened to invade and annex Greek islands in the Aegean Sea for at least the past five years. Pictured: Erdogan speaks at the Turkish Grand National Assembly in Ankara on November 29, 2023.
On November 20, Erdogan said:
“Karabakh [in the South Caucasus] has the same place in our hearts as Gaza. Just as we do not distinguish between Bosnia and Aleppo [in Syria]; Tripoli [in Libya]; Balkh [in Afghanistan]; Thessaloniki [in Greece] and Mosul [in Iraq], we see our own ancient cities and Jerusalem as the same.“
“Karabakh” is the Armenian Republic of Artsakh, currently occupied by Azerbaijan after it — with the help of Turkey — seized it in September after a genocide against the indigenous Armenians there, that lasted from 2020-2023.
On November 17, Erdogan once again announced his government’s expansionist goals. “Whoever says ‘We do not care about Syria, Iraq, Karabakh, Libya, Bosnia, and Jerusalem’ is either intentionally or unintentionally impeding Turkey’s great march,” he stated.
On October 28, at a demonstration condemning Israel’s war against Hamas, he also said that a century ago, Gaza was what Adana [a city in Turkey] was for Turks:
“Edirne [in Turkey] was the same [to us] as Skopje [a city in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia]; Kırklareli [in Turkey] was the same as Thessaloniki [in Greece]; Mardin [in Turkey] was the same as Mosul [in Iraq]; and Gaziantep [in Turkey] as Aleppo [in Syria]. Just like Gaza, they were all part of our homeland that we thought was inseparable from us. Look what we have become now.
“They [the West] unfortunately separated the Turkish nation from all these lands that belong to [Turks] as much as their blood, life and love. They not only separated us [from those cities] physically; they also used all kinds of tricks to remove them from our hearts and minds.”
The cities in Turkey that Erdogan referred to (such as Edirne, Adana, Kirklareli, Mardin, and Antep) were built and enriched by Greeks, Armenians, Assyrians and other indigenous peoples thousands of years ago. These cities were later wiped of their indigenous Christian residents as a result of centuries-long Islamic oppression that culminated in the 1913-23 genocide in Ottoman Turkey.
Meanwhile, the Turkish media continues to falsely and repeatedly to claim that “152 Greek islands and islets in the Aegean belong to Turkey.” These islands historically and legally (mainly through the 1924 Treaty of Lausanne, 1932 Turkish-Italian Agreements and 1947 Paris Treaty) belong to Greece.
In October, Greek media reported that Turkey annexed an Aegean Greek islet rock (Zourafa, or Ladoxera).
According to the Turkish media, Turkey sent a “notam” [notice to airmen] that “the region [waters surrounding Zourafa] where the Turkish Army recently started a drill is under Turkey’s sovereignty“.
The government of Turkey has threatened to invade and annex Greek islands in the Aegean Sea for at least the past five years.
Meanwhile, Turkish troops continue to violate the UN-controlled buffer zone in the Republic of Cyprus, 36 percent of which the Turkish army has illegally occupied since 1974. The Cypriot media reported that on November 27, “around 40 Turkish soldiers entered a two-story residence [in the buffer zone]. The mayor of Agios Dometios, Kostas Petrou, said that ‘there has been intense activity in the area by the Turkish Army for about 1.5 months ….”
Territorial expansionism is apparently a major part of Erdogan’s government’s foreign policy agenda. Unfortunately, political Islam is an ideology of conquest and dominance.
Since its inception in Arabia in the seventh century, Islam has been spread throughout the world by means of the sword. According to the Islamic law, the entire world is divided into the “dar al-Islam” (territory of submission to Allah — the word “Islam” is Arabic for “submission“), which denotes regions where Islam prevails, and the “dar al-harb” (territory of war), which refers to non-Muslim lands, yet to be conquered.
Islamists believe that once a land has come under Islamic occupation and colonialism, the land conquered is forever Islamic. The Greek city of Thessaloniki, for instance, was once under Ottoman Muslim occupation. According to the official website of the Municipality of Thessaloniki, while it was under Ottoman rule (1430-1912), almost all Christian churches, parishes and monasteries were converted into mosques. Thessaloniki was liberated from the Ottoman Empire in 1912. Islamic supremacists such as Erdogan -_believe that because Thessaloniki was once under the occupation of the Islamic Ottoman Empire, it is a Muslim land eternally and must be returned to its rightful owner.
From the mid-15th century until the proclamation of the first Hellenic Republic in 1822, the territory constituting modern Greece was occupied by the Ottoman Empire. Erdogan has been open about his goal of resurrecting the Ottoman Empire, which would include expanding Turkish territory considerably. In 2016, he said:
“There are physical borders and there are borders in our hearts. Some people ask us: ‘Why do you take an interest in Iraq, Syria, Georgia, Crimea, Karabakh, Azerbaijan, the Balkans, and North Africa?’ None of these lands is foreign to us. Is it possible to divide Rize [in Turkey] from Batumi [in Georgia]? How can we consider Edirne [in Turkey] to be separate from Thessaloniki [in Greece]? How can we think that Gaziantep [in Turkey] has nothing to do with Aleppo [in Syria]; Mardin [in Turkey] with Al-Hasakah [in Syria]; or Siirt [in Turkey] with Mosul [in Iraq].
“From Thrace to Eastern Europe, with every step you take, you will see traces of our ancestors … We would need to deny our true selves for us to think Gaza, with whom we speak the same language and share the same culture, is separate from us, as far away as Siberia. To take an interest in Iraq, Syria, Libya, Crimea, Karabakh, Bosnia and other brotherly regions is both the duty and the right of Turkey. Turkey is not just Turkey. The day we give up on these things will be the day we give up on our freedom and future.”
Erdogan also referred to the Misak-ı Milli (“National Pact“), a set of decisions made by the Ottoman Parliament in 1920 concerning the borders of the future Turkish state. The National Pact is commonly referenced by Turks when calling for Turkish territorial expansion.
The Turkish newspaper Hürriyet wrote in 2016:
“Some historians say that according to the National Pact, the Turkish borders include — in addition to the current borders of Turkey — Cyprus, Aleppo [in Syria], Mosul, Erbil, Kirkuk [in Iraq], Batumi [in Georgia], Thessaloniki [in Greece], Kardzhali, Varna [in Bulgaria], and the Aegean islands.”
In the 13th century, the Turkic tribe known as Ottomans formed a state in western Anatolia, on land they invaded and captured from the Greek-speaking Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire. They conquered Constantinople (Istanbul) in the 15th century, bringing an end to the Byzantine Empire.
For more than 600 years, from its founding in 1299 in Anatolia (present-day Turkey) to its end in 1922, the Ottoman Turks invaded and occupied nations across three continents. These nations included, among others, most of the Balkans, (such as Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia, Albania and Romania), Hungary, Cyprus, Egypt, Jordan and Israel (then called Palestine), Lebanon, Syria, some of Arabia and a considerable amount of North Africa. During this period, many crimes were systematically committed against non-Muslims, including:
- The ghulam system: the enslavement, conversion, and training of non-Muslims to become warriors and statesmen;
- The devshirme system: the forced recruitment of Christian boys who were taken from their families, converted to Islam and enslaved for service to the sultan in his palace and to join his janissaries (“new corps“);
- Compulsory and voluntary Islamization: the latter resulting from social, religious and economic pressure;
- The sexual slavery of women and children, deportations and massacres.
Jerusalem was under Ottoman occupation for four centuries (1517-1917). The Jewish people, however, reversing that pattern of Islamic colonialism and imperialism, re-established their homeland, now Israel, in 1948. Islamic supremacists still have not healed from the perceived affront by Israel’s indigenous Jewish people to Islamic conquest.
Islamists therefore say they want to reconquer Jerusalem and the rest of Israel. According to doctrine, the only religion that should rule over these lands — or any land, for that matter — is Islam. Christians and Jews could be only dhimmis, second-class, tolerated subjects of an Islamic state where they are only allowed to stay alive on sufferance by paying a high “protection” tax, the jizya.
In 2018, during a rally, Erdogan said, “For us, Jerusalem is what Çanakkale is.” (Also, where Troy was.)
In 2020, Erdogan opened the Turkish parliament’s legislative session with a long speech that again addressed Jerusalem: “Jerusalem is our city, a city from us.”
Theologically, according to Islamic scriptures, Judaism and Christianity are merely distorted versions of Islam. In the Islamic view, originally there was only Islam, which the Jews and Christians called Judaism and Christianity. All history, in this mindset, is therefore originally Islamic history and all major figures of biblical history, from Adam and Eve, are therefore Muslim. According to Islam, Abraham, David, Moses and Jesus are also Muslim. So, any place related to them, in that view, is Muslim territory.
Moshe Sharon, Professor Emeritus of Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, calls these views the “Islamization of history” and “Islamization of geography.”
Philip Carl Salzman, Emeritus Professor of Anthropology at McGill University, noted:
“Israel exists on territory once governed and dominated by Arab and later Turkish Muslims. The Arab and 0invasions in the 7th century displaced and replaced the Jews who were the majority population, those who survived the wars of the Romans against the Jews. Almost a thousand years later, the Ottoman Turks became the rulers of the Holy Land. According to Islamic law, land once governed by Muslims is owned by Muslims forevermore. Notwithstanding the Jews’ prior occupation of the Holy Land, Muslims regard the region as theirs and theirs alone and Israel as having stolen their land.”
Many others see these events as the Jews, who were the indigenous population of what is now Israel, having had their land “stolen” by the Ottomans, similarly to how the Turkish military invaded the northern part of the Republic of Cyprus in 1974, or how the Christian Byzantine (Eastern Roman) Empire was “stolen” by Ottoman Sultan Mehmed II and his armies on May 29, 1453 when they stormed Constantinople and triumphantly entered the Cathedral of the Hagia Sophia, after besieging the city for 55 days.
Many Islamists are therefore obsessed with conquering Israel, Spain and Portugal (Muslim-occupied al-Andalus), Greece, Cyprus and India for Allah — then the rest of the non-Muslim world.
SIDE NOTE: The year we lived in Azerbaijan (12/1996-12/1997) we were based in the country’s second largest city, Ganga, population a bit over 300,000 — with very little if any noticeable industry — we were an estimated 20 miles from the disputed territory of Nagorna-Karabakh (war between Azerbaijan and Armenia). At times we could hear the big guns going off, as well as running into the occasional military convoy.
Hamas Interior Minister Calls for Third Intifada and Declares: We Will Establish Islamic Caliphate … Here’s The Story …

