Thoughts on Qassem Soleimani, Armageddon, And al-Mahdi
From 1998 until his death on January 3, 2020 Qassem Soleimani was the Iranian major general in the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. He commanded its Quds Force, a division primarily responsible for extraterritorial military and clandestine operations. His death now could very well be the linchpin of Armageddon.

If that last sentence got your attention, please stick with me. This is somewhat of a difficult subject to write on. People want to label you a “nutcase” or worse when talking about the “end times.” We place a certain “classification” on those who make predictions, and it’s usually not very nice.
I remember when I was a kid, somewhere between six and ten years old, living in Austin, Texas. We would go downtown on a Saturday and inevitably see a guy on a street corner, dressed in old clothes, a sign in one hand and a Bible in the other, talking to anyone who would listen – “The end of the world is coming . . . Repent now and be saved,” The end of the world . . . that is what Armageddon usually refers to. Just what is Armageddon, though? And, what is this so-called prediction?
According to the Book of Revelation in the New Testament of the Christian Bible, Armageddon is the prophesied location of a gathering of armies for a battle during the end times, variously interpreted as either a literal or a symbolic location. The term is also used in a generic sense to refer to any end of the world scenario.
The “mount” of Megiddo in northern Israel is not actually a mountain, but a tell (a mound or hill created by many generations of people living and rebuilding on the same spot) on which ancient forts were built to guard the Via Maris, an ancient trade route linking Egypt with the northern empires of Syria, Anatolia and Mesopotamia. Megiddo was the location of various ancient battles, including one in the 15th century BC and one in 609 BC. The nearby modern Megiddo is a kibbutz in the Kishon River area.
Armageddon – Etymology
The word Armageddon appears only once in the Greek New Testament, in Revelation 16:16. The word is transliterated to Greek from Hebrew har məgiddô, har meaning “a mountain or range of hills (sometimes used figuratively): hill (country), mount (-ain).” This is a shortened form of Harar “to loom up; a mountain; hill, mount.” Megiddo, Megiddon or Megiddo, a place of crowds.” The name refers to a fortification made by King Ahab (869–850 BC) that dominated the Plain of Jezreel.
Megiddo is mentioned twelve times in the Old Testament, ten times in reference to the ancient city of ppp:Megiddo, and twice with reference to “the plain of Megiddo,” most probably simply meaning “the plain next to the city.” None of these Old Testament passages describes the city of Megiddo as being associated with any particular prophetic beliefs. The one New Testament reference to the city of Armageddon found in Revelation 16:16 also makes no specific mention of any armies being predicted to one day gather in this city, but instead seems to predict only that “they (will gather) the kings together to . . . Armageddon.” The text does however seem to imply, based on the text from the earlier passage of Revelation 16:14, that the purpose of this gathering of kings in the “place called Armageddon” is “for the war of the great day of God, the Almighty.” Because of the seemingly highly symbolic and even cryptic language of this one New Testament passage, some Christian scholars conclude that Mount Armageddon must be an idealized location. R. J. Rushdoony says, “There are no mountains of Megiddo, only the Plains of Megiddo. This is a deliberate destruction of the vision of any literal reference to the place.” Other scholars, including C. C. Torrey, Kline and Jordan argue that the word is derived from the Hebrew moed, meaning “assembly.” Thus, “Armageddon” would mean “Mountain of Assembly,” which Jordan says is “a reference to the assembly at Mount Sinai, and to its replacement, Mount Zion.”
The traditional viewpoint interprets this Bible prophecy to be symbolic of the progression of the world toward the “great day of God, the Almighty” in which the great looming mountain of God’s just and holy wrath is poured out against unrepentant sinners, led by Satan, in a literal end-of-the-world final confrontation. Armageddon is the symbolic name given to this event based on scripture references regarding divine obliteration of God’s enemies. The hermeneutical method supports this position by referencing Judges 4 and 5 where God miraculously destroys the enemy of His elect, (Israel)at Megiddo.
The location of the eschatological (end times) battle on a mountain is significant, “for the mountain is spatially the boundary between heaven and earth and thus a fitting location for the climactic battle between good and evil, God and Satan, Christ and counterfeit Christ (anti-Christ).” It is a symbolic place “for the last resistance of anti-god forces prior to the kingdom of Christ,” Abattle that is not described in Revelation 16, for it was already won on the cross.
The Holy Bible: Final Word Of God?
Was the Bible – in whole or in part – written by “divinely inspired” authors? And the corollary question: Is the Bible – in whole or in part – a trustworthy document of Divine Revelation? Is the Bible the final Word of God? The Bible answers this question in Revelation 22:18-19.

