The Next Five Years … But First, This …
Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei: We Do Not Want Nuclear Weapons, But If We Did, Our Enemies Would Not Be Able To Prevent Us From Producing Them … Here’s The Story …
ISI/DI: Is Khamenei dialing back on the nuclear question? Maybe the realization that they are not attainable — the U.S. has said no (kind of) and Israel has flatly said NO …… and they would take the first step in preventing it — is beginning to sink in.
Bola Tinubu sworn in as Nigeria’s president amid hopes, skepticism … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: For the first time in recent history (and possibly ever), the president and vice president are both Muslims. In the past, if a Muslim ran and won the office of president, his running mate would be Christian — and vice versa. It was seen as a way to maintain some sense of law and order, and has worked for over thirty years. That is now over. With both offices held by Muslims, a military who has turned a blind eye to the onslaught of terrorist organization, Boko Harem …… what’s left?
I see very little hope of any future for the remaining Christians in Nigeria, who have already faced genocide in the last several years.
India authorities discover Islamic State plan to turn the country into an Islamic State by 2050 … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: This is the same “PLAN” you’ve often heard me refer to … the “Islamic Playbook,” and it’s in use in dozens of countries throughout Europe, Africa, and Latin America, as well as here in the United States. Select any country where Muslim migrants have flooded their borders and you will find the activities by each to be quite similar and very basic. You can find various pieces of it in Section 1100 and Section 1200 on our website.
First, there is no assimilation. It is not that they refuse to assimilate, it is that they CANNOT assimilate. It simply is not in their DNA. Muslims, irrespective of the country of their origin, were raised in such a way that they can never assimilate into Western culture. True (those who claim to follow a literal translation of the Qur’an) Muslims unanimously abide by and live under the laws of Shari’a and not the Constitution of the United States of America or other man-made laws in other countries.
People who live in the West must understand that to be a loyal and faithful Muslim, one must adhere to and perform many rituals, as specified in the Qur’an, by Allah, and the Hadiths/Sunna, then filtered through Shari’a, and acted on every waking moment of his entire life. Disobeying these rituals does not make one a moderate Muslim, but rather it would make him a non-Muslim, facing an uncertain future.
Keep this in mind, it is mandatory for a Muslim to adhere to Islamic laws and not to a man-made law like the U.S. Constitution. A Muslim can never be both, a true and practicing Muslim and an American at the same time. Matthew 6:24 (ESV) spells it out … “No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money. A Muslim cannot serve both, Allah and the United States Constitution.
Half of All New German Citizens are Muslims … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Half of all new German citizens are Muslims; the total number of Migrants in Sweden outnumber those who are real Swedes; Hamas has offices in every Latin American country; Nigerians are facing genocide; India expects to be a Muslim country by 2050.
Feel as if Islam is pushing you …… us …… everyone ……out. Actually, the overall percentage of Muslims considered to be jihadists or radicals is quite low compared to the total number of Muslims worldwide …… 2,000,000,000 — plus or minus. Plus or minus …… they are growing, and they are growing with a plan, with a direction, and they are growing with a purpose … on purpose!!!

