Chapter 15
Building On Timeless Values
A DEFINITE AWAKENING is occurring as the business world begins to realize that its very survival depends upon having clearly defined value systems from which it can manage operations. Values are the standards by which basic life choices and life decisions are made. Values are revealed in the context of human relationships. So, the integrity of a business structure is truly dependent upon the foundation of values. If the foundation is solid, you will withstand the storms of life. As the psalmist wrote several thousand years ago: ”Unless the Lord builds a house, the builders’ work is useless” (PSALM 127:1). This is why values must be derived from a stable source, one not subject to people’s opinion. They must be absolute values which will bear the weight of the entire structure through the severest storms of life.
There exists a system of values, which when followed with conscientious effort and prayer, results in profitability, productivity, harmony, and fulfillment in all aspects of life. This ten point system is designed to help the conscientious business person make wise decisions based on values which are absolute. These values do not change with the circumstances: they complement rather than compete with each other; they yield a full and meaningful life. These absolute values are ancient and are the only known words written directly by God and recorded in Scripture. They are commonly known as the Ten Commandments.
A Blueprint For Change
The Ten Commandments were written to establish our conditions for life and to give us a blueprint for living. They are the core values which can be applied in various circumstances of life. They were written to reveal God’s perfect standard for determining right from wrong and to reveal people’s need for a personal relationship with Him.
The Ten Commandments are practical tools for our lives today. If you use them as your standard of values, their application will bring positive results in your personal life, business endeavors, and your relationships with others. You will see increasing effectiveness, productivity, profitability, harmony, character and integrity.
You have the freedom as an individual to relate to God in accordance to the dictates of your own heart. The intent here is not to mandate belief but to remind you of the absolutes divinely established for mankind. These absolutes are still relevant, practical in their application, and capable of producing the results that you need and desire as business and professional people. Who will implement the proposed solution? The worlds of education, religion, government and business all experience measurable failure by departing from absolute values. Business alone has the built-in accountability of reduced profit for its failure. The business world has a great incentive to take stock of itself, make the needed adjustments and become the pace-setter for education, religion and government.
The people within the business world with the greatest incentive are the business leaders themselves. They have the most at stake — their own well being, their family’s well-being, their reputation, their self-esteem and their professional success. They have the fortitude and integrity to lead others by demonstrating absolute values in their personal life and relationships. They establish and cultivate right relationships with themselves, their God, their family, their friends and their business associates. They gain commitment and loyalty from their constituents for their firmness, consistency and conviction. Within their company they communicate these values through a code of ethics based on absolutes. They educate and motivate their employees to meet company expectations by giving them genuine opportunity for input. They train young executives to live and work from absolute values. They then ”inspect what they expect” and institute programs necessary for continuous evaluation and improvement.
Certainly some will cry ”religion.” But the leader knows that the laws of the universe must be considered because they work and they are right. The Ten Commandments summarize the law of the universe, and all of history cries out, ”They work and they are right!” You have a choice for your business, your relationships and yourself. Which of these alternatives do you choose?
Imposed Values
A source of values dictated to you from the top or consensus from a majority (51 percent equals the right values) and implemented from the top down.
Situation Values
A source of values which has produced the current social situation where every individual is his own final authority.
Absolute Values
A source of values which is absolute and fixed and produces integrity, productivity, profitability, harmony and societal stability: Values voluntarily adopted, applied and leadership-driven.
”The man who knows right from wrong and has good judgment and common sense is happier than the man who is immensely rich! For such wisdom is far more valuable than precious jewels. Nothing else compares with it. Wisdom gives: a long, good life, riches, honor, pleasure, peace. (PROVERBS 3:13-16).
An Ethical Model: Criteria For Designing Your Code Of Ethics
The Business Application
The Ten Commandments provide a valid basis for business values and serve as a proven system for true profitability. So that they may be easily understood and applied, these biblical values are represented here in business terms as the ”Ten Commandments for Business.” They provide the skeletal structure for what is known as a code of conduct, credo, or code of ethics. To broaden the possible application, very few specific examples are used, which may need to be added for clarity in your specific industry.
The provisions do not vary industry to industry, but the ways in which the provisions apply varies greatly. The best qualified people to write specific codes are those in that industry who will use industry terminology and address specific industry needs.
Even within a specific company, it is probably wise to let managers and team leaders apply the company code to fit their needs in a form and language useful to them. However, the best codes of ethics are written in a way that everyone in the company can understand and apply them in everyday decision-making.