Hamas Leaders: “Our Goal Is Establishment Of Global Islamic Caliphate, Not Just Liberation Of Palestine.” … Here’s The Story … (scroll down)
Hamas Leader Khaled Mash’al: The Nation of Islam Will Sit at the Throne of the World … Here’s The Story … (scroll down)

Hamas MP and Cleric Yunis Al-Astal in a Friday Sermon: We Will Conquer Rome, and from There Continue to Conquer the Two Americas and Eastern Europe … Here’s The Story … (scroll down)
Hamas Sermon in Gaza: Rome will be co queried by Islam … … Here’s The Story … (scroll down)

Hamas official: Palestinians preparing to establish global Islamic caliphate with Jerusalem as its capital … Here’s The Story …

Hamas Leaders: Our Goal Is Establishment Of Global Islamic Caliphate, Not Just Liberation Of Palestine … Here’s The Story …
Radical Islamic preacher calls for a ‘final solution’ carried out by a Muslim army in shocking anti-Israel sermon in Sydney … Here’s The Story …

Hamas Leaders: Our Goal Is Establishment Of Global Islamic Caliphate, Not Just Liberation Of Palestine … Here’s The Story …
Colorado Imam Karim Abu Zaid: Allah Decreed That Only Muslims Can Live In Palestine, That The Jews Will Leave Jerusalem And Never Come Back; When The Caliphate Is Established We Will Liberate Palestine And Expel These Guys … Here’s The Story …

Qatar: Newspaper publishes poem calling on Muslims to ‘restore Islamic rule throughout the world’ … Here’s The Story …

Hamas top dog: Our nation will sit on the throne of the world … Here’s The Story …
Hamas Official Fathi Hammad: “We Shall Liberate Our Al-Aqsa Mosque, And Our Cities And Villages, As A Prelude To The Establishment Of The Future Islamic Caliphate” … Here’s The Story …

Islamic scholar says caliphate’s “armies will advance, saying ‘Allahu akbar,’ to invade France and conquer Rome” … Here’s The Story …
2024: The Year Iran Will Go Nuclear If Western Powers Do Not Act … Here’s The Story …

ISIS Quotes Quran, Calls for Global Attacks on Jews: ‘Kill Them Wherever You Find Them’ … Here’s The Story …
The Qur’an allows for a peaceful existence between Muslims and Jews. Yet, Muslims, through Islamic Law (Shari’s), choose to let abrogation, a term which provides the use of the most recent or last words given, be the the words that apply. If you think in terms inventory it would be the equivalent of LIFO, or “Last In, First Out” — the last words in are the first words to use/apply.
ISIS calls on Muslims to carry out jihad massacres of ‘Jews, Christians, or their allies on the streets of America’ … Here’s The Story …

Islam Overtaking Europe? … Here’s The Story …
‘O Muslims, the time has come for Yemenis to lead the holy jihad and rid the Islamic nation of Israel and America’ … Here’s The Story …

Terror TV Station Established in Canada, Supported by U.S. and U.S. European Radicals … Here’s The Story …
From Paper State to Caliphate: The Ideology of the Islamic State … Here’s The Story …

There haven’t been this many calls for a caliphate since that day on the balcony in 2014 when al-Baghdadi gave the call. The difference between 2014 and 2024, is that more and more Muslims are taking up the reins, not just listening, but on the verge of taking action — violent action.