Over the past several years, I have been reporting on what I see as the fall of Europe — Germany, Switzerland, France, Austria, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Scandinavia, the UK, etc. — and comparing it to what I see as the future of America.
In addition to what has/is happening in Europe … and what I believe will happen in America … is the over-throw of Africa — country-by-country … all along Africa’s East Coast, up-and-down Africa’s West Coast, then Southern Africa as well as the North … Africa is literally being choked to death, one country at a time … Asia is next, including India which is projected to be an Islamic country by 2050.
The next sentence sums up America’s future if our people do not wake up and act quickly …… or, our nation will be lost forever to the pages of history …… “Look at your fate, America. Wake-up now, or see the future that awaits you because you failed to heed the warnings given to you.”
The Next Five Years: ………………
…………………… A New Caliphate?
I realize this issue is late getting out, but there was so much to cover during these last two weeks and events were flying by much faster than I was able to keep up. It was old news before it even went to print.
Turkey’s presidential election; then a run-off to break the tie; followed by Islam’s annual Hajj, a time when Muslim’s try to visit Islam’s iconic holy place; Russia’s implosion; wait, put that on hold.
It is all history by now, but what does it all mean? I’ll try and decipher it as concisely as possible.
To understand Turkish politics, one must first understand Turkish sociology.
Turkey is a country where average schooling is 6.5 years. In other words, the average person is a 7th grade drop-out. Ninety-five percent of Turkish citizens have never travelled abroad.
Turkey is listed as a two-thirds-world (aka, third-world) country; some label it a poor country. Turkey is not poor. It is rich in traditions and culture; while it is overwhelmingly Islamic, it is also rich in its Christian heritage as well. It may be on the wrong side of a formal, educated country, but consider where the United States is right now, the struggles on the brink of a horizon, with “book-learning” opposed to trade-crafts. These two things — “book-learning” and trade-crafts, should not be at odds though. There is and should be a right-sized balance. No, Turkey is not poor; it just needs to find the right balance.
I could report on the Turkish election, but that is old news now; reporting on Erdogan’s opposition is now in the dust bins of time, as well.
So, in a nutshell ……
Erdoğan Wins Again in Turkey: What Does It Mean for the Middle East? .. Here’s The Story ..

ISI/DI: Erdoğan did what he has always done since coming to power in 2002. He used state resources and the media he controls to manipulate the voters both before the May 14 vote and before the second round.
But, what are Erdogan’s private aspirations? Does he have any?
Erdogan has left his mark all over Turkey; he’s also made an impression throughout the Arab world; he has cozied up to Russia and China, while maintaining an on-again, off-again relationship with both, Israel and the Untied States; then, there is NATO, which regardless of where Erdogan ends up, will carry his imprint on the question of Sweden and whether it would join NATO … now … or later.
One thing is clear, and that is that Erdogan will continue his role as president of Turkey for another five years. It is this next five year period that I think is where Erdogan will leave his last, and final mark, and perhaps the most significant mark of his lifetime.
Erdogan is a Sunni Muslim, but where on the spectrum does he fall? “‘Moderate Islam’ is ugly & offensive. There is no moderate Islam. Islam is Islam.” (Oct., 2014) He is a literalist when it comes to Islam … and that alone, makes him dangerous.
Why is he a literalist? Bottom line …… it gives him power. And, he craves power. He turned his first entrance into Turkish politics into becoming Prime Minister; from there he went on to become President; now in his third term as President, he has no limits; only a, “What’s next? So, ………
What’s Next?
Muhammad wanted to achieve a World Conquest and this is the ultimate goal that all Muslims agree upon. Muhammad was NOT a “moderate.” Thus, as moderate Muslims attempt to “reform” Islam, they will need to do a lot of abrogating with deletions and revisions to the fundamental tenets of Muhammad’s Islam. I do not see that being very successful. I do see the possibility that Erdogan may eventually be the one to unite the Islamic world and rule the “Islamic Central Command” from Turkey … a second Ottoman Empire.
He has made overture’s to many of radical Islam’s soldiers — Islamic State, Hamas, Hezbollah, etc. — offering them Turkish passports and safety, a platform\ to call home and a platform from which to launch a lesser jihad. He also is keen on a second Ottoman Empire.
This leads me to believe he is quietly building his own private mercenary army, while doing away with any of the competition for leadership. He sees himself as the caliph of this renewed Ottoman Empire, possibly launching himself into a new role of …… well, it’s best I not go too far with predictions.
SIDE NOTE: Be careful about following my predictions …… I thought al-Baghdadi was on the road to making the claim that he was the Mahdi — until he killed himself along with several children when he detonated a suicide belt while seeking to evade U.S. forces during a raid.
So, let me clearly lay this out as to what I “think” could happen:
— Erdogan has some political I.O.U.s to call in … his military is fairly stable and his mercenaries are there to back him;
— Having won the electorate, he has already won accolades from Qatar, UAE (United Arab Emirates), Iraq, Egypt, and Morocco with several more to come;
— Once the above are in place he’ll make his next move … and establish a new, Second Ottoman Empire;
— His last move, now complete. At 69, he is moving into his last years; assuming he gets the Caliphate ratified, he pushes on to be declared its Caliph;
My mistake when thinking al-Baghdadi might make a bid for the Mahdi was not realizing his qualifications. Al-Baghdadi was a fighter, a military general, if you will, and quite a good one considering the size of the army he commanded. Erdogan brings leadership and political savviness to the table. He commands generals.