Code For Business People
With general business in mind, a ”Model Code of Ethics” based on absolute values is provided here as a generic code which could be applied to any business. Although the code applies equally to everyone, it is written to the person who holds a position of leadership.
The model code is written for individuals. There is no unique code for the corporate institution or individual behavior. The same values and ethics apply to everyone alike, any nation and culture. Accordingly, the code is written to individuals for guidance and direction, and must be understood, agreed to, and pursued in both letter and spirit. Wherever possible, the code is ”forward thinking” to anticipate problems and set trends by clear statements of expectations. A code cannot make anyone do what is right, nor can it change basic human nature. It can give guidance to the person who voluntarily wants to do what is right, which in turn yields true profitability.
Measurement And Enforcement
Measurement and enforcement will be treated separately from this document. Keep in mind, however, that a business policy and procedures must spell out the limits of performance and who has authority to make judgments and enforce penalties, not the code itself.
Measurement of effectiveness will rest on a combination of indicators:
- Reputation with clients, suppliers, competition, etc.;
- Production per employee;
- Repeat business;
- Longevity of company/associates;
- Litigation and complaints trends;
- Overall profit margins;
- Turnovers;
- Divorce rates;
- Fines paid;
- Recovery of kickback money or stolen property;
- Trends in company ownership by employees;
- Morale and spirit of unity among employees and company divisions;
- Innovations generated and implemented with a given time period.
Herein is the “Model Code Of Ethics” based on absolute values applied to individual businesses:
Ten Commandments For Business
I – Show Proper Respect For Authority
II – Have A Singleness Of Purpose
III – Use Effective Communication In Word And Deed
IV – Provide Proper Rest, Recreation And Reflection
V – Show Respect For Elders
VI – Show Respect For Human Life, Dignity And Rights
VII – Maintain A Stability Of The Sexes And The Family
VIII – Demonstrate A Proper Allocation Of Resources
IX – Demonstrate Honesty And Integrity
X – Maintain The Right Of Ownership Of Property
I – Show Proper Respect For Authority
The source of supreme authority for all mankind is the personal God of the Bible, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the historical Personality. The absence of authority results in disorder. Since bringing order out of chaos is an absolute good, and authority is a necessary prerequisite to order, God’s authority is also good. Showing proper respect for authority ensures order and a climate which fosters profit.
It is necessary to show proper respect for authority whether it is superior, subordinate or on a peer level with you. Since God has vested His authority in our local, state and federal governments, and family and corporate life, all such authority merits and deserves proper respect. Proper exercise of authority is the invisible superstructure of productive enterprise.
1.1 Compliance With Domestic Governmental Law
Local, state and federal laws are enacted by the applicable governmental body. The law applies to individuals and to companies and business arrangements as if they were individuals. All individuals must comply with local, state and federal laws where applicable, and must comply with local, state and federal laws in all personal affairs.
1.2 Compliance With Foreign Governmental Law
Although foreign laws may not always be based upon fundamental notions of liberty and dignity, you must acknowledge and comply with the laws of foreign governments while present in the foreign nation and while doing business in such countries. It is presumed that all nations have equal authority consistent with internationally accepted principles of sovereign power, keeping in mind that no nation’s authority can exceed the authority of God.
1.3 Compliance With Company Policy
Each staff member of any organization or business agrees to comply with and be bound by this Code of Ethics through the authority of its managers and directors. A signed agreement may be a desirable addition to the code.
Order ensures the efficient operation of the company. To bring about and maintain order, the Company issues its own code, policies and procedures. All individuals should understand and comply with the spirit and letter of such code, policies and procedures.Since the company’s code, policies and procedures pervade all aspects of the company’s operations, all provisions of the authority must be mutually, equally and impartially managed and executed in conformance with the spirit and letter of the code, policies and procedures. A designated chain of command and reporting structure describing the authority of each position preserves effective operation.
Although a system of authority exists in the company for reporting and disclosing all affairs affecting the company, particular attention should be paid to the reporting and disclosing of illegal, immoral, or unethical activities. Reporting of any alleged or arguably immoral, illegal or unethical conduct should be reported to the company management or the appropriate legal counsel. If not resolved at this level, to a designated board or committee overseeing directorial affairs. Resort to governmental authority, if necessary, should be made only after resigning from the company.