Islam comes with its own form of government and its own legal system, Shari’a, the Islamic Law. Muslims do not assimilate. Some may wonder why …… their holy books — the Qur’an, Hadith, and Sunnah …… along with Shari’a, Islamic Law, all prohibit it.
Muslims expect everyone to conform to their system, laws, and way of living. There have been different rulers; there has been in-fighting; there have been assassinations. Yet, Islam has survived with its structure in-tact. It has crossed cultural barriers. However, what it has not done is to live peacefully with its neighbors.
When considering the longest surviving empires, historians say these ten stand out:
1. Byzantine Empire (330 – 1453 A.D.) 1,123 Years;
2. Holy Roman Empire (800 – 1806 A.D.)8 1,006 Years;
3. Zhou Empire (1046 – 256 BC): 790 Years;
4. Ethiopian Empire (1270 – 1974: 704 Years;
5. Carthaginian Empire (814-146 BC) 668 Years;
6. Khmer Empire (802 – 1431 A.D.); ~ 629 Years;
7. Ottoman Empire (1299 – 1922 A.D): 623 Years (I’ll come back to this one);
8. Roman Empire (27 B.C. – 476 A.D.) 503 Years;
9. Parthian Empire (247 B.C. – 224 A.D.) 471 Years;
10. Han Empire (206 B.C. – 220 A.D.) 426 Years.
Oddly enough, the time of the Pharaohs is not considered. However, their span of power lasted for 3,200 years and roughly 170 rulers — longer than any three of the above, combined
I said I would come back to the Ottoman’s (#7 above). Here, I would list Islam. You may ask why would I list a religion? For the very reasons cited above, in the paragraph before the list of ten. Islam underwent many different rulers. However, their legal system remained intact as did most everything else because of their religion and Shari’a. Islam has an economic system, political system, a legal system, and a religious system. No matter how archaic or barbaric we may think it is, they have a system that thus far, has lasted for 1,400 years and they have made it work. Just remember though, the Qur’an and Hadiths placed Islam’s longevity at 1,500 years.
The A – Z of Islamic Terrorism