If you’re a believer . . . what more is there to say?
Islam . . . is a belief system that places its roots in Judaism, Christianity, (although, I would not call it one of the Abrahamic religions – see 705 – 014 – The True Abrahamic Religions) and the polytheism of pre-Arabia, that existed before the monotheism of Judaism and Christianity.
Abraham had two sons, Ishmael, by Sarah’s handmaiden, Hagar, and Isaac, by his wife, Sarah. Islam places its roots in Ishmael. In doing so, it also claims the bloodline going back to Adam and Eve. Muslims believe Adam, Eve, Noah, Abraham, Jesus and others are also “prophets” of Islam.
Islam makes the claim that it is the true and final word of God and that Islam came to replace the previous Scriptures due to inaccuracies, misleading statements, and other errors. However, Jews and Christians, known to Muslims as “people of the Book,” are to be honored and respected . . . while at the same time they are to be held as “infidels and slaughtered wherever they may be found.” CONFUSING STATEMENTS!!
You may be wondering what all this has to do with the killing of Qassem Soleimani and a prediction. I’m getting there.
Firstly, I want to make it clear, that I do not hate Muslims. Over the years I have had good friends of the Islamic faith. It is not my intention to spread hate or to be insensitive to Muslims. However, I will be truthful.
All of my information is factual and supported by various U.S. Government agencies, the media, or other organizations. My focus will primarily be on the radical elements of Islam. What I have to share is what Muslims believe about themselves and their religion.
Does the current radical element represent true Islam, or is Islam, “a religion of peace?”
Nabeel Qureshi, a Christian and an itinerant speaker with Ravi Zacharias International Ministries, grew up Muslim and has this to say about Islam:
“If I still believed in Islam, and if I wanted to be faithful to Muhammad, I would have a hard time not going to Syria right now to fight for ISIS. It seems like they’re doing what Islam commands.”
Published In Decision Magazine
Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
Since 9/11/2001, there have been over 37,000 deadly attacks around the world carried out by Muslims in the name of Islam. In any 24 hour period, there are on average 45 terror related incidents, world-wide.
There are 200 terrorist organisations world-wide recognised by the United Nations. Most of them represent fundamental Islam.
Who Are They? What Do They Want? Why?
They go by the names of: Al-Qaida, Taliban, ISIS, ISIL, IS, Muslim Brotherhood, Hamās, Boko Haram, Abu Seyuf, Hizbullah, al Shabab, etc.,
16 Terrorist Organizations operating in 16 States

Hezbollah has been designated as a terrorist organization and was started by the Muslim Brotherhood. The Muslim Brotherhood was started in 1928 In Egypt. In 1963 a chapter was started in the United States. Today, it operates in over 50 countries. It has been designated as a terrorist organization by several Mid-Eastern countries and is under consideration by the U.S.

1. Who Are They?

In the late 1940s and early 1950s, the Muslim Brotherhood developed what is called the “Muslim Playbook” (for more information on the “Playbook,” see Section: 1100). This ‘Playbook’ is essentially a plan for world domination, country by country. It tells how to get involved in government at the local, state, and federal levels as well as community involvement; it also discusses family planning, as shown to the right. ➡️ ➡️ ➡️ ➡️ ➡️
Islamic Law . . . aka, Shari’a.

