Timelines: Muslim Brotherhood In The United States
The following is a simple timeline of the Muslim Brotherhood Movement in the United States:
Early 1960’s: The MB begins arriving in the United States and establishes the first national Islamic organization here, the Muslim Students Association
(MSA) in 1963.
1970’s – The U.S. MB, per their By-Laws, creates social, medical, and trade Early 1980’s: organizations, as well as mosques, clinics, and shelters. It also begins solidifying their leadership, focus, and organization.
1979: The Iranian Revolution.
1981: The Islamic Society of North America is formally established as an
outgrowth of the Muslim Students Association (MSA). It becomes the “umbrella” organization of the MB organizations created up to that time.
1982: Toward a Worldwide Strategy for Islamic Policy is written as a global
vision for the Islamic Movement. In it, the call to make the “Palestinian cause” an issue for the Movement is established.
1987: The Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) is created as an outgrowth
of the Muslim Brotherhood in Palestine, and their Covenant is approved.
1990’s: From 1992 forward, between 60 and 120 Islamic non-profits are
created annually, and the MB’s influence grows exponentially.
1991: The North American MB strategy, An Explanatory Memorandum, is
1992: The Implementation Manual, implementing the MB’s North American
strategy, is published.
1994: The U.S. Palestine Committee (Hamas) creates its fourth organization – the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR)
9/11/01: Jihadi Attack on the United States.
Sep 2003: Abdurahman Alamoudi, the Islamic advisor to President Clinton and the most prominent Muslim leader in America is arrested at Heathrow
Airport in London with $340,000 cash from the Libyan government for the global jihad. Alamoudi is extradited to and charged in Alexandria, VA. He was involved in a plot to kill the Saudi Crown Prince with UK based Al Qaeda operatives. Evidence revealed Alamoudi was a senior Muslim Brotherhood leader and an Al Qaeda financier.
Aug 2004: FBI Raid uncovers the archives of the Muslim Brotherhood in North America at the home of senior MB/Hamas official Ismail Elbarasse in
Annandale, VA.
2005: The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) approves their 10 Year
Programme of Action during an Extraordinary Session (Head of State and King level). The OIC is the second largest international body second to the UN and is made up of all 57 Islamic nations on the planet (they include Palestine). This plan calls for “deterrent punishments” for those who slander Islam.
Jan 2011: Muslim Brotherhood Launches its Revolution Against the Islamic
June 2014: The U.S. Muslim Brotherhood creates the U.S. Council of Muslim Organizations as the first Islamic political party in America and made up of known MB/Hamas organizations.
2015: The OIC’s plan for silencing all critics of Islam has tangible results.
Muslim Brotherhood leaders constitute the only Islamic advisors to senior U.S. officials. All fact-based training on the MB Movement and Shari’a has been shut down in the United States.
Timelines: Muslim Brotherhood In The United States
1000 – 014
Last Updated: 06/2022
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