The Institute for the Study of Islam is a non-profit think-tank committed to counter-terrorism by helping others understand the enemy. The enemy is not Muslims . . . the enemy is Islam.

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ISI/DI: The world today is moving at a faster pace than ever before. “Radical” Islam is no longer isolated or working in small, regional or territorial locations. The United Nations has logged over 200 terrorist organizations world-wide, many linked up with larger more sophisticated entities, i.e., Boko Haram has several splinter groups, some of which have formed alliances with foreign Islamist groups, such as al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) and al-Shabaab in Somalia. While they may look or even act like third-world players, the old term, “follow the money” reveals much more about them. Trafficking in armaments has become the newest franchise opportunity, providing quick, easy, and much needed cash. Military armaments are crossing borders and changing hands before tracking devices can be put into place. ISIS, once declared beaten by former President Trump, is now over 200,000 strong, with 100,000 operating in Syria, Afghanistan, Turkey, and Iraq and branches in central Africa, Philippines, Latin America … and even in the USA. The FBI’s director, Christopher Wray, reports surveillance teams are monitoring terrorist groups in all 50 states. However, it is unclear just how many of those may actually be ISIS affiliated.

If the above were all that we had to be worried about, that would be one thing. Now, thrown in to the fray are Russia, China, and Iran. These three are what are now known as the “Axis Powers.” They are not only working together, but also independently of each other. China is leading the effort to destabilize the dollar and replace it with the yuan. So far, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, and several others have joined them. President Xi is a shrewd operator and adept at taking the long view when planning. China is already sparring over Taiwan and seems to have eyes on Japan and the Philippines, while working with North Korea to shake things up with South Korea. Xi, 69, needs to move expeditiously, like several others.

Then, there is Vladimir Putin …… so far, there is no indication that he’s willing to relinquish his hold on Ukraine. The question is though, how long will he wait? If he does finally snap up Ukraine, the door will then be open to the Baltics and other nearby countries. No one seems to have any doubts that his intentions are to try and rebuild the old Soviet machine. At 70, he doesn’t have many more years to put forward.

One quirk in all of this is that while Putin is making inroads to align Russia with the Muslim world, Xi is making similar inroads in Russia’s backyard in order to strengthen China … who has already made an alliance with Saudi Arabia in its effort to destabilize the dollar. More on all of this, below.

Oh, what a twisted web we weave!!

Iran and China: The New Propaganda Power Couple?Here’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Iran and China …… we are being cut-off at the knees. Iran wants to be a nuclear nation. Most … okay, many … in the U.S. do not think that should happen. China is a nuclear nation. Now, Iran and China are making “nice,” with each other. Do you think China will help Iran attain the lofty goal it wishes to climb? The United States is becoming a “watchful” nation …… we are losing friends, allies, and trading partners — Israel, Mexico, Brazil, Japan, Germany, the U.K., France. You saw the list of countries above who are trying to unseat the dollar. It feels like a knife has gone in just above the kidney — yes, a knife in the back — by trusted friends. Et tuBrute? That’s probably what they are saying right now, too, of us — a trusted friend.

Another Country Dumps Dollar, Tells Citizens To Get Rid Of Holdings Of US Dollar and Switch to YuanHere’s The Story …

Erdogan says Putin may visit Turkey in April for power plant inaugurationHere’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Erdogan continues to cozy up to the Bear of the North. How much longer will NATO allow this to take place is anyone’s guess. Let’s just hope it’s not too long. Right now Erdoğan is in the middle of a fight to retain his presidency for another term. Unlike America, Turkey has no term-limits on its politicians. If he gets re-elected, he may renew his efforts to form a New Ottoman Empire. Who is willing to follow him down this road is as yet, an unanswered question. I would think that NATO would find either activity — an alignment with Russia or a new caliphate — unwelcome.

Saudi Arabia grows closer to Beijing with step toward membership in China-led security blocHere’s The Story …

Japan Breaks With Allies, Buys Russian Oil Above CapHere’s The Story …

China, Russia Leading Push to Replace US Dollar as World’s Reserve CurrencyHere’s The Story …

ISI/DI: It’s not just China and Russia …… others are also looking at ways to destabilize the dollar as well …… Argentina, Bangladesh, Botswana, Brazil, European Union, Fiji, France, Germany, Guyana, India, Indonesia, Iran, Israel, Japan, Kenya, Malaysia, Mauritius, Myanmar, New Zealand, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Seychelles, Singapore, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Uganda, United Arab Emirates, and the United Kingdom.