“Islamists have been attempting for years to gain influence within the US political system. They align themselves with the left wing of the Democratic Party to gain power through the progressive agenda of intersectionality and multiculturalism.” The day will come when Muslims no longer need this affiliation and they will cut the cord, leaving the Democratic Party to suffer the same fate as all other Americans.
“Recently Islamists have begun electing their own candidates, who presented moderate views while campaigning, but after being elected champion left-wing causes. And in private, Islamist activists often say that when they have enough power, they will turn on their progressive allies and implement their own priorities.”

Who Is Your Neighbor?
The IslamicWorld is no longer some place else . . . instead, Chicago, with its 104 mosques and nearly half a million Muslims, or Atlanta with its 84 mosques and 12 madrasas (schools), is part of the Islamicworld. A 2014 survey estimates that there are over 29,000,000 Muslims and 2,200 mosques in the United States. And that was seven years ago.

Compare the above population figure of 29,000,000 to these Islamic states:
- United Arab Emirates (UAE) – 9 million;
- Oman – 3 million
- Libya – 6 million
- Qatar – 2 million
- Saudi Arabia – 32 million.
2. What Do They Want?
A survey in April of 2001 found 69 percent of Muslims in America saying it is “absolutely fundamental” or “very important” to have Salafi (similar to radical Wahhabi Islamic ideology) teachings at their mosques.
At the same time, 67 percent of respondents also expressed agreement with the statement, “America is an immoral, corrupt society..
Islam is a revolutionary faith that comes to destroy ANY government made by man. Islam doesn’t choose to conquer a nation based on prosperity or power. It doesn’t care about the land or who owns the land. There are no borders to Islam, only WORLD DOMINATION.
Islam And Global Domination

The goal of Islam is to rule the entire world and submit all of mankind to the faith of Islam. Any nation or power that gets in the way of that goal, Islam will fight and destroy. In order to fulfill that goal, Islam will use everything available in order to bring worldwide revolution. Think nuclear . . . This is Jihad.
Islam isn’t in America or Europe or Asia to be equal to any other faith. It is there not just to be the dominant religion, but the only religion. The Qur’an will become the highest authority and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth.
On July 13, 2018 Senior Hamās Official, Fathi Hammad, had this to say:

Iran’s Supreme Leader has said that jihad will continue until America is destroyed.