1.4 Personal Authority
Acting9 in the capacity of an employee in the company, each individual is vested with the authority and responsibility to perform employment duties in conformance with the company code, policies and procedures. The exercise of the individual’s authority is consistent with the best interests of the company. Recognizing this, each individual is accountable to execute her responsibilities and authority in good faith, prudently, and in a professional manner to the best of her ability.
II – Have A Singleness Of Purpose
Effectiveness comes from activity focused on achieving a single target in purpose. Divided purposes dilute effectiveness when interests conflict. No individual or company can operate effectively while serving two masters. Singleness of purpose spans the use of time, talent and resources. The concept of integrity equates to wholeness and purity in purpose and get character. Integrity then requires a clear understanding of personal responsibilities and values consistent with and integrated with clear company responsibilities. It is wise to anticipate business, political, financial, cultural and personal influences which could compromise the integrity of the person and the company. Any compromises would have the impact of diluting purpose and dividing interests, which in turn diminishes I productivity and reasonable profit.
2.1 Statement Of Purpose
The company operates from a written statement of purpose which is understood and agreed to by all associates and is communicated to any interested constituent. Company activities will be consistent with company objectives.
2.2 Organizational Structure
Each division within the organization will operate within the company’s overall statement of purpose. The parts will be structured to support and complement the whole.
2.3 Job Description
Each employee has a written statement of expectation, or job description, defining her areas of responsibility, authority and standard expectation of performance.
2.4 Personal Purpose
Each individual has the personal responsibility to assess the purpose and values of the company and compare them with his own so he can commit whole-heartedly to a productive and responsible association with the company.
2.5 Business/Family Conflicts
Each individual has the responsibility to harmonize the needs of the company with those of the family. This includes maintaining harmony with the company’s statement of purpose as well as in the individual’s daily personal and travel schedule and his relationships at home.
2.6 Conflict Of Interest
When an individual accepts association with the company, and the company accepts that individual as an associate, both have merged interests for the betterment of the individual and the company. This means that an individual, his family and the company must examine their business interests, holdings, stocks, relationships and positions for anything which conflicts with those mutual interests. Disclose any real or potential conflicts candidly. Expose them as they come to light in the course of business activity. Deal with them in a forthright manner. A separate legal contract dealing with and defining specific conflicts of interest may be desirable.
2.7 International Conflicts Of Interest
Different nations have differing customs which affect the way they do business. A criminal bribe in this country may be the accepted way of getting things moving in another. However, stealing is stealing in any language, culture or nation. Because the associates within this company submit to an Absolute Authority, they do not operate under a double standard or expect others to.
III – Use Effective Communication In Word And Deed
Communication is a responsibility borne equally by each party and is achieved when an understanding is reached. Effective communication means the intended message is received, interpreted and returned to the initiator with a meaning and spirit consistent with original intent. Keeping your word, in the broad sense, means keeping promises, pledges, and oaths. This includes simple verbal commitments like being on time, to complex written contractual agreements. It is a statement of intent with commitment and belief that the promise will be kept and that an accurate recounting of the transaction will be given. Spoken and written words have a specific meaning and are not arbitrary. In the simplest form, saying ”yes” means ”yes,” and saying ”no” means ”no.” It means doing what you say you will do, even if it is uncomfortable or inconvenient. It means telling the truth. It means that descriptions of products and services are consistent with performance. It means operating with these same expectations for others. Complete communication and predictable follow through are the basic expressions of personal integrity and the glue of profitability.
3.1 Organization
The company will publish and use organizational charts primarily to identify the most effective channels for communication, to communicate lines of. authority, and to provide an avenue for resolving conflicts and misunderstandings.
3.2 Marketing
Communication is a responsibility borne equally by each party and is sufficient facts to represent the actual value, nature, and performance of the product or service. Advertising will be carried out in a socially and culturally non-offensive manner, consistent with protecting the values expressed in the code.
3.3 Timing Of Communications
Any company or personal communications will be made, both in form and in timing, in the best interest of the constituent. This applies especially when life and health could be involved.
3.4 Bidding
Company bids offered and accepted will be based on optimum quality, minimized cost, and the reliability of suppliers and services. No illegal or immoral advantage will be pursued or allowed. The price offered is the price for which the job will be done.
3.5 Selling
Suppliers, sellers, buyers and servicers are all parts of the team which contribute to the integrity of a product or service. Each must perform his role to meet the expectation understood by the others. Exercise the courage to “understate and overproduce” whatever your role may be.
