Discerning-Islam.org……Tips of the Iceberg……Commentaries On Islam …… Values In The Marketplace
I’ve recently come to a decision — one which I’ll find very hard to stick to — and will probably backslide more than once. I think many of you are aware, I run the website, all of the posts put online, put together two different newsletters, usually posted online at least once a week … just a one-man show.
Just to give you an indication of what’s done in the background on the Tips letter …… I monitor over 125 outlets daily — media, intelligence, a, some more than once … or even twice … easily making it over 250 emails daily. When I finally get around to placing the post online, I try not to have them too over-whelmimg when it comes to the volume of items in the newsletters.
Right now, I’ve put out five Tips and three Perspectives and it’s the end of February. I have enough content right now to post 13 Tips which are back-logged, without receiving any more mailings. This is just to say that the content is overwhelming, and why I’ve come to the decision that I have.
Putting together Tips is actually something I enjoy doing, but it keeps me away from doing the task that I set out to do, and that is to provide as much information on Islam as possible, removing the shroud around the Islamic religion, and exposing it as possibly one of the biggest lies in the history of the religious world.
I know, I get wordy; why don’t I just say what I have to say?
OK …
… I’ve decided to go back to doing the research and putting more content online. I’d like to do more investigative research in to the various Islamic terrorist organizations; their leadership; how or if they might be tied together — an example would be Boko Haram in Central Africa and their alignment to ISIS. I would also like to see what else can be uncovered concerning the “Islamic Playbook.” I have various pieces now, but there must be more. There are too many countries that are seeing the same sort of actions taking place for their not to be a “Master Plan” someplace. I do not intend to stop with the newsletrers altogether … they are the only tie I have to “real people.” Tell me you are real …… aren’t you?
- Newsletters will continue;
- Just not as often;
- They will have more content … so you can take your time reading 🤓;
- I will finish posting the first edition of Values In The Marketplace;
- If I can locate a workbook, I will post that also;
- I’ll pursue more investigative content of terrorist organizations and individuals;
- You will be notified when there are new posts;
- I’ll still take on requests … students need content for school papers, etc., glad to help;
- Your work or church wanting a seminar or speaker … again, glad to help;
- Eventually, I’ll return to more frequent newsletters.
Thank you for being faithful supporters. People don’t have to provide finances to be supporters, although, some of you have certainly done that. Support shows itself in many ways, so please know I’ve appreciated yours. Now, let’s see what the next step of this adventure looks like.
Last Update: 01/223
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