“This battle will only end when the Islamic society can get rid of the American oppressors, which has ‘expanded its claws on human mind, body and thought. This requires a difficult and lengthy struggle and a need for great strides. The Islamic messiah is coming soon to kill all infidels.”
ISIL already has a presence in most of the Mid-East, much of Africa, parts of Asia, throughout Europe, and both, North & South America. And, that presence is growing. Al-Baghdadi May be dead, but ISIS is not.
Since 2014, we have witnessed atrocities throughout Europe, America, Africa, and Asia. We have witnessed what would appear to be the destruction of the Islamic State . . . only to see them come back in cells throughout the world, time and time, again.
In mid-December, 2018 and in February, 2019 President Trump announced that the Islamic State (IS) had been beaten in Iraq and Syria. The Islamic State is still with us, though.
The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei told Iranians in July 2010 that he personally met with the Twelfth Imam (aka, al-Mahdi, the Islamic savior), and claimed to be the personal representative of the Mahdi on earth, and said all Muslims must “obey him.”
Meanwhile, Western intelligence agencies say Khamenei continues to work with the Iranian military to develop nuclear warheads and ballistic missiles. This was reported by FOX News, and yet, I don’t believe they understand its significance.
If Iran, ISIL, or any other “radical Islamic” entity . . . or individual . . . acquires nuclear weapons, I believe we will see war that makes our two previous World Wars look like elementary school recess. Saudi Arabia has said that if Iran acquires nuclear weapons, it expects to acquire them as well. Then, there is Turkey, who as a member of NATO, is sitting on top of a nuclear arsenal.
As I have said, Muslims believe this will be the end times, and the Qur’an calls on them to make what is known as “lesser jihad,” or the killing of all whom they see as infidels, or non-believers.
The following are some of the verses the Qur’an teaches:
- “not to make friendship with Jews and Christians” (5:51);
- “kill the disbelievers wherever we find them” (2:191);
- “murder them and treat them harshly” (9:123);
- “fight and slay the Pagans, seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them at every stratagem (of war).” (9:5)
Militant Islam believes their savior is about to arrive. Iran has already stated as much, and ISIL has been carrying the torch. I believe this is why Iran has been trying to develop nuclear weapons. Remember, the Ayatollah believes he has talked with the Twelfth Imam, Islam’s savior.
The question remains . . . Can Iran be trusted when it comes to Obama’s nuclear deal? Or, will they lie?
Let’s look at this question, is it ever permissible to lie according to Islam.
According to Imam Al-Ghazali, a famous Muslim theologian who lived over 1,000 years ago, the Qur’an teaches that it is permissible to lie.
Here is what Al-Ghazali says:
“Speaking is a means to achieve objectives. If a praiseworthy aim is attainable through both telling the truth and lying, it is unlawful to accomplish through lying because there is no need for it. When it is possible to achieve such an aim by lying but not by telling the truth, it is permissible to lie if attaining the goal is permissible.“ Imam Al-Ghazali
This is best known as “situational ethics.” In other words, the situation dictates the response.
3. Why?
Militant/radical Islam – all the groups mentioned earlier – They have stated the year, 2022 – This is the Islamic prophesy, the year Islam believes their savior, al-Mahdi, will arrive.
The one thing . . . the only thing, that stands in the way of this prophecy is for Islam NOT to dominate the world by 2022. If they do not complete their task, there will be no arrival of their savior. While “radical jihadists,“ may make up a minority of all Muslims, they have representation in both the Sunni and Shi’a branches of Islam.
I believe this is the one, and only thing that makes any sense as to why we see terrorism taking place throughout the world in this manner. It is all about what they . . . the Muslims, believe.
What would you do? You’re have one chance . . . one opportunity . . . for salvation . . . or to spend eternity in Hell.
Do I believe their savior will arrive during this time? NO . . . because I believe Islam to be a false religion. This is not about what I believe, but what Muslims believe of their own religion.
There are many similarities between Islam and Christianity. Here are just a few:
- Both have a relationship to Abraham – Isaac and Ishmael;
- Both have a savior – Jesus and al-Mahdi;
- Both have an antagonist – anti-Christ;
- Both speak of seven (7) years of tribulation.
Of all the similarities between the two religions, there is one last and final similarity:
Both Christianity and Islam speak of a final war;
Both speak of a single location:
This location is called the valley of

The Prediction
Restraint. There are a lot of “if’s” to this part. “If” militant/ radical Islamists push the envelope towards 2022; “If” Iran gains nuclear weapons; “If” the rest of the Mid-East goes viral over nuclear weapons.
This is a list that could go on-and-on-and-on . . . but only restraint will keep the world from falling into the abyss of nothing more than simple madness. Power . . . something so elusive that there is no picture of it; so elusive that most people don’t even know if they have it, much less, want it. After all, with power comes responsibility. Responsibility to others. Responsibility to God. What does power look like? Can it be touched? Can it physically be seen? Can one smell power? Power is the abyss, and far too many have not only fallen for it, but into it.
Restraint. Restraint. Restraint. Restraint. Restraint. Restraint.
Lest we forget:

