Deafening Muslim Call to Prayer Can Now Be Broadcast Publicly in New York City Without a Permit … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: For the past decade I’ve been asking America and Americans to wake up, before it’s too late. Well, now it may be too late for the folks in New York City …… they are getting their own wake up call …… and, it comes five times a day.
ISI/DI: And, it was only yesterday that the call went out over loudspeakers in New York City calling for a time to pray …… five (5) times a day.
Ashhadu an la ilaha illa Allah. (I bear witness that there is no god except the One God [Allah].)

Muslims enraged as Brazilian soccer star arrives in Saudi Arabia wearing a cross … Here’s The Story …

Sweden: School gives in to Muslim demands, excludes Christian aspects from St. Lucia procession … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Sweden is having a rough time of it. It seeks to join NATO, but cannot seem to garner a 100 percent vote approval, which is what is required by NATO. The hold-out …… Turkey, of course. The reason? Two-fold (at least that’s what we are told) — #one, allegedly because the Nordic country harbors Kurdish separatists, and #two, there’s this thing of burning the Qur’an. Will Turkey capitulate in the end? I think so …… no hard evidence to go on, just a gut feel. Turkey has some hard choices to make …… either stick with the West, Europe, and NATO …… or, attempt to establish Turkey as the second Ottoman Empire — a very risky business, considering Erdogan will need to convince not just the Arab world, but also the rest of Islam that Turkey is the perfect answer in re-establishing a second Ottoman Empire.
The Baltic countries joined NATO in 2004, but Ukraine stayed away. Now, being at war with Russia, everyone is waiting to see which way the wind will finally blow ……… Russia is afraid Ukraine will join NATO; at the same time NATO is not sure about Ukraine. Ukraine joining NATO is what Russia does not want to see …… Russia fears NATO, seeing it as an aggressor. It’s too bad that Russia wants to play the bad-boy. The day may come when Russia wishes it had other alliances …… China is awfully big, and hungry, as evidenced by the sabre rattling over Taiwan as well as the “man-made” islands China has built in the South China Sea. If China were to fall, I think it would be from inside. Not from an over-throw, but from an implosion ……… a case of too much, too big, too fast. She is already reeling from the one-child policy, initiated in 1980 and then brought to a halt in 2016 (side note: couples could have more than one child …… if they wanted it were willing to pay a “fee”) with nearly a generation of people being skipped over.
Burning the Qur’an is a bit more serious. The Kurds have been a thorn in Turkey’s side for quite sometime. Kurds are considered an Iranian people, but are mostly Sunni in their religious beliefs.
Lebanon fumes as another woman murdered by husband … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Islam’s archaic, Shari’a laws. Women being killed, murdered. No place to turn. Receiving lip service about how Islam protects women, while all it does is humiliate them.
An Ex-Muslim Examines the Dilemma of Raising Children in Islam …. Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: The schools are teaching genocide at the lowest entry level. Indoctrination of youth starts at an early age and proves to be quite difficult in the homes of Christian’s. Too many questions asked of teachers and parents alike.
Iran: New law to fine women $60,000 for flouting hijab rules … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Don’t ever believe Islam is not about the money. Islam has a tax, fine, or charitable amount for just about everything — and so ordered by Shari’a.
For those who have an excess, they can build a mosque. The bigger, grander, more lavish the mosque, the more pleased Allah will be, showering with gifts and blessings ……… it’s a “buy your way to heaven” scheme.
Here’s a partial list of monetary elements in Islam:
- Zakat – Religious tax (one of the five pillars of Islam); Only imposed on Muslims, it is generally described as a 2.5 percent tax on savings to be donated to the Muslim poor and needy. It was a tax collected by the Islamic state;
- jizya – A per capita yearly tax historically levied by Islamic states on certain non-Muslim subjects — dhimmis — permanently residing in Muslim lands under Islamic law, the tax excluded the poor, women, children and the elderly;
- Kharaj – A land tax initially imposed only on non-Muslims but soon after mandated for Muslims as well;
- Ushr – A 10 percent for irrigated lands or 10 percent for non-irrigated lands levy on agriculture produce; Caliph Umar expanded the scope of ushr to include border trade tax; It literally means a tenth part, and it remained in practice in Islamic ruled territories from Spain and North Africa through India and Southeast Asia through the 18th century; Ushur was applied on traders, at a rate of 10 percent of the value of the merchandise that was either imported or exported across the border controlled by the Islamic state; It applied to non-Muslim traders as well, who were residents of the Islamic state (dhimmi), as well as to non-Muslim traders who were foreigners and wished to sell their merchandise inside the Islamic state; Historical medieval era trade documents between Oman and India, refer to this tax on ships arriving at trade port as ashur or ushur; Ushr and Jizya would grant non-Muslims a privilege in war time, i.e., non-Muslims could not be obliged to join in military activities, in case, there was a war; By paying taxes, non-Muslims were protected by the Islamic law from any harm (dhimmi- the protected one), as opposed to, Muslims had to pay Zakah as well as were obliged to join in military activities in order to protect Muslims and non-Muslims alike.
- Riba – An Arabic word that means “to increase” or “to exceed“ and is commonly used in reference to unequal exchanges or charges and fees for borrowing; Interest is deemed riba, or an unjust, exploitative gain, and such practice is forbidden under Islamic law;
- Takaful – A type of Islamic insurance wherein members contribute money into a pool system to guarantee each other against loss or damage; Takaful-branded insurance is based on Shari’a or Islamic religious law, which explains how individuals are responsible to cooperate and protect one another; this concept started in 1979 in Sudan; by the late 1990s it ha spread to Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Jordan; Before this time, insurance was viewed as a form of gambling, which was a taboo in Islam; Islam has always found a way to make things work; insurance, just as interest, was a taboo — instead of banks charging businesses interest, banks would take a percentage of ownership in a business.
- All of these fall under the category of haram (forbidden) major sin because it involves two major sins gambling which is a prominent factor, and interest (Reba); All type of insurance is prohibited in Islam, and it’s haram to work in an insurance company.
What the Qur’an says about building a mosque:
- “Whoever builds a mosque seeking the face of Allaah, Allaah has built a house for him in Paradise.” [Saheeh al-Bukhari 350 and Muslim 533];
- “The Masjids of Allah are only to be maintained by those who believe in Allah and the Last Day and establish prayer and give Zakah and do not fear except Allah, for it is expected that those will be of the [rightly] guided.” (At-Tawbah [9] : 18).
- Mosques, which are not owned by any person in particular (and, similarly, schools, public works, properties, and general deeds of benefit to people) do not lie within Zakat’s divinely delimited bounds; Therefore, mosques do not qualify for Zakat. This is the long-standing majority position of Muslim jurists.
UK Islamic bank: Soccer boosting Gulf property investments … Here’s The Story …