3.6 Accurate Records
Books, records and reports are histories of actual activity, both personal and company-wide. They must be accurate, current, sufficiently detailed and permanently configured in a way which will truthfully represent what transpired.
3.7 Review (Feedback)
Every associate has, at minimum, a regular planned review of their performance against their job description and this code. On a daily basis, each individual has responsibility to maintain their relationships. If they perceive a problem, it is their responsibility to take the initiative to resolve it. Likewise, offer encouragement for a job well done. Every associate has personal responsibility for proper and open relationships with God, family members, business associates, clients and the competition. Good relationships enable good business.
3.8 Speech
Use speech and language that edifies the listener. Profanity and vulgar language are a negative reflection of an individual’s character and the character of the company.
IV – Provide Proper Rest, Recreation And Reflection
Proper rest, recreation and reflection are a hallmark of free people and free enterprise. They are a celebration of prerogatives of free and responsible people under God. They are requirements for maximum creativity, productivity and motivation. Rest is a necessity for effectiveness. Recreation clears the mind and guards against mental and emotional fatigue. Reflection ”closes the loop” by which meaning is pressed into work and ensures single-mindedness. The knowledge, creativity and commitment of employees are directly related not only to their health, but also to the productivity and profitability of the organization. Proper rest, recreation, and reflection ensure quality of life as well as profitability.
4.1 Staffing
The company will periodically review personnel needs and resources and strive toward being staffed adequately for anticipated workload.
4.2 Work Schedule
Breaks, shifts, days off and vacations are scheduled to produce individual and team effectiveness.
4.3 Safety/Productivity
Sufficient variety and rest periods are planned to maximize safety, productivity and effectiveness.
4.4 Planning
Appropriate and periodic times will be scheduled for planning business and personal activity, and for reflection.
4.5 Reflection And Job Description
The greater the responsibility of company associates, the proportionately greater amount of time for reflection will be built into the job description.
V Show Respect For Elders
Many have shared, directly or indirectly, in the development of our culture and the opportunity afforded us as individuals. They have been parents, teachers, coaches, soldiers and employees (associates), and they have provided an investment in us. It is to our benefit to honor that investment and to draw fully from the wisdom and expertise of those with greater experience.
Ethics are more caught than taught. Tradition coupled with strong relationships and a personal understanding of why we do what we do is the best training. Lessons in profitability from the past are protection for profitability in the future.
5.1 Cultural Considerations
Honor the culture, traditions and customs of the people with whom you do business. Anticipate situations which may be customary practices, but which may compromise you legally or morally.
5.2 Counsel From Those With Great Experience
Seek the input of older, experienced executives, officers and retirees as a first-line offense in all business operations.
5.3 Elders As Trainers
Older, seasoned individuals will be employed as the leaders and role models in teaching the nuances of ethical business protocol and conduct, as much as is practicable through on-the-job demonstration.
5.4 Non-Discrimination On Basis Of Age
This company will comply with laws regarding nondiscrimination on the basis of age.
VI – Show Respect For Human Life, Dignity And Rights
The value of human life and the worth of the individual are pivotal concepts to long-term profitability. They obviously apply to every level of human relationship — God, family, associates, constituents and your self-image. They demand morally right attitudes and actions. They encompass product quality and service, work environment, health and safety, personnel policies and responsibilities, and competitive practices. These are only the highlights. The value of human life and the worth of the individual are the underlying issues of the antitrust laws, to guard against big business taking advantage of small business.
The concept may be as simple as living by the so-called ”Golden Rule.” That is, treating people as you would want to be treated. Respect for the individual gives us the confidence to perform at our highest level of creativity, energy and productivity.
6.1 The “Golden Rule”
Application of the ”Golden Rule” is the fundamental basis for decision-making in all relationships and management practices. The Golden Rule is to treat others as you would like to be treated.
6.2 Product Quality And Protection
Your business is to satisfy customer needs with the best possible products and services. This includes control of quality from raw material to the final product to meet specifications. Never ignore a defect or deficiency. Fix it or report it so that it will be fixed. Transportation, packaging, labeling and support services are designed and selected to protect the value of the product and the safety of those using it.
6.3 Work Environment
All operations should be conducted in a manner which protects the health and safety of all. This extends to adequate instructions and training for product use or service. Compliance with all laws, ordinances, and regulations is the baseline from which this company will operate. Noting minimum legal requirements does not guarantee an optimum work environment.
