GIVING TO OUR WORK IS NO LONGER ACTIVE THROUGH THIS SITE. FOR MORE INFORMATION YOU MAY CALL 970-480-5255. Thank You. is a project of the Institute for the Study of Islam (ISI).

The Institute for the Study of Islam (ISI) is a non-profit think-tank, a corporation registered with the Secretary of State of Oklahoma and the Internal Reveunue Service (IRS). We received our determination letter from the IRS, dated February 25, 2021, on March 17, 2021 which designates the Institute for the Study of Islam (ISI) as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. A copy will be made available on request.
ISI is able to receive gifts, bequests, devices and transfers for tax purposes and issue receipts for your records. ISI gladly accepts cash, checks, and credit cards and will provide a receipt for your records. In addition, you may receive a newsletter or other correspondence which shares current projects and other news items.
While we do provide the convenience of using credit/debit cards for debit transactions, we are currently unable to accept gifts via PayPal.
If you wish to send a check, please make it out to Institute for the Study of Islam, or ISI and contact us using the Contact & Support page. The mailing address will be sent to you by email. Due to the nature of our work it is necessary to keep certain types of information offline.
Receipts are normally placed in the mail on the following day. If you wish to go paperless, let that be known, and your receipt can be sent by email — cheaper (no postage) for us, faster for you.
Thank you for your support that is made evident in so many ways.
Please report any problems through the Contact & Support page.
Last Update: 06/2021
See COPYRIGHT information below.