Hamas official vows to repeat Israel attacks ‘again and again’ until it’s destroyed … Here’s The Story …
To better understand the roots and threat of militant Islam, here’s a closer look at how modern terrorism has evolved in the Middle East and South Asia.
“We must teach Israel a lesson, and we will do this again and again,” Hamas’ Ghazi Hamad said last week. AP
In the wake of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the U.S., the threat of militant Islamic terrorism — rooted in the Middle East and South Asia — has taken center stage. While these violent religious extremists represent a minority view, their threat is real. As pointed out by RAND’s Bruce Hoffman, in 1980 two out of 64 groups were categorized as largely religious in motivation; in 1995 almost half of the identified groups, 26 out of 56, were classified as religiously motivated; the majority of these espoused Islam as their guiding force.
1968 – 1979: The Dawn Of Modern International Terrorism
In the late 1960s Palestinian secular movements such as Al Fatah and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) began to target civilians outside the immediate arena of conflict. Following Israel’s 1967 defeat of Arab forces, Palestinian leaders realized that the 90oArab world was unable to militarily confront Israel. At the same time, lessons drawn from revolutionary movements in Latin America, North Africa, Southeast Asia as well as during the Jewish struggle against Britain in Palestine, saw the Palestinians move away from classic guerrilla, typically rural-based, warfare toward urban terrorism. Radical Palestinians took advantage of modern communication and transportation systems to internationalize their struggle. They launched a series of hijackings, kidnappings, bombings, and shootings, culminating in the kidnapping and subsequent deaths of Israeli athletes during the 1972 Munich Olympic games.
These Palestinian groups became a model for numerous secular militants, and offered lessons for subsequent ethnic and religious movements. Palestinians created an extensive transnational extremist network — tied into which were various state sponsors such as the Soviet Union, certain Arab states, as well as traditional criminal organizations. By the end of the 1970s, the Palestinian secular network was a major channel for the spread of terrorist techniques worldwide.
Key Radical Palestinian Group
(descriptions taken directly from the U.S. State Department publication “Patterns of Global Terrorism, 2000“)
- Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP): The PFLP, one of the original members of the PLO, is a Marxist-Leninist group founded in 1967 by George Habash. The group was against the 1993 Declaration of Principles; participation in the PLO was also suspended. Participated in meetings with Arafat’s Fatah party and PLO representing “in 1999 to discuss national unity but continues to oppose negotiations with Israel. Committed numerous international terrorist attacks during the 1970s, has allegedly been involved in attacks against Israel since the beginning of the second intifadah in September 2000. Syria has been a key source of safe haven and limited logistical support.
- Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command (PFLP-GC): This group, led by Ahmed Jibril, split from the PFLP in 1968, wanting to focus more on terrorist than political action; violently opposed to the PLO and is closely tied to Syria and Iran. The PFLP-GC conducted multiple attacks in Europe and the Middle East during the 1970s and 1980s. Unique in that it conducted cross-border operations against Israel using unusual means, including hot-air balloons and motorized hang gliders. Currently focused on small-scale attacks in Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza Strip.
- Abu Nidal Organization (ANO): Antif-Western and anti-Israel international terrorist organization led by Sabri al-Banna; left the PLO in 1974. Organizational structure composed of various functional committees, including political, military, and financial. The ANO has carried out terrorist attacks in 20 countries, killing or injuring almost 900 persons. Targets have included the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Israel, moderate Palestinians, the PLO, and various Arab countries. Major attacks included the Rome and Vienna airports in December 1985, the Neve Shalom synagogue in Istanbul and the Pan Am flight 73 hijacking in Karachi in September 1986, and the City of Poros day-excursion ship attack in Greece in July 1988. Suspected of assassinating PLO deputy chief Abu Iyad and PLO security chief Abu Hul in Tunis in January 1991. ANO assassinated a Jordanian diplomat in Lebanon in January 1994. Has not attacked Western targets since the late 1980s. Al-Banna relocated to Iraq in December 1998, where the group maintains a presence. Financial problems and internal disorganization have reduced the group’s capabilities; activities shut down in Libya and Egypt in 1999.
While these secular Palestinians dominated the scene during the 1970s, religious movements also grew. The failure of Arab nationalism in the 1967 war resulted in their strengthening of both progressive and extremist Islamic movements. In the Middle East, Islamic movements increasingly came into opposition with secular nationalism, providing an alternative source of social welfare and education in the vacuum left by the lack of government-led development — a key example is The Muslim Brotherhood. Islamic groups were supported by anti-nationalist conservative regimes, such as Saudi Arabia, to counter the expansion of nationalist ideology. Yet political Islam, more open to progressive change, was seen as a threat to conservative Arab regimes and thus support for more fundamentalist — and extremist — groups occurred to combat both nationalist and political Islamist movements. Meanwhile, in Iran, a turn to revolutionary Shi’a Islam under the leadership of Ayatollah Khomeini further eroded the power and legitimacy of the U.S.-backed authoritarian Pahlevi regime, setting the stage for the Shah’s downfall.
1979 – 1991: The Afghan Jihad And State Sponsors Of Terrorism
The year 1979 was a turning point in international terrorism. Throughout the Arab world and the West, the Iranian Islamic revolution sparked fears of a wave of revolutionary Shia Islam. Meanwhile, the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and the subsequent anti-Soviet mujahideen war, lasting from 1979 to 1989, stimulated the rise and expansion of terrorist groups. Indeed, the growth of a post-jihad pool of well-trained, battle-hardened militants is a key trend in contempt international terrorism and insurgency-related violence. Volunteers from various parts of the Islamic world fought in Afghanistan, supported by conservative countries such as Saudi Arabia. In Yemen, for instance, the Riyadh-backed Islamic Front was established to provide financial, logistical, and training support for Yemeni volunteers. So called “Arab-Afghans” have — and are — using their experience to support local insurgencies in North Africa, Kashmir, Chechnya, China, Bosnia, and the Philippines.
In the West, attention was focused on state sponsorship, specifically the Iranian-backed and Syrian-supported Hezbollah; state sponsors’ use of secular Palestinian groups was also of concern. Hezbollah pioneered the use of suicide bombers in the Middle East, and was linked to the 1983 bombing and subsequent deaths of 241 U.S. marines in Beirut, Lebanon, as well as multiple kidnappings of U.S. and Western civilians and government officials. Hezbollah remains a key trainer of secular, Shia, and Sunni movements. As revealed during the investigation into the 1988 bombing of Pan Am Flight 103, Libyan intelligence officers were allegedly involved with the Palestinian Front for the Liberation of Palestine — General Command (PFLP-GC). Iraq and Syria were heavily involved in supporting various terrorist groups, with Baghdad using the Abu Nidal Organization on several occasions. State sponsors used terrorist groups to attack Israeli as well as Western interests, in addition to domestic and regional opponents. It should be noted that the American policy of listing state sponsors was heavily politicized, and did not include several countries — both allies and opponents of Washington — that, under U.S. government definitions, were guilty of supporting or using terrorism.
Key Radical Religious Groups
(descriptions taken directly from the U.S. State Department publication “Patterns of Global Terrorism, 2000”)
- Hezbollah: Radical Shia group formed in 1982 in Lebanon. Strongly anti-Western and anti-Israeli. Closely allied with, and often directed by, Iran but may have conducted operations that were not approved by Tehran. Known or suspected to have been involved in numerous anti-U.S. terrorist attacks, including the suicide truck bombing of the U.S. Embassy and U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut in October 1983 and the U.S. Embassy annex in Beirut in September 1984. Elements of the group were responsible for the kidnapping and detention of U.S. and other Western hostages in Lebanon. The group also attacked the Israeli Embassy in Argentina in 1992 and is a suspect in the 1994 bombing of the Israeli cultural center in Buenos Aires. Operates in the Bekaa Valley, the southern suburbs of Beirut, and southern Lebanon. Has established cells in Europe, Africa, South America, North America, and Asia. Receives substantial amounts of financial, training, weapons, explosives, political, diplomatic, and organizational aid from Iran and Syria.
- Egyptian Islamic Jihad (EIJ – Al-Jihad, Jihad Group, Islamic Jihad): Egyptian group active since the late 1970s. The EIJ is apparently split into two factions: one led by Ayman al-Zawahiri – who currently is in Afghanistan and is a key leader in the Usama bin Laden (UBL) network – and the Vanguards of Conquest (Talaa’ al-Fateh) led by Ahmad Husayn Agiza. Abbud al-Zumar, leader of the original Jihad, is imprisoned in Egypt and recently joined the group’s jailed spiritual leader, Shaykh Umar Abd al-Rahman, in a call for a “peaceful front.” The group’s traditional goal is the overthrow of the Egyptian Government and creation of an Islamic state. Given its involvement with UBL, EIJ is likely increasingly willing to target U.S. interests. The group has threatened to strike the U.S. for its jailing of Shaykh al-Rahman and the arrests of EIJ cadres in Albania, Azerbaijan, and the United Kingdom..
- Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ): The PIJ, emerging from radical Gazan Palestinians in the 1970s, is apparently a series of loosely affiliated factions rather than a cohesive group. The PIJ focus is the destruction of Israel and the creation of a Palestinian Islamic state. Due to Washington’s support of Israel, the PIJ has threatened to strike American targets; the PIJ has not “specifically” conducted attacks against U.S. interests; Arab regimes deemed as un-Islamic are also threatened. The group has stated its willingness to hit American targets in Jordan. PIJ cadres reportedly receive funding from Tehran and logistical support from Syria.
- Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS): Emerging from the Muslim Brotherhood during the first Palestinian intifadah (1987), HAMAS has become the primary anti-Israeli religious opposition in the occupied territories. The group is mainly known for its use of suicide bombers and is loosely organized, with centers of strength in Gaza and certain areas in the West Bank. HAMAS, while condemning American policies favoring Israel, has not targeted the U.S. directly.
- Al-Gamaat Al-Islamiyya (IG – the Islamic Group, al-Gama’at, Islamic Gama’at, Egyptian al-Gama’at al-Islamiyya, GI): The IG, begun in the 1970s, is the largest of the Egyptian militant groups. Its core goal is the overthrow of the Cairo regime and creation of an Islamic state. The IG appears to be a more loosely organized entity than the EIJ, and maintains a globally present external wing. IG leadership signed Usama Bin Ladin’s February 1998 anti-U.S. fatwa but has denied supporting UBL. Shaykh Umar Abd al-Rahman is al-Gama’at’s spiritual leader, and thus the U.S. has been threatened with attack. From 1993 until the cease-fire, al-Gama’a launched attacks on tourists in Egypt, most notably the attack in November 1997 at Luxor that killed 58 foreign tourists. Also claimed responsibility for the attempt in June 1995 to assassinate Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Has a worldwide presence, including Sudan, the United Kingdom, Afghanistan, Austria, and Yemen. The Egyptian Government believes that Iran, Bin Ladin, and Afghan militant groups support the organization.
1991 – 2001: The Globalization Of Terror
The disintegration of post-Cold War states, and the Cold War legacy of a world awash in advanced conventional weapons and know-how, has assisted the proliferation of terrorism worldwide. Vacuums of stability created by conflict and absence of governance in areas such as the Balkans, Afghanistan, Colombia, and certain African countries offer ready made areas for terrorist training and recruitment activity, while smuggling and drug trafficking routes are often exploited by terrorists to support operations worldwide. With the increasing ease of transnational transportation and communication, the continued willingness of states such as Iran and Iraq to provide support, and dehumanizing ideologies that enable mass casualty attacks, the lethal potential of terrorist violence has reached new heights.
The region of Afghanistan — it is not a country in the conventional sense — has, particularly since the 1989 Soviet withdrawal, emerged as a terrorist training ground. Pakistan, struggling to balance its needs for political-economic reform with a domestic religious agenda, provides assistance to terrorist groups both in Afghanistan and Kashmir while acting as a further transit area between the Middle East and South Asia.
Since their emergence in 1994, the Pakistani-supported Taliban militia in Afghanistan has assumed several characteristics traditionally associated with state-sponsors of terrorism, providing logistical support, travel documentation, and training facilities. Although radical groups such as the Egyptian Islamic Jihad, Osama bin Laden’s Al Qaeda, and Kashmiri militants were in Afghanistan prior to the Taliban, the spread of Taliban control has seen Afghan-based terrorism evolve into a relatively coordinated, widespread activity focused on sustaining and developing terrorist capabilities. Since the mid-1990s, Pakistani-backed terrorist groups fighting in Kashmir have increasingly used training camps inside Taliban-controlled areas. At the same time, members of these groups, as well as thousands of youths from Pakistan’s Northwest Frontier Province (NWFP), have fought with the Taliban against opposition forces. This activity has seen the rise of extremism in parts of Pakistan neighboring Afghanistan, further complicating the ability of Islamabad to exert control over militants. Moreover, the intermixing of Pakistani movements with the Taliban and their Arab-Afghan allies has seen ties between these groups strengthen.
Since 1989 the increasing willingness of religious extremists to strike targets outside immediate country or regional areas underscores the global nature of contemporary terrorism. The 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center, and the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon, are representative of this trend.
Key Groups in the New Phase of Militant Islamic Terrorism
In India via (descriptions taken directly from the U.S. State Department publication “Patterns of Global Terrorism, 2000”)
- Al-Qaeda (The Base): Established by Usama Bin Ladin (UBL) circa 1990, Al Qaeda aims to coordinate a transnational mujahideen network; stated goal is to “reestablish the Muslim State” throughout the world via the overthrow of corrupt regimes in the Islamic world and the removal of foreign presence – primarily American and Israeli – from the Middle East. UBL has issued three anti-U.S. fatwas encouraging Muslims to take up arms against Washington’s “imperialism.” Al Qaeda provides financial, manpower, transportation, and training support to extremists worldwide. In February 1998 bin Ladin issued a statement under the banner of “The World Islamic Front for Jihad Against The Jews and Crusaders,” saying it was the duty of all Muslims to kill U.S. citizens, civilian or military, and their allies. Allegedly orchestrated the bombings of the U.S. Embassies in Nairobi, Kenya and Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, on August 7, 1998. Claims to have been involved in the 1993 killing of U.S. servicemen in Somalia and the December 1992 bombings against U.S. troops in Aden, Yemen. Al Qaeda serves as the core of a loose umbrella organization that includes members of many Sunni Islamic extremist groups, including factions of the Egyptian Islamic Jihad (EIJ), the Gama’at al-Islamiyya (IG), and the Harakat ul-Mujahidin (HUM). The group is a prime suspect in the Sept. 11 attacks as well as the U.S.S Cole bombing.
- Armed Islamic Group (GIA): Having initiated terrorist activities in 1992 following Algiers refusal to accept a democratically elected Islamist government, the GIA has conducted multiple mass killings of civilians and assassinations of Algerian leaders. While present in areas such as Yemen, the GIA reportedly does not target the U.S. directly. However, it is possible that GIA splinter movements or personnel may become involved in anti-U.S. action.
- Aden-Abyan Islamic Army (AAIA): The Aden-Abyan Islamic Army is allegedly affiliated to the Yemeni Islamic Jihad and has been implicated in acts of violence with the stated goal to “hoist the banner of al-Jihad, and fight secularism in Yemen and the Arab countries.” Aden-Abyan Islamic Army leader Zein al-Abideen al-Mehdar was executed for participating in the December 1998 kidnapping of 16 Western tourists. Four of the hostages were killed and another 13 hostages were freed when Yemeni security forces attacked the place where the hostages were being held. In March 1999 the group warned the U.S. and British ambassadors in Yemen to leave immediately.
- Harakat ul-Mujahidin (HUM): Formerly part of the Harakat al-Ansar (HUA), the Pakistani-based HUM operates primarily in Kashmir. Long-time leader of the group, Fazlur Rehman Khalil, in mid-February stepped down; the popular Kashmiri commander and second-in-command, Farooq Kashmiri, assumed the reigns. Khalil, who has been linked to Bin Ladin and signed his fatwa in February 1998 calling for attacks on U.S. and Western interests, assumed the position of HUM Secretary General. The HUM is linked to the militant group al-Faran that kidnapped five Western tourists in Kashmir in July 1995; one was killed in August 1995 and the other four reportedly were killed in December of the same year. Supporters are mostly Pakistanis and Kashmiris and also include Afghans and Arab veterans of the Afghan war. The HUM trains its militants in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
- Jaish-e-Mohammed (Army of Mohammed): The Pakistan-based Jaish-e-Mohammed (JEM) has greatly expanded since Maulana Masood Azhar, a former ultra-fundamentalist Harakat ul-Ansar (HUA) leader, formed the group in February 2000. The group’s aim is to unite Kashmir with Pakistan. It is politically aligned with the radical, pro-Taliban, political party, Jamiat-i Ulema-i Islam (JUI-F). The JEM maintains training camps in Afghanistan.
- Most of the JEM’s cadre and material resources have been drawn from the militant groups Harakat ul-Jihad al-Islami (HUJI) and the Harakat ul-Mujahedin (HUM). The JEM has close ties to Afghan Arabs and the Taliban. Usama Bin Ladin is suspected of giving funding to the JEM. Group by this name claimed responsibility for the USS Coleattack.
- Lashkar-i-Taiba (LT) (Army of the Righteous): The LT is the armed wing of the Pakistan-based religious organization, Markaz-ud-Dawa-wal-Irshad (MDI)–a Sunni anti-U.S. missionary organization formed in 1989. One of the three largest and best-trained groups fighting in Kashmir against India, it is not connected to a political party. The LT leader is MDI chief, Professor Hafiz Mohammed Saeed. Almost all LT cadres are foreigners–mostly Pakistanis from seminaries across the country and Afghan veterans of uuuuu_ijipthe Afghan wars. The LT trains its militants in mobile training camps across Pakistan-administered Kashmir and Afghanistan.
Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and Al Fatah)
