Iran Is the Real Threat
While war in Gaza rages on and the West dumps on Israel for having the nerve to defend the lives of its people, attention has strayed from the most important actor in the region, Iran.
The Islamic Republic of Iran is actively involved in the Gaza war. Relations with Hamas which had deteriorated over Syria are back on track. Iran armed Hamas and Islamic Jihad with rockets and other weapons and is reportedly now directly instructing Hamas commanders in the Gazan tunnels.
Osama Hamdan, who runs Hamas’s foreign relations, says it is continuing to coordinate its positions with Iran and its proxy army in Lebanon, Hezbollah.
Hamas’s deputy political head Mousa Abu Marzouk says he hopes “the Lebanese front will open and together we will fight” against Israel. The Hezbollah chieftain Hassan Nasrallah has pledged “all means of support” to the Palestinian “resistance.”
Israel cannot dismiss this as saber rattling.
After the discovery of the massive network of tunnels from Gaza into Israel, posing the strategic threat of establishing an Islamist beachhead across southern Israel through infiltration, the suspicion must be that Iran is planning a similar strategy for northern Israel too.
A US federal judge recently ruled that North Korea and Iran had assisted in building “a massive network of underground military installations, tunnels, bunkers, depots and storage facilities in southern Lebanon.” As Brig.-Gen. (res.) Shimon Shapira of the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs told analyst Lee Smith, the Gaza tunnels might provide a horrifying explanation of what Nasrallah meant when he said that Hezbollah had a two-part operational plan. “One is rocket fire on Tel Aviv and two is conquest of the Galilee,” said Shapira. “L means Hezbollah is going to penetrate Israel through tunnels.”
In recent days, Iran’s rulers have been stepping up their bellicose rhetoric, urging war on Israel not just from Gaza but also from a second front in the West Bank. Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei has said that “until that heartless and child-killer [Zionist] regime is destroyed” armed resistance is “the only path” and that the West Bank should be armed just like Gaza.
This prompted similar calls from other Iranian leaders including Amir Mousavi, the former adviser to Iran’s defense minister, who said Tehran would arm the West Bank with “strategic weapons” including missiles to target Tel Aviv and Haifa.
Not to be outdone, the West’s Iranian sweetheart Prime Minister Hassan Rouhani asked Muslim states to help Gaza, declaring that the “unity of Muslim countries against the enemies is a vital matter at this stage” and adding that the “resistance” displayed by Gaza would undoubtedly lead to the “defeat of the Zionist regime.”
So the principal terror-promoting state in the world, at war against the West for the past 35 years and committed to the genocide of the Jews, is waging a proxy war of extermination against Israel which it announces it is now to step up. Yet astoundingly, the US-led P5+1 coalition is continuing to negotiate with Iran over its nuclear program, as if its leaders really are the moderates the West so risibly claims them to be.
The negotiations have been extended for another four months, with the US lead negotiator Wendy Sherman insisting there has been “significant progress in the negotiating room.” This from people whose interim agreement signed with Tehran last January effectively acknowledged Iran’s right to enrich uranium, junking the West’s previous nonnegotiable redline.
Now the US is to give Iran another $2.8 billion in unfrozen assets, in addition to the $4.2 billion it unfroze after the interim deal was reached. No wonder Senator Marco Rubio has denounced these negotiations as a “dangerous national security failure.”
America’s craven capitulation in these talks, not to mention Obama’s shocking demand that Israel unilaterally surrender to Hamas, has empowered Iran to ratchet up its aggression against Israel. For Iran understands that, astonishing as this sounds, under Obama the US is actually on its side.
America is tacitly supporting Iran as an ally. A Pentagon spokesman, Admiral John Kirby, noted that the Iranian Quds Force was training both Iraqi security forces and Shi’ite militias in Iraq. He then added: “Iraq has the right to reach out to its neighbors for support.” The right? The US has named Iran as the world’s principal terror supporter and lists the Quds Force as a terrorist organization.
The British Parliamentary Committee for Iran Freedom has called this legitimization of the Quds Force “a dangerous policy.” It also pointed out that Iran’s military supply to Iraq is in flagrant violation of the UN Security Council resolution which explicitly prohibits Iran from supplying military materiel to anyone.
The British Parliamentary Committee has expressed alarm about Iran’s growing military interference in Iraq and warned it is destabilizing the region. Yet the US is enabling Iranian terrorist militias to further destabilize Iraq and thus pose an additional threat to the West.
