An Inside Look At Shari’a . . . Islamic Law
When you study Islam in Europe today, you are seeing America in 20 years. Why? The actions by Muslims in Europe are based on Shari’a law, the same Shari’a law that is beginning to be implemented in America today.
- There are times when traffic cannot move in London streets as Muslims commandeer the streets to pray — a political result based on Shari’a law;
- Entire areas of Europe (zones in Germany, Belgium, and the UK) are no-go zones for non-Muslims; this includes the police. These are Islamic enclaves where only Muslims live. The Muslim-only policy is based on Shari’a;
- In England an Anglican bishop calls for the rule of Islamic law for Muslims. The bishop is obeying Shari’a law;
- In the schools only Islamic approved texts can be used; this is based on Shari’a law;
- Christians may not speak to Muslims about Christianity (but Muslims are free to proselytize) nor may Christians hand out literature. This is a political result based on Shari’a law enforced by British courts;
- Rape by Muslims is so prevalent in parts of Sweden that Swedish law has forbidden the police from collecting any data in the rape investigation that would point to Islam. Rape is part of Islamic doctrine as applied to non-Muslim women;
- In London, mass demonstrations by Muslims call for the end of British law and Shari’a law to rule all people, regardless of religion. This political action is based on Shari’a;
- In some English hospitals during Ramadan fast (an Islamic religious event), non-Muslims cannot eat where a Muslim can see them. The submission of non-Muslims to Islamic preferences is based on Shari’a law;
- At British hospitals, Muslim women are treated only as Shari’a law demands.

Shari’a In America Today
Here are current and historical events in America that are driven by Shari’a law:
- On September 11, 2001 jihadists attacked and destroyed the World Trade Center in New York. This atrocity was in compliance to the doctrine of lesser jihad found in the Shari’a law. The attack was a political action motivated by a religious mandate for endless jihad;
- Textbooks in America must be approved by Islamic councils in some school districts. This is in accordance with Shari’a law;
- American employers and schools are met with demands for time and space to do Islamic prayer. These demands are based on Shari’a law;
- The American banking system is becoming Islamized with Shari’a financing. Our banking system is becoming Shari’a compliant in financial law, but is ignorant about the totality of Shari’a law;
- Universities are asked to provide sexually segregated swimming pools and other athletic facilities for Muslim women – all based on Shari’a law;
- Hospitals are being sued for not providing Shari’a compliant treatment;
- No course at the college level uses critical thinking regarding the history and doctrine of Islam. Under Shari’a nothing about Islam may be criticized. You guessed it – Shari’a law;
- Muslim charities give money to jihadists (Islamic terrorists), as per Shari’a law;
- Muslim foot-baths are being installed in airport facilities, paid for by American tax dollars. This too, is in accordance with Shari’a law;
- American prisons are a stronghold of Islamic proselytizing;
- Workplaces are being made Islamic worship sites through special rooms and time off to pray. This is in accordance to Shari’a law;
- Islamic refugees bring all of their wives – up to four as allowed by Shari’a – and children usually two to four per wife – for welfare and medical treatment to America. American authorities will not act — even when presented with evidence. Polygamy is pure Shari’a, and it is in America.

In the last couple of decades, several European countries – Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Holland, Belgium. Norway, Sweden – have all been over-run with refugees, many of them Muslims, and many Muslims who are jihadists.
We are fighting wars in Iraq and Afghanistan to implement constitutions whose first article is the supremacy of Shari’a law.
Why Do We Need To Know Shari’a?
ISLAMIC SCHOLARS CLAIM: Islamic law is perfect, universal and eternal. The laws of the United States are temporary, limited and will pass away. It is the duty of every Muslim to obey the laws of Allah, according to the Shari’a. US laws are man-made; while Shari’a law is sacred and comes from the only legitimate god, Allah.
SHARI’A: Shari’a is based on the principles found in the Qur’an and other Islamic religious/political texts. There are no common principles between American law and Shari’a. Under Shari’a law:
- There is no freedom of religion;
- There is no freedom of speech;
- There is no freedom of thought:
- There is no freedom of artistic expression;
- There is no freedom of the press;
- There is no equality of peoples — a non-Muslim, a Kafir, is never equal to a Muslim;
- There is no equal protection under Shari’a for different classes of people. Justice is dualistic, with one set of laws for Muslim males and different laws for women and non-Muslims;
- There are no equal rights for women;
- Women can be beaten;
- A non-Muslim cannot bear arms;
- There is no democracy, since democracy means that a non-Muslim is equal to a Muslim;
- Our Constitution is a man-made document of ignorance, that must submit to Shari’a;
- Non-Muslims are third-class citizens;
- All governments must be ruled by Shari’a law;
- Unlike common law, Shari’a is not interpretive, nor can it be changed;
- There is no Golden Rule.