The PLO was founded in 1964 as a Palestinian nationalist umbrella organization committed to the creation of an independent Palestinian state. After the 1967 Arab-Israeli war, militia groups composing the PLO vied for control, with Al Fatah — led by Yasser Arafat — becoming dominant. Al Fatah joined the PLO in 1968 and won the leadership role in 1969. In 1969 Arafat assumed the position of PLO Executive Committee chairman, a position he still holds. Al Fatah essentially became the PLO, with other groups’ influence on PLO actions increasingly marginalized. Al Fatah and other PLO components were pushed out of Jordan following clashes with Jordanian forces in 1970-71. The Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982 led to the group’s dispersal to several Middle Eastern countries, including Tunisia, Yemen, Algeria, Iraq, and others. The PLO maintains several military and intelligence wings that have carried out terrorist attacks, including Force 17 and the Western Sector. Two of its leaders, Abu Jihad and Abu Iyad, were assassinated in recent years. In the 1960s and the 1970s, Al Fatah offered training to a wide range of European, Middle Eastern, Asian, and African terrorist and insurgent groups and carried out numerous acts of international terrorism in Western Europe and the Middle East in the early-to-middle 1970s. Arafat signed the Declaration of Principles (DOP) with Israel in 1993 — the Oslo Accords — and renounced terrorism and violence. The organization fragmented in the early 1980s, but remained the leading Palestinian political organization. Following the 1993 Oslo Accords, the PLO — read Al Fatah — leadership assumed control of the nascent Palestinian National Authority (PNA).
Political versus Fundamentalist Islam
Political Islam, as opposed to fundamentalist or neo-fundamentalist Islam, posits a worldview that can deal with and selectively integrate modernity. In contrast, fundamentalist Islam calls for a return to an ontological form of Islam that rejects modernity; groups such as Al Qaeda and the Egyptian Islamic Jihad are representative of fundamentalist Islam.
A Note on State Sponsors of Religious Terror Groups
Unlike the “secular” national, radical, anarchist terrorism sponsored by states such as Libya, Syria, Iraq, Cuba, North Korea, and behind the scenes by the former Soviet camp, most of the Islamic terrorist groups have never been sponsored by states. Many Egyptian organizations emerged from the Egyptian domestic landscape. Algerian groups likewise were not sponsored by foreign states. Hezbollah certainly can be viewed as an Iranian surrogate, but other movements, while open to state assistance, remain operationally and ideologically independent.
The West’s greatest blind spot concerning Iran’s nuclear program can perhaps be summed up in one word—Mahdism.
The Muslim doctrine of Mahdism revolves around an eschatological figure — the Mahdi, or “Rightly Guided One”— who vanquishes evil and ushers in Islamic rule during the end times. Both Sunnis and Shias believe in the Mahdi, though they have different versions of his exact nature and role.
The Islamic Republic of Iran is a Shi’a nation of the “Twelver” variety. Like all Shi’as, Iran believes that true leadership of the Muslim world belongs to the prophet Muhammad’s bloodline, beginning with Ali (Muhammad’s cousin and son-in-law through his marriage to the prophet’s daughter, Fatima). According to Shi’a teaching, Ali was the first rightly guided imam, followed by his male descendants. Like Muhammad, all of them are seen as infallible and the true interpreters of Islamic law.
For the Twelvers of Iran, Muhammad ibn Hasan — better known as Muhammad al-Mahdi — is the twelfth and final imam (other Shi’as, such as the Fivers and Seveners, believe the Imamate ends with the fifth and seventh imams, respectively). Born in 868, al-Mahdi is believed to have gone into a state of occultation in 874 — meaning Allah miraculously caused him to “disappear.” Still alive, the 1,155 year-old Muhammad al-Mahdi is patiently biding his time to return and usher in the takeover of the Muslim — and eventually entire — world.
While such traditions may seem harmless enough, Mahdism poses a serious, though vastly overlooked, threat to international security, primarily because its current articulation in Iran requires its adherents to take “proactive” steps to help usher in the Mahdi — most notably by initiating an “apocalyptic” showdown with the “greater” and “lesser” satans, namely, America and Israel.
No entity is more wedded to — or indoctrinated in —Mahdism than Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), which, as described by Iran’s 1979 Constitution, is an “ideological army,” mandated with an “ideological mission of jihad in Allah’s way.”
As Hojatoleslam Ali Saeedi, then representative of the Supreme Leader to the IRGC, said in a 2012 speech, “The IRGC is one of the tools for paving the way for the emergence of the Imam of the Age [Mahdi] in the field of a regional and international awakening.”
A Middle East Institute paper from 2022, titled “Iran’s Revolutionary Guard and the Rising Cult of Mahdism,” elaborates on the growing importance of eliminating Israel in the context of Iranian Mahdism:
The IRGC is increasingly understanding and communicating its official policy of eradicating Israel and Zionism through the doctrine of Mahdism. While the destruction of Israel has been the IRGC’s working objective since its inception, like other Islamist groups this hostility was borne out of viewing the Jewish state [as] an illegitimate, oppressive, and usurping entity for the West to achieve its supposed colonial goals across the Muslim world. More recently, however, the existence of Israel is being viewed and understood as the ‘greatest barrier’ to the reappearance of the 12th Imam. According to the doctrine of Mahdism, part of preparing for the reappearance of the 12th Imam is removing all obstacles and barriers to his return.
Against this backdrop, Iran’s hardline clergy affiliated with the IRGC claim religious hadiths state that the ‘Jewish state will be destroyed before Mahdi’s arrival.’ According to these accounts, which are legitimized through religious scripture, ‘Sh’i’a Muslims will be on the side of the war against Jews’ prior to the reappearance of Mahdi. As such, the collapse of [the] ‘Israeli regime and Zionist Jews’ at the behest of ‘Iran and the Resistance Axis’ will take place ‘prior to the emergence of Mahdi.’… Indeed, the ideological belief that the eradication of Israel is a necessary step for the reappearance of the 12th Imam is increasingly being mainstreamed in the IRGC.
Still, considering that Mahdism has had a renewed and official place in Iran since the 1979 Islamic revolution — which occurred a full 44 years ago — the threat it poses may not seem overly urgent. In reality, however, it is only recently that Iran has begun to pound the cult of Mahdi into the minds of both Iran’s youth and the IRGC. As a result, current and upcoming generations are much keener on playing a role in facilitating the return of Mahdi than the generations immediately following the Islamic revolution of 1979. According to the 2022 paper:
Since its inception, the Guard has had a formal program of ‘ideological-political’ training that seeks to radicalize its members, recruits, and their families. Over time the scope of this training has significantly increased and today it accounts for more than half of the required training for both incoming recruits and existing members.
The great change came under Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, particularly following 2009 post-election unrest. As a result, “the third (2000-10) and forth generations (2010-20) of IRGC members are among the most ideologically radical in the Guard.”
Khamenei and his hardline circle have sought to nurture a more radical IRGC generation by dedicating more time to ideological indoctrination of its members. The promotion system within the ranks of the IRGC also favors ideological conviction over technical expertise, ensuring the most zealous members rise up within the chain of command…. From the post-2009 period onwards, the doctrine of Mahdism has become one of the main prisms through which the IRGC and affiliated hardline clerics would understand the world around them and the IRGC’s actions, as well as communicate that understanding. In turn, there has been greater emphasis on viewing the IRGC as the military vehicle to prepare the foundations for the reappearance of the 12th Imam, with policy objectives such as hostility toward the U.S. and the eradication of Israel being understood through this prism…. In this regard, efforts by Khamenei and the Guard’s Ideological-Political Organization to nurture a more radical generation among the IRGC has paid, and is paying, dividends.
In short, while Mahdism has been around for ages, certain developments — a recent uptick in indoctrination and an entire generation of fanatical Mahdists coming of age and at the helm of Iran — make it especially dangerous in the current era, though few in the West are even aware of its existence and role. As the 2022 paper observes:
[D]evoted Mahdists could occupy senior leadership positions. Such a scenario could have far-reaching consequences as it would bring the three pillars of the IRGC’s foreign policy — militias, ballistic missiles, and the nuclear program — under their control. Even if a small number of devout Mahdists occupy senior positions in the Guard, it is possible that they may seekto facilitate and speed up the return of Mahdi. This would have major implications for some of the policies that are being understood through the prism of Mahdism, such as Israel’s existence being the ‘greatest barrier’ to the reappearance of the 12th Imam. At present the doctrine of Mahdism in the IRGC remains a complete blind spot for Western policymakers, yet it could have major implications for the Islamic Republic’s militia network, ballistic missile program, and even its nuclear program.
In other words, when it comes to Iran and nukes, the so-called “balance of power” theory does not apply. According to this widely accepted model, the more nations have nuclear weapons, the more “balanced” they are apt to behave towards one another. No one nation will be tempted to “press the button” if it knows that doing so will cause the button to be pressed against it.
This, however, only applies to rational nations interested in self-preservation. For nations whose leaders and upcoming leaders have been systematically indoctrinated into believing that the greatest good is to usher in a “rightly guided” figure from Islamic legend — no matter the cost, including to that nation itself — the implications are nothing short of apocalyptic.
The Apocalyptic Ideology
The West’s greatest blind spot concerning Iran’s nuclear program can perhaps be summed up in one word — Mahdism.
The Muslim doctrine of Mahdism revolves around an eschatological figure — the Mahdi, or “Rightly Guided One” — who vanquishes evil and ushers in Islamic rule during the end times. Both Sunnis and Shi’as believe in the Mahdi, though they have different versions of his exact nature and role.