The Ritz hotel, currently closed down due to the COVID-19 pandemic, is pictured in central London on May 18, 2020. – Luxury London hotel The Ritz, currently shut owing to the coronavirus outbreak, has been sold to a Qatari buyer, lawyers overseeing the deal have confirmed, for reportedly just under $1.0 billion. “It is a privilege to become the owner of the iconic Ritz Hotel and have the opportunity to build on its innate style and grand traditions,” the unnamed buyer said a statement issued by law firm Macfarlanes. “During this COVID-19 crisis, our first priority is towards the staff of The Ritz, who together are the essence of The Ritz’s 115-year-old reputation. (Photo by Tolga AKMEN / AFP) (Photo by TOLGA AKMEN/AFP via Getty Images)
Iran Exceeds 500 Executions in 2022 … Here’s The Story …

Afghanistan: Taliban justifies public executions, says they were ‘aligned with Islamic law’ … Here’s The Story …

FILE PHOTO: A Taliban fighter displays their flag as his comrade watches, at a checkpoint in Kabul, Afghanistan November 5, 2021. REUTERS/Zohra Bensemra
ISI/DI: From Iran to Afghanistan, from Malaysia to Mali …… Islam, the religion of peace …… never seems to have a problem when it comes to executions.
“Beware of false prophets who … inwardly are ravenous wolves.” “Ravenous” certainly seems an apt description of Muhammad. While it is not known exactly how many people Muhammad killed in the course of spreading Islam, it is known that on one occasion he presided over the beheading of between 600 and 900 captured men. “Ravenous” also seems to fit most of his successors. Islam’s’ 1400 year history is largely a record of conquest and subjugation. One estimate puts the number of deaths at between 50,000 to 75,000 thousand (which I believed is low); another estimate (which I have had a hard time documenting), puts it at approximately 170 million people have been killed in the name of Allah, making Islam the greatest killing force in history by far.
According to the Guttmacher Institute and the CDC (the two main sources of abortion statistics), there were 63,459,781 abortions between 1973 to 2019. That is just over 1/3 of the people killed by the “religion of peace.”
Other Events Of Estimated Deaths World-Wide
The Black Plague — 1346 to 1353 — 75M to 200M
American Civil War — 1861 to 1865 — 620K
World War I — 1914 to 1918 — 115,500
World War II — 1939 to 1945 — 75M to 85M
Influenza of 1918 — 1918 — 50M
Pol Pot — 1960s to 1970s — 23M
COVID 19 — 2021 to 2023(?) — 3M
India: Muslim strangles his wife to death for refusing sex twice in one night … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: ……… I’m sure Shari’a is supportive of this, I just can’t find it in the Qur’an.
Iran’s supreme leader pardons ‘tens of thousands’ of prisoners … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: What they don’t tell is that executions have been in the hundreds.
The Iran Revolt Has Sustainable Momentum: What Happens Next? … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Finally … Someone else sees sustainability in Iran’s riots. Can change be far behind? We know that some of the regime have already departed for Latin America and Europe. This seems like a good time for Western countries and others to turn “up the heat and encourage other regime members to make exit plans or suffer consequences of a mob.
Iran: A Regime at a Loss? .. Here’s The Story ..