Shari’a/Islamic law is the basis for every demand that Muslims make on our society. Why is it that Shari’a is so different from the Western rule of law? Shari’a, Hadith, the Sunnah, and the Qur’an all forbid Muslims from assimilation into the the countries and cultures of which they live. Islamic law is counterintuitive to Western law. Perhaps the greatest example is “honor-killing.” We would call it nothing more than flat-out murder, yet, I recall nothing of indictments much less convictions of these family atrocities (for more info click here: https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2017/03/heres-what-the-research-says-about-american-honor-killings.html). Muslims must keep themselves apart from all those that they come into contact with concerning ways of life. So, they come to our countries, bringing with them their own ways of living, and fail to assimilate with us at all. Yes, some do. But when they do, they are violating their own “rule of law,” Shari’a.
- When schools are asked to give up a room for Islamic prayer, that is asking us to implement Shari’a law;
- When a Muslim wears a head scarf, that is in obedience to Shari’a law;
- When our newspapers would not publish the Danish Mohammed cartoons, our newspapers were submitting to the demands of Shari’a law;
- When demands are made for our hospitals to treat Muslim women in special ways, that is Shari’a;
- When our textbooks have to be vetted by Muslim organizations before they are used in our schools, that is in accordance with Shari’a law;
- The attack on the World Trade Center was perpetrated in adherence to the rules of war, jihad, found in Shari’a law;
- Shari’a law is the basis for the religious, political and cultural life of all Muslims.
Shari’a law is being implemented more and more in America and yet there is no knowledge about what Shari’a actually is since public, private or religious schools do not teach it.
The Good News
The easiest way to learn about Islam is through Shari’a law. Through learning about Shari’a you are introduced to the Qur’an and Mohammed in a practical manner.
When you know Shari’a, Islam makes sense. Most people believe that Islam is complicated or even impossible to understand, but when you understand its principles, the understanding of Islam becomes quite logical. It is based on different views of humanity, logic, knowledge, and ethics. Once you understand the principles and logic, you not only can explain what and why something is happening, but you will be able to predict the next step in the process.
Islamic religious education (IRE) in Europe and the United States has become a subject of intense debate after Muslims raised in the West carried out attacks against their fellow citizens. People worry their states are doing too little or too much to shape the spiritual beliefs of private citizens. State response to the concern ranges from sponsoring religious education in public schools to forgoing it entirely. The policies vary according to national political culture.
In Germany and Austria, many public schools teach Islam to Muslims as a subject within a broader religious curriculum that gives parents the right to choose their children’s religious education. Although controversial, Germany and Austria have also started to provide teacher training for IRE in public universities. The policy reflects Germany and Austria’s legal and religious contexts, in which officially recognized religions may enter into cooperation with the state.
In the United Kingdom and Sweden, public schools teach Islam to all pupils as an academic subject and train teachers through comparative study of religions departments in universities. In both countries, Muslims have been afforded the same rights as Christians to receive public funding for religious schools. While the United Kingdom and Sweden have a history of an established national church, non-Christian religions are now accorded equal opportunities and rights.
French and American public schools do not teach religion, although there is an opportunity to teach about Islam in school subjects such as art, history, or literature. The policy comports with the national political culture in both countries, which maintain a rigid separation between church and state.

And lastly, is islamophobia. We have been tricked or a better word might be, deceived, into letting ourselves believe that Muslims are victims of the very crimes which they have committed. A foreign culture with a foreign religion has landed on our shores, committed nearly every crime known to man, and then called us the culprit when laying it at their doorstep. Do not be fooled by this trickery and deceit. The only islamophobic deed committed is the very act for which Muslims have committed, all the while saying it was done in response to their concept of god, Allah. If America is going to be saved, Americans need to learn to stand up once again, just as they have done in previous wars – and this is a war, only most have not acknowledged it. We have let ourselves fall into a trap and be bullied about by “political correctness,” “Islamophobia,” and whatever label the Left wishes to place on us. We seem to have forgotten what it means to be patriotic, and if we do remember, we let ourselves be talked into believing it’s somehow wrong to be patriotic, believe in God, and a host of other issues.
A renewed emphasis needs to be placed on the activity initially meant for the “10’40 Window.” Only this time the effort must be much broader than just the “Window,” since Muslims are now in significant numbers in many parts of the world. It’s (past) time to stand up for our beliefs, practice our values . . . and worship our God, giving thanks every day for the Gift He’s given to us.

It should also be realized that Muslims, themselves, have fallen prey to an insidious, cult-like, order masquerading as a religion . . . a religion that has concocted a savior which could very well turn itself into being the anti-Christ of Christianity. Muslims are not the problem, Islam is the problem, and we must remember that.
Being patriotic should no longer be seen as “right-wing extremism,” laughed at by the talking heads of the various news-media outlets. Being patriotic needs to become the order of the day, for if it isn’t, we shall surely lose all that we hold dear.
An Inside Look At Shari’a – Islamic Law
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Last Update: 03/2021