The Islamic Republic of Iran is a Shi’a nation of the “Twelver” variety. Like all Shi’as, Iran believes that true leadership of the Muslim world belongs to the prophet Muhammad’s bloodline, beginning with Ali (Muhammad’s cousin and son-in-law through his marriage to the prophet’s daughter, Fatima). According to Shi’a teaching, Ali was the first rightly guided imam, followed by his male descendants. Like Muhammad, all of them are seen as infallible and the true interpreters of Islamic law.
For the Twelvers of Iran, Muhammad ibn Hasan — better known as Muhammad al-Mahdi — is the twelfth and final imam (other Shi’as, such as the Fivers and Seveners, believe the Imamate ends with the fifth and seventh imams, respectively). Born in 868, al-Mahdi is believed to have gone into a state of occultation in 874 — meaning Allah miraculously caused him to “disappear.” Still alive, the 1,155 year-old Muhammad al-Mahdi is patiently biding his time to return and usher in the takeover of the Muslim — and eventually entire — world.
While such traditions may seem harmless enough, Mahdism poses a serious, though vastly overlooked, threat to international security, primarily because its current articulation in Iran requires its adherents to take “proactive” steps to help usher in the Mahdi — most notably by initiating an “apocalyptic” showdown with the “greater” and “lesser” Satans, namely, America and Israel.
No entity is more wedded to — or indoctrinated in —Mahdism than Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), which, as described by Iran’s 1979 Constitution, is an “ideological army,” mandated with an “ideological mission of jihad in Allah’s way.”
As Hojatoleslam Ali Saeedi, then representative of the Supreme Leader to the IRGC, said in a 2012 speech, “The IRGC is one of the tools for paving the way for the emergence of the Imam of the Age [Mahdi] in the field of a regional and international awakening.”
In 2015, Mehdi Taeb, a leading cleric and brother of Hossein Taeb, the head of the IRGC’s Intelligence Organization, made clear how they are to “pave the way.” In a speech, he called on IRGC members to “remove the obstacles to the emergence of the Imam of the Age, the most important of which is the existence of the usurper regime of Israel (emphasis added).”
A Middle East Institute paper from 2022, titled “Iran’s Revolutionary Guard and the Rising Cult of Mahdism,” elaborates on the growing importance of eliminating Israel in the context of Iranian Mahdism:
The IRGC is increasingly understanding and communicating its official policy of eradicating Israel and Zionism through the doctrine of Mahdism. While the destruction of Israel has been the IRGC’s working objective since its inception, like other Islamist groups this hostility was borne out of viewing the Jewish state [as] an illegitimate, oppressive, and usurping entity for the West to achieve its supposed colonial goals across the Muslim world. More recently, however, the existence of Israel is being viewed and understood as the ‘greatest barrier’ to the reappearance of the 12th Imam. According to the doctrine of Mahdism, part of preparing for the reappearance of the 12th Imam is removing all obstacles and barriers to his return.
Against this backdrop, Iran’s hardline clergy affiliated with the IRGC claim religious hadiths state that the ‘Jewish state will be destroyed before Mahdi’s arrival.’ According to these accounts, which are legitimized through religious scripture, ‘Sh’ia Muslims will be on the side of the war against Jews’ prior to the reappearance of Mahdi. As such, the collapse of [the] ‘Israeli regime and Zionist Jews’ at the behest of ‘Iran and the Resistance Axis’ will take place ‘prior to the emergence of Mahdi.’… Indeed, the ideological belief that the eradication of Israel is a necessary step for the reappearance of the 12th Imam is increasingly being mainstreamed in the IRGC.
Still, considering that Mahdism has had a renewed and official place in Iran since the 1979 Islamic revolution —which occurred a full 44 years ago — the threat it poses may not seem overly urgent. In reality, however, it is only recently that Iran has begun to pound the cult of Mahdi into the minds of both Iran’s youth and the IRGC. As a result, current and upcoming generations are much keener on playing a role in facilitating the return of Mahdi than the generations immediately following the Islamic revolution of 1979. According to the 2022 paper:
Since its inception, the Guard has had a formal program of ‘ideological-political’ training that seeks to radicalize its members, recruits, and their families. Over time the scope of this training has significantly increased and today it accounts for more than half of the required training for both incoming recruits and existing members.
The great change came under Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, particularly following 2009 post-election unrest. As a result, “the third (2000-10) and forth generations (2010-20) of IRGC members are among the most ideologically radical in the Guard.”
Khamenei and his hardline circle have sought to nurture a more radical IRGC generation by dedicating more time to ideological indoctrination of its members. The promotion system within the ranks of the IRGC also favors ideological conviction over technical expertise, ensuring the most zealous members rise up within the chain of command…. From the post-2009 period onwards, the doctrine of Mahdism has become one of the main prisms through which the IRGC and affiliated hardline clerics would understand the world around them and the IRGC’s actions, as well as communicate that understanding. In turn, there has been greater emphasis on viewing the IRGC as the military vehicle to prepare the foundations for the reappearance of the 12th Imam, with policy objectives such as hostility toward the U.S. and the eradication of Israel being understood through this prism…. In this regard, efforts by Khamenei and the Guard’s Ideological-Political Organization to nurture a more radical generation among the IRGC has paid, and is paying, dividends.
In short, while Mahdism has been around for ages, certain developments — a recent uptick in indoctrination and an entire generation of fanatical Mahdists coming of age and at the helm of Iran — make it especially dangerous in the current era, though few in the West are even aware of its existence and role. As the 2022 paper observes:
[D]evoted Mahdists could occupy senior leadership positions. Such a scenario could have far-reaching consequences as it would bring the three pillars of the IRGC’s foreign policy — militias, ballistic missiles, and the nuclear program — under their control. Even if a small number of devout Mahdists occupy senior positions in the Guard, it is possible that they may seek to facilitate and speed up the return of Mahdi. This would have major implications for some of the policies that are being understood through the prism of Mahdism, such as Israel’s existence being the ‘greatest barrier’ to the reappearance of the 12th Imam. At present the doctrine of Mahdism in the IRGC remains a complete blind spot for Western policymakers, yet it could have major implications for the Islamic Republic’s militia network, ballistic missile program, and even its nuclear program.
In other words, when it comes to Iran and nukes, the so-called “balance of power” theory does not apply. According to this widely accepted model, the more nations have nuclear weapons, the more “balanced” they are apt to behave towards one another. No one nation will be tempted to “press the button” if it knows that doing so will cause the button to be pressed against it.
This, however, only applies to rational nations interested in self-preservation. For nations whose leaders and upcoming leaders have been systematically indoctrinated into believing that the greatest good is to usher in a “rightly guided” figure from Islamic legend — no matter the cost, including to that nation itself — the implications are nothing short of apocalyptic.
Just a few thought before reading this last section ……
The Islamic savior, al-Mahdi, was believed to make his appearance sometime in the last two years. That would have been in accordance with their entering the tribulation of Islam. As we all know, that did not happen. There are however, a few things we need to be aware of. Just because the Mahdi did not show, does not mean Islam will fall apart. There are other elements still to take place. Of course the big battle of Armageddon is still out there. That is not just a Jewish or Christian battle — it also is part of Islam — good and evil — justice.
Muslims are firm believers of this battle. It’s all part of their “end time” scenario. I will not list these in any certain order because I’m not certain of them either. The battle is supposed to take place in the Middle East — Israel, Saudi Arabia, Jordan — one of these places, or all of them. For that to happen though, Muslims believe the West must be lured in to the area …… sort of like NOW. There have been well over 150 attacks by various groups as of this writing. Some have been by Iran’s proxy, some by dromes …… they have taken place in Syria, the Red Sea, Iraq …… and a some in places I’m not aware of. Our response thus far has been limited. Another thing that is to take place is the arrival of the Mahdi along with what I call the Islamic version of Jesus. The Mahdi’s role is to spread Islam where ever he can; gain as many converts as he may, to Islam. The role of the Islamic Jesus is to take the sword to all who do not convert. There is also the event that has taken me by surprise and that is the ‘life span’ of Islam to end after 1,500 years, which will be near the turn of the twenty-first certain—, which is coming faster than many of us would like. I mentioned above about the ahadith and the number of them that support this. There are of course just as many who say this cannot be taken literally. We certainly have as many Christians say the same about our end-time belief.
Here’s is what must be considered — Islam will not give up their fight, their acts of terrorism. If anything, it will only get worse as we approach the next century. What if iujuy Africa becomes more violent, more nations turn to Islam? What if Europe actually does fall to Islam? What if …… America does fall to Islam?
Well, what can we expect life to be like? I’ve just briefly posted a few things that can be expected, things we could wake up to each morning. After these days ùthings, this post will be ended.

