Day 13

Until it is realized that Islam is an evil, political and religious entity, attempting to mirror not just Judaism and Christianity, but the religions of hpre-Islamic Arabia as well, caught up in its own eschatology, we will continue to fight “radical Islam” on its own terms.
The underlying direction of Islam, from its inception to present day has been towards world domination: one religion, that of Islam, ending with Armageddon. Islam is not a religion of peace. That perhaps has been the big lie throughout history.
One need only look at their final destination to know that Islam is a religion of the lessor JIHAD.

Political Islam Now Commands the Middle East

FUNDING GENOCIDE: Biden just announced “$100 million to the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank.”
Correction: The video I originally posted below may be an excellent video, it was not the one I meant to post. I have now made that change — and still recommend it to you.
ISI/DI: I highly recommend this video to you. It may be a bit long (40m +/-), but well worth your attention. It’s a brief and excellent history lesson that doesn’t get into the weeds of eschatology. It does not speak of Islamic eschatology but I provided a link to that and you can pick up from there.
ISI/DI: Below is a link that will take you to a number of topics on the end times (eschatology) according to Islam. Feel free to contact me (discerning.islam@outlook.com) if you have any questions.

Here’sAnother Benghazi in the Offing? U.S. Embassies Under Threat In Middle East and South America The Plan

Protests Erupt At US Embassy In Lebanon Amid Israel-Hamas War

Iran Foreign Minister Threatens: Israel’s “Time Is yRunning Out”, Raises the Black Flag of Jihad

Israel at war: What you need to know – day thirteen

Hamas Wants to Trade CAIR Leader in Federal Prison for U.S. Hostages

Pro-Palestinian activists in US cheer Hamas taking hostages from music festival: ‘Honor our martyrs’

Feds Indict 5 New Mexico Compound Residents On Terrorism And Gun Charges

Imam father recalls New Mexico compound suspect as high-strung, not radical

Scotland offers to become 1st UK country to accept Gazan refugees, faces online court proceedings backlash amid Israel-Hamas war
Here’s The Story

Global Antisemitic Incidents In the Wake of Hamas’ War on Israel

Arrest of Pro-Hamas Former ADL Intern Shows How Much ADL Needs to Clean House

Harvard for Hamas? Something is very twisted on America’s university campuses

Ex-Employee of Hamas Ally Worked as Pentagon Special Assistant for Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Programs

Susannah Johnston: Locally and Nationally, Your Taxes Are Funding Pro-Hamas Islamists

WATCH: Here Are the Media Outlets That Uncritically Regurgitated Hamas Propaganda
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October 13, 2023
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