6.4 Personnel Policy
Policy and practice will be established with the View that all individuals are unique: unique combinations of skills, personality, talents, motivations, character, experience and values. All of the uniqueness must be addressed for effective management and the. optimal match of people with tasks. Character, competence and dedication, demonstrated on a sustained basis, will be rewarded and honored. This means that profits and liabilities are shared. We treat each other in a way that creates harmony between labor and management. We look beyond our racial and sexual prejudices or other biases to give every person maximum opportunity to work productively and to live ethically. The goal is to grow every associate to full potential. We regard each other as associates; arbitrary privileges and preferential treatment are inconsistent with company values.
6.5 Conditions For Employment
The company will have a clearly defined, written policy of conditions for employment based on the values expressed in this code. The company will adhere to the policy in a truthful manner with regard for the dignity of the individual. Employee conditions will be stated at the time of employment. Termination will be consistent with the contract.
6.6 Mergers/Acquisitions/Takeovers
Company leadership has the responsibility to assess the impact of a change in values when, for any reason, companies consider a merger. This includes impacts on constituents and profitability. Impact must be disclosed in a timely manner and alternatives must be proposed. Impact assessments will be based on the values expressed in this code.
6.7 Fitness For Duty
Addiction to illegal substances, both on company and on personal time is not acceptable for association with the co,any. Likewise, addiction to alcohol or chemicals, even when lawful, is not a condition that can be acceptable for a productive association with the company.
Expect support and involvement from the company. For the desired change in attitude and behavior, violations of this code will require discipline up to and including reassignment termination. This may be in addition to appropriate enforcement of the law.
VII – Maintain A Stability Of The Sexes And The Family
Marital fidelity is fundamental to the success of the family unit. The family functions best when husbands take final responsibility for their wives and love them without condition, when wives respect their husbands, and when children honor their patents.
Marriage and singleness are equally honorable in status. A publicly committed marriage of a man to a woman is a desirable institution. Children are a desirable benefit of that union and an invaluable asset to the relationship. The family unit is the greenhouse for growing commitment, convictions, communications, companionship and a personal value system.
The family unit is the foundational institution to every culture and society. Historically, when the family unit has been strong, recognized and respected, the culture has enjoyed stability and longevity.
Therefore, a person in business is faced with a crucial and fragile management issue: On the one hand, respect for the family structure and the unique responsibilities of men as husbands and women as wives is prerequisite for long-term profitability, even when business demands compete with family and personal life.
On the other hand, wisdom and good business practice dictate equal regard for men and women as persons irrespective of gender or marital status. As is the case in matching any person, man or woman, with any job, consideration for emotional, spiritual, physical, psychological, and intellectual strengths and weaknesses is integral for good job fit.
7.1 Home Responsibility
Every individual has the fundamental priority and responsibility for a strong home life.
7.2 Responsibility Of Husbands And Fathers
This company respects the fact that husbands and fathers have the ultimate responsibility for their family members.
7.3 Male And Female Policy
All policy will offer equal employment opportunity for men and women and will respect the uniqueness and the dignity of each individual.
7.4 Scheduling And Family
Management decisions involving workload, deadlines, quotas and travel scheduling, etc., will be made in light of personal, marriage and family needs.
7.5 Single Persons And Single Parents
Single persons or single parents will not be discriminated against or treated with more or less dignity than married persons.
VIII – Demonstrate The Proper Allocation Of Resources
Two fundamental responsibilities and privileges of business are optimum use of material resources and wise leadership of people. To the degree that materials are misused and people improperly managed, productivity, and profitability suffer.
Proper allocation of resources and raw materials requires a commitment not to steal from future generations. Pollution and improper handling of hazardous and toxic materials may cut costs in the short run, but fuel a staggering deficit for everyone in the long run. Company property, funds and assets are resources which must be protected and managed well to prevent theft. Eventually, all constituents share the effects of well-or-poorly managed resources.
Proper utilization of human resources requires a match between an individual’s interests and abilities and their job function in order to maximize their satisfaction and contribution to the company. Optimal use of material resources and wise leadership of people ensure productivity and profitability.
8.1 Inadvertent Disclosure
Information revealed to the wrong person, even with the right motive, can result inadvertently in theft. Keep company business in the company. Give information only to the people who need to know.
8.2 Accountability/Responsibility
Every individual in the company is responsible for how well she manages material and Human Resources entrusted to her. Each individual is expected to practice sensible utilization of financial resources and is personally accountable for the expenditure of company funds.