That’s because, in the wider civilizational conflict being waged against the free world by Islamic fanatics, Obama has positioned the US on the wrong side.
He has lined up America not just with Hamas but with its backers, Qatar, with which he has just signed an $11 billion arms deal, Turkey and Iran. His aim is, on one side, to empower the Muslim Brotherhood through using Qatar and Turkey against Egypt, whose actions against Hamas have derailed the Brothers’ otherwise seamless progress to power in the region. On the other side, his aim is to empower Iran which, on the most benign view of his intentions, be believes with amoral idiocy will maintain a balance of power in the region against Saudi Arabia.
Accordingly, the US is simultaneously supporting both the Sunni and Shia wings of the Islamic jihad against the West. Quite a position for the one-time defender of the free world. And of course, Israel is utterly expendable. That’s the fix Israel is in. It is having to fight for its survival not just against Hamas, Iran, Turkey and Qatar. It is having to fight against America too.
Iran’s,Supreme Leader:
“Jihad Will Continue Until America Is No More.” Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, all but said on Sunday (May 25, 2014) that negotiations over the country’s illicit nuclear program are over and that the Islamic Republic’s ideals include destroying America.
“Those [Iranians] who want to promote negotiation and surrender to the oppressors and blame the Islamic Republic as a warmonger in reality commit treason,” Khamenei told a meeting of members of parliament, according to the regime’s Fars News Agency.
Khamenei emphasized that without a combative mindset, the regime cannot reach its higher Islamic role against the “oppressors’ front.”
“The reason for continuation of this battle is not the warmongering of the Islamic Republic. Logic and reason command that for Iran, in order to pass through a region full of pirates, needs to arm itself and must have the capability to defend itself,” he said.
“Today’s world is full of thieves and plunderers of human honor, dignity and morality who are equipped with knowledge, wealth and power, and under the pretense of humanity easily commit crimes and betray human ideals and start wars in different parts of the world.”
In response to a question by a parliamentarian on how long this battle will continue, Khamenei said, “Battle and jihad are endless because evil and its front continue to exist. This battle will only end when the society can get rid of the oppressors’ front with America at the head of it, which has expanded its claws on human mind, body and thought. This requires a difficult and lengthy struggle and need for great strides.”
Khamenei cited the scientific advancement of the country. “The accelerated scientific advancement of the last 12 years cannot stop under any circumstances,” he said, referring to the strides the regime has made toward becoming a nuclear power.
Iran’s Supreme Leader:
“The Islamic Messiah Is Coming Soon To Kill All Infidels”
Iran’s supreme leader is promising a world free of infidels and nonbelievers with the coming of the Islamic messiah, al-Mahdi, a 9th-century descendant of the prophet Mohammad whom the Shi’ites refer to as the 12th Imam, also known as al-Mahdi.
“The coming of Imam Zaman [the Mahdi] is the definite promise by Allah,” Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said in a speech Wednesday on the anniversary of Mahdi’s birthday at an exhibition of research and historical documents on the 12th Imam.
Khamenei said one of Allah’s promises was that an Islamic revolution would come to Iran. “Who would have thought that in this sensitive region and in this important country, with a regime [run by Shah Pahlavi] and supported by the international powers, a revolution based on religion and Shari’a [law] would take place?” Khamenei asked.
The Shi’ite clerical establishment ruling Iran believes that Iran’s 1979 revolution was a precursor to the coming of Mahdi, during which all infidels will be killed and the flag of Islam will be raised in all four corners of the world.
“The caravan of humanity from the day of creation has been moving through the windings of the hard maze [of life] to reach an open path, [and] this open path is that of the time of the coming of Imam Mahdi,” he said. “The awaiting for the coming is a hopeful and powerful wait, providing the biggest opening for the Islamic society.”
The supreme leader’s representative in the Revolutionary Guards, Ali Saeedi, in a meeting with Guard commanders on Friday, said the coming of Imam Mahdi cannot take place under the current circumstances, and in order for that to happen the Middle East needs to witness major changes. To create those changes, there is a need for “regional preparedness” and that the Islamic revolution in Iran “without a doubt will be connected to the worldwide revolution of Imam Mahdi.”
The secret documentary “The Coming Is Upon Us,” produced by the regime for the preparedness of its forces, Hezbollah and other Shi’ite jihadists and revealed in 2011, covers the centuries-old hadiths by Mohammad and his descendants in providing a timeline of events and what needs to happen for the coming of Mahdi.