Iranian Authorities Lash Anti-Hijab Advocate for Not Wearing Head Covering … Here’s The Story …
Get your scarves put ladies …… be sure they are extra big.
Hijab refuser gets two-year prison sentence … … Here’s The Story …

The law is strict …… those who enforce it are stricter.

Montreal: Muslim accused of beating daughter, threatening to kill her and rape corpse for refusing arranged marriage … Here’s The Story …
Keep your children — be sure they understand the consequences — and be sure you understand them, as well.
Moslem Call to Prayer in ‘Catholic’ Cathedral in Paris, France … Here’s The Story …
It is no longer necessary to wait for Islam to forcibly turn Christian churches into a mosque as Turkey’s President Erdogan has done. It is believed he has turned a minimum of twenty churches into mosques.
The main reason for Erdogan’s conversion of the Hagia Sofia was his desire to arouse Muslim passions for populist purposes in an Arab-Islamic world longing for a fresh awakening. This was another move in Turkey’s competition with Saudi Arabia for hegemony over the Sunni Muslim world.

Hindu man killed for marrying Muslim woman, 2 held: Police … Here’s The Story …
A racist religion has no compassion.
Islamic State quotes Qur’an to call for worldwide attacks on Jews: ‘Kill them wherever you find them’ … Here’s The Story …

Have you studied your Qur’an today?

THIS IS TERRORISM: Jew-Hating Jihad Rioters Shut Down Manhattan Bridge, Williamsburg Bridge, Brooklyn Bridge, and Holland Tunnel … Here’s The Story …
Forget all you know about the Bible …… doesn’t matter that Jesus was a Jew.
Iraq: Disabled Christian, 60, imprisoned for “acting against national security by promoting ‘Zionist’ Christianity” … Here’s The Story …

Photos: Pro-Hamas Islamists Rally in D.C. … Here’s The Story …
Vermont Resettled Somalis, Shootings Are Up 185% … Here’s The Story …

We could wake up to this every morning …… nah, maybe not.

Austrian Broadcasting Corporation removes Jesus Christ from calendar in order to avoid offending Muslims … Here’s The Story …
We must remember not to offend the Muslims. Whatever they say is what we must do.
The Islamization of International Law … Here’s The Story …

Shari’a —Islamic law —everything we do must conform to it.
What do you think will take place in the next 15 years? 25 years? 50 years? By 2100?
Muslim Lawmaker Has Heart Attack Right After Saying Israel ‘Will Suffer the Wrath of Allah’ … Here’s The Story …

“…… Allah wills it!!”
Institute for themStudy of Islam (ISI), an Oklahoma-based think tank, founded in 2020, studies various Middle Eastern religions, with a focus on Islam and how it impacts governmental affairs, civilian affairs, and international affairs, through its use of Shari’a, Islamic law. Shari’a is the vehicle that allows Islam to insert itself economically, politically, and religiously into other countries, eventually becoming a political force that is difficult to contain.
At the beginning of the new year, 2024, ISI is seeking three new candidates to begin fulfillment of its open quota of nine board vacancies. These are non-paying positions. If you or someone you know would like to be considered for this, please send your CV (no longer than two pages) to:
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ISLAM is the problem.
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December, 2023
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