8.3 Accounts Payable/Receivable
Bills will be paid promptly and consistently with vendor agreements. Likewise, prompt payment of receivables is expected.
8.4 Asset Management
Company property, assets and information may not be used for personal benefit except by proper agreement.
8.5 Incentives For Personal Benefit
Any incentives offered to an associate to show favor or preference to anyone at the expense of the company or its constituents cannot be accepted. Neither can an associate offer incentives to induce favoritism or preference to anyone with whom she does business. This includes “deals,” gifts, discounts, trips, extraordinary entertainment, or anything that could appear to be offered for favors. All of these must be graciously declined.
8.6 Bribes And Kickbacks
Bribes and kickbacks are the criminal expenses of a deliberate division of interest and will not be offered, pursued or accepted by the company or its associates.
8.7 Proprietary Information
Information which relates to the company or to anyone who stands to gain from the company’s operations, including employees, customers, prospective customers, stockholders and suppliers is proprietary and should stay within the company for its own use and benefit. If information is not public, it is private. Before entering into an employment agreement, both employer and employee will anticipate and protect the value of information, such as processes, formulas and technologies if employment is stopped. (A separate legal contract dealing with specific use of information may be desirable).
8.8 Post-Employment
By agreement, ownership of the company’s intellectual information confin ues after employment with the company has terminated. Where this is issue, careful definition and understanding is necessary to protect all constituents.
8.9 Disclosure
An individual must decline any matter outside his delegated responsibility or competence and inform other affected employees by using the proper chain of command. Neither may managers expect associates to accept expanded responsibility without further training and / or compensation.
8.10 Development Of The Individual
It is in the company’s best interest to foster the maximum development of each individual with regard for general well — being, motivation and competence.
8.11 Environmental Management
At a minimum, operations will comply with environmental regulations, and management decisions will be made with a View of long-term impact.
IX – Demonstrate Honesty And Integrity
A reputation for honesty is a comprehensive statement of both a person’s character and how others are treated. It is a fundamental mindset against stealing, lying or deceiving. It requires willingness to deal with facts and a commitment to guard others from fraud.
Integrity is the cornerstone of any good relationship. Without demonstrating the willingness to give and the worthiness to receive trust, no business can survive or prosper. Personal honesty and integrity are the fundamental building blocks for profitability, effective management, and harmonious relationships.
9.1 Truthfulness
Do what is truthful and right, rather than what is expedient.
9.2 Compromise
If an individual believes he is being asked to do something dishonest, he must disclose the situation immediately to the proper authority.
9.3 Accurate Reporting
Prepare records and reports accurately, truthfully, in sufficient detail and on time to describe the actual transaction or situation.
9.4 Reputation
Do not engage in any wrongful activity in order to maintain or enhance your personal or corporate reputation. Do what is right and reputation will follow.
9.5 Disparagement
Do not engage in any activity that would adversely affect the reputation of an associate or competitor. This includes any form of disparaging comment or innuendo. Your character and the products and services of the company stand on their own merits.
9.6 Punctuality
Honor commitments and show respect for the time of others by being on time.
X – Maintain The Right Of Ownership Of Property
The free enterprise system benefits those who perform. Those who are disciplined, creative, prudent, and industrious are entitled to the fruits of their labor.
The most satisfied people in the workplace, employers or employees, maintain honorable relationships with God, family, associates and constituents. They operate with the View that they are unique as a person and have a unique contribution to make to the business world. Their focus is on developing to full potential their intellect, character, skills and gifts, and employing them in productive work. They are content with themselves and what they have. Any prestige, power, and wealth are results of their productivity. These are not their goals. Their goals are personal responsibility for maximizing their own productivity and synergistic contribution to the company team.
10.1 Promotion Of Free Enterprise
Manage the company resources and assets toward promoting and protecting the free enterprise system, self-regulation and voluntary compliance.
10.2 Compensation
Salaries, wages and benefits are designed for each employee as compensation for performance and as an incentive for increased productivity. Superiority is not assumed because of seniority alone.
10.3 lntra-Entrepreneurship
The company will reward innovation, initiative, advancements in competence, and involvement in civic / community / religious activities consistent with the values expressed in this code.
This section provided by Col. Nimrod McNair, Jr. (USAF, Retired), Executive Leadership Foundation, and adapted to meet organizational needs. “Mac” was a friend, brother, and business partner.
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Chapter 15
Last Updated: 12/2022
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