The world as Islam would have it . . .

No governments. No rulers.
No boundaries. No borders.
Just One Caliph of One Caliphate.
A world which has only one religion, ISLAM.
A world which has only one people, MUSLIMS.
A world which has only one law, SHARI’A.
A world which has only one god, ALLAH.

Most of the unreached peoples in the world today
live in the 10/40 N. Latitude window.
This was true 1,000 years ago, and it’s true today.
as-salām ‘alaykum (Peace be upon you),
The mission of Discerning Islam is quite simple: Discerning Islam seeks to remove the mystery that surrounds Islam and explain why the world now faces “radical Islam’s” aggressions and atrocities by looking at the eschatology (end times) of Islam.
Islam is not a difficult religion to know, it is just that some of the elements are a bit strange to the Western way of thinking. Once these elements are put in order and described, it becomes much easier to understand. Any difficulty that may arise will most likely come from Shari’a, Islamic Law. This is because there are several schools of jurisprudence which over 40 Islamic denominations subscribe to, all submitting their own interpretations of the Qur’an, the Sunnah, and Hadith.
Furthermore, we want to be a tool of the church, enabling pastors, assistants, associates, and teachers to speak with more certainty about the differences between Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. Hopefully. you will find order, clarity, and enablement from Discerning Islam.
There are a number of other good websites for gleaning information on Islam. So, what makes DISCERNING ISLAM different, and why another website?
- In addition to teaching the beliefs’ of Islam, we also look for the rationale behind the terrorism that has wracked our world for nearly three decades;
- Several offer to sell goods and/or services (books, apparel, videos, etc.), whereas our content is free and we have no specialty items for sale;
- Some only report news items and commentary while we try to be a clearing house where you can seek the news and topics you want to know about;
So, with all the content, all the profiles, all the maps, all the blogs – our bottom line is still the same – present Islam in such a way that it is understandable. Period. All of our content is free; if you have questions or encounter difficulty, just let us know.
A few more things to know about Discerning Islam: we are not a for-profit venture; our content, consisting of text, slide-shows or PowerPoints, downloads and/or other presentations are free of charge. Discerning Islam is a project of the Institute for the Sutdy of Islam (ISI), a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization, which is registered with the IRS. We are able to receive funds, and can issue receipts for tax purposes; the only major expense we have is paying for the continued existence of our website. No one is salaried, so there are no missionaries to support, rents to pay, or other normal operating and/or over-head expenses. However, if live and/or personal presentations are wanted, we do request travel, lodging, meals, and other expenses to be covered; a stipend or honorarium by passing the basket would also be appreciated. At this time, credit cards are not accepted; cash or checks only, please, although it is advisable not to send cash through the mail.
“. . . for the laborer is worthy of his hire.” (Luke 10:7; 1 Timothy 5:18; Matthew 10:10; Leviticus 19:13; Deuteronomy 24:15.).
‘alaykum as-salām (may peace be upon you)
Anne-Marie Walters: Islam, a religion of peace?
Institute for themStudy of Islam, an Oklahoma-based think tank, founded in 2020, studies various Middle Eastern religions, with a focus on Islam and how it impacts governmental affairs, civilian affairs, and international affairs, through its use of Shari’a, Islamic law. Shari’a is the vehicle that allows Islam to insert itself economically, politically, and religiously into other countries, eventually becoming a political force that is difficult to contain.
Projects include, where Islam is studied with it Commentaries On Islam, from its stark beginnings, through the Crusades and the Ottoman Empire, to present day; picks it up on the Christian side, exploring sound business principles and whether there might be a biblical mandate when it comes to Values In The Marketplace. Other projects will follow and are encouraged.
Last Update: 01/2021
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