Israel Mulls Hitting Beirut Airport as Iran Uses Civilian Flights to Transport Weapons to Hezbollah … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Iran has a long history of hiding behind civilians. They’ve placed their terrorists in hotels, on school grounds, and in January 2020, the Iranian government admitted that the IRGC had targeted Flight 752 after mistakenly identifying it as an American cruise missile — killing all aboard.
They even shot down a civilian airliner several months ago while it was departing Iranian airspace and blamed it on others.
Islamic Republic of Pakistan: Muslim mob lynches man accused of blasphemy … Here’s The Story …

Israeli intelligence sees genuine, lasting changes in Iran … Here’s The Story …

Protesters call on the United Nations to take action against the treatment of women in Iran, following the death of Mahsa Amini while in the custody of the morality police, during a demonstration in Times Square, New York City on November 19, 2022. (Photo by Yuki IWAMURA / AFP) (Photo by YUKI IWAMURA/AFP via Getty Images)
Italy: Three Muslim migrants attack two others for drinking a beer, stab one of them … Here’s The Story …

Bud Lite?
Founder of Afghan girls’ project arrested in Kabul … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: The Taliban have forbidden all women/girls an education, closing down schools where they might attend.
Iranian women to be prosecuted ‘without mercy’ for not wearing veils … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Islam protects a woman’s virtue …… then beats them, rapes them, and murders them. I’m sure all women feel much safer now.
Germany’s top court demands child marriage law be amended … Here’s The Story …

Iran Installs Cameras to Crack Down on Unveiled Women … Here’s The Story …

EXCLUSIVE: Feds Flagged Nearly 75,000 Illegal Migrants As Potential National Security Risks … Here’s The Story …


Shocking video shows victim repeatedly stabbed by Libyan migrant who ignored deportation order… and knifed six people in Paris Gare du Nord rampage … Here’s The Story …

Iran Vows to Prosecute Women, Close Businesses That Shun Hijab … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: The Taliban do not just set-up check-points or casually stroll the streets looking for these “transgressors.” They go out of their way to actively search for them.
Iranian women post images without hijabs despite crackdown … Here’s The Story …

Some of Yemen’s last remaining Jews said expelled by Iran-backed Houthis … Here’s The Story …

Yemeni who killed Jew gets death sentence … Here’s The Story …

Faisalabad woman arrested for claiming prophethood … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Islam has had a number female prophetesses in its 1,400 year old history. However, who and how many still remains a controversial topic.
Moses’s Mother is the only woman in the Qur’an to receive divine inspiration. But, others list seven prophetesses: Sarah, Miriam, Deborah, Hannah, Huldah, Abigail, and Esther. Yet, another list refers to an alternative group which counts nine female prophets in the Hebrew Bible, adding Rachel and Leah, At the same time, the first person who professed Islam was Muhammad’s wife, Khadija bint Khuwaylid. Khadija was supportive of Muhammad’s prophetic mission, always helping in his work, proclaiming his message and belittling any opposition to his prophecies. It was her encouragement that helped Muhammad believe in his mission and spread Islam. Khadija also invested her wealth in the mission. Was she a prophetess, though? And, what about Eve? After all, Islam traces its beginning back to the first couple … Adam & Eve.
Women not wearing hijab to be banned from Tehran metro – reports … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Charlie (aka, Charlotte) and the MTA!!!
Da da… Da da … da-dat’s all folks!!!
NEXT ISSUE: The Abraham Accords

Remember . . .
MUSLIMS are not the problem.
ISLAM is the problem.
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September 1-4, 2023
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