Final Comments
As I struggled to write this article, I was reminded of how I found myself in this situation. In 2014 I was asked to share with a small gathering of our Sunday night group what I knew about Islam. What they didn’t know was that I knew far less than they thought I did. My graduate thesis was done on Islamic Studies, but it had to do with the Oil, Gas and Banking Sectors, and really very little to do with the religion, the law, or eschatology, other than establishing the basis for their various business decisions and transactions. This was the first time in 25 years I had to hit the books. From that small beginning it developed into the Facebook group, Islamic Eschatology & ISIL, followed by a website, DiscerningIslam.com) with over 400 files and nearly 6,000 pages of free information about Islam.
Today, – March, 2021 – I have been deactivated by Facebook, but the web has continued, albeit, with a much friendlier web-host, a slight name change to discerning-Islam.org, with over 1,000 files and over 12,000 pages, reaching over 8,000 people from nearly 200 countries.
The goal so DISCERNING ISLAM is to remove the mystery that surrounds Islam, including that of “radical Islam” and it’s atrocities.
Until it is understood that Islam is a political and religious entity, attempting to mirror not just Judaism and Christianity, but the religions of pre-Islamic Arabia as well, caught up in its owneschatology, we will continue to fight “radical Islam” on its own terms.
The world is caught up in a spiritual battle with the religion of Islam. Make no mistake, it is a battle to the death. The underlying direction of Islam, from its very Inception to present day has been towards world domination: one religion, that of Islam; ruled by one law, that ofShari’a; ending with Armageddon.
Muslim extremism is simply a consequence of taking the Qur’an literally.
The president of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, is right, “there is no moderate Islam; Islam is Islam.” Islam is not a religion of peace. That perhaps has been the big lie throughout history. One need only look at its final destination to know that Islam is a religion of the ‘lesser JIHAD.’
“Islam, a religion manufactured to impose ignorant Arab tribes on the world . . . and when the blind faith was lifted from my eyes, I also saw the man I sacredly used to call the prophet to be a narcissistic psychopath with illusions of ruling the world.” Sophia / Pakistan | former Muslima | now, an atheist.
The Headlines
Below are headlines from various news sources, mostly foreign, following the death of Qassem Soleimani. They begin at the time I started this article and end when I finished. I’m sure there were headlines I missed prior to beginning, and I know there will be many more following.
Top commander’s assassination leaves Iran with very few options to retaliate
Iraq’s Parliament Votes to End U.S. Troop Presence in Iraq
Iraq: MPs scream “Allahu akbar” after voting to expel US forces from the country
Obama stopped Israel from killing Soleimani in 2015, who threatened to shoot down IAF (Israeli Air Force) strike on Iran
UK: Muslims attend community memorial at Islamic Centre in London for “honorable Islamic commander” Soleimani
Exposing the role that Islamic jihad theology and ideology play in the modern global conflicts
“An Entire World Will Avenge You”: Pro-Soleimani rally in Molenbeek, a Muslim area of Brussels
Canada: Demonstrators screaming “Down with USA and Israel” build shrine to “heroes of Islam” Soleimani and al-Muhandis
Iraq’s Parliament Votes to End U.S. Troop Presence in Iraq. (Repeat)
Iranian Militias in Iraq: Retaliation Against US Will Begin Sunday Night
Iranian official offers $80,000,000 for the head of “yellow haired lunatic” Trump, crowd screams “Allahu akbar
With Soleimani Gone, the World is Much Safer Today
Iran’s Supreme Leader vows jihad for Qassem Soleimani’s killing
Exposing the role that Islamic jihad theology and ideology play in the modern global conflicts “This is message from Islamic Republic of Iran”: Hackers take over “insignificant” US government website
Trump warns Iran: US has targeted ’52 Iranian sites’ and will ‘hit very fast and very hard’ if needed
Sweden: Professor warns that mass Muslim migration could unravel the country’s “democratic welfare society”
Iranian top dog says Iran will hit 6,236 US targets, “the number of the verses of the Holy Quran”

While Qassem Soleimani’s funeral takes place, Russia and China are conducting war-games with Iran.
Thoughts On Qassem Soleimani, Armageddon, And al-Mahdi
Last Update: 03/2021