The warfare in Iraq and Afghanistan is one example of what the hadiths predicted, according to Shi’ite theology. The fighting in Syria and the current infighting in Iraq and even the likely intrusion of the Islamic Republic’s army into Iraq to counter the Sunni rebellion, as per Shi’ite understanding of the hadiths, point to the imminent coming of Mahdi, but not before Israel is destroyed.
Iran’s clerical rulers believe the figure “Seyed Khorasani,” who at the end of times facilitates the coming and passes the flag of Islam to Imam Mahdi, is the current supreme leader of the regime, Ayatollah Khamenei.
In the documentary, close associates of Khamenei reveal that he personally has acknowledged his role as the facilitator of the coming. Khamenei has also stated openly, “I can tell you with utmost confidence: The promise of Allah for The Coming and the establishment of a new Islamic civilization is on its way.”
The Obama administration is currently engaged in intensive negotiations over the regime’s illicit nuclear and missile programs. Iran insists on its right to enrichment and the expansion of nuclear research and development, but international analysts believe the goal is to acquire nuclear weapons to use against Israel and the United States.
Iran’s Supreme Leader has said that jihad will continue until America is destroyed. “This battle will only end when the society can get rid of the oppressors’ front, with America at the head of it, which has expanded its claws on human mind, body and thought. This requires a difficult and lengthy struggle and a need for great strides. The Islamic messiah is coming soon to kill all infidels.”
Who Is The Mahdi?
You may know that the Noble Quran, which is the revelation from Allah, the One and Only Creator and Sustainer, to Prophet Muhammad is the primary source of Islam. In the Quran, we do not have any reference to the coming of a person called Mahdi (literally: ‘the guided one’). And, in the Islamic Shari’a, which is the code of laws derived from the Quran and the Sunnah (daily actions of the Prophet and the second source of Islam), there is no instruction that Muslims should await the appearance of such a person.
But, there are many hadiths (sayings of the Prophet) that foretell the coming of the Mahdi. Among these hadiths is the one that says:
“At the end of the time of my Ummah (community of believers), the Mahdi will appear. Allah will grant him rain, the earth will bring forth its fruits, he will give a lot of money, cattle will increase and the Muslim Ummah will become great. He will rule for seven or eight years” (At-Tirmidhi). This was reported by Abu Sa`eed Al-Khudri, may Allah be pleased with him.
It is believed that the Mahdi will arise at some point before the Day of Judgment, institute a kingdom of justice. It is also believed that he will in the last days fight alongside the returned Jesus against Dajjal (Antichrist).
In fact, in almost every religious tradition there is the expectation of a Messiah-like personality coming at the end of times to deliver the people from a world of injustice, moral depravity and political oppression. The idea gives great hope and reassurance to every victim
of injustice and oppression, that there will be a day when the tables will be turned and a new order will be established.
It is genuinely important to mention that in Islam there is no authentic ruling that Muslims should keep expecting the Mahdi, forgetting their duties. But this prophecy about the Mahdi fills the hearts of believers with new enthusiasm to fight injustice and oppression with greater vigor; because the new world order represented by the Mahdi is a beacon that beckons believers to move forward along the path of God.
It is worth mention here that in the past, several persons claimed to be the Mahdi. The ‘Mahdi’ of Sudan (1844-1885) was just one who made such a claim. He was indeed a charismatic leader who could mobilize the people in a successful war to liberate Sudan from the Ottoman-Egyptian military occupation. But soon after his death, Sudan fell victim to colonial maneuverings, which eventually led to its re-conquest in 1899.
Who Is The Next Mahdi?
For years, there has been much talk about the Muslim Messiah, called the “Mahdi,” whose arrival is eagerly awaited by the ex-Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, among others. Indeed, the Iranian leadership reiterated its belief that the precious would be arriving “soon,” a belief very similar to that of many Christians, who have been awaiting “Christ’s return” for the past nearly 2,000 years. Any day now, they have insisted since then. The same can be said of the supposed coming of the Muslim messiah, which has been imminent for centuries, according to fervent Islamic belief.
This “End Times” scenario is very important, because it overshadows practically everything that happens on a global scale, and because it threatens all life on Earth with its apocalyptic vision of Armageddon that so many millions are actually attempting to bring to fruition. Therefore, it is necessary to examine these beliefs in the light of day.