I know …… it’s staggering when you first look at it. Now, do not rush out and sell all that you owndo not dump stocks or anything else you might have in your portfolio. That being said, now might not be a bad time to consider investing in gold or silver if you have some free cash. Talk with your financial advisor, though, BEFORE moving any of your investments around. Your advisor should have a much better understanding of what is or could take place. Feel free to reference the following links, if needed:

Xi Jinping Checks In with Saudi Prince MBS After Massive Oil DealsHere’s The Story …

ISI/DI: America must return to its role of being energy-independent if it wishes to remain the America as we once knew it. That is the real question, though. Does America want to be a world power or slide to the sides-lines and be a watcher rather than a doer? America is set to lose its stature, and not just as a world super-power. There’s the adjustment that takes place when becoming something else …… a no one.

Becoming a watcher rather than a doer means others …… China(?), Russia(?), or even Iran …… playing the role of the world’s policeman. We only need look at these countries to garner an open window to see what the world might look like under their leadership — ownership?

China Settles First LNG Trade in Yuan in Latest Hit to DollarHere’s The Story …

Top Saudi, Iranian diplomats to meet in China, say media, officialsHere’s The Story …

Islamis State (IS) Chief Planning Europe Attacks Killed in US Syria Strike: MilitaryHere’s The Story …

Islamic countries are buying out UN agencies to promote Sharia globallyHere’s The Story …

ISI/DI: After the European Parliament, the UN is easy prey. Funding has allowed Islamic countries to form the most powerful bloc in UNESCO.

Islamic dictatorships are buying up the UN agencies. What interest do some of the world’s least populated and most repressive countries, from Qatar to Saudi Arabia, have in becoming the world’s largest donors to humanitarian causes? 

Take the United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism’s donor list: Qatar and Saudi Arabia hold it tight with their dollars. It doesn’t matter that Qatar has donated 1.5 billion dollars to Hamas, that in Syria Qatar has supported the Al Nusra terrorists or that Qatar is accused by the parents of an American journalist assassinated by ISIS of ties to terrorism.

At the Orwellian UN, “terrorism” does not mean terrorism. 

Meanwhile, Qatar has anointed the UN refugee agency, UNHCR, with 16 million dollars. Last September, Saudi Arabia donated one million dollars to the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations, the UN body for “dialogue between civilizations.” Then ten million from Kuwait to the UN migration agency.

Islamic regimes have launched a takeover bid for UNESCO by investing immense financial resources in the United Nations agency. Qatar, the world’s richest state per capita, has provided extremely generous financial support.

This “lobbying” has allowed Islamic countries to form the most powerful bloc in Unesco. Of Unesco’s 195 member states, 35 are fully Islamic nations, another 21 are members of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and four are observer states. That makes 60 representing a bloc in favor of Muslim-inspired resolutions.

Turkey gave five million dollars to UNESCO, which remained very silent when Erdogan converted the Hagia Sophia basilica into a mosque.

Qatar donated four million dollars and promised ten to UNESCO (another half million dollars has just been allocated for 2023). UNESCO’s headquarters in Paris hosted a Saudi-sponsored forum on “cultural and religious diversity” (UNESCO just praised the Saudis). A capitulation to barbarism paid for by the Saudi King Abdallah Ibn Abdul Aziz with 20 million to UNESCO. The United Arab Emirates donated six million to UNESCO and Kuwait five million. Then another donation of 3.5 million from Kuwait.

Saudi Arabia has just been elected to lead the UNESCO commission on world heritage. Not bad for a state that has destroyed 98 percent of its religious and artistic heritage. Remember that UNESCO is the acronym that stands for “United Nations Fund for Education, Science and Culture.” George Orwell?

Azerbaijan, one of the richest Islamic countries in the world, has enormous weight within UNESCO. Azerbaijani Vice-President Mehriban Aliyeva (who is also President Ilham Aliyev’s wife) has been given the title of ‘UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador,’ a position that organizations such as the European Center for Press and Media Freedom have asked UNESCO to withdraw. Aliyev awarded a medal to former UNESCO director Koichiro Matsuura. And when UNESCO lost 22 percent of its budget, Azerbaijan gave five million to UNESCO. The same year, UNESCO hosted an exhibition titled “Azerbaijan, Land of Tolerance” at its Paris headquarters at the request of the Aliyev Foundation, headed by his wife.

Yes, I know …… it gets confusing.

The U.S. should immediately stop all funding to UNESCO and begin proceedings to terminate its relationship with the UN, while considering the placement of sanctions against this corrupt body. NATO should be considered to replace some of the agencies currently operating within UNESCO.

After Meeting With China Minister President XI, French President Macron Urges Europe To Turn Away From America, “Europe Must Reduce its Dependency On US”Here’s The Story…

ISI/DI: Thank you, Mr. Macron. By the way, do you realize there are a number of American graves of some of the bravest men in the world overlooking the beaches of Normandy and they fought so that you could be here today, sticking a knife in the backs of the children and grandchildren of those brave Americans? Thank you again, Mr. Macron.

