Maryam & Marziyeh’s Story
In 2009 in Iran, Maryam and Marziyeh were imprisoned and sentenced to death because of their Christian faith. Maryam and Marziyeh were born into Muslim families but converted to Christianity and began to share the Gospel with those around them. They were arrested in March 2009 after being accused of evangelism and apostasy. After 259 days in Tehran’s notorious Evin Prison they were released.
Maryam Rostampour and Marziyeh Amirizadeh were born into Muslim families in Iran. They met while studying Christian theology in Turkey in 2005, and realized they had become Christians at about the same time six years earlier. Deciding to join forces, they returned to Iran and began a program of mission outreach. Over the next two years, they handed out New Testaments in Tehran and other cities. They started two house churches in their apartment, one for young people and another for prostitutes. They extended their ministry with mission trips to India, South Korea, and Turkey. In 2009, Maryam and Marziyeh were arrested in Tehran for promoting Christianity — a capital crime in Iran—and imprisoned for 259 days in the city’s notorious Evin Prison. The official charges they received were apostasy, anti-government activity, and blasphemy for which they were sentenced to execution by hanging. As many around the world prayed for their freedom, and as a result of international lobbying, Maryam and Marziyeh were released in 2009 and cleared of all charges the following year. They consider it an honor to have experienced a little of Christ’s suffering by being imprisoned in His name. After their release, they emigrated to the United States.
Maryam and Marziyeh, two believers from Iran, were placed into a situation where denying Jesus would literally save their lives. Would you remain faithful to God, even in the midst of severe persecution? For over 60 years, Open Doors has existed to serve the persecuted church. We work in over 60 countries, strengthening the Church and enabling believers to continue being a light in the darkness. Find out more on our website www.opendoors.org.au or like us on Facebook for latest updates www.facebook.com/OpenDoorsAustralia.
Back in 2009, Maryam and Marziyeh were arrested for their faithful efforts to spread the Gospel throughout Iran. They were sent to the notorious Evin Prison, commonly known as Iran’s “terror factory.” During their time in prison, they made the surprising discovery that they were more free behind bars than they were outside of prison. With nothing to lose, they were free to share the Gospel with inmates from all walks of life. Onl y when they embraced the call to suffering, did God provide true freedom. To write letters of encouragement to prisoners in similar circumstances, visit: https://www.persecution.org/letter-wr…
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Perspectives 2: Issue 1
January 10, 2023
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