The Origins Of The Mahdi
The concept is yet another rehash of ancient mythology and should not be taken seriously enough to be acted upon and cause global chaos and mayhem, as is what the Iranian leaders have been doing in order to precipitate the Muslim messiah’s arrival.
“The messiah will not rise until fear, great earthquakes and sedition take place.”
– Imam Bagher
Pagan Origins
Despite fervent Islamist belief, the Mahdi, also called the “Twelfth Imam” by Shi’a Muslims like the Iranian leaders, is a pre-Islam Pagan concept:
One guided by, sent by, or given by the Moon-goddess Mah; Arabic-Muslem title of the promised Messiah. The Mahdi would be born of “the Virgin Paradise” who embodied the spirit of the Moon-goddess on earth. His coming was so eagerly awaited that many historical Islamic leaders claimed to personify him.
After Arabia was converted to Islam, it was usually supposed that the Mahdi would be sent by Allah. But he was older than Islam. As his title suggests, he was a “Son of the Moon” in the most primitive times, when all Arabia was the territory of the lunar Goddess, one of whose names was Mah.’
Israel Versus Palestine
The Israel-Palestinian conflict is part of this End-Times scenario, as, according to Shi’ite doctrine, Israel must be destroyed for the Mahdi to return. In June 2014, just a month before Hamas, backed by Iran, began shelling Israel, Iranian’s supreme leader stated as much:
“The Islamic Messiah Is Coming Soon To Kill All Infidels.”
The fighting in Syria and the current infighting in Iraq and even the likely intrusion of the Islamic Republic’s army into Iraq to counter the Sunni rebellion, as per Shi’ite understanding of the hadiths, point to the imminent coming of al-Mahdi, but not before Israel is destroyed.
The supreme leader of the Islamic regime ruling Iran, promises in an audiotape the destruction of Israel and Palestinians’ return to that land.
The Hamas Covenant of 1988 calls for the destruction of Israel on behalf of Islam:
Hamas Covenant Of 1988
“Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it” (The Martyr, Imam Hassan al-Banna, of blessed memory).
Dr. Ali Sina contends, however, “It’s not just Shi’ites. All Muslims believe that, in the End Times, Muslims will kill all the Jews.”
In the meantime, let us not fall into this self-fulfilling prophecy, which is in reality a blueprint for destruction based on myth. Best to know who you are siding with in any debacle. The “humanitarian crisis” front is employed with great aplomb and deception. Are you helping to bring about this “End Times” scenario with your unwitting support of thugs?
The Iranian Nuclear Deal
The below is a brief synopsis of the Iranian nuclear situation and the accord John Kerry has brokered for the Obama administration. According to Imam Al-Ghazali, a famous Muslim theologian, the Qur’an teaches that it is permissible to lie. Here is what Al-Ghazali says:
“Speaking is a means to achieve objectives. If a praiseworthy aim is attainable through both telling the truth and lying, it is unlawful to accomplish through lying because there is no need for it. When it is possible to achieve such an aim by lying but not by telling the truth, it is permissible to lie if attaining the goal is permissible.”
This is what the Qur’an teaches, and what Iran is implementing. Is there any wonder this whole nuclear deal is unraveling?
In fact, knowing that Obama has a rich personal history of being associated with Islam, perhaps we can now better understand why he lies so much and believes it is OK to do so. (Remember “if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor”?).
The West is now fighting an unconventional war with an unconventional enemy. We are doing so without any attempt being made to understand the enemy, thinking we can simply align coalitions, fly sorties, put boots on the ground, and then win hearts and minds. Understanding this enemy is key. This is an enemy who believes the end times are now . . . RIGHT NOW!. Sunni, Shi’a, it doesn’t matter. They may differ on who rules and the path to leadership, but their end-times belief is the same.
They see their savior, al-Mahdi, appearing between 2015-2022. At the same time, they believe Christ (their version) will appear as al-Mahdi’s right-hand man. It will be this right-hand man who will convince Christians around the world to turn to Islam. Those who refuse, will be slain by this right-hand man. There is no room for infidels in the world of Islam. This is what they are preparing for. This is why Iran is pushing so hard for nuclear access. Their focus (as well as that of al-Qaeda, ISIS/ISIL, and others) is very singular minded. They must prepare and be ready for the coming of al-Mahdi . . . Allah commands it!!!
Iran Is The Real Threat
907 – 007
Last Updated: 05/2022
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