Hezbollah, Hamas heads meet, promise further ‘resistance’ against IsraelHere’s The Story …

Iran media hails thaw with Saudi Arabia as top diplomats meet in ChinaHere’s The Story …

Saudi Arabia commits financial support to help Pakistan secure IMF dealHere’s The Story …

India, Malaysia Move Off Dollar to Settle Trade in Indian RupeeHere’s The Story …

Sweden, Finland Ink Joint Firearms Procurement From SakoHere’s The Story …

China’s emergence as Saudi-Iran broker signals multipolar diplomacy in Middle EastHere’s The Story …

BEIJING, CHINA – MARCH 17: Chinese Premier Li Keqiang (2nd-L) meets with Saudi Arabia’s King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud (2nd-R) at Great Hall of the People on March 17, 2017 in Beijing, China. At the invitation of President Xi Jinping, King Salman Bin Abdul-Aaziz Al-Saud of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will pay a state visit to China from March 15 to 18, 2017. (Photo by Lintao Zhang – Pool/Getty Images)

China’s CICC plans UAE, Saudi expansion as Xi builds Middle East tiesHere’s The Story …

BEIJING, CHINA – MARCH 16: Chinese President Xi Jinping (R) invites Saudi Arabia’s King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud (L) to view an honour guard during a welcoming ceremony inside the Great Hall of the People on March 16, 2017 in Beijing, China. At the invitation of President Xi Jinping, King Salman Bin Abdul-Aaziz Al-Saud of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will pay a state visit to China from March 15 to 18, 2017. (Photo by Lintao Zhang/Getty Images|

Russia’s Lavrov in Turkey to discuss Syria, Caucasus, possible Putin visitHere’s a the Story …

NUSA DUA, INDONESIA – NOVEMBER 15: Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov arrives at the formal welcome ceremony to mark the beginning of the G20 Summit on November 15, 2022 in Nusa Dua, Indonesia. The G20 meetings are being held in Bali from November 15-16. (Photo by Leon Neal/Getty Images,)*m..

Brazil signs $12.65 billion in deals with UAE, China amid struggling economy . Here’s The Story .

BEIJING, CHINA – APRIL 14: Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (R) inspects an honor guard with Chinese President Xi Jinping during a welcome ceremony held outside the Great Hall of the People on April 14, 2023 in Beijing, China. (Photo by Ken Ishii,-Pool/Getty Images)

Is China playing long game against dollar in Middle East? Here’s The Story …

A security officer holds a cordon during the meeting between Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman (5th R) and Chinese President Xi Jinping (not pictured) at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on February 22, 2019. (Photo by HOW HWEE YOUNG / POOL / AFP) (Photo credit should read HOW HWEE YOUNG/AFP via Getty Images)

Iran and Saudi Arabia agree to restore ties at talks in BeijingHere’s The Story …

ISI/DI: Will the rift between these two ever be resolved? My take: NOT LIKELY. Why?

It would be like the Roman Catholic Church and the Protestants coming together to say, ”We have decided to merge together into one denomination.” To understand that one has to understand what the differences are.

  • Protestants would have to agree to pray to Mary;
  • Protestants believe salvation is attained only through faith in Jesus and his atoning sacrifice on the cross (sola fide);
  • Catholicism believe that salvation comes through a combination of faith plus good works;
  • Protestants believe that the Bible is the “Sola Skriptura,” the only Scripture;
  • Catholics do not base their beliefs on the Bible alone;
  • Catholics believe they must have a Pope to interpret the Scriptures;
  • Protestants believe the bible is the main authority.

What about Muslims … what are their differences? The chief difference between Sunnis and Shi’a is who should lead the Islamic world.

  • Sunnis believe leadership should be the most capable person;
  • Shi’as believe leadership must be a relative on Muhammad.

China’s Saudi-Iran deal clouded by uncertainty on protests, nuclear talksHere’s The Story …

A woman walks with an umbrella at Enghelab Square in Iran’s capital Tehran on December 5, 2022. (Photo by ATTA KENARE / AFP) (Photo by ATTA KENARE/AFP via Getty Images)

Turning away from the West, Russia seeks to strengthen economic ties with the Muslim world

China looks to strengthen ties in Russia’s Central Asian backyardHere’s The Story …

The Treacherous Triangle of Syria, Iran, and RussiaHere’s The Story …

ISI/DI: I’m not sure about the above triangle, but I would imagine China is a bit miffed, thinking they were part of some triangle that was treacherous.

Brazil’s Lula Visits US-Sanctioned Huawei Site to Boost Ties With ChinaHere’s The Story …

UAE-China nuclear deals signal evolving energy relationshipHere’s The Story …



MUSLIMS are not the problem.

ISLAM is the problem.


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AXIS POWERS 1: Issue 1
May 26-29, 2023
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