Mythes Of Islam & Fables Of Muhammad
These are bits and fragments I’ve heard, been asked, seen written down elsewhere, etc., over the years. I just thought it might be a fun exercise to list and consider in light of some of the heavier topics discussed.
Dispelling “Mythes” About Islam
Much of the Qur’an is difficult to comprehend without a commentary. Who would know without a commentary that a “struggle on the path of Allah” can mean violent Jihad? I’d recommend to all to read the verses very s-l-o-w-l-y, and to accompany those readings with an explanatory line-by-line commentary.
The Myth: Muhammad Raided Caravans To Retrieve Stolen Property
The Myth: Muhammad Condemned Sex with Children
The Myth: Muhammad Would Necer Do Harm To A Child
The Myth: Muhammad Took Many Wives As A Favor To Them
The Myth: Muhammad was a Brave Warrior Who Trusted Allah to Protect Him
The Myth: Muhammad Never Approved of Dishonesty
The Myth: Muhammad was an Abolitionist who Purchased the Freedom of Slaves
The Myth: Muhammad and His Followers were Forced to Flee Mecca Under Persecution.
The Myth: Muhammad Would Never Harbor a War Criminal
The Myth: Muhammad Did Away with Primitive Superstition and Belief in Magic
The Myth: Muhammad was Attacked by a Byzantine Army: The Tabuk Expedition and Verse 9:29
The Myth: Muhammad Did Not Approve of Torture
The Myth: Muhammad Never Approved of Religious Conversion Made Under Duress
The Myth: Muhammad Never Killed Captives
The Myth: Peaceful Verses
Comparing Islam And Christianity
What Would Muhammad Do . . . ?
Muhammad In The Rear-View Mirror
The Qur’an and Islamic tradition are clear: Muhammad is the supreme example of behavior for Muslims to follow. His importance to hundreds of millions of Muslims worldwide is rooted in the Qur’an, the Muslim holy book. In brief, he is “an excellent model of conduct” (Qur’an 33:21). He demonstrates “an exalted standard of character” (68:4), and indeed, “he who obeys the Messenger [Muhammad], obeys Allah” (4:80). The Qur’an frequently tells Muslims to obey Allah and Muhammad: while the Muslim holy book takes for granted that Muhammad is fallible (cf. 48:2; 80:1-12), it also instructs Muslims repeatedly to obey Muhammad.
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Last Update: 01/2021
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