Who Won ……
ISI/DI: On May 14, sixty-four million citizens of Turkey went to polling stations in the wake of a punishing economic crisis, widening democratic deficit and a government revealed as totally helpless in relief efforts after the February 6th earthquakes killed more than 50,000 people. Erdogan received 59.4 percent of international votes while Kilicdaroglu managed to garner 40.6 percent. The opposition bloc had never been stronger against an autocratic regime that is giving serious signs of mental fatigue.
“Turkey’s presidential election run-off now certain with President Recep Tayyip Erdogan set for a four-point lead in the first round. After 20 years in power, he said he was convinced he would win five more from the balcony of his party headquarters. Opposition challenger Kemal Kilicdaroglu also claims to have victory in his grasp.”
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan

The voting is in, and Erdoğan has another five years. Starting as mayor of Istanbul (1994-1998), he then went on to become Turkey’s 25th Prime Minister (2003-2014).
Presidential elections were held in Turkey on August 10, 2014 in order to elect its 12th president. Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan was elected with an outright majority of the vote in the first round.
Turkey does not have term limits for its elected offices, and Erdogan is now serving in his third five-year term.
Who Gains ……
Austria: Thousands of Muslims scream ‘Allahu akbar’ and celebrate Erdogan’s victory … Here’s The Story …

The Turkish Hizballah stands to gain: “With Erdoğan’s win, there will be, for the first time, Islamist terrorists in the Turkish parliament. Terrorists — responsible for the torture and deaths of hundreds of people in ISIS-style executions — in the parliament of a NATO member state!” On May 4 four such men won parliamentary seats.
Turkey: Erdogan lifts life sentence of Hizballah top dog … Here’s The Story …

Who Wins …
Turkey-UAE honeymoon on horizon after Erdogan’s win, economic deals Here’s The Story

Turkey Elections: Ogan’s endorsement boosts Erdogan in Sunday’s runoff .. Here’s The Story ..

Austria: Thousands of Muslims scream ‘Allahu akbar’ and celebrate Erdogan’s victory … Here’s The Story …

Turkey-UAE honeymoon on horizon after Erdogan’s win, economic deals .Here’s The Story.

Erdoğan heads to TRNC, Azerbaijan in trips after Turkish election win … Here’s The Story …

France: Mosques approve of theft from non-Muslims if they get 20% of the goods … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: It’s always about the money …… follow the money!!
‘There’s a sense of betrayal’: Leftists enraged as Muslim-governed Michigan city bans ‘Pride’ flags … Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: You may remember some months ago when I first reported on this issue. It’s about a city near Detroit, Hamtramck, Michigan, who elected an all Muslim city council.
What were they expecting, a group of Muslims were going to sing the Hallelujah Chorus? Islam and America do not mix; Islam is not compatible with the U.S. Constitution; Shari’a, Islamic law, has no place in Western Society. Come on, people!!! Time to smell the coffee!! Wake up America, before it’s too late!!!!
Those of you on the Left … Islam is not your friend.
Massachusetts DA’s Office Suspends Allah for Antisemitism … Here’s the Story …

ISI/DI: Now why didn’t someone think of this before?

MUSLIMS are not the problem.
ISLAM is the problem.
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